Those boxed Atari 400/800 games are nice!
Atari 400/800
A friend told me about a local book store having a bunch of old Atari games, not expecting much I stopped by and found a ton of Atari 400/800 games all complete in box and priced at $2 - $3. I pretty much bought everything they had. lol ;D
- Galaxian
- Defender
- Robotron 2084
- Star Raiders (was inside box with Robotron)
- Pengo
- Jungle Hunt
- Qix
- Pole Position
- E.T. Phone Home
- Caverns of Mars
- Eastern Front 1941
- Typo Attack
- Frogger
- Popeye
- Jumpman Junior
- Atlantis
- Choplifter
- Gorf
- Submarine Commander
- Fun With Art
- Pool 400
- Pitfall
- Pitfall II
- Megamania
- River Raid
- Video Easel (cart only, was inside box with Fun With Art)
- Blue Max (Floppy Disk)
- Juice! (Floppy Disk)
- F-15 Strike Eagle (Floppy Disk)
- Drol (Floppy Disk)
- Sea Dreagon (Floppy Disk)
- Demension X (Floppy Disk)
^^^ I always felt like if you owned a NEO GEO AES or MVS you were automatically hardcore.
Also... added a couple more games to my PS2 list today: Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone and Hot Shots Golf 3. I'm now sitting at 98 PS2 games!Man Demon Stone's cover looks really cool, that's a really nice find.
Expensive stuff: Garou AES Japanese version, amazing 2d fighter really happy to have it. Muscle Bomber and Libble Rabble for the Marty. Love the system want to get more "legit" games. Love the cases too, haha slightly bigger than the AES cases just to hold a jewel case. I decided to throw Jackal up there too, found it at a thrift store today 3 bucks
Just got Earth Defense Force 2025. Aww yeah!
I snagged a Steam version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic from Newegg for three bucks.
And I got my Steam keys for uh, Vanguard Princess. Including an "uncensoring" DLC. Uh. Don't go into the Steam screenshots for the game. Fair warning. >_<
Added a few NES games recently:
- Skykid
- Adventure Island
- Adventure Island II
- Adventure Island III
Picked up the South Park: Stick of Truth strategy guide this morning since I'm expecting my copies to arrive either today or tomorrow.
Decent looking guide (*especially* for Prima...I'm a "DoubleJump" kinda' guy:)
Looks like it has a decent looking, and nice-sized poster in there, as well.
Picked up the South Park: Stick of Truth strategy guide this morning since I'm expecting my copies to arrive either today or tomorrow.
Decent looking guide (*especially* for Prima...I'm a "DoubleJump" kinda' guy:)
Looks like it has a decent looking, and nice-sized poster in there, as well.
Prima guides' quality has decreased over time :-\ So many mistakes everywhere. And I'm not just talking about mistypes (which there are plenty of), but also sometimes a lack of important informations.
I'm just so upset that they're not putting out a hardback collector's guide for the FFX-X2 set. I *love* those games. As in, I not only own the original games, and the "Eternal Calm" disk that was only distributed in the US through an issue of EGM, and I think all of the first figures they released for the two games, and a nice poster print from FFX, and of course the original guides, and soundtracks for them - but my wedding ring is even Tidus' ring. So I *kinda* like the games. And I feel gipped that they put out a really nice guide for Kingdom Hearts but only a paperback one for this set. :'(
I snagged a Steam version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic from Newegg for three bucks.
And I got my Steam keys for uh, Vanguard Princess. Including an "uncensoring" DLC. Uh. Don't go into the Steam screenshots for the game. Fair warning. >_<
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved :o
Yeah, me too >:(
I was also hoping & expecting a nice CE, hardcover guide(s), some music, etc, etc.
Then again - it's not like the "Square + disappointment" association is anything new and/or unexpected to me :o
What is this "Eternal Calm" disc of which you speak - I'm not familiar with it?
I'm also a big fan of both games & their music (with "Via Infinito", "Yuna's Ballad", "1,000 words" (all versions), and "To Zanarkand" (at least, I *think* that was the name of the opening/"Campfire" song in FF-X) as some of my all time favorite pieces.
