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Messages - Warmsignal

Pages: 1 ... 145 146 [147] 148 149 ... 169
Classic Video Games / Re: Got an Xbox Original, What now?
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:52:18 pm »
I think I you put it in the fridge it will keep food from spoiling? I don't know, game consoles are weird. They're like crystal skulls... what do they mean??!

Just picked up a FREE Xbox 360 from the dumpster. I already have a 360 - the second wave white tank edition I believe, in particular. But the one I picked up tonight is a black tank, and I believe it is of the "Jasper" chip era, supposedly less prone to red ring, manufactured Nov 09. Only problem with it really, was the stuck CD tray issue. I figured out the repair for this tray issue, it basically amounts to pulling a small belt off of the CD drive, rubbing it down with alcohol to clean it, and re-installing it. Sure enough, that fixed it. The machine seems to work fine.

Just one catch... when I was cleaning it, I spotted a figging TICK inside the CD drive!  :o Tried to grab him out, but failed. Not sure if he could damage the system or what. Never expected that, though I should've, the thing was in a dumpster after all. ???

Overall, I like it. I see it as an upgrade from my old white tank which has miraculously never red ringed on me. I was basically just waiting for the day it did, but now I feel more at ease with this black tank. Xbox 360 for free? Sure, why not.  :D

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: November 29, 2014, 09:22:37 pm »
When did Project Diva 2 come out? Was surprised to see it at GS today.

General / Re: New Years Gaming Resolutions (2015 EDITION!!!)
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:46:58 pm »
Mine is basically to not fall for the PS4/Xbox hype and don't pay too much attention to western / non-niche releases as they start to go next gen exclusive. Hopefully focus my attention a bit more at my most wanted DS, NES, and PS2 games. Also, play some friggin Wii U games!

Managed to find an Excite Bots at GS for $1. :)

Off Topic / Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:09:51 pm »
I kept hearing songs by them that I actually liked, despite thinking they were not for me. Seeing as all of their albums are $5 at Walmart, I grabbed one. Dunno what to expect really.

General / Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:37:47 pm »
Most of the gaming channels I've watched over the years aren't the "top tier" ones with a lot of success. I feel like I kind of watch just regular folks who talk about their games more than anything. I've been a long time follower of channels like Ballinnick1982, TV and Lust, Stefs2Def, Dustin Kries, Benzo8686, MovieStarKitten, Petedorr. Stuff like that, and several others that had faded into obscurity by now. I enjoy watching newly formed channels, and channels with virtually no subscribers on occasion.

I used to love watching Retrocalypse back in the day, the guy had a impressive DS collection and was very informative and inspiring. Unfortunately a flood ruined his collection and he closed his channel.  :-\ There was this one guy, I think his channel is gone called "PlayaLives" or something like that, he was okay. I couldn't help but watch the video of his entire game shelf falling on him over and over. That must have sucked.

As far as overrated, I think most of them have been covered. Not a fan of SeeJayAre, or really any channel that's more collector oriented, or based on sheer size of collection. And while AVGN is overrated, I still enjoy it.

So I grabbed the only copy of Tales of Xillia 2 at GS for the $20. :D

Witnessed the massive greediness of resellers tonight at Walmart. Waiting for my turn to pick up a single copy of Mario Kart 8, I saw a lady swoop up probably 25 copies of COD Advanced Warfare for XBOX One and run off, as well as many others grabbing the most games they could possible carry with no regard to what they grabbed.  ::)

I hope they were denied those quantities. Walmart could still easily sell them, there are plenty of people who actually want them, or want to gift a copy to someone, but probably couldn't get one because of these opportunists.

Off to GameStop in a few hours to hopefully pick up Xillia 2 for $20. Hopefully I won't see the same BS going on there, I'm pretty sure they limit quantities.

General / Re: Another Goodwill story
« on: November 27, 2014, 04:36:16 am »
Hit that dumpster up.

Sort of a pro-tip you might consider in situations like this - if it's still worth having without the game, don't mention it is missing. I've done this before so that I could at least get the game case, because I know they won't just let me have it.

Picked up Zelda: A Link between Worlds and Code of Princess w/ soundtrack for $10 each tonight. Woohoo!!!

I see you're still trying to one-up The Flea.

General / Re: Games you could never beat, because it was too hard.
« on: November 18, 2014, 08:09:59 pm »
Any Contra, Life Force, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde... I might as well say most NES games I've actually given a serious go at. I have beat very few of them. When I think of games that are too hard, it's pretty much always NES.

Classic Video Games / Re: My Feelings on Shenmue Summed-Up Prefectly
« on: November 18, 2014, 06:20:40 pm »
Just briefly skimming through that post makes me want to plug up my Dreamcast and play it again! It's been a few years. Awesome game.

General / Re: Your collection after you pass on?
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:54:12 pm »
Well, I have a nephew now, but his dad also has a huge collection. If something happens to that collection down the road, maybe I'd leave mine to him if he ends up liking video games. Other than that I don't know. Maybe I'll have it buried somewhere.  ???

General / Re: Bad games no one knows about?
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:41:53 pm »
Platoon for the NES? Doesn't make any sense, it's not fun, feels rushed. I bought it because it was a Sunsoft game, not realizing it was a terrible one.

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