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Messages - marvelvscapcom2

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General / Re: Old Youtube gaming channels/videos nostalgia thread
« on: September 19, 2024, 11:38:38 am »
I used to watch a guy named AlphaOmegaSin. Long hair metal dude that had a very "basement game cave" vibe with this feel that was hard to put a thumb on. Really felt like you were hanging out in a friends basment cave. He had a great collection. He stopped posting.

I also really miss GTA IV rick roll videos. Hated them at the time. Anyone remember "spawn sultan rs in gta IV" or "100 kill glitch call of duty world at war CANT GET HIT x5xp" just for it to be a rick roll. They sucked at the time but boy do I miss being rick rolled.

Modern Video Games / Re: Playstation 5 Pro
« on: September 16, 2024, 09:25:39 am »
I feel like we are on the brink of another video game crash. This can't be sustainable anymore. I have never in my life not cared about a console generation cycle. This has got to be the worst one so far. My wife and I each have a PS5 and we hardly touch it. I own less than a dozen games and most of them are now on PC. I usually only buy a game on PS5 now if I want that copy physically or has a special edition that I want that's not on PC or Switch. $900 for a PS5 Pro with a disc drive and stand is insane, but people are still going to buy it up. I hope it's a major loss for Sony. It kind of makes me scared for the Switch 2. I own almost 200 physical Switch games just for portability alone.

The Xbox Series X is the first Microsoft console I have passed on. It's just a mid-range PC. Every single game is now on PC so what's the point. It would sit collecting dust just like my Xbox One X has been. I only use it to play backwards compatible games that are in my backlog.

Video game companies are not giving people enough incentive to stay on consoles.

Agreed. Not to mention that half the PS5 games id want are on PS freaking 4 lol. What console gen deliberately advertises that decade old hardware can play their newest titles.  And sometimes the PS4 pro keeps better frames than PS5 because devs know how to utlize games for it better.

Thats just sad that almost 5 years into a console generation we still have a gap small as centipede pubics between PS5 and its own grandmother the ps4. 

I actually.seen a comment that put it best

Sony has become the apple of gaming.

Nintendo is the disney of gaming.

Apple removes features and releases the same design and charges you 1000 dollars for the privilege

Disney sells you nostalgia.wholesale.and relies.on millrnials.trapped in a cycle of attempting to relive the feelings of being a kid again. By pawning that nostalgia off on their kids so the cycle continues.

Sounds like Nintendo and Sony to me.

Xbox is..... well..... ummm.... microsoft lol.  Their console is kinda on par for their brand. Specs, data and work. User interface. Stream services. Like comparing a guitar teacher to paul mcartney. You got the numbers. But wheres the soul?

My interpretation anyway.

Modern Video Games / Re: Playstation 5 Pro
« on: September 15, 2024, 01:06:46 pm »
Welp did my part today. I had saved up for years and didnt own a ps5 for 4 years because the pro was always my bag. I always liked that if you buy the pro. You skip all the bugs, shortages, and price hikes and get the best version of the gen hardware. I even did that before pro like the ps one, ps3 super slim.

Well today I got 2 PS5 slim disc editions from a 3rd party source. One for me. One for my gf. Literally 2 consoles and a handful of games. Cheaper than the pro.

The only way to defeat it is with our wallets. Sony believes digital only wannabe PC rigs are the future of home consoles.  They didnt ask. They told us what we wanted. Half lazyness. Half greed. Well they can eat it.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: September 14, 2024, 07:53:59 pm »
If any of you are sleeping on


Allow me to be your alarm clock.

Think sim city elements where you use earned money to upgrade recipes and ammenities of an ever expanding sushi bar. Complete with farming and pre planning.

Think if you took that and added rpg elements such as weapon leveling, xp, call logs and location warp traveling.

Now think add action platforming elements where you explore the deep blue ocean at day and run a sushi bar by night. Almost ecco the dolphin meets metroid.

Now ask yourself. How much would you pay?


You have been deliciously made aware. I love you so much. Its gonna be ok.

Modern Video Games / Re: Playstation 5 Pro
« on: September 14, 2024, 03:51:37 am »
We need to tell those selling digital-only consoles that this will not be tolerated. The last new console I'll ever buy is likely the Switch 2.

Same, assuming the rumors that it'll still use physical media are true.