So much so that I did something that I VERY Rarely do...namely imported the nice 4-disc + artbook FF-X & the 2-disc FFX-2 OST's (along with the strictly piano versions of both)...and felt that it was money well spent (I also imported (and was happy that I did:) the NIER, Folklore, and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment OST's from Japan as well) ;D
Did you ever import/play any of the "International" versions -and- do you know exactly what will be new (for US gamers, at least) with the addition of International version content to the HD re-makes?
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved :o
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved :o
Stop teasing, Karyann! :P
Umm...Link, please? :-[
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved :o
Stop teasing, Karyann! :P
Umm...Link, please? :-[
Search for "Vanguard Princess", click on "Discussions", then click on "Screenshots".
The screenshots are -so bad- I don't want people getting in trouble for clicking a direct link to them.
Keep in mind this is a store in Puritanical America. :PSince you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved :o
Stop teasing, Karyann! :P
Umm...Link, please? :-[
Search for "Vanguard Princess", click on "Discussions", then click on "Screenshots".
The screenshots are -so bad- I don't want people getting in trouble for clicking a direct link to them.
Meh; I just took a quick look and didn't see anything *that* bad...
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved :o
Stop teasing, Karyann! :P
Umm...Link, please? :-[
Search for "Vanguard Princess", click on "Discussions", then click on "Screenshots".
The screenshots are -so bad- I don't want people getting in trouble for clicking a direct link to them.
Meh; I just took a quick look and didn't see anything *that* bad...
Got Stick of Truth today, but I'm not planning on it being a permanent addition. I hear it's pretty short for an RPG, so I figure I can probably get through it by the end of the weekend and then either trade or ebay it next week (whichever ends up being more profitable). Should be fun tho! :)
Got Stick of Truth today, but I'm not planning on it being a permanent addition. I hear it's pretty short for an RPG, so I figure I can probably get through it by the end of the weekend and then either trade or ebay it next week (whichever ends up being more profitable). Should be fun tho! :)
Got Stick of Truth today, but I'm not planning on it being a permanent addition. I hear it's pretty short for an RPG, so I figure I can probably get through it by the end of the weekend and then either trade or ebay it next week (whichever ends up being more profitable). Should be fun tho! :)
Don't know how true this is, but I heard when Ubisoft picked the rights up after THQ went under, they pretty much took out 50% of the game in order to release it later on a DLC expansions. I f$#%ing hate the industry because I can actually see this being true. I guess we'll see. Still looks really fun though.
I dont know why the rest of the world assumes that America is full of prudes and tries to limit what we can see. I like crazy shit. Show me all of it!
I looked at the Vanguard stuff too. Nothing too bad. I dont know why the rest of the world assumes that America is full of prudes and tries to limit what we can see. I like crazy shit. Show me all of it!
Been on a big "Worms" kick lately, first Battle Islands for the Wii, then Worms Collection for the PS3 came in the mail yesterday and Worms Open Warfare 2 for the DS arrived today.agreed
These games don't seem to get the love they deserve IMO.
I'm now a proud member to the Neo Geo Pocket Color Family :D I cant wait to play it and it also says it syncs with the Dreamcast which I did not know that so that will be interesting to figure that out...I feel cool now with a Neo Geo product 8)
Picked up BC Racers for the 32X. 7 to go.
New toy in the mail today!
I'm now a proud member to the Neo Geo Pocket Color Family :D I cant wait to play it and it also says it syncs with the Dreamcast which I did not know that so that will be interesting to figure that out...I feel cool now with a Neo Geo product 8)
Very nice!!! I have about 10 NGPocket games, but no system :(. Found them last fall for a really good price and was too good to pass up. Plus, I had never come across NGPocket games on the wild before.
Yeah Im not fond of the digital manual crap. But it is what it is ... one less thing to look for/lose in the future.
I have a big weakness for strat guides. They are like the bling to games.
Yeah Im not fond of the digital manual crap. But it is what it is ... one less thing to look for/lose in the future.
Plus, I almost always get (when there *IS* one to get) & I like looking through & collecting the strategy guides (*especially* for RPG's) = ONE BIG MANUAL, anyhow 8)
I have a big weakness for strat guides. They are like the bling to games.
Picked up BC Racers for the 32X. 7 to go.
