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Messages - megasilverx1

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Modern Video Games / Re: Star Fox Zero/Thoughts?
« on: July 28, 2019, 12:37:00 am »
I personally found Zero to be un-enjoyable mainly due to the controls; they felt a little overly complicated and uncomfortable. Also gyro controls are fine for little things like camera movement and precise aiming, but when the game is super dependent on it like Zero is, I found myself having to re-calibrate the gyro controls every 20ish seconds which got annoying fast (and yes, I know it takes practically zero seconds to calibrate controls since it's mapped to the Y button, but I still personally find having to do that in the first place to be annoying). Other than the controls though, I thought Star Fox Zero was pretty dull; it's just Star Fox 64 again, which was already basically a remake of SNES Star Fox. I really would've preferred either them using Star Fox 2's story of Andross returning or just coming up with a new villain/story. Or maybe take another stab at a Star Fox game that plays similar to Adventures or Assault.

One complaint that I never really understood though, was about the visuals. While certainly not the most pretty looking Wii U game, reviewers made it sound like the game looked like a N64/PS1 era game which seemed rather harsh.

If you're interested in getting the game, I don't really see why not. Star Fox Zero and especially Guard are stupidly cheap at used game stores. Nintendo even sells both games along with a Fox amiibo on their official eBay store for like $25. Perhaps you'll find the game's unique controls to be a non-issue.

I don't usually mind the condition of the sticker as long as the game works and the end label (if it's a cartridge that has one) is still somewhat readable. If I'm at a used game store and they have multiple copies of a game I'm interested in, I'll go with the one with the nicest sticker mind.

Hardware and Tech / Re: NES Satellite issue
« on: July 14, 2019, 01:30:06 am »
So this is rather strange, these issues really only seem to be a problem with the NES port of Millipede so far. Thought I'd play Startropics, Mega Man 1, Super Mario Bros., Terminator 2, and Jurassic Park with the NES Satellite and they played perfectly fine. Pressing Start and Select worked almost perfect too (took an extra press or two to un-pause in Terminator 2). The four player game I tried again was Anticipation and the result was kind of weird; while controller ports 3 and 4 still seemed unresponsive, it seems like a third and fourth player could use the same controller as players 1 and 2 respectively to buzz in (like player 1 uses the D-pad to buzz in while player 3 would use the B button to buzz in on the same controller). I don't really feel like going through all 110ish NES/Famicom games I own to see which ones are having the same weird delayed/unresponsive control issue as Millipede is right now, but this is almost starting to seem like a weird compatibility issue (I still think the receiver end is the true problem not Millipede). Not a huge issue still, since I can simply unplug the NES Satellite receiver end and just plug in a controller.

I am not sure, but what kind of television are you using? I actually never heard of this device before, if this is on the original NES hardware? you might need to use an older television and not an HDTV or flat screen. But you said that it worked fine before. You said it was 30 years old, maybe is worn out.

After watching an episode of GameSack on YouTube they said in one of their videos that CRT televisions are the best way to play the older consoles without lag, but I personally never actually had that issue with flatscreen televisions

Sorry to hear your having this problem

The NES Satellite was an official wireless multitap for the NES released back in 1989 and used IR light to read controller inputs basically the same way how TVs read the buttons you press on the TV remote. This meant that like a TV remote, the NES Satellite has to be facing the NES console but it doesn't have to be directly facing it or even at the same level (contrary to what the internet seems to say, this device has a decent bit of leeway in terms of distance from my experience). The Satellite has two parts: the main unit where controllers are plugged into which is powered by six C batteries and the receiver which plugs into the controller ports on the NES console. Unlike accessories like the Zapper and Super Scope, the NES Satellite doesn't rely on scan lines but rather a solid uninterrupted connection between the main unit and receiver to function.

I primarily play my NES on a CRT since I have a few light gun games and the CRT hides the hideousness of composite video, but in terms of lag, I don't really notice any when playing on an HDTV.

Hardware and Tech / NES Satellite issue
« on: July 10, 2019, 11:59:39 pm »
I've owned a NES Satellite for roughly a year and up until now, it has worked surprisingly great; never noticed any lag or missed button presses during that time. However, recently when I was playing some NES games, I noticed that about 40% of my button presses weren't registering or were super delayed. Pressing Start or Select barely registered at all. Also the controller 3 and 4 ports weren't working period. I know it wasn't the controller since when I plugged it into the NES directly, it worked perfectly fine. Also the batteries were still good (even put in new C batteries and it didn't fix anything). The battery compartment was and still is clean, no signs of corrosion/rust. The circuit board inside of the Satellite looked fine too and as for the receiver end that goes into the NES console controller ports, from what I could see (a metal box was blocking most of that part's circuit board) looked okay too. With all of that looking okay, I had thought that maybe the two IR lights might've burnt out since the NES Satellite is 30 years old, but both IR lights were still blinking and reacting to button presses. And yes, the NES Satellite has been set to CTLR mode and not GUN mode along with facing the receiver part this whole time.

After all of those checks, I'm left assuming that the receiver end is the problem. Maybe I should look under the metal box in the receiver or maybe get a new Satellite receiver? I noticed that Camerica also made a receiver device for the NES, but I'd imagine that was made for one of their wireless controllers and wouldn't work with the NES Satellite.

I've already purchased a NES Four Score, so I'll have a replacement multitap for the NES that should theoretically be more reliable since it's a wired connection and I know if I wanted to keep things wireless, 8bitDo controllers exist that use the more reliable bluetooth connection, but for a good chunk of time the NES Satellite has been working great for me (even on HD TVs) and I was wondering if their was anything else I could try to see if I can get it working reliably again. If not, it's no biggie. At the very least I thought I'd share a problem I had with this device. Plus when I dismantled it I noticed that HORI seems to have manufactured these since their name is printed on the circuit board of the receiver part of the NES Satellite. So that's kinda neat I guess.

