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Messages - teck

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The debate on collecting vs hoarding has too many variables and arguments to make a tidy ruling on most of the time....  I myself had many console variants for a while and ended up parting with a lot of them just to save room....  I think the fact I was able to easily enough sell them off rules out hoarding....  Mentality would be a part of this I would think....  Hoarding is related to an inability to part with objects due to a disorder as far as I know....  I think if it is something that you CAN do then it is probably not hoarding....  To break it down:

Hoarding can be one of two things....  The original definition which was to stockpile foodstuffs or gear for survival reasons.  Preppers hoard goods for a very different reason than what is commonly referred to as hoarding now....  The second and more commonly know form of hoarding is related to anxiety disorder (such as OCD) where the perceived importance of said hoarded items exceeds the actual true value....  I think "compulsive hoarding" is the definition that most people are actually referring to where the build up from hoarding has significant negative attributes and is directly linked with more severe anxiety disorders....  In conclusion, I believe that a vast majority of collecting is not directly associated with "hoarding" as it is commonly referred to know as compulsive hoarding or rather hoarding disorder....  Since it was only recently officially defined as a mental disorder in 2013 though, it may be a premature conclusion....

TL:DR - Collecting isn't hoarding in most cases....  Don't worry, we're cool....   8)

Site Feedback / Re: Galaga for NES info...
« on: May 24, 2014, 04:42:10 am »
/grabs popcorn

I have decided to reserve opinion, but would like to watch how this debate unfolds....

Off Topic / Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« on: May 22, 2014, 02:36:13 pm »
Just splurged on a sweet SH Figuarts Wild Tiger....  I'll be getting the matching Bunny next paycheck....

Modern Video Games / Looking for a fix!
« on: May 20, 2014, 06:31:35 pm »
So as some of you already know, I run a retro game store.  I have purchased about a dozen Xbox Ones by now, and I keep coming upon the same problem.  I won't buy a system that I have not thoroughly tested.  That being said, Installs are atrocious....  Many customers bring in their systems already formatted as well; making testing a long process....  I would like for the community's assistance in this area....  What are the fastest installing games for the Xbox One that I can use as a tester?  Which of these games can easily test all of the buttons on the controller?  I'd like to come up with a reasonably quick tester to have permanently set aside in my store for use....  Thanks for any incite guys~!

A lot of them will do it if you are trying in something sought after. If you were trading in, say a Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! You might get the full $20 if you bought some stuff that's been setting on the shelf for a while.

I have not experienced this anywhere in the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Montana, or New York....  Given I live in Arizona so that is the market I am most informed about and only trade in other states when I visit family, so it those times are few and far between....  I can't imagine this being profitable enough even for junker carts unless they are originally purchased at very low prices....  I would presume that having that much fluctuation on buying would lead to losing track of what has been spent quite easily....

I use MTPO as an example because I've experienced that first hand. My local store will give me $20 credit for every one I find. He can't keep them in stock. Paying full price is better to him than turning a customer away.

That is literally unheard of out here....  Curiously, where are you from~?  Is this a practice that is wide spread in your area~?

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: May 19, 2014, 02:19:44 am »
It's niche. No one has heard  about tales of outside of the hardcore community. To be fair everyone on this site is pretty hardcore.

Agreed....  I rarely cross paths with an RPG lover who has played them....  It has been slowly changing though and there is definitely more exposure in the last several years....

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:53:02 pm »
Are all these games getting a U.S. release? I know some of them are but I don't think Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus is getting one.

I believe it is actually....  I heard a couple guys talking about it the other day in passing....  I think the questionable ones would be the ones he did not link images for....  I have not researched any of these yet though because I've been slammed with work....

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: May 17, 2014, 04:47:54 pm »
OK, updated the OP.  If I missed anything, let me know.  I know there are some digital-only games I need to add, but it's too late/early right now - I'll add those later this weekend.  ;)  Also, if anyone thinks I should add any additional info I'm open to suggestions!  :D

Oh~!  Props Argyle~!  I'm psyched for a lot of these already so I'm going to go through some painful moments trying to afford them all....

A lot of them will do it if you are trying in something sought after. If you were trading in, say a Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! You might get the full $20 if you bought some stuff that's been setting on the shelf for a while.

I have not experienced this anywhere in the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Montana, or New York....  Given I live in Arizona so that is the market I am most informed about and only trade in other states when I visit family, so it those times are few and far between....  I can't imagine this being profitable enough even for junker carts unless they are originally purchased at very low prices....  I would presume that having that much fluctuation on buying would lead to losing track of what has been spent quite easily....

I did this when I was 21 actually....  I had a pretty solid collection built because I didn't really trade my stuff in as a kid, and when I was 17 I got hired at Babbage's so I ended up getting into collecting pretty deep....  I had a slump of some sort when I was 20 and by the time I was 21 just spent very little time gaming....  I had made a lot of contacts in local trading and managed to part with my whole collection for about $4000....  It was barely 6 months later when I started to regret it....  :(  I forced myself some restraint for a while though....  It wasn't until I was 23 that I started really picking up games again....   When I was 25 I got into a heated bet with a collecting buddy who went through a similar situation and we spent the year of 2011 racing against each other to grow our collections....  We bet on New Years that the person who had a larger collection by the following New Years would receive a console of choice from the other....  I recall many fun times mass buying game gear games that year....  :P  I ended up winning by a small landslide because that year I got back into the game retail industry running a mom & pop shop....  My experiences during the year really helped me hone in on the best ways to get lots of games cheap....

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: May 17, 2014, 02:22:38 am »
Oh man....  Why do I get the sense that I will be living here from now on~?  Seriously....  Just today I spent 20 minutes drooling over Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate instead of working....

General / Re: The VGC List o' Badges
« on: May 17, 2014, 02:20:47 am »
As I read more and more of the interesting badges that people are coming up with it makes me want Matt to focus on re-implementing those instead of working on other much more important things, lol....


General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: May 17, 2014, 02:20:15 am »
Mugen Souls Z LE came back into stock at NISA this morning (looks like it's gone again now).  I had canceled my previous preorder, but seeing it back in stock again...I caved.  It's the completionist in me, I have the LE for the original MS so....  :-[

LOL you make me laugh. :)

I bought the first Mugen Souls LE too.... 

Modern Video Games / Re: Vita Fat or Slim?
« on: May 16, 2014, 02:28:11 pm »
Only one thing needs to be said....  OLED screen....

I agree. I wouldn't trade at a store unless they offered "same value" trade in.

Since most don't I either hang on to what I have, or when the occasional dupe finds it's way to my home I either ebay it or trade it with someone.

Well since the store has a ton of overhead that will never happen....  Utilities, rent, licensing, payroll, etc. mean that there needs to be a significant gap between price items are bought at and sold at just to break even....  Any store offering more than 60% will go out of business anyways just because there will be too little profit to stay open....  That being said, the trick is to offer much larger amounts on the rare stuff to appear to have very good buying prices....  There is no good reason to buy common games for high rates as a retailer, but if someone brings you a Demon's Crest, you naturally be a bit more generous....

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