VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: scott on May 07, 2012, 09:22:57 pm
Hey all,
Matt and I were sitting here attempting to brainstorm some FAQs and guidelines for the site to help newbies and the non-internet savvy with navigating features and general usage of the site. Apparently, we suck at brainstorming and figured it would be a good idea to get your feedback. Or if you're a new user, your questions as to how to do things.
Once we have a decent list of FAQs and Guides we'll clean it all up and make it one post to sticky on the forums.
I'll start by adding what we've already seen in a few other posts:
The VGC Style Guide for Adding and Editing items:,22.0.html
The VGC List o' Badges and how they can be obtained is listed here:,131.0.html
I did mine so it's clickable to go to my collection, like I think everyone else did.
[url =][img ][/img][/url]
Remove the spaces after the first url and the first img, change "username" to you (twice) and you should be good to go!
Edit: I guess I should have mentioned that you can get to your signature edit by Profile > Modify Profile > Forum Profile.
We need a quick run down on how to search and add items to your collection, and explanation that the "Submit" button is not for adding games to your collection, and rather for adding games to the database. haha
I think the forums really need their own guidelines. A couple of suggestions:
- I guess it'd be nice to have a little guideline on when to submit new posts. Like something along the lines of "Please do not start a new post that is only a link, we request a comment or a thoughtful question to be related to the link."
- I really do think we need something about whether cursing/swearing is permitted. We've determined that the majority of us are in our 20's and 30's and I haven't seen anything above and beyond on here, but some people may like to know where we, as a community, stand.
- We also might want to determine if something is completely "Off-Topic" when it's still remotely about gaming. Is a link about an upcoming game "Off Topic"? How about pictures of an event that you attended? They aren't directly about gaming but I personally would still put them with the gaming info. Others may not, however. On this note, now that our group is beginning to evolve into a community, we may want to revisit the names and types of these boards, but I figure that's probably for another time. ;)
I think that for many things, just go w/ a standard: "Changes/adjustments/updates to existing policies can and will be made as needed & on a case by case basis" kind of thing (...just so you don't get locked-into something that you may want to adjust at a later date.
Also, as basic as it sounds, I think most sites have definitions, tolerances, and zero-tolerance stuff all easily visible/easy to find for newcomers.
I really doubt that this site will be the 1st site that anyone ever comes to on the's not impossible that this may be the 1st *forum/Discussion* part of a site that someone may be interested in.
So, again, as basic as it sounds, I'd suggest clearly stating definitions & policies for trolls/trolling, flaming, spamming, bashing, etc.
Once upon a time we all had to find out what these words meant & what the related policies of the site in question are.
Also a good explanation of what's "mod-worthy" and the consequences (if any) for 1, 2, 3, 10, 50, etc "breaking-of-the-rule(s)", etc.
So, again, as basic as it sounds, I'd suggest clearly stating definitions & policies for trolls/trolling, flaming, spamming, bashing, etc.
Anticipating some of this?
Luckily our forums have played nicely so far :)
So, again, as basic as it sounds, I'd suggest clearly stating definitions & policies for trolls/trolling, flaming, spamming, bashing, etc.
Anticipating some of this?
Luckily our forums have played nicely so far :)
I totally wanted to make a defamatory remark.
So, again, as basic as it sounds, I'd suggest clearly stating definitions & policies for trolls/trolling, flaming, spamming, bashing, etc.
Anticipating some of this?
Nah...from the bit of this site & its users that I've seen so seems fine.
More than likely, I've just spent too much time on GameFaqs over the years and it's made me jaded, cynical, and ready to expect the worse; by default :)
More than likely, I've just spent too much time on GameFaqs over the years and it's made me jaded, cynical, and ready to expect the worse; by default :)
The only time I've had a good experience with the GFaqs boards is while I was playing Dark Souls. Probably because everyone HAD to be nice and helpful to get through the game :)
While I have no love for 99% of GameFaqs, I'll repeat what I said in another thread just in case anyone missed it or is interested in it...
The only board there that I still frequent is the:
"RPG's: Everything Else" board.
I like it (and its community) so much because, much like myself, the average member there is a long-time gamer as well as an RPG fan.
