Author Topic: Are You Ever Considerate Of Other Collectors OR Do You Only Think Of Yourself?  (Read 3579 times)


When you buy a video game or something like something you already have that is in limited supply, why do some of you claim to keep others away from it. If I wanted to be selfish I would use my money and buy up everything video game and music CD related. lets say I was vary rich and bought up every last copy of a vary fun limited release video game you wanted for your collection and just put it on a shelf or storage facility how would you feel about me?

Many people on here may not respond to this topic, but I made it anyway. I don't mean to call anyone out but part of this comment is because of my religion and belief that taking everything for myself will cost me in the end (nobody lives forever). (my belief is do onto others as you want done to yourself) I am not perfect either and I do own many games and CD in fact I got a ton of stuff.

Please don't curse me out I am only trying to express how I feel.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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I cannot fathom the idea of buying anything for the sole purpose of keeping other from having it. Why? Why be so utterly vindictive towards people you will never meet? Why tie money up in the sole pursuit of being an ass?

Now, having said that- doing something that benefits you at the expense of someone else? I can understand that to an extent. Buying things to flip, for example- you're denying someone else a chance at a deal, but at least there's a reason... you want to turn a profit. It's not an attempt to actively hurt another collector, it's just you trying to help yourself out. Now, trying to buy all of a limited thing to control the supply & slowly drip them out for ever-increasing profits is a dick move- but it's also very risky. You may have the current supply, but in such a situation I imagine the people who own the rights would likely re-release the item, killing your resale value.

Personally, I enjoy when you can split the difference on things. For example- years ago, I found 2 Sega CD memory carts at a flea market. One was in box for $5, one was loose for $1. I knew someone online I was going to see at a con soon who wanted one, so I sold her the loose cart for $25 (I think). A tidy profit for me, but about half of the Ebay price at the time for her- everybody wins!

I'm sure you can find a couple people that collect just to say they have it and others can't, but in general I think that's gonna be a pretty uncommon mindset, especially since most people don't have the money to throw away on that kind of ridiculous collecting.


Well, whenever I find some duplicates of games I already have for cheap (like ¥100) I give them to a friend who I know will appreciate it, so I don't think I'd consider myself an egoistic collector, haha. And I do the same when I buy a lot of games in which there are some duplicates as well.

Personally, I enjoy when you can split the difference on things. For example- years ago, I found 2 Sega CD memory carts at a flea market. One was in box for $5, one was loose for $1. I knew someone online I was going to see at a con soon who wanted one, so I sold her the loose cart for $25 (I think). A tidy profit for me, but about half of the Ebay price at the time for her- everybody wins!
This 100%.  I am all about making a profit if I’ve found a good deal, but I’m not going to price gouge.  I make a few bucks and the buyer gets a good deal.  Win-win.


Im not petty as a whole so this doesnt cross my mind and its not like Im out there denying anyone anything. I just want to play.


I'm going to buy every game in the world and use them to build a giant monument to my glory, upon which I will sit and force all other gamers to grovel at my feet for the chance to potentially play one of my games. They never will, of course, but they don't need to know that. You guys can watch me play if you want though.


Too raise the stakes, let say your game or games were stolen or caught in a fire, flood, divorce (etc), how would you replace them if there was no more for sale of that exact item. What if you lost everything? Or imagine someone else who had all of it and a fire or flood happened to them.

I am not trying to be a dick but a disaster could happen. I am not trying to be a trouble maker so mods please don't get angry with me,

they don't even manufacturer some of those games anymore at least in the United States
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 09:51:51 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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I'm not sure I understand the question since when people collect they are often doing so with the mentality of obtaining a specific game for themselves, whether it's for their collection or to flip. I don't think there is anything inconsiderate about that since anything that is for sale at any store, garage sale, flea market, or whatever is fair game and it's no business of mine or anyone else what the buyer ends up doing with their purchase. So yes, I do only think of adding a game I want to my collection or slipping it so I can buy more games, but that doesn't make me or anyone else a bad person.

