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Messages - dhaabi

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I can't get to the Russian site that image is located on

Videogamekraken seems to indicate that the games for Giocatraduci and Agenda-Game are interchangeable.

How these items are described from every source I've read doesn't clarify whether if Agenda-Game software can only be played on its corresponding hardware, or if its software is also compatible for Giocatraduci. To me, it doesn't really make sense for the latter to be true. It's worth noting that of the dozens of images and several videos I've seen, Giocatraduci hardware has always been paired with either of its two dedicated game cartridges, and never Grand Prix which is reported to be compatible for Agenda-Game.

LCD Games
- Sanyo Giocatraduci (can also put the cart from Sanyo Agenda-Game into here)

Is the Arcadia II just branding or is it different or incompatible with Arcadia?

APF Imagination Machine looks to be an accessory, similar to say, Sega CD. It adds the ability for MP1000 to use cassettes. Will need an example of a retail released cassette existing before creating this sub-cat.

All three items from Sanyo can be submitted to the Sanyo Giocatraduci sub-cat, even though the Giocatraduci system is unable to play Agenda-Game games?

To my understanding, Arcadia II games cannot be played with Arcadia systems. This is due to the upgraded four projection slots which allow for elongated viewing cartridges to be inserted. Here is a a group photo of the three components needed to play just one game, which we can see is different than what the Arcadia system requires.

I've only been able to find one Imagination Machine cassette, given the system's rarity.

Requesting sub-cat for Toymax Accessory.

Warhammer 40K: Galdius - Relics of War is currently free on Steam and GOG.  Good for at least another day or so.

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe both deals are available through May 30. So, that just means more time for anyone interested to add them to their libraries.

General / Re: IGN just acquired a ton of their competitors
« on: May 23, 2024, 06:24:49 pm »
Both left and right wing politics have a vocal voice within the industry. While journalism itself may be dominated by the former, there are just as many news coverage and reactionary YouTube channels for the latter, which the argument could be made are just as influential with their respective audiences.

Please give me examples of conservative leaning gaming media. Not poking the bear. Genuinely want to know about them so I can watch their content.

Search for the latest major "controversy" in gaming news. For example, you'll have luck when searching news for the upcoming game Assassin's Creed Shadows regarding its protagonist. Similar to what tripredacus explained, this is more like "on the streets" reporting since these channels are largely independent, although I'm sure a considerable amount are sponsored. Regardless, these channels certainly have dedicated audiences.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: May 23, 2024, 06:02:43 pm »
Requesting CP System Dash sub-category under Arcade parent category.

Requesting Toymax Arcadia II sub-category under Toymax parent category.

Requesting Sanyo Giocatraduci sub-category under PDA parent category.

Requesting Sanyo Agenda-Game sub-category under PDA parent category.

Requesting APF Imagination Machine sub-category under APF Electronics parent category. The system utilizes both cartridges (both for MP1000 and specifically Imagination Machine) and cassette tapes, which the latter aren't necessarily games. I'm not too sure if this is another one of those situations which any software simply goes into the coinciding system's sub-cat, like with PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.

Requesting sections for Viewmaster Colour Cartridge.

Requesting category for ITT Schaub-Lorenz and Games sub-category for Programmable Television. I believe that, for the same reasons as PDA systems themselves, the actual hardware isn't valid to have a Consoles sub-cat created. However, I've also read how each cartridge is technically considered a console when accounting for its components, so perhaps only a Consoles sub-cat needs to be created. The cartridges are also individually listed on the Wikipedia page for first-generation home consoles.

Requesting DECO Cassette System under Arcade parent category. There are both cassette tapes and Key Modules (see page 2), both of which are needed to play games. Are both items to be submitted to the same category, like CP System III already does?

General / Re: IGN just acquired a ton of their competitors
« on: May 23, 2024, 12:15:40 pm »
While I don't interact with any of the affected news outlets at all, the major takeaway is industry consolidation. In short, competition is good.

Unfortunately, both IGN and PushSquare groups are heavily left leaning, so if they post anything that has to do with politics, even moderately conservative opinions will be removed and users banned.

I would argue the worse part is that these so called journalists directly try to push their agendas, directly want to take influence on creative freedom and basically dictate what is ok and what isn't (in their mind).

Both left and right wing politics have a vocal voice within the industry. While journalism itself may be dominated by the former, there are just as many news coverage and reactionary YouTube channels for the latter, which the argument could be made are just as influential with their respective audiences. If you think one group "directly [tries] to push their agendas" and wants "to take influence on creative freedom and basically dictate what is ok," then you must acknowledge that the statement applies to individuals from both groups, and certainly not all individuals. That is all I have to say on the matter.