Modern Video Games / Re: Any Mario Makers out there Making Marios?
« on: July 07, 2019, 01:43:11 am »
I too enjoyed how much more comfortable...? easier...? it felt to make levels in Mario Maker on Wii U so I haven't made too many levels yet (just one). The level code is PR1-GH7-8PF and it's a re-creation of a level from Wario Land II.

I guess GameStop is the worst for me, but I don't have a huge beef with them outside of when I got a "new" copy of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero on Wii U a few years ago and while the game came in the box with the CD, the disc was in a paper sleeve rather than the actual case. The few used game I've purchased from Gamestop have worked fine. I have no intention of trading used games there though however; would rather go to a more local-ish chain like Disc Traders or The Gaming Warehouse for that.

Best place though for me would be where I work since I get a 10% discount off games. Only problem is that occasionally we don't get a game or a certain version of a game the day it comes out because it's stuck down in receiving or late. Also the selection of games seems limited to bigger releases or games from bigger publishers (occasionally smaller games like Owlboy appear at the store).

Modern Video Games / Re: Your E3 2019 Top 10 games
« on: June 13, 2019, 11:52:16 pm »
1. Dragon Quest XI S
2. BotW sequel
3. Zelda: Links Awakening remake
4. Astral Chain
5. Luigi's Mansion 3
6. Panzer Dragoon
7. GhostWire
8. Pokemon Sword/Sheild
9. Damon X Machina
10. Collection of Mana (waiting for the physical edition later in August)

I'm also somewhat interested in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. It looks fun...ish, but I'm cautious since I thought Yooka-Laylee was about as exciting as watching paint dry.

The line up looks pretty good! I'm happy to see that Wily Wars will be included. Even though it doesn't run as smoothly as the NES originals, the Wily Tower bonus game included after completing all three Mega Man games is a blast. I can see myself getting a Genesis Mini even though I already have the Genesis Classics collection for Switch.

General / Re: The Top 10 Most Wanted Items on Your Wishlist
« on: May 16, 2019, 02:50:55 am »
It's really just the first two that I really want.

1. Japanese Nintendo 2DS
2. Slime Morimori: Dragon Quest 3 (3DS)
3. Mercenary Force (GB)
4. Monster Tale (DS)
5. Retro Game Challenge (DS)
6. Bound High! (VB)
7. Game Boy Printer
8. Astrix & Obelix XXL (GBA)
9. Alien 3 (GB)
10. Super Russian Roulette (NES)

Most: NES at 83 games (105 if I count Famicom games). It's not my favorite console nor do I have any nostalgia for it, but for some reason I've ended up with quite a few NES games over the 11 years I've owned the console.

Least: Atari 5200 and Collecovision at 2 games each. I don't own either console but didn't want to pass up getting Nintendo games on a non-Nintendo console.

Classic Video Games / Re: New unoffical NES and SNES games
« on: March 21, 2019, 09:11:02 pm »
I've only purchased two physical unofficial games (unless you count repro games like Wily Wars or fan translations): Battle Kid for NES and Rikki & Vikki for Atari 7800.

In terms of purchasing: I can't really vouch for my experience getting Battle Kid since it was a Birthday gift back in 2011, but as for R&V, the game was shipped quickly, came in a nice almost official looking 7800 game box with a fold out manual, and other little goodies.

In terms of playing: Battle Kid was stupidly hard but fair. Although once I beat the game, I haven't really replayed it like I do with other retro games probably due to the difficulty. Rikki & Vikki has been fun but I'm holding off on playing more of it until I get a better controller because the American 7800 controller is terrible. R&V is also on Steam and unlike the 7800 version, it can save your progress and score.

Classic Video Games / Re: PlayStation Classic
« on: March 18, 2019, 01:02:42 am »
The place where I work also has them on sale for $40 and a $5 off coupon on top of that, but I'm still holding off on getting one until they go on clearance. I'm curious as to how many of these things we sold since, there are like six on the shelf and like another six or so in the back.

General / Re: What are your thoughts on buying loose discs?
« on: March 18, 2019, 12:57:05 am »
I prefer having the disc be complete or at least include the case. However, as long as the disc is in great to decent condition, I don't really care since I can just find an empty DVD or CD case and print out the game's cover.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 16, 2019, 12:19:02 am »
Rikki & Vikki for the Atari 7800 just came in the mail and I'm looking forward to playing it when I get the time. The game looked fun and the music sounded amazing and it's nice to have another game to play on the system besides the awesome port of Centipede. I'm not however looking forward to using the 7800's dreadful controller and unfortunately it sounds like a Genesis controller won't work either due to how things are wired up inside the system. Maybe I'll look into getting a European/Australian 7800 controller since they look way more comfortable to use.

I don't have a super expansive Genesis collection, but I can give a few good/descent hidden gem suggestions for the system:

Zoop- If you like puzzle games, this one is pretty unique and fun in 10 minute sessions. It's also on basically any console that was relevant back in 1995.

Wiz 'N Liz- Developed by the same group who made Lemmings, this is one of the weirdest games I've ever played.

Ms. Pac-Man- Great port of the arcade version.

6-Pak- A fairly cheap cartridge containing six Genesis games like Sonic 1, Streets of Rage, and Revenge of Shinobi.

Frogger- Like with Ms. Pac-Man, this is a good port of an older arcade game. Also the last Genesis game released in North America.

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