Author Topic: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?  (Read 10407 times)


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2019, 12:11:40 pm »
Oh, and I was on the edge of my seat during Last Jedi too. On the edge ready to walk out of that dumpster fire of a film.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2019, 12:32:16 pm »
Oh, and I was on the edge of my seat during Last Jedi too. On the edge ready to walk out of that dumpster fire of a film.


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2019, 01:04:19 pm »
By real fans, let me clarify the people who actually saw the film and started their opinions about it versus the critics who adored it. There is a huge disparity there with the overwhelming majority of moviegoers who did not enjoy the film.

There’s a lot of stuff that you don’t like about the film, which is fine.  You are entitled to your opinion, but there are people out there who also legitimately love the movie - and are “real” fans.  In the interest of keeping this from derailing any further I’ll list something I love about the film along with something I despise, just so we have baseline understanding of where I stand with it.

I love Rey and Kylo’s journey / relationship.  I can accept the “face-timing” because long distance force communication has always been a thing.  This is just more refined.  If Kylo can stop a blaster bolt in TFA, I can get down with this.

I hate that Rose interrupts Finn’s heroic sacrifice.  It completely derails his general character arc, in addition to endangering the lives of the few remaining resistance.  I’m not the biggest fan of Canto Bite to start with, but I can live with it.  This however.  Terrible.  Especially when followed up with the kiss.

Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2019, 01:36:49 pm »
And to lighten it up a tad


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2019, 01:37:57 pm »
And to lighten it up a tad

Lol. Definitely the worst!
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2019, 09:40:18 pm »

This went from a thread about a controversial and serious issue to people arguing over Star Wars
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2019, 04:08:19 pm »
Hey, that's cool. But do we have to alter things that already exist to further an agenda? 

Yes, we fucking DO, you micro-aggressing -ist. Check your privelege and get out of my safe space, I need to dye my hair rainbow and find the next part of my anatomy that needs piercing. Spleen?


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2019, 02:21:03 pm »
I find that, more often than not, a lot of the backlash against "PC culture" tends to be either wildly taken out of context or based simply on strawman arguments. In fact, almost all of the examples you list are perfect examples of people basically making up PC incidents or taking the arguments out of context. For one thing, you go on a huge rant about all of the minorities your buddies with, and for what? Did you really feel that listing all of the things you do that you see as somehow politically correct would somehow strengthen your argument?

"Butthurt over gilette commerical" They were not, and in fact almost all of the people showing backlash towards it were on the far right

Nobody was offended by Christmas.Nobody. The whole Rudolph thing was a meme!

"Baby it's cold outside isn't a song about date rape" Agains, the outrage you're portraying here didn't actually happen, and to play devil's advocate: The song itself directly references the idea of date rape!

"Nobody cares if Solider 76 is gay" So what's the big deal then? If his sexuality is not relevant, why must he be seen as straight by default?

I'm not sick of PC culture nearly as much as people who are pushing this manufactured outrage towards it. If you want to oppose something I am at the very least going to expect you to argue against it in good faith instead of creating a characiture that's easier to knock down.

Also, it isn't altering something to retroactively assign a character a sexuality if they did not have one to begin with. Straight is not the default sexuality!

I don't see how criticizing the whole pledge of allegiance thing was even releated to PC groups. I see pointing out how creepy it is that we make kids declare their worship for their country every morning a simple criticism of how society functions. Why bring that up when it is not even related to the topic at hand?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 02:30:19 pm by cirno »


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Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2019, 12:49:30 am »
For one thing, you go on a huge rant about all of the minorities your buddies with, and for what? Did you really feel that listing all of the things you do that you see as somehow politically correct would somehow strengthen your argument?
Yeah people don't like to be called bigot, misogynist, or racist either and that is honestly the fastest (but possibly not the best) answer to give someone who freaking out in your face calling you those because you told a joke, said you don't like a certain movie artist/genre of music, or said you just don't get something.

"Butthurt over gilette commerical" They were not, and in fact almost all of the people showing backlash towards it were on the far right
I suggest reading this article to know why people are posted off for that commercial. Personally I really like this quote from it to quickly describe why I don't like the commercial beside that the commercial sounded like it was talking down to its consumer base.
 "Men are constantly barraged with criticism. “Men are the worst” has gotten old. The word masculinity is only preceded by the word “toxic” these days."

Also from personal experience I remember being around two fights that broke out. One was between 2 guys or the theft of a wallet and "herbal substances" and the other was last year between 2 women where one basically got called a whore and I had to help break it up because children were outside to witness it and help my neighbor. her boyfriend wasn't there and it was between her cousin and her friend. It was the most trailer park trash thing I have witness.

Nobody was offended by Christmas.Nobody. The whole Rudolph thing was a meme!