Regarding the [Princess Natasha - Fun Pak] and the [March of the Penguins  - Bundle Pack],  the words "Bundle Pack" are indeed on the package, just on the side.

Edit for 265986 approved, edit for 265985 rejected. For the Alt-Name field, there isn't any reason to repeat the base entry name. So, Bundle Pack should be used instead of Princess Natasha - Bundle Pack.

Based on the packaging text, this implies there are two versions: the first for Game Boy Advance and the second for DS. So, if there are two versions, then the Description field information should strictly state that a Game Boy Advance game is included and not a DS game, simply because the entry exists in a Game Boy Advance category. However, that text can be submitted as it is to the Box Text field.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: May 21, 2024, 03:50:13 pm »
24. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly || GameCube || 05.20.24

Despite having already played Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly long ago around the time of its release but for PlayStation 2, I couldn't remember much about the game, so I had been contemplating revisiting it for some time. Of course, this is in spite of the reception the game's garnered for being one of the worst installments in the franchise. However, since I didn't remember much about the game before playing now, I couldn't remember on my own if that reputation is valid or not, but I didn't necessarily remember having a bad time with it before.

As the fourth main entry to the series but the first to not be developed by creators Insomniac Games, Enter the Dragonfly will be familiar—in fact, far more than familiar—to those who've played previous games. Like games before it, Enter the Dragonfly is a 3D platformer with an emphasis on collecting items. Acting as the titular character Spyro, players are introduced to a scenario that's a near copy of the preceding game's story: in short, to round up a large group of dragonflies which the villain-character Ripto threatens to use as a powerful resource for their own purposes. Unfortunately, this is the only narrative device present this time, which results in story that's largely undeveloped and, ultimately, unoriginal. Nevertheless, along Spyro's journey which mimics his previous ones, the dragon ventures across a variety of worlds to gain back what's been lost, which inevitably also leads to saving the people within these worlds from Ripto's forces.

Be that as it may, I doubt the majority of those playing any games in the Spyro franchise do so for the narrative foremost. So, this leads us next to gameplay which is no different than the story regarding its lackluster quality. With each sequel entry building off the first game's core mechanics of charging at enemies, blowing flame breath, and gliding, the fourth entry offers little that's new. In fact, the only new mechanic is that Spyro can now evoke several different breath types to attack enemies. While this may have been an interesting mechanic, it is mostly unimportant, as there are only about three enemy types among the thirty or so which require a specific breath attack to defeat them. As for Spyro's other abilities which have been gained over the course of the series, they appear only once in brief moments, if at all.

While the initial trilogy of games were never groundbreaking in terms of gameplay, they did offer some variety through their use of mini-games and simple puzzles. Regarding the former, they're also present in Enter the Dragonfly and are mediocre at best. But, the latter are entirely absent for this entry. So, these two aspects lead to a game with middling level design, as other gameplay elements are instead used to fill in the void. As a series focused on collecting and exploration, these two elements always felt balanced in that the game instilled the desire for players to explore to seek out hidden treasures and secrets. But, now collectibles feel littered about stages with very little to discover as the natural progression to most stages is straightforward and linear.

To make design decisions worse is the game's performance which is, by all accounts, bad. In fact, there is an entire inventory of quality issues and bugs which make an average experience sometimes aggravating. These range problems range from camera control, draw distance loading, frame rate, and control inputs not registering. Generally, I am not someone who obsesses over high quality for some of these matters, but, when the quality reaches so low a point that basic gameplay is negatively impacted, it does become a major detractor.  Of the multitude of issues, the one I took fault with the most was the game's low frame rate, simply because it affects other aspects. For instance, items are mostly gathered from Spyro's companion Sparx, but this basic mechanic seldom operates correctly. As a result, Spyro is forced to walk around so as not to overload the game, which is the exact opposite to Spyro's horns-first while charging attitude. And, even when walking, the game regularly struggles as quick or sharp movements are made.

Lastly, I will mention two other design decisions which felt like little forethought for how they operate was given, only because they made my playthrough much more irritating. The first of these issues related to world portals, which naturally transport Spyro from one area to another, including areas where mini-games take place. Throughout any given stage, there are at least three portals, and little differentiation between them. This may not be such an issue on its own, but the stage layout often has the proposed end of a stage actually not be at the end. Instead, other collectibles and even additional areas almost always exist past the exit portal. So, I found myself charging through the stage exit portal thinking it was a mini-game portal a total of four times, which lead me to backtrack through the entire stage upon re-entering. The second issue is similar to the first, as it also relates to stage movement. On the pause menu, players can access a journal of sorts which details each stage's progress. In backing out of this menu altogether, the game recognizes two buttons as the cancel action. However, only on the page which serves as a table of contents does one of these two cancel action button option serve another purpose: warping to another stage. So, also for a total of four separate instances, I found myself only trying to exit this menu to instead be taken away elsewhere.