The collective amount of knowledge of all things related to RPG's...and the personal experience there of people who more than likely, combined, have played just about any/every rpg for just about any/every just amazing.
I'm not plugging it or anything -like I said- there's no love lost between me and G*FAQS; but, if you ever have questions/want to discuss anything about RPG's w/ a very knowledgeable and (mostly) mature & adult community...or...if G*FAQS has just left a bad taste in your mouth and you may not have found your way to this board while you were really is head & shoulders above the 'typical' Gamefaqs boards & communities.
I also meant to ask (but forgot):
Is there a setting so that (by default) when your collection comes up it can be displayed by 'Platform'...instead of just inter-mingling platforms & displaying everything alphabetically?
A few possible ideas for site FAQ bulletpoints:
- something about the intentional purpose of adding duplicate items to your collection if you want to
- who the mods are (with PM links maybe)
- how long does it take for edits to take effect
Also, in regard to the forum, having an intro/guideline post that's relatively simple would be helpful. I liked that the Terms for the site were pared down to one sentence. Just break it down for folks with the usual: lurk first a little before posting, use the search forum feature, etc. Profanity doesn't bother me unless it's mean-spirited, and NSFW items should not be posted if it can be helped (possibly NFSW links, if somehow relevant to the forum, should be explicit in saying that it might be NFSW in case the reader chooses to click).
- who the mods are (with PM links maybe)
It would help if our ranks worked properly... ;)
I also think we need to address porn/nudity in images and links.
It would help if our ranks worked properly... ;)
I like it when people don't realize I'm a mod.
It makes banning or moderating them for trolling me for the obvious reasons much more satisfying.
Most of us here are pretty down to earth, and we've rarely had any issues with each other. Surprising considering the range of different collecting backgrounds we all have.
Probably ok if they don't know if you're a mod, but maybe some sort of "about us" or "contact" form for any folks who are looking for someone "in charge"?
- who the mods are (with PM links maybe)
It would help if our ranks worked properly... ;)
I also think we need to address porn/nudity in images and links.
I'll be fixing this. The whole migration didn't setup permissions properly so things are all out of whack.
I think one of the main issues is that a lot of people don't use the forum. They don't really get to see the guidelines when using the website. Maybe having a few pages on VGCollect dedicated to guidelines.
Also maybe having a video showing how to use the website and such. It wouldn't be very hard to make. Write out a little script (where you're going to click and such.) Use Xsplit to record your screen and talk into a mic with explanations and such.
Also, maybe include (or have a separate page/entry) for more collector/collecting-related slang & abbreviations, etc.
Not everyone who visits the site will already know what's being talked about w/ things like "In the Wild", "C.I.B.", LE/CE, OST, re-prints, re-seals, etc.
I do...everyone else here more than likely does...but, I imagine it would be a turn-off to potential new members to see a bunch of phrases/slang/abbreviations being used...and not having an easily available definition/explanation provided.
The last thing a site would want would be to lose potential new members (and/or new 'collectors') over something like that.
Personally, if I was to go to a site where I didn't already have much knowledge of these things -and- if I saw all kinds of new/foreign words, abbreviations, and the "lingo"...I'd be much more likely to return if I could easily click-on a "definitions"/"explanations" page than if I couldn't.
Then again, being as new to this site as I am myself...I'm not really even sure of what demographic(s) of gamers you're looking to attract to the site...any gamer? any collector? any *experienced* collectors?, etc, etc.
Which also brings me to the point of suggesting something like a "Mission Statement" or a "Who/What is VGCollect looking for/all about" kind of thing.
I think one of the main issues is that a lot of people don't use the forum. They don't really get to see the guidelines when using the website. Maybe having a few pages on VGCollect dedicated to guidelines.
Then, to this point, maybe use an 'incentive' sort of thing to get newcomers more interested in/likely to look at & participate in the forums?
Again, I'm not sure how your user-ranks/'titles' ("Newbie", "Jr User", etc. work)?
I assume that it's not done strictly by a 'number of posts' thing (which, imo, is good) since, iirc, I've seen "older" titles next to users w/ less posts than some users w/ a higher number of posts.
