Author Topic: Games in 2019  (Read 7090 times)


Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2018, 07:05:26 pm »
Sekihiro: Shadows Die Twice and Resident Evil 2 are the 2 games which are on my 'must try' list, other than that Kingdom Hearts 3 might be interesting (but I'm not going anywhere near it till I've played the first two) and the other 2019 games are likely to be limited releases or Japanese things which I don't know anything about yet, but we'll  have to see how much trade-in fodder I can dig up before I get too excited.


Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2018, 07:19:42 pm »

After ACE COMBAT 7 gets released in January 18th, the year could already end for me!

Same! *fistbump
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Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2018, 12:19:43 am »
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice.

The End.

Yep, this right here.

  l    l 


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Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2018, 01:48:25 am »
Someone mentioned Metroid Prime 4...I'm definetly looking forward to that, as well.

But I haven't heard a thing about it besides the teaser we got 2 E3s ago. I have serious doubts about getting that next year.

Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2018, 02:57:03 am »
My 2019 is looking busy already...

Kingdom Hearts III - this is the big one, I'm currently playing through the series again in build up to this and loving it! They've also announced that the game is complete so I am not expecting it to fumble around like Final Fantasy XV

Resident Evil 2 - RE has made a big come back for me this generation, i have a stack of them which is a wonderful thing:

But this game in particular looks to have mastered what the s eries was conflicting over for many years - 3rd person action controls & a Horror atmopshere. I can't wait to play thsi it looks proper Triple-A like Shadow fo the Colossus was but really re-inventiving the scenario.

Devil May Cry 5
- Looks promising, also it looks like the game will be a complete release with the Special Editions offering minor tat.

Crash Team Racing
- A really big deal with me and friends, we used to play this game 4-player, Multi-Tapped up till midnight on many occassions. I'm hoping it controls and feels just like the orgiinal.

- The new game from the Yakuza creators, I was hoping for the ports of Yakluza 3, 4 & 5 but I will settle for this

Shenmue III
- I backed the KickStater with over £300, it's a very big deal to me as one of the most compelling and original games I've ever played. I'm hoping they've had enough budget and time to capture the spirit of the original - The original English voice actor is currently going through lines :)

Beyond that I won't get much time but I would like to blast through the Wolfenstien games, Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, Vampyr & Ni No Kuni. But tinme is alreafy looking very tight within releases.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 05:16:56 am by vivigamer »

Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2018, 11:17:17 am »

Shenmue III
- I backed the KickStater with over £300, it's a very big deal to me as one of the most compelling and original games I've ever played. I'm hoping they've had enough budget and time to capture the spirit of the original - The original English voice actor is currently going through lines :)

How the hell did I forget about Shenmue 3?!

I have serious doubts that it will actually come out this year, but if it in fact does then yes, this is by far my most hyped game of 2019, even if Doom Eternal gets released next year too. I threw huge sums of money at the KS and I guess I forgot about it since updates have been sparse recently and it's been in development so long I sort of forgot that it actually had an official release date now.

On a side note, I am really hoping that RE3 gets the remake treatment on the PS4 as well. It would be incredible to have RE0 through RE7 all on one console. Reminds me of when all the RE games up to RE4 were all available on the Gamecube. It felt like a complete anthology on one console.

Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2018, 12:47:36 pm »
Main ones for me are Tales of Vesperia Complete Edition and Jump Force. And if it gets a 2019 release, Dragon Age 4.

Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2018, 06:54:19 am »
I'm looking forward to Control, The Outer Worlds and Resident Evil 2.

Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2018, 08:35:56 am »
Like most of you, my big hitters are Resi 2 and Sekiro.

I'll be keeping an eye on the reviews for Biomutant, Code Vein, Bloodstained, and Ghosts of Tsushima.


Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2018, 08:36:28 am »
My most anticipated games are :

Super Neptunia RPG
Granblue Fantasy Relink

Hopefully Dragon Quest Builders 2 gets more info out there. Same with Final fantasy VII remake. And then eventually Darksiders IV.


Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2018, 04:05:12 am »
Looking forward to several that have been mentioned already, but my most anticipated right now are (in no particular order):

Dying Light 2
Mortal Kombat 11

And if by some miracle it makes it out next year, Cyberpunk.

With rumors that the PS5 will be out this time next year, I have to wonder which games I'm currently anticipating will actually be next gen games. The FF7 remakes are pretty much a lock, and probably Cyberpunk as well.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2018, 10:27:01 pm »
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night! Can't wait!

Also Halo: infinite and Doom: Eternal. These games (more the latter) are going to KICK ASS

Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2019, 09:16:26 am »
The games I'm looking forward to the most off the top of my head is the Resident Evil 2 Remake, Death Stranding and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I haven't been paying very much attention on games for the past year or so, I have some catching up to do. Oh and also Final Fantasy VII remake if that ever comes out? Not sure what the status is on that. 

Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2019, 02:47:29 pm »
Pokemon (An actual Pokemon game)

The name should be what it's called  ;D.  I sold my Pokemon let's go pikachu after 2 days which is very rare for me. It's unplayable and just way too easy for me.  It's so watered down and the pokemon go system isn't for me.  I just couldn't enjoy it so sold it while it was hot off the press :).

I hope we get new gen of pokemon, that'd be amazing.  But I will settle for Current roster with some new forms like Moon did with alolans.  I loved moon.   

PLEASE BE ON SWITCH. LET 3DS DIE A SLOW DEATH  ;D ;D ;D  JK but I do hope Switch gets this game. 

Kingdom Hearts III

I have waited for this since I was a kid and hope it lives up to expectations. I'm really excited for a toy story world.  :).  I had a dilhema trying to buy this game on preorder because it was always PS but I like Xbox for 3rd party stuff because 4k.  So I got it for Xbox.


Pretty excited for a non port platformer on Switch. It looks beautiful and doesn't seem to rely on gimmicks like motion controls or wierd objectives.  Might just be classic side jump Yoshi

The last of Us 2?

One year..... one year they will lol.

GTA 6?

One year..... one year they will lol.

Crackdown 3

Moderatley excited for this one but not too much.


Re: Games in 2019
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2019, 02:02:29 am »
Yoshi's Crafted World
I absolutely adored Whooly World on Wii U and this looks to be a nice evolution to that.

Luigi's Mansion 3
I am so excited for this because I never expected to ever get another console release for this series. I just sincerely hope they can mesh 1 and Dark Moons best features together.

Pokemon 2019
I think that "Lets Go" was a test to see how people would react to certain changes to the series as a whole and maybe they will use it to as a benchmark to change the main series accordingly. I also have high hopes that with the creative shift we've seen in other Nintendo games like Zelda and Mario it might give Gamefreak the kick in the ass that they've needed to truly evolve the franchise into something new and unique while still sticking to their roots.

Ghosts of Tsushima
I heard nothing about this game until the trailer at E3 and I instantly fell in love with it.