From what I've read, the consensus is that either both the PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions of Enter the Dragonfly are on par with another on the low end of the spectrum or that the latter port is notably worse. Whichever the case, my experience playing the game this time was unpleasant. The departure of Insomniac Games developing the franchise clearly shows with the final product, as there's a considerable amount of polish needed to bring the game's quality up to a higher standard which players may find fun. As a result, there really is nothing redeemable about Enter the Dragonfly within the context of other entries within the series, meaning there is little reason for anyone interested in the franchise to seek it out.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: May 20, 2024, 05:16:26 pm »
I recently created a Discogs account to manage my small collection of music. After cataloging everything I own that's already present on the site, I've begun submitting new items. For my first submission, it took well over an hour to finalize it as I tried to understand their system and UI alongside additional (unwarranted but welcomed) feedback which was quickly given from other members.

Discogs has an in-depth database with an incredibly active community to help build it. Something like that for VGCollect seems nice, but the experience also felt a little overwhelming. I can't imagine many casual collection-tracking members—especially new ones—willing to go through that process to catalog a simple CD or game.

Discogs is extremely annoying for adding missing items. Since I had previously worked in the music industry, I have some CD and record releases that are not on there, and getting them to be added onto there was such a pain that I stopped using the site.

After submitting new entries for items I own, I've begun to understand their site's specific rules much more. In hindsight, the submission process itself is straightforward, but supplying additional information will be a challenge to understand for someone unfamiliar to the system, although that's mostly in regards to documenting specific identifiers like matrix numbers and SID codes.

Two things I really appreciate about how information is inputted to Discogs are that, first, any formatting errors, new artists, and new credits are automatically recognized and, second, any new data submitted at any point prompts the user to confirm it. For the former, new pages are automatically created, which makes it easier to act as a hub to add and connect other information to it. So, if one artist is a feature on a compilation album, that specific release can be tied to the artist page itself. This system is especially useful in regards to individual members of a band, too. Other features worth mentioning are the detailed history log (with comments) attached to every individual page and that new entry pages may be voted on by experienced contributors which judge the quality of the page.

Overall, the system is thorough and expansive. I've submitted about twenty new items so far which is for everything I own that was previously missing, and what's most time-consuming is simply scanning or photographing images. For just one vinyl release I made an entry for, 23 images were submitted.

hey guys, this is the closest topic i could find regarding my "issue", i cant find the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 day one edition (NTSCU) entry for switch, so i cant add it to my collection.
(its so weird that walmart had copies of this edition this... late... after release). will this be added soon?

Our entire site is built only with the help of member contributions, meaning any member is allowed to submit new entries and edit existing ones. Accessible from the homepage prior to logging in, or when viewing our site's About page, this site description can be found:

User maintained video game database

Our entire game database is editable by you. See an item with some incorrect or missing data? Submit an edit that will be approved within a matter of minutes. We attempt to verify all data and notify you when your update is accepted. If a game isn't listed you can simply add the game and it will be instantly available to add to your collection.

So, if there is an item currently missing from the database, you are more than able to submit it yourself. Ensure that what you are submitting is for the exact item in question, with correct images and item details. If you want a brief overview of our site's database entry guidelines, here is a topic created to help members become acquainted with those rules. Additionally, there is a more in-depth guide also discussing rules.

Found on every site page, the Submit New Item button accessible on the header will allow you to the page to create new entries.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: May 17, 2024, 09:59:07 am »
Requesting Games sub-cat for Philips Tele-Spiel, perhaps specifically ES 2201 based on the wiki article.

Requesting Games sub-cat for Bandai Denshi Manga Juku, also known in the west as the Design Master Denshi Mangajuku.

Requesting section for Capcom CPS Changer.

Requesting section for M&D Mono Color.

Is the Arcadia Electronic Skeet Shoot considered an electronic game, or a video game? It doesn't seem any different than the Funsation Off-The-Wall. If the latter, I am requesting a section for it.

General / Re: Fighting Game Collectors, what do you recommend?
« on: May 17, 2024, 09:43:24 am »
I have very little experience playing games within the fighting genre, and my knowledge about it is mostly limited to the more well-known franchises. You, on the other hand, seem to have a robust collection of games from the genre. You obviously know the core franchises which many gravitate toward while now asking for some of the lesser known titles.

