Also, maybe include (or have a separate page/entry) for more collector/collecting-related slang & abbreviations, etc.
Not everyone who visits the site will already know what's being talked about w/ things like "In the Wild", "C.I.B.", LE/CE, OST, re-prints, re-seals, etc.
I do...everyone else here more than likely does...but, I imagine it would be a turn-off to potential new members to see a bunch of phrases/slang/abbreviations being used...and not having an easily available definition/explanation provided.
The last thing a site would want would be to lose potential new members (and/or new 'collectors') over something like that.
Personally, if I was to go to a site where I didn't already have much knowledge of these things -and- if I saw all kinds of new/foreign words, abbreviations, and the "lingo"...I'd be much more likely to return if I could easily click-on a "definitions"/"explanations" page than if I couldn't.
Then again, being as new to this site as I am myself...I'm not really even sure of what demographic(s) of gamers you're looking to attract to the site...any gamer? any collector? any *experienced* collectors?, etc, etc.
Which also brings me to the point of suggesting something like a "Mission Statement" or a "Who/What is VGCollect looking for/all about" kind of thing.