Backwards compatibility with Switch games will be a massive deciding factor for me buying the family a Switch 2 any time soon. In fact, if Twilight Princess isn't announced for Switch, I'm far more likely to just buy a Gamecube again instead.

Backwards compatibility is definitely a huge factor into me jumping in right away into the next Switch, it would be such a misstep to not have it, but I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to make a poor decision like that lol  A good batch of launch games would entice me, but without a Zelda to go with, I'd need something like a Mario Odyssey 2 to be excited.  Twilight Princess HD getting ported over would be nice though, been wanting to replay it.

Since were making grocery lists of features for big N Daddy to adorn us with lol. I will add the need for a trophy system. Difficult settings for their games. Two things Nintendo seems to be allergic to. But for the love of all things gaming. Its 2024. How on earth does Nintendo not have a trophy system? Just for enthusiasts of that alone.  It literally gives every single game added replay value. Its fun. Its exciting. Borderline addicting. I feel its stubborn pride if they dont do it next console. Some things need to be copied. Its part of success.

And backwards compat. Xbox and Playstation have both managed it this gen. Nintendo has to if they want to maintain these sales. I even politely ponder the idea of a console that plays both cartridge and disc. And can do Wii U and Wii as well. But one can only dream.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: September 14, 2024, 02:01:30 am »
The First Omen - It's spooky and atmospheric and has tremendous performances across the board, but I don't think the plan ultimately makes any sense?

Bridge of Spies - Underrated in the Spielberg canon, methinks.  The first half is substantially stronger than the back half, though.  If it was just about the Abel trial and that part was about 30-40 minutes longer I think it could have been a all-timer courtroom drama - and Rylance's Oscar win would make more sense.  Also can't help but wonder what it would look like if the Coens directed their own script.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - There's no such thing as a perfect movie... but this is a perfect movie.

Beetlejuice - One of the most singularly creative visions to have ever come out of Hollywood.  Man I hope the sequel doesn't suck.

STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie - Astonishingly well put together bio-doc. Some of the best editing I think I've ever seen.  Not a weepy retrospective, but rather a thoughtful look at the career of a man who is probably an underrated performer these days.  Just wonderful.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice - Never in a million years would I have thought that the biggest issue I had with the Beetlejuice sequel was that it had too many decent ideas.  I really appreciate the commitment to saying fuck you to Jeffrey Jones.

Arachnophobia - See?  Burning down the house is the best course of action.

In the Name of the Father - An emotional powerhouse from Jim Sheridan and Daniel-Day Lewis? Who woulda guessed?

Your passion for film really doesnt cease to amaze me. I aim to build this level of review aggregation with media perhaps for games.

 Do you keep a checklist of films you aim to see like a pre launch schedule or bucket list or is it just kinda whatever catches the eye type of deal? 



Beetlejuice Beetlejuice - Michael Keaton carries this like a fire fighter im just gonna say it. Everyone else had moments. Michael was the moment and the sole thing that kept this nostalgic imo. Really great. - 91

Reagan - I wont get into political semantics here. But critics reviewing this 12 percent and movie goers giving it a 98 shows the issue of the modern day news outlet critics. They aim to review discourse and move perception rather than review the quality of a film.  Movie was great. Idk how much is imbeloshed. But I enjoyed it - 95/100

Crossroads - Dont go in expecting Shindlers List. Its a rom com starring Britney Spears. Its cute for what it is.

Video Showcase / Re: Oldgamerz Community Links
« on: September 14, 2024, 01:49:20 am »

(edit) I own (49,851) retro video games including variations an but probably will not record most of my physical copies for a long time or ever because I have a limited budget but and some of those games are free mods and free games that are 20 years or older but most of my physical copies are newer, I told you this because I am a video game preserver. I purchased mostly all of them with real money and not credit and don't tell me about pirary because I did not pirate them. I bought them fair and square and their is proof of it too, somewhere on the online records somewhere.

You should call the Guinnes book of world records for biggest game collection, you'll break the current record of 24K with ease   ::)

I think this dude's account got hacked. He has over 2k posts.

I get your sentiment. But the user you responded to literally also has over 2k posts lol. It's not that hard accumulated over many years.