With that said, it seems like you're not opposed to collecting Japanese games and have a considerable amount of PlayStation items from the region. So, here are the ones which aren't marked as owned or a part of your Currently Playing list (be it PlayStation or another platform), just through the letter F. Most are exclusive to Japan, or they're added because they seem easier to collect than for other systems.

Advanced V.G. 2
Armed Fighter
Battle Master
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S
Blue Breaker Burst: Bishou o Anata to
Blue Breaker: Egao no Yakusoku
Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer
Fighting Eyes

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: May 14, 2024, 03:31:13 pm »
To clarify, IQ-#### is EU, PA-#### is JP, and OZ-#### is NA, regarding systems. To my understanding, PA-#### cartridges are JP only, and IQ-#### cartridges are for EU/NA.

Made sub-cat for Sharp Electronic Organizer for the EU games under PDA.

I was wrong about IQ cartridges being for both EU and NA (which makes sense, but I do believe I read that somewhere.) I've identified an OZ game released in NA. Can this item also be submitted to Sharp Electronic Organizer, or do the categories now need to be divided by region since you mentioned the existing category as for EU only?

Requesting Visicom C-100 sub-cat within RCA Studio II parent category.

Requesting Konami Picno sections.

Requesting Milton Bradley Omni sections.

Requesting Video Cassette Rock sub-cat under PC-50x parent category. The name is incorrectly listed on Wikipedia (and your forum post) as "Lock," when that it actually an instance of mistranslation. Here is one instance of the correct term "Rock" being used.

Requesting Interton Electronic parent category and Video 2000 sub-cat. I don't think this item is related to the VC 4000, and there are other systems including the 2501, 2800, and 3000. For the latter three systems, I'm not sure what their compatibility is, though.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: May 14, 2024, 10:39:36 am »
Sharp Wizard for NA/EU however I cannot find any examples of game cards in those regions.

You'll have to document and archive those Bookman systems for future you, as I said we currently will not track those types of systems.

Here are previously supplied links. To clarify, IQ-#### is EU, PA-#### is JP, and OZ-#### is NA, regarding systems. To my understanding, PA-#### cartridges are JP only, and IQ-#### cartridges are for EU/NA.

That's a shame, especially since some bundles contain actual game cartridges. But, based on our rules, hardware including games belongs in Hardware categories, so I suppose that's the reason why they can't be added at this time.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« on: May 13, 2024, 02:29:18 pm »
Need to know what the Sharp thing is called. I see that some games are PA-7000, but are they all for that? Or what is the actual system called?

I'm now realizing this isn't as straightforward as I had hoped. Here is everything I've learned:

From my understanding, games can only be played on certain models. For instance, here is Backgammon IQ-8A02M, which lists that it may be played on IQ-7000 and IQ-8000 series devices. However, there are several series of devices, but they aren't the same between Japan and EU/NA. This post mentions how Hatris PA-5C01S is only for the PA-9500 device. Oppositely, here is Organizer Hatris IQ-8A01, which lists that it may be played only on IQ-8000 devices. The same information is also reported on a Tetris wiki.

Here is a Wikipedia article which references the entire line of organizer known as the Sharp Wizard. Here, it explains how the NA devices are OZ-#### and EU devices are IQ-####. However, it does not mention that Japan's devices are PA-####. Just for reference, here is a photo of many of Japan's Sharp organizers.

Unfortunately, compatibility for Japanese cards isn't listed on the item itself, but it fortunately is listed on the packaging. But, there is a post in the HP Museum forum topic which does mention Japanese software compatibility based on item numbers, though. It is nice information to gain, but verifying specifics by analyzing the actual product obviously should still be done.

Also, I came across these pages, which I feel like you will find beneficial to some degree later on, if more work is put into these sorts of items and categories.

I'll also mention this nice Muuseo gallery of Japanese cards (games and non-games) which someone's curated.

So, at this time, I believe that categories for 7000, 8000, and 9500 are needed. I don't think there is any one broad term used across all regions, but Sharp Wizard seems closest. If not that, then something generic like Sharp Pocket Organizers may just need to be its own parent category with the individual series as sub-cats.

Made Franklin Bookman sub-cat in PDA.
The system isn't applicable to be put on the site, as it is not a console or a computer.

After looking at the Franklin Bookman more in-depth, I've found that all of the below systems either include a game cartridge or mention that they have built-in word games.

To demonstrate, here is a video featuring the MWS-840 system which shows the "Games" button being selected that loads a list of games.

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