I think that equating # of posts to a rank or title, always has & always will, do nothing but create a ton of "Karma"/"reputation" posts fllooding the forums.
This is also something that I'd suggest be explained in your "Welcome" or "FAQ's" page...
i think anything posts or replys that are about religion,sexuality and politics should not be allowed
i think anything posts or replys that are about religion,sexuality and politics should not be allowed
That might be a bit hard since many games *have* religion(s), sex, and politics in them :P
i think anything posts or replys that are about religion,sexuality and politics should not be allowed
That might be a bit hard since many games *have* religion(s), sex, and politics in them :P
there should be limits
Actually, the rank is based on forum posts, currently. Because that was the default settings and it was never chanhed,. Because, well, for the moat part everyones posts have been discussing relevant or interesting topics.
i think anything posts or replys that are about religion,sexuality and politics should not be allowed
You know, there is a place for that's called "Off Topic" :)
On a side note, nothing turns away people like rules. Saying something is absolutely NOT allowed can be dangerous. There's a reason we have mods, I say leave it up to them. If something gets out of hand just send out a couple of PMs and make the thread disappear!
Actually, the rank is based on forum posts, currently. Because that was the default settings and it was never chanhed,. Because, well, for the moat part everyones posts have been discussing relevant or interesting topics.
Well then, if it's working & nobody's abusing it...I guess it's fine!
Also I love auto correct. >:(
Also I love auto correct. >:(
We're not getting a moat then? ???
Or if you're a new user, your questions as to how to do things.
Why did my "questions how to do things as a new user" post get moved out of this topic?
Or if you're a new user, your questions as to how to do things.
Why did my "questions how to do things as a new user" post get moved out of this topic?
Your post looked like direct questions that you were looking for answers to as opposed to suggestions on what should be in the FAQ. If I'm wrong, I apologize. Regardless I've answered the questions in the other thread.
Or if you're a new user, your questions as to how to do things.
Why did my "questions how to do things as a new user" post get moved out of this topic?
Your post looked like direct questions that you were looking for answers to as opposed to suggestions on what should be in the FAQ. If I'm wrong, I apologize. Regardless I've answered the questions in the other thread.
Thanks for the answers then.
It's no biggie...I just thought that whatever questions were asked here would be questions to think about including in a FAQ.
To be honest...I really don't care *where* the questions are answered :P
I think an FAQ and Guideline Sub-Forum would be cool. That way we could share other FAQ's such as: Ways to spot bootlegs, How to be successful at thrift stores, Best ways to remove sticker residue...
I'm currently working on writing up the Collection/ Database entry FAQ.
Maybe something for the FAQs:
please don't link to sites that host really large amounts of less-than-legal contents. We don't want the site to get in trouble, do we?
(Whatever you do in PMs is your business though.)
I think an FAQ and Guideline Sub-Forum would be cool. That way we could share other FAQ's such as: Ways to spot bootlegs, How to be successful at thrift stores, Best ways to remove sticker residue...
Hell Yeah...If anyone's got good sticker-residue removing tips...I want in on it!
Maybe something for the FAQs:
please don't link to sites that host really large amounts of less-than-legal contents. We don't want the site to get in trouble, do we?
(Whatever you do in PMs is your business though.)
Really, this is common sense people. :P
I think an FAQ and Guideline Sub-Forum would be cool. That way we could share other FAQ's such as: Ways to spot bootlegs, How to be successful at thrift stores, Best ways to remove sticker residue...
Hell Yeah...If anyone's got good sticker-residue removing tips...I want in on it!
Lighter fluid, works great on pretty much any adhesive. I even use it to get tree sap off my hands.
I think an FAQ and Guideline Sub-Forum would be cool. That way we could share other FAQ's such as: Ways to spot bootlegs, How to be successful at thrift stores, Best ways to remove sticker residue...
Hell Yeah...If anyone's got good sticker-residue removing tips...I want in on it!
Heh, try this older thread; hope it's useful!,710.msg7728.html
Really, this is common sense people. :P
Aren't 95% of FAQs common sense?
Hell Yeah...If anyone's got good sticker-residue removing tips...I want in on it!
I keep hearing that this stuff is like sent from heaven!
Hell Yeah...If anyone's got good sticker-residue removing tips...I want in on it!
