... Why it is in news, I dunno though, heh.
Thanks Foxhack, but I'd actually found/read this one already.
It's a good, helpful and informative post for new members (like myself)...but it pretty much strictly deals with Editing/Adding items.
I just quickly re-skimmed it -and- still haven't found anything about a "Get to know your way around the site" kind of thing.
Like I said in another post, I'm *Extremely* of these simple things (like how to add the collection box to my sig here) may just be something simple/common knowledge to those of you who *are* tech-savvy.
Anyhow, in the remote chance that anyone else as 'low-tech' as I joins the site
(remote chance of being as low-tech as I am; that is...*NOT* a remote chance of anyone else joining the site 
- maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a "How to do the basics"/"Welcome to the site"/"Newcomer" FAQ somewhere.
Also, maybe in its own stickied topic at the top of the list
*NOT* in some unexpected place like "The News"