2019 is looking busy already...
Kingdom Hearts III - this is the big one, I'm currently playing through the series again in build up to this and loving it! They've also announced that the game is complete so I am not expecting it to fumble around like Final Fantasy XV
Resident Evil 2 - RE has made a big come back for me this generation, i have a stack of them which is a wonderful thing:

But this game in particular looks to have mastered what the s eries was conflicting over for many years - 3rd person action controls & a Horror atmopshere. I can't wait to play thsi it looks proper Triple-A like Shadow fo the Colossus was but really re-inventiving the scenario.
Devil May Cry 5 - Looks promising, also it looks like the game will be a complete release with the Special Editions offering minor tat.
Crash Team Racing - A really big deal with me and friends, we used to play this game 4-player, Multi-Tapped up till midnight on many occassions. I'm hoping it controls and feels just like the orgiinal.
Judgement - The new game from the Yakuza creators, I was hoping for the ports of Yakluza 3, 4 & 5 but I will settle for this
Shenmue III - I backed the KickStater with over £300, it's a very big deal to me as one of the most compelling and original games I've ever played. I'm hoping they've had enough budget and time to capture the spirit of the original - The original English voice actor is currently going through lines

Beyond that I won't get much time but I would like to blast through the Wolfenstien games, Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, Vampyr & Ni No Kuni. But tinme is alreafy looking very tight within releases.