I keep hearing that this stuff is like sent from heaven!
I have a big bottle of the stuff, it works alright. I Personally think that Goo Gone works better. The Un-du leaves the sticker residue and you're using more fluid to get the residue off, which is kind off weird cuz it should have taken it off when sticker came off. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it takes the sticker off great but then you have to work at it to get the residue off.
Also I bought my 4oz bottle from the local dollar store.
I bought a thingy of Goo Gone last weekend to clean up those Saturn and PS2 games I got, worked like a charm. I still wouldn't attempt to use it on a paper cover though.
Really, this is common sense people. :P
>common sense
Pick one.
Thanks for the 'sticker-residue' replies & links.
I think I'll be trying out some of that Goo-Gone.
I've never had trouble removing any stickers...but the residue left underneath them is...just...vexing >:(
I *really* don't know why stores like Gamestop (*If* *They* *Must*), insist on so many god-damned stickers on each/every case...
I would think that it would be simple (& cheap) enough to simply put an additional, plastic sleeve on top-and- just put the stickers on *that* sleeve.
Anyone here ever worked at a Gaming store & know why they don't don't do this in a better/smarter way?
Thanks for the 'sticker-residue' replies & links.
I think I'll be trying out some of that Goo-Gone.
I've never had trouble removing any stickers...but the residue left underneath them is...just...vexing >:(
I *really* don't know why stores like Gamestop (*If* *They* *Must*), insist on so many god-damned stickers on each/every case...
I would think that it would be simple (& cheap) enough to simply put an additional, plastic sleeve on top-and- just put the stickers on *that* sleeve.
Anyone here ever worked at a Gaming store & know why they don't don't do this in a better/smarter way?
At one point, in 2007-8 (I think), GameStop made it company policy to put the stickers ON THE ARTWORK! Yeah, they'd pull the art out of the box, and put the label on the spine section. Every one of my friends that worked there at the time was horrified.
Thanks for the 'sticker-residue' replies & links.
I think I'll be trying out some of that Goo-Gone.
I've never had trouble removing any stickers...but the residue left underneath them is...just...vexing >:(
I *really* don't know why stores like Gamestop (*If* *They* *Must*), insist on so many god-damned stickers on each/every case...
I would think that it would be simple (& cheap) enough to simply put an additional, plastic sleeve on top-and- just put the stickers on *that* sleeve.
Anyone here ever worked at a Gaming store & know why they don't don't do this in a better/smarter way?
At one point, in 2007-8 (I think), GameStop made it company policy to put the stickers ON THE ARTWORK! Yeah, they'd pull the art out of the box, and put the label on the spine section. Every one of my friends that worked there at the time was horrified.
I'm not surprised...yet...I *really* do wonder what in the world could have influenced/impacted making such an, obviously asinine, decision...
I have this..."thing" with *Needing* to know many of the *"Why's"* that most people could care less about :D
It was prolly something stupid like. "If we put it on the artwork, scammers can't switch the cases and screw us on money"
At one point, some of my Gamestops were making it *look* like they were putting it on the artwork, but the stickers still had their non-stick backing papers on, so it was as simple as sliding them out. Bless those considerate employees.
At one point, some of my Gamestops were making it *look* like they were putting it on the artwork, but the stickers still had their non-stick backing papers on, so it was as simple as sliding them out. Bless those considerate employees.
Gamestop needs more employees like this!
At one point, some of my Gamestops were making it *look* like they were putting it on the artwork, but the stickers still had their non-stick backing papers on, so it was as simple as sliding them out. Bless those considerate employees.
Gamestop needs more employees like this!
There are so many stickered games floating around my area... I've seen some games on the shelf that I really wanted, but that sticker on the spine was a deal breaker...
At one point, some of my Gamestops were making it *look* like they were putting it on the artwork, but the stickers still had their non-stick backing papers on, so it was as simple as sliding them out. Bless those considerate employees.
Gamestop needs more employees like this!
There are so many stickered games floating around my area... I've seen some games on the shelf that I really wanted, but that sticker on the spine was a deal breaker...
I'm the same.
I've got "Collectoritis"...and I'm repulsed by anything loaded w/ stickers, or w/o a case & manual.