Keep it going Beta. You're almost there and might as well say 4 considering the 3 big one's that you may find once in a life time lol
- Baroque (was $2)
- Baroque (was $2)
That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.
The PS2 / Wii version is a remake of the PS1 / Saturn version.Wii
- Baroque (was $2)
That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.
Baroque is a PS2 / Wii game... ???
The PS2 / Wii version is a remake of the PS1 / Saturn version.Wii
- Baroque (was $2)
That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.
Baroque is a PS2 / Wii game... ???
The PS2 / Wii version is a remake of the PS1 / Saturn version.Wii
- Baroque (was $2)
That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.
Baroque is a PS2 / Wii game... ???
Thanks, that makes a lot more sense then. ;) Was the PS1 version released in the US? I'm not very familiar with most US Saturn games, but I thought I was pretty up on US PS1 games - especially RPGs.
- Chulip
i went to EB games and here is what i gotAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH I HATE YOU.
singularity for pc - 60 cents
transformers war for cybertron for pc -$1.02
EB had some games for 49 and 99 cents so grabbed a bunch. Hot Shots golf was $13.49 but it's been on my wish list. The Wii game was $1.99 and the rest were in the aforementioned 49-99 cent range.
Probably use most of these as trade bait at the local game store. May keep the "eye move" games but the rest are all just "meh" to me and barely worth a buck each.
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Firefighter F.D. 18
Firefighter F.D. 18
This was a hard, hard game to find! It took me close to three years to find a copy and that is after looking at game stores, garage sales, flea markets and just about every place other than Ebay. Finally found it about a year ago for only $5. Ironically I found another copy at a game store about a month later for $10. Great find on that one :)
I bought a PS1 Memory Card last week, came in the mail today. Finally I can play my PS1 games on my PS2.
These were not part of that lot
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Batman was $60
Defiance was $20
Everything else was a buck or two
Batman was $60
Defiance was $20
Everything else was a buck or two
So what's all in the Batman box?
So what's all in the Batman box?
Am I supposed to know? I know the game is in there, but I'm talking what else comes in the collector's edition, because I don't know.
Just run out and watch se7en as fast as you can. Seriously. Do it.
What are you still reading this for? Watch Se7en.
Miracle warriors is awesome. I have such crazy nostalgia memories from that game.
Am I supposed to know? I know the game is in there, but I'm talking what else comes in the collector's edition, because I don't know.
What's in the box is a famous line from a movie. Don't google it. Spoilers ahoy. Just run out and watch se7en as fast as you can. Seriously. Do it.
What are you still reading this for? Watch Se7en.
So what's all in the Batman box?
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows. :D
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows. :D
Ristar is really fun. It's easily one of my favorite Genesis games.Yeah definitely. Got a pretty good deal on it $10. The Game Gear port is supposedly very good as well. I'll eventually pick that version up too.
Just bought DKC: Tropical Freeze!
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows. :D
Ristar is really fun. It's easily one of my favorite Genesis games.
99 PS2 games!You got 99 games but a Barbie ain't one!
99 PS2 games!You got 99 games but a Barbie ain't one!
It has that Nintendo quality you'd come to expect. Fun and challenging gameplay!Just bought DKC: Tropical Freeze!
Let me know how that is. I really want to play it.
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows. :D
Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~! D:
Nice score on P`Radikus. Ive never seen the game in person and I would have paid $25 just cart only.
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!
Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~! D:
I didn't have a problem opening mine (I never do tho, I don't buy games to keep them sealed) but I couldn't decide if I should leave the figure in the box to display him or remove him. My wife told me he would look much better removed & setup, and I believe she was right. :) Of course, the decision was made somewhat easier by the fact that the box got a little dinged in shipping... :-\
Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~! D:
I didn't have a problem opening mine (I never do tho, I don't buy games to keep them sealed) but I couldn't decide if I should leave the figure in the box to display him or remove him. My wife told me he would look much better removed & setup, and I believe she was right. :) Of course, the decision was made somewhat easier by the fact that the box got a little dinged in shipping... :-\
Well, considering that I'm maybe half way through Dark Souls and that I don't want to play part 2 until I'm done, I figure I'll likely find a cheap copy of the standard edition by the time I'm ready to play it so keeping it sealed might not inhibit gameplay at all....