Modern Video Games / Re: Playstation 5 Pro
« on: September 12, 2024, 01:00:14 pm »
Supposedly PS5's with disc drives are sold out most places. I think this is a clear sign few people want a digital only platform. I know some people don't care and would rather not deal with the hastle of buying physical games from the store, but I believe these people are mostly in the minority, at least I hope so. Regardless this all seems promising in terms of Sony rethinking any idea of going digital only next gen.

Sadly its also a clear sign thatp people are so brainwashed and enslaved by branding they are financially irresponsible enough to spend 825 dollars (the price of a car payment in the US) for slightly better tree fidelity on like 3 games. And not actually be sensible enough to prevent price gouging with their wallets.

It indeed shows we want physical. It also shows we are willing to be ripped off for it. Which is not ok. Sony knows it. Easy 80-150 dollars per customer just in disc drives. Time to stand ground already.

Honestly, I think it's the scalpers buying all the disc drives so they can charge $1500 for the PS5 Pro with a disc drive on eBay. I hope people have wised up and refuse to pay scalpers, leaving them holding 20+ systems and being thousands of dollars in debt, but I also know people are incredibly stupid.

I didnt even think of that. I hope you're right.  Funny enough a local guy bought out like 400 Playstation Portals when they dropped from every retailer and online and all. I guess he assumed they would be some hot commotity on the level of the ps4 or psp.

It bombed. The stock was massively bountiful. And you cant give the things away. I still see him trying to sell them for way over retail trying to get back some of his investment. He has a wall of them. Serves him right.

Anyone who pays a company 80-150 dollars for the privilege of using the physical media the console uses deserves what they get.  Be like if the snes had a lock on the flap. And in order to insert a cartridge you had to buy a 100 dollar key. Otherwise you only had built in thoughts and prayers.   

Off topic. And a big stretch. If Xbox releases a mid console gen release, for 600 dollars. With a disc drive. And market it as the pro killer. And bundle it with GTA 6. This console war could certainly turn around. PS1 did it to N64. Crazier things have happened.

Modern Video Games / Re: Playstation 5 Pro
« on: September 11, 2024, 11:56:48 pm »
Supposedly PS5's with disc drives are sold out most places. I think this is a clear sign few people want a digital only platform. I know some people don't care and would rather not deal with the hastle of buying physical games from the store, but I believe these people are mostly in the minority, at least I hope so. Regardless this all seems promising in terms of Sony rethinking any idea of going digital only next gen.

Sadly its also a clear sign thatp people are so brainwashed and enslaved by branding they are financially irresponsible enough to spend 825 dollars (the price of a car payment in the US) for slightly better tree fidelity on like 3 games. And not actually be sensible enough to prevent price gouging with their wallets.

It indeed shows we want physical. It also shows we are willing to be ripped off for it. Which is not ok. Sony knows it. Easy 80-150 dollars per customer just in disc drives. Time to stand ground already.

Modern Video Games / Re: Playstation 5 Pro
« on: September 11, 2024, 11:20:34 pm »
I waited over a year for the ps5 pro. With the 600 dollars I expected to spend in my account

At this point? I have a moral obligation not just to myself but to all of you and gaming as an industry to not buy this. I am deeply insulted.

And its not just the price. If it were 700 dollars but featured full backwards compatibility up to PS2 and PS1? Id pay 800. If it were 700 dollars and had 2 controllers and the stand bundled with a new game like assassins creed. Maybe.  If it were 700 and had new user interface and 4tb storage with a 1 year subscription to ps plus premium bundled.  ANYTHING to incentivize.  But nope.

It's basically a slightly stronger PS5 with no disc drive for quite frankly double the price.

I cant tell any of you what to do. But the line has been drawn as far as im concerned. Im not bending over and letting Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo have their proverbial way with me because I have sworn servitude to them.

I am not paying them almost a used cars price for minimal effort and sloppy upgrades.

Sony has the lead.

In 2 years time we will be saying.

Sony HAD the lead.

Switch 2 is gonna drop in 2025. At a 300 to 400 price point. And absolutely stagger sony and xbox and they will scramble to make something ps6 by 2028. By then the world is gonna move on.  Mark my words.

In my lifetime easily GTA 5. I feel it should be universal without nostalgia goggles on. I got the game 12 hours after the midnight launch parties and their was still a crowd around the entire electronics section of walmart. It was on good morning America. Howard Stern. The voice actors become overnight celebrities. Their was lore. The walmart clerk just was scanning them like candy bars. Stacks were literally to the ceiling.