Just had a few questions related to the "Style Guide".
What's on there seems to be pretty comprehensive & self-explanatory.
I didn't notice a category for adding things like, memory cards & other accessories/controllers, ost's, strategy guides, etc.
Maybe some more specificity (tips/guidelines) as to what to look for/what numbers to go by for adding these things?
Also, "SWAG" is pretty vague.
Is your definition for that *everything* that's not a game, console, controller, accessory, ost, or guide?
Also, is it possible or worthwhile to list these things separately?
(By this, I mean, have guides, games, & ost's each have their own when you enter say "Final Fantasy"...instead of tons of entries for all 3...maybe after entering FF...maybe a drop-down or something to "FF games", "FF guides", FF soundtracks", etc?
Just had a few questions related to the "Style Guide".
What's on there seems to be pretty comprehensive & self-explanatory.
I didn't notice a category for adding things like, memory cards & other accessories/controllers, ost's, strategy guides, etc.
Maybe some more specificity (tips/guidelines) as to what to look for/what numbers to go by for adding these things?
Also, "SWAG" is pretty vague.
Is your definition for that *everything* that's not a game, console, controller, accessory, ost, or guide?
Also, is it possible or worthwhile to list these things separately?
(By this, I mean, have guides, games, & ost's each have their own when you enter say "Final Fantasy"...instead of tons of entries for all 3...maybe after entering FF...maybe a drop-down or something to "FF games", "FF guides", FF soundtracks", etc?
Memory cards and others go under "system name accessory", as in "Playstation accessory", etc. Actual systems go under hardware.
Swag is currently a catch-all category for items that we don't have a category for as of now. Strategy Guides for all systems go under "Other / Strategy Guides". There has been discussion regarding music CDs (which I do have quite a bit of to add, by the way!), but for the moment, they all go in swag.
If you want to search for "Final Fantasy", and not have it show games, just go to advanced search, type in the search words, and choose the category you want (Swag, accessory, etc.)
Just had a few questions related to the "Style Guide".
What's on there seems to be pretty comprehensive & self-explanatory.
I didn't notice a category for adding things like, memory cards & other accessories/controllers, ost's, strategy guides, etc.
Maybe some more specificity (tips/guidelines) as to what to look for/what numbers to go by for adding these things?
Also, "SWAG" is pretty vague.
Is your definition for that *everything* that's not a game, console, controller, accessory, ost, or guide?
Also, is it possible or worthwhile to list these things separately?
(By this, I mean, have guides, games, & ost's each have their own when you enter say "Final Fantasy"...instead of tons of entries for all 3...maybe after entering FF...maybe a drop-down or something to "FF games", "FF guides", FF soundtracks", etc?
Memory cards and others go under "system name accessory", as in "Playstation accessory", etc. Actual systems go under hardware.
Swag is currently a catch-all category for items that we don't have a category for as of now. Strategy Guides for all systems go under "Other / Strategy Guides". There has been discussion regarding music CDs (which I do have quite a bit of to add, by the way!), but for the moment, they all go in swag.
If you want to search for "Final Fantasy", and not have it show games, just go to advanced search, type in the search words, and choose the category you want (Swag, accessory, etc.)
Thanks for the explanations!
Also, I forgot to there somewhere (in your stats or profile) to keep track of how many "Edits" we have made?
On that note, what exactly 'constitutes' an edit...filling out the whole page for an entire each & every # and bit of info. considered as an edit?
Also, I forgot to there somewhere (in your stats or profile) to keep track of how many "Edits" we have made?
On that note, what exactly 'constitutes' an edit...filling out the whole page for an entire each & every # and bit of info. considered as an edit?
wah lah!
i made that page custom for you; don't tell anyone ;)
On that note, what exactly 'constitutes' an edit...filling out the whole page for an entire each & every # and bit of info. considered as an edit?
One edit = one changed piece of a game profile. For example, if you changed the title, added a picture, a UPC and a product code for a single item, that counts as four edits.
One database submission is one new game entry, regardless of how complete it was.
On that note, what exactly 'constitutes' an edit...filling out the whole page for an entire each & every # and bit of info. considered as an edit?