With that said, I've never bought a game out of spite or bought a game just to make sure another collector/reseller didn't get it. I buy games simply because I'm interested in them for one reason or another, none of which include making sure a specific person isn't getting it. I've known one collector that tried ruining deals for others or places where cheap games could be found, but that's it. I have seen collectors undercut other collectors which is certainly douchy, but compared to that one collector they are saints. I've never done anything like that and never would. My passion for video games and collecting do not come before my morals and beliefs which are not worth any deal, no matter how good it is.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 10:06:51 pm by bikingjahuty »


I've never collected out of spite for anyone else or bought something just to deny someone else from getting it. Everything I've bought I bought because I genuinely wanted it for one reason or another, none of which included keeping another collector from getting the game. With that said, I do flip games I already own or have no interest in so I can use that money towards more games, but my intent is not to screw another collector. Everything at stores, whether they are game stores, thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets or whatever is fair game; another collector or reseller has just as much of a chance to be there when I game gets put out as I do and purchase it regardless of their intent with what they bought. I've missed many deals by minutes or seconds and yes, it sucked, but I didn't hate the person who bought whatever it is I wanted too. Likewise I don't begrudge someone for finding something I would really want. Sure, I get jealous, but it's mostly innocent and I mostly feel happy that they found it, especially if they're a collector that really wanted the game(s) they found.

this is a good way to be in my own opinion :)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 10:19:38 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)

I've never collected out of spite for anyone else or bought something just to deny someone else from getting it. Everything I've bought I bought because I genuinely wanted it for one reason or another, none of which included keeping another collector from getting the game. With that said, I do flip games I already own or have no interest in so I can use that money towards more games, but my intent is not to screw another collector. Everything at stores, whether they are game stores, thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets or whatever is fair game; another collector or reseller has just as much of a chance to be there when I game gets put out as I do and purchase it regardless of their intent with what they bought. I've missed many deals by minutes or seconds and yes, it sucked, but I didn't hate the person who bought whatever it is I wanted too. Likewise I don't begrudge someone for finding something I would really want. Sure, I get jealous, but it's mostly innocent and I mostly feel happy that they found it, especially if they're a collector that really wanted the game(s) they found.

this is a good way to be in my own opinion :)

change my response a bit, but mostly the same jist.

I've never bought something out of spite, but I have kept something out of spite.

I own a truly unique item in the game Team Fortress 2 (retired item, only one in existence, so no more will ever appear), but I've basically shot down every offer on the thing, even though I have no real attachment and have had rather generous offers (last one was ~$150). There's just something about the offers that make me just want to keep it, becoming a dead end to their collecting aspirations.


There's a difference between hoarding and collecting. If you're just buying stuff up to keep in a storage somewhere to lock away forever it's pretty selfish, but most everyone here and fellow collector's don't do this. I just did a Goodwill run recently and instead of buying up every cheap game I saw whether I had it or not, I left the ones I already had for others to find, including consoles. I only need one of every console unless it's some type of special iteration. There are people who buy up entire shops and hoard it or flip it on eBay and it goes against every collector's merit.

I have been considerate of others before and it back fired. I've sold games for a very generous price on eBay only to find the next week they're selling it for more  - Since then i've just not bothered.

I do often give my spares or cheap games I don't need to chairty stores though.

I can't say I've ever been in the postion to deprive something from someone really.

I have been considerate of others before and it back fired. I've sold games for a very generous price on eBay only to find the next week they're selling it for more  - Since then i've just not bothered.

That's not really a backfire, though, is it?  You got what you asked for, what does it matter to you what they do with it afterwards?  I mean, you didn't make as much as you could have, but you knew that would happen when you listed at good low price.  The reseller may be annoying, but it doesn't really affect you.  Who knows, maybe they never even sold it at their mark-up price.

I will say that something satisfying is buying something out from under someone who isn't a collector and just buying to resell.  As long as you are willing to pay market value you'll always win, too.  I've had one ask me before after winning an in-person auction "Why did you drive the price so high?  You aren't going to get anything for it!" (in a more derisive tone than that of course), and they never seem to comprehend the answer - "Because I'm not selling it, I'm keeping it."
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 01:48:07 pm by Cartagia »