I mean it was so anticipated. The game moved more units in one weekend then I believe any physical media prior at tjat time.

It dominates sales on two different console generations.

I remember it was like a holiday.

They even documented that their was nationwide callouts from work that day. A good 10 percent surge just from 1 video game.

Overall. GTA 6 is probably gonna make that look like kids play. I imagine it might cause some serious crashing to servers if the networks and rockstar dont plan for the massive influx.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: August 27, 2024, 06:14:00 pm »


Id make a seperate thread for Beetlejuice hype but I figured this would be a fair spot for it. Dont want too many movie related threads. If mods feel it should be a main thread and not here. Please lmk.

Jenna is one of the new modern scream queens. Scream princess if you will. Everything she touches has been gold so far. Seems like tim burton did a lot of fan service and kept things pretty nostalgic. Hyper pumped for it.

With that said

Borderlands - 85/100 (completely servicable. Nice plot. I liked it. Idc if it gets me burnt at the stake here)
Fall Guy - 91/100

Dayshift - 23/100

Hey Xbox! Your thing is slightly higher fidelity in graphics, first person shooters and niche marketing. Dont mess this up...

Xbox - "ok, lets drop our frames, release only 1 moderately exciting fps exclusive in 5 years and also just make our entire platform a pay to play stream service like a glorified gamefly"

Hey playstation! Your thing is first party exclusives, and a excellent passion for your IPs. Good UI. Dont copy xbox and you'll do good"

Playstation - Heres like 4 noteworthy generational games. We are ditching Uncharted, little big planet, sly and jak and daxter. Just 5 big titles. Only issue is. We also put 3 of those onto PS4 as well. So they arent exclusives at all. And our new focus isn't "games" silly folks. It's a digital hub that rips off game pass, longer play times to raise our ROIs and nothing special on the horizon. Literal PS Vita has more AAA exclusives than PS5"

Nintendo - Well I have an idea.  Lets release 50 exclusive hitters.  From tears of the kingtom to mario wonder. Lets incorperate more third party support like assassins creed and kowabunga collection.  And lastly. Let's prioritize physical collecting, port over almost every good wii u and gamecube game. Have a neat online virtual console portal spanning like 4 decades. And on top of it all? Revitalize gaming with a portal/home console hybrid that does it all...


Nintendo - Hold on. Im not done. Let me price it 200 dollars cheaper than my competitors and throw in way more special edition bundles. Promo deals. And the ability to use previous console gen controllers via usb. And im still not done. Pikmin 4. Luigis mansion 3. And metroid dread. Mario Odyssey?  Amiibo support? Adequate stock during pandemic?

Gee wonder why Switch is outselling the other 2 COMBINED lol.

This console gen is ass. Im done defending it.

General / Re: How Many Video Games Do You Think Exist Today?
« on: June 14, 2024, 01:14:22 pm »
Now heres another staggering thought. How many total copies? Some games sold 50 million copiesn id average it to 5 million. So 5 million times 1.9 million. Or more. Ridiculous numbers.

General / Re: Your Ideal Game Room
« on: June 12, 2024, 12:11:11 pm »
More space. High cielings like the library from beauty and the beast except games instead of books and a wall of CRTs with different consoles attatched to each. No splitters. No inverters. No cables visible. Just some sort of voodoo where you can play any console with its own unique color cordinated TV that spins from behind the wall like a hidden safe. So a genesis will have a black and red and chrome tough looking Zenith. And a super nintendo would have a grey and purple panasonic. Playstation a sony trinitron.  And a person on a yearly salary whos whole job is to switch games.  So you say. Ashley!! Craig!! Put in my copy of maximum carnage. Donkey kong country has bored me.  And they say "yes sir" like alfred from batman and a molecular device that lets you talk to a skilled arcade master like a bio nuclear tips and strats magazine from 96. Pizza that doesn't get you fat. A bunch of neons. The sphinx from las vegas except instead of a lion its got a giant yoshi head. A bunch of luigi statues. Every north american super nintendo game. An air brushed mural that says nintendo is what genesisnt. And a guy that can and will dress up as cookie konster going through detox from cookie that says c is for contra and thats good enough for me. Paid exclusively in oreos under the table behind his parole officers back.

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