One edit = one changed piece of a game profile. For example, if you changed the title, added a picture, a UPC and a product code for a single item, that counts as four edits.
One database submission is one new game entry, regardless of how complete it was.
Got it.
Do we have a way to check our own (see how many of each/both of those that we have done)?
Click on username on collection page to get that info.
Click on username on collection page to get that info.
That page has all sorts of potential for coolness & awesomeNESs once it's done.
I didn't even know that it existed until you just said!
Your welcome. :D
Also, I forgot to there somewhere (in your stats or profile) to keep track of how many "Edits" we have made?
On that note, what exactly 'constitutes' an edit...filling out the whole page for an entire each & every # and bit of info. considered as an edit?
wah lah!
i made that page custom for you; don't tell anyone ;)
... ha, that's what i get for tryin' to make a joke ;D
Yeah, the stats page will eventually be pretty in depth. But the publishers/developers lists are kind a mess and I am currently going through it to merge dupes. We will eventually list your most owned genre, but that won't come to pass until we finally implement the updated genres lists. The pie chart has a tendency to get super cluttered, depending on how many different platforms you have.
Also, I forgot to there somewhere (in your stats or profile) to keep track of how many "Edits" we have made?
On that note, what exactly 'constitutes' an edit...filling out the whole page for an entire each & every # and bit of info. considered as an edit?
wah lah!
i made that page custom for you; don't tell anyone ;)
... ha, that's what i get for tryin' to make a joke ;D
Damn :-[
I'm seriously sorry about that...
I must have some how missed that post (or not realized that it was a *New* post).
But - you definitely get credit & my undying gratitude for being my 1st!
(umm...1st *ANSWER* that is) :P
Also, I forgot to there somewhere (in your stats or profile) to keep track of how many "Edits" we have made?
On that note, what exactly 'constitutes' an edit...filling out the whole page for an entire each & every # and bit of info. considered as an edit?
wah lah!
i made that page custom for you; don't tell anyone ;)
... ha, that's what i get for tryin' to make a joke ;D
Damn :-[
I'm seriously sorry about that...
I must have some how missed that post (or not realized that it was a *New* post).
But - you definitely get credit & my undying gratitude for being my 1st!
(umm...1st *ANSWER* that is) :P
hahaha no worries. considering how other forums can be, i'm just thankful that we have enough active members where a question like that can be answered very quickly. ;D
One thing here that I find very refreshing and that has been making me very happy about this site is the attention & speed with which topics, ideas, questions, thoughts, and suggestions get addressed ;D
Yeah, the stats page will eventually be pretty in depth. But the publishers/developers lists are kind a mess and I am currently going through it to merge dupes. We will eventually list your most owned genre, but that won't come to pass until we finally implement the updated genres lists. The pie chart has a tendency to get super cluttered, depending on how many different platforms you have.
Yeah, I really like the idea of having a page like that a lot!
(...I *was* wondering why it was listing my "Main" genre as something other than RPG's, though :o
One thing here that I find very refreshing and that has been making me very happy about this site is the attention & speed with which topics, ideas, questions, thoughts, and suggestions get addressed ;D
We should slow down then, huh.
Yeah, the stats page will eventually be pretty in depth. But the publishers/developers lists are kind a mess and I am currently going through it to merge dupes. We will eventually list your most owned genre, but that won't come to pass until we finally implement the updated genres lists. The pie chart has a tendency to get super cluttered, depending on how many different platforms you have.
Yeah, I really like the idea of having a page like that a lot!
(...I *was* wondering why it was listing my "Main" genre as something other than RPG's, though :o
Its because its borked atm. It says my main genre is Action games and that my main developer is EA Tiberion
Its because its borked atm. It says my main genre is Action games and that my main developer is EA Tiberion
Mine's Action (probably right) and Harmonix (stupid Guitar Hero games!)
Its because its borked atm. It says my main genre is Action games and that my main developer is EA Tiberion
Yeah, it's got mine listed as the same...
Heh - What's really odd is that it has "Action" listed as favorite genre (which should be *totally* off) -but- It *does* have "ATLUS" listed as favorite Dev.
*That* doesn't seem all that unrealistic.
