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Messages - shoryuken4u

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General / Re: Intro thread
« on: October 13, 2012, 07:28:27 pm »
The Elder Scrolls games are totally RPGs. They are built like the old RuneQuest p&p skill building system. Where how you play develops your character.

Also, remember there distinct differences between NA and JP RPG genres.

I guess I've been narrowly defining the RPG genre based on the fundamentals of JRPGs. My first foray into the genre was a JRPG so I tend to measure all RPGs against that. The lack of turn-based battle confuses me! :o So is JRPG a subgenre of RPG or is it a totally separate genre in and of itself?

General / Re: Where do you buy your games?
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:05:22 pm »
@ shoryuken4u:

Another friend of mine (that moved from here in NJ to FL a couple of years ago) has a good selection & good prices on games & systems ---and--- he's honest and doesn't mis-represent the condition of his merchandise...*BUT*...he's been known to be pretty damned slow sometimes that you can check-out is:

Awesome! I'll definitely check this out. I've had sellers misrepresent the condition of games to the point where it's almost laughable so I'm always on the look out for a reliable seller. Thanks!

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: October 13, 2012, 05:58:48 pm »
Welcome shoryuken4u, pyro5050, and thedisappearer!  ;D

Thanks fellow newbie!  :)

General / Re: favorite video games of all time
« on: October 13, 2012, 05:55:12 pm »
There are so many games I've enjoyed over the years. I think I'll narrow it down to my favorite nostalgia-inducing PC games.

10) Barbie Magic Hairstyler: This game was awesome--hell, I'd play it now if I still had it. I am a princess always and forever!!!!
9) Tomb Raider: I never knew the meaning of adventure until I met Lara Croft.
8 ) The Sims: You either loved this game or hated it. I spent hours upon hours deciding what color carpet to put in the living room and how to rise through the ranks as a budding cat burglar. I also liked to take the ladder off the pool to see how long my Sims could tread water before they succumbed to exhaustion. *evil laughter*
7) Alien Carnage/Halloween Harry: Side-scrolling adventure where you kill zombie-aliens and rescue the pretty lady.
6) SkyRoads: drive your spaceship down the skyroad but keep clear of its hazards. Also, listen to awesome techno music while you cruise through space.
5) D: It's like Myst if it were a survival horror. A creepy game with weird puzzles.
4) Crime City: Point and click adventure! Help to clear your fathers' name after he's falsely accused of murder.
3) Relentless - Twinsen's Adventure: Have fun escaping from an asylum and go on a quest to defeat a maniacal tyrant controlling your planet while interacting with tons of anthropomorphic animals in a colorful world.
2) Wolfenstein 3D: old school FPS complete with Nazi killing! Need I say more?
1) Myst: I'll never forget falling in love with the mysterious and beautiful island of Myst.

General / Re: Where do you buy your games?
« on: October 13, 2012, 05:00:33 pm »
- I'm not really sure...

I live within about 1/2 hour of 3 Game Stop stores.
The closest one (about 10 min) is my "main" one.

I'm pretty good friends w/ one of the senior workers there (as in, I make sure he gets all of my pre-orders & I also give him 10's on my "Satisfaction Surveys" --and-- I often walk out w/ free (and unexpected) art books, OST's (yesterday it was some sealed box of Dishonored-Tarot-Cards), etc).

Anyway, what *their* doing is...they've removed all of the (used) PS2 & DS games from the store area.

Apparently, while 1 person's dealing w/ everyone & everything going on in the store - the other 2 are in the back-room, cataloging ~4,000 PS2 games and ~2,800 DS games.

Their new "system" is going to be PS2 & DS (used) games will be by request only  :o

The workers in the back room are supposedly 'listing' all of these games, so, I guess, everyone will have to be clustering around the desk to *see* what used PS2 & DS games are available...unless they walk-in knowing what, exactly, they want in advance...and asking for/about it  >:(

This "system" sounds complicated and a little pointless. I've actually purchased a majority of my PS2 games online so will they no longer be available online either once this new system is put into place?