Yeah this was no meme people were legit upset and I was hearing about it on the radio at work for days

"Baby it's cold outside isn't a song about date rape" Agains, the outrage you're portraying here didn't actually happen, and to play devil's advocate: The song itself directly references the idea of date rape!
(Wikipedia which has the reference for the paragraph)
"During the 1940s, whenever Hollywood celebrities attended parties, they were expected to perform. In 1944, Loesser wrote "Baby, It's Cold Outside" to sing with his wife, Lynn Garland, at their housewarming party in New York City at the Navarro Hotel. They sang the song to indicate to guests that it was time to leave." Yeah the song was not about date rape

"Nobody cares if Solider 76 is gay" So what's the big deal then? If his sexuality is not relevant, why must he be seen as straight by default?
Now I'm no tin foil hat conspirator but, this came out a few days after the CFO of Blizzard was fired, then executives and the founder of Blizzard left the company. Not to mention hypothetically it was probably being penned after the Diablo Immortal fiasco. I dunno just seems a little too coincidental for me.

I'm not sick of PC culture nearly as much as people who are pushing this manufactured outrage towards it. If you want to oppose something I am at the very least going to expect you to argue against it in good faith instead of creating a characiture that's easier to knock down.
I can say the same about the manufactured outrage created by "PC culture" such as being called a misogynist for thinking Ghostbusters 2016 looked like a bad movie from the trailers and how they were deleting criticism of the trailers.

Also, it isn't altering something to retroactively assign a character a sexuality if they did not have one to begin with. Straight is not the default sexuality!
In a weird way it kind of is since reproduction requires 2 people of the opposite sex and everyone on earth is living proof of that. Saying that does not mean I see anything wrong with people wanting to have a clam jam or play hide the pickle.

I don't see how criticizing the whole pledge of allegiance thing was even releated to PC groups. I see pointing out how creepy it is that we make kids declare their worship for their country every morning a simple criticism of how society functions. Why bring that up when it is not even related to the topic at hand?

Did I miss where this got brought up?


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2019, 03:36:32 pm »
Yeah people don't like to be called bigot, misogynist, or racist either and that is honestly the fastest (but possibly not the best) answer to give someone who freaking out in your face calling you those because you told a joke, said you don't like a certain movie artist/genre of music, or said you just don't get something.
Not particularly relevant. There was no one accusing the man of being any of those things yet.

I suggest reading this article to know why people are posted off for that commercial. Personally I really like this quote from it to quickly describe why I don't like the commercial beside that the commercial sounded like it was talking down to its consumer base.
 "Men are constantly barraged with criticism. “Men are the worst” has gotten old. The word masculinity is only preceded by the word “toxic” these days."

Also from personal experience I remember being around two fights that broke out. One was between 2 guys or the theft of a wallet and "herbal substances" and the other was last year between 2 women where one basically got called a whore and I had to help break it up because children were outside to witness it and help my neighbor. her boyfriend wasn't there and it was between her cousin and her friend. It was the most trailer park trash thing I have witness.

I'm not sure how you interpreted my post because we are not talking about the same thing. OP was accusing "PC warriors" of being angry about the Gilette commerical when that was not what happened. Whether they were right in doing so is not being discussed, but the fact is that the people who were offended by the commerical were not at all connected to "SJW" movements, and OP was being dishonest by trying to act as if they were.

Yeah this was no meme people were legit upset and I was hearing about it on the radio at work for days

Yeah, I've heard plenty of pretentious pieces written by actual paid talkers about this supposed war on christmas and how Rudolph is being trashed by PC culture. Certainly never met anyone who was actually mad though!

Now I'm no tin foil hat conspirator but, this came out a few days after the CFO of Blizzard was fired, then executives and the founder of Blizzard left the company. Not to mention hypothetically it was probably being penned after the Diablo Immortal fiasco. I dunno just seems a little too coincidental for me.
Blizzard is indeed a shitty company, but the idea that them making their characters gay was some kind of attempt at damage control is indeed a conspiracy theory without much of a base to it.

I can say the same about the manufactured outrage created by "PC culture" such as being called a misogynist for thinking Ghostbusters 2016 looked like a bad movie from the trailers and how they were deleting criticism of the trailers.
Both things are bad. Reactives swarm either side of the spectrum and that's something people forget when complaining about the evil SJWs

In a weird way it kind of is since reproduction requires 2 people of the opposite sex and everyone on earth is living proof of that. Saying that does not mean I see anything wrong with people wanting to have a clam jam or play hide the pickle.
Your logic is...strange. The fact that two people had to screw to produce a baby does absolutely nothing to indicate what that child's sexuality will turn out to be. A character's sexuality is still ambigous until stated otherwise; especially since, y'know, there still happens to be hundreds of people who are attracted to both sexes.

Yeah, the whole pledge of allegiance thing was in a seperate reply by OP

Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2019, 08:10:56 am »
Video games were better when every protagonist was a white straight male.


PRO Supporter

Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2019, 09:51:15 am »
Video games were better when every protagonist was a white straight male.

Don’t be a dick for the sake of being a dick.

Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2019, 12:35:47 pm »
Video games were better when every protagonist was a white straight male.

Don’t be a dick for the sake of being a dick.
Legitimate opinion about the topic at hand.


Re: Why does everything have conform to be PC/Inclusive/etc these days?
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2019, 12:37:58 pm »
I loved DOOM Eternal's approach to this.

"Remember: ‘Demon’ can be an offensive term, refer to them as ‘mortally challenged'".