Actually, if I would have had to take a guess before looking at/starting all of this...I would have guessed that my favorite Dev. (as in the one that I have the most games by) would have been a toss-up between Nippon Ichi & Atlus.
It does seem kind of odd to see "Action" and "ATLUS" paired together, though...
Also maybe having a video showing how to use the website and such.
Ooooh, a video... I like that idea. Might have to start hacking out a bit of a script.
i think anything posts or replys that are about religion,sexuality and politics should not be allowed
There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.
Hey everyone -
I just came up w/ (yet) another question!
When submitting new items to the Database do we *designate* them as "SWAG"?
The closest that I saw (while adding an item) was "Other".
The problem there is, that instead of adding it to my "SWAG" List in my instead opened up the new "other" category.
Can I/How do I 'transfer' (or add/enter) an item to/as "SWAG"?
*Never mind* :)
I found "swag" under the 'console' listings & fixed/changed it!
*Never mind* :)
I found "swag" under the 'console' listings & fixed/changed it!
*Never mind* :)
I found "swag" under the 'console' listings & fixed/changed it!
This has, however, brought to mind another idea/suggestion (unless it's already here & I just don't know how to use it:)
A). Since that 'console' list is huge & looks to have hundreds of options - is there a way to "mark"/"select" just the ones that would be relevant to each user.
For example: If I had, say 5 consoles (and the related games/accessories, etc)...and knew that everything that I'd ever be adding would only come from those...and knew that the other 95% of the list/selections would never be used by their a way to prune the selection list/or "favorite"-it or something so you don't always have to scroll past so many things that you know you'll never be using (...and if you wanted to...just add them as needed)?
B). What's the difference between "other" and "swag"?
-Maybe add (in parenthesis) examples/descriptions next to the 1-2% of the categories on that list that aren't *obvious*?
C). I think this was mentioned already, but, did I just miss the "ost" category...or is that just "swag" or "other" for now?
*If that's not possible/too hard to implement - could it work so that your most-used categories could be listed 1st/on top of the list?
Another thought -
Is there a "Members" List type of thing here?
There is the forum member list:
But as far as a list of users for the main site too, I don't think there is anything set up for non-admin to see.
There is the forum member list:
But as far as a list of users for the main site too, I don't think there is anything set up for non-admin to see.
We can't see the forum member list either - FYI.
Really... hmm. Must be because of the messed up permissions that matt has to fix.
There is the forum member list:
But as far as a list of users for the main site too, I don't think there is anything set up for non-admin to see.
We can't see the forum member list either - FYI.
He's right - that link just brings up an Error Message stating that there's no permission to view that page.
There is the forum member list:
But as far as a list of users for the main site too, I don't think there is anything set up for non-admin to see.
We can't see the forum member list either - FYI.
Yes, but us forum mods can't see it either.
He's right - that link just brings up an Error Message stating that there's no permission to view that page.
Heh, it's ok, Scott.
Heh, it's ok, Scott.
It's not ok! Don't lie!.... what were we talking about anyway?
Throw him in the dungeon!
I noticed someone brought up some questions in regards to accessories and I'd like to add that there should be an accessory naming section in the style guide. Right now the hardware naming appears to only apply to platforms. I'm wondering if third-party accessories should include the name of a platform or if we can simply rely on the attached platform to differentiate between the items. Also, if you put the platform in an accessory's name should you abbreviate it? I've seen some SNES accessories which is easier to type than Super Nintendo Entertainment System, but is it correct? I don't own a lot of third-party accessories, though it seems most first-party accessories would include the platform name.
Was this site under maintenance late yesterday afternoon - early last night?
There were several hours that I was unable to access the site at all :'(
I'm not sure if DLC is allowed to be listed as an individual title, I'm posting this here in case someone wants to change or remove it. It's an entry I came across for some Assassin's Creed Revelations DLC on Steam.
I'm not sure if DLC is allowed to be listed as an individual title, I'm posting this here in case someone wants to change or remove it. It's an entry I came across for some Assassin's Creed Revelations DLC on Steam.
DLC can be added provided it actually has something useful, like more game content, instead of silly costumes.
Also I added that entry. >:P
Knowing is half the battle.