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:53:29 pm »
I can help ya with a decent playable rpg list

Nes : Final fantasy, Dragon warrior 1-4, Destiny of an Emporer, Ultima: Quest of the Avatar, Gargoyle's Quest.
SNES : Final Fantasy 2/3, Chrono Trigger, Tecmo: Secret of the Stars, Breath of Fire 1/2, Super Mario RPG (the game Im currently playing atm).
SMS : Ys, Miracle Warriors, Phantasy Star, Ultima IV.
Genesis : Phantasy Star 2-4, Sword of Vermillion.
PS1 : Tales of Destiny 1/2, Dragon Warrior VII, Alundra 1/2, Suikoden 1/2, Breath of Fire 3/4, Final Fantasy (Origins, Anthology, Chronicles, 7), Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Lunar 1/2, Arc the Lad.
PS2 : Dragon Quest VIII.
Sega CD : Vay, Lunar 1/2.
Saturn : Magic Knight Rayearth, Albert Odyssey.

This is a start. My definite favorite genre is RPG and I enjoyed almost everything listed on here.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm working on one console at a time right now but I'm really looking forward to discovering SNES RPGs as I never had a chance to play any when I had one.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:49:14 pm »
Welcome to the site shoryuken4u!

Good luck with your quest, have you thought about what you classify as an RPG? It can be very overwhelming depending on how you define it :)

Thanks! And yea--I think the term RPG can become a bit convoluted at times (Skyrim is an RPG?). Maybe I'm just use to more traditional RPGs with the turn-based battles and whatnot. My plan isn't to exclude any games though--I want to include all RPGs as well as games from other genres that have RPG elements. Hello overwhelming! :)

General / Re: Where do you buy your games?
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:29:39 pm »
The internet!
Really, that's the best place for me to get games. lukiegames, jjgames, mtgfanatic, japangamestock, just random google searches for random sites... those are generally the best way for me to buy "retro" stuff... ebay is bad since people keep overcharging for old games (though I sometimes find good deals on imports). For current-gen stuff ebay is not too bad ways to get used modern games sometimes for decent prices. Not counting the stuff I pre-order online, for that I just go wherever the best deal is (which has actually been Future Shop recently).

Lukiegames was actually one of the first places I checked for PS1 games. I thought they were kind of expensive though. Most of the games I was looking for were $50+ and a couple of them were almost $100. I can't figure out if the games are rare or just overpriced. On current-gen stuff I've been able to get some good deals on eBay and Amazon too.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:09:08 pm »
I'm new to collecting (and to this site). It's brought new life to my PS2 which was previously collecting dust in my basement until I embarked on this quest to collect every RPG ever made.

The first games I ever played were Super Mario World and Donkey Kong. SNES and PC reigned supreme with Wolfenstein 3D being the best thing ever. I loved FPS in the 90s so I was hooked on Doom and Quake as well--those were the only FPS I've ever played and probably ever will play. Then PS1 and N64 came on the scene, so FFVII and Mario 64 became my latest and greatest. When the PS2 arrived I hadn't been gaming for awhile and wasn't interested until FFX appeared and piqued my curiosity. That game along with FFX-2 were my favorites in high school; I haven't played a FF game since then. I just started gaming again recently with Dragon Age: Origins and Oblivion being my current addiction.

Anyway, happy to have found vgcollect--feel free to message me with suggestions for good RPGs or obscure PC games!  :)

General / Re: Where do you buy your games?
« on: October 13, 2012, 02:53:45 pm »
Thanks for the advice guys! I'll keep trying to score some good games at a yard sale/flea market--been striking out thus far but hoping to find something eventually. I wish there were some used games stores near me but I'm out of luck there. And for some reason the only games I ever see at thrift stores are sports games for Xbox. :/

@Disgaeniac, I always meet people at the mall when I buy things off craigslist as I prefer not to be robbed! Also, I didn't know GS was phasing out PS2 games. Do you think they'll have a big sale to get rid of stuff?

General / Where do you buy your games?
« on: October 13, 2012, 09:56:32 am »
I'm new to collecting, as the subject of my post probably implies. Right now, I'm focusing on PS1 and PS2 games. If I can't find a game at GameStop, then I usually do Amazon. I haven't had problems with either--all the games I've bought have been in excellent condition for used games. I was just wondering if there is a better place to buy games. Am I paying too much at GameStop and Amazon? I've checked thrift stores, pawn shops and local flea markets, and have found nothing. My long term goal is to eventually get all NA released RPGs for the PS1, PS2 and PS3.

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