Open it, open it!
Precisely. What's the point of all the goodies if all they are gonna do is sit in the box?
Flea Market purchases today, at a $5 table!Really nice find on that LOK Blood Omen that's one of my favorite PS1 tittles. RE Survivor on the other hand the seller should have have paid you $5 to take away it away. :P
Received Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord for Famicom today which completes my NES/Famicom Wizardry set.
Flea Market purchases today, at a $5 table!
Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol
Flea Market purchases today, at a $5 table!
Dead Aim is actually a pretty decent game it just really needs to played with the Guncom 2. If you're playing it with the standard Dual Shock than it's not going to be very much fun. A lot of people did play it that way and that's probably how it got a bad reputation.Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol
I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Dead Aim is actually a pretty decent game it just really needs to played with the Guncom 2. If you're playing it with the standard Dual Shock than it's not going to be very much fun. A lot of people did play it that way and that's probably how it got a bad reputation.Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol
I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Dead Aim is actually a pretty decent game it just really needs to played with the Guncom 2. If you're playing it with the standard Dual Shock than it's not going to be very much fun. A lot of people did play it that way and that's probably how it got a bad reputation.Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol
I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Yeah I played it with Guncom 2 so that's probably why I liked it lol
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?
Why can't this happen to people who want the game?
- Gotcha Force (paid $10 for it) ;D
This is the second copy I've found. The first I've had a long time and it's still sealed.
- Gotcha Force (paid $10 for it) ;D
That is a hard to find game! The one and only copy I have ever come across is the copy sitting on my Gamecube shelf right now. Paid $20 for mine. I haven't even seen this game at local game stores that typically get in some hard to find stuff.
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?
Why can't this happen to people who want the game?
I think I'm going to hang onto it. I thought it was an RPG until I did some looking. 2D Platforming? Yes, please!
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?
Why can't this happen to people who want the game?
I think I'm going to hang onto it. I thought it was an RPG until I did some looking. 2D Platforming? Yes, please!
I have been really curious about Cave Story. When you get a chance to play it for a while, let me know what you would rate it from 1-10 please..
Heh, what a tease >:(I lol'd. Thanks for reminding me to pick this up too! My GF will be very happy.
So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...
...Guess which one I received today?
*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles :P
Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-
For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL ;D
To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell ;)
Heh, what a tease >:(I lol'd. Thanks for reminding me to pick this up too! My GF will be very happy.
So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...
...Guess which one I received today?
*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles :P
Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-
For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL ;D
To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell ;)
Heh, what a tease >:(
So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...
...Guess which one I received today?
*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles :P
Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-
For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL ;D
To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell ;)
Heh, what a tease >:(
So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...
...Guess which one I received today?
*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles :P
Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-
For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL ;D
To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell ;)
Haha that's the best "number" I've seen in a while ;D
I already got her the CE of the game. It came in the mail today so she'll be surprised when she gets home ;D She loves her strategy guides though so this'll be one I'll want to get for her.Heh, what a tease >:(I lol'd. Thanks for reminding me to pick this up too! My GF will be very happy.
So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...
...Guess which one I received today?
*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles :P
Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-
For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL ;D
To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell ;)
Getting the guide too, or just the game?
Found this today for $20. Not an incredible deal, but much better than Ebay. Haven't decided whether I'm going to keep it or use it as trade bait though.Nice find! I never seem to find any Mega Man games other than the 2nd one.
( (
Mega Man 1 is the only MM game I've ever finished.I'm not sure which ones I beat as a kid. I remember playing at least parts of all of the NES ones. I know I consistently beat the X series on SNES.
As a kid.
When I had far more patience. ;)
... what, I figured I'd take a gamble. :P
Mega Man 1 is the only MM game I've ever finished.
As a kid.
When I had far more patience. ;)
I went to a yard sale last year where a kid (teenager - kid to me :P ) was standing next to a box full of recent boxed PC games. They had all been opened, of course, so I ask him "have the keys been used for these games?" He looks confused & says something like "iunno, but you can still play offline if they have." I tell him no, if the keys have been used you can't do anything with them - they're worthless. He just stared at me blankly, so I left. Probably unloaded them on some other poor sap.Not all games force you to register online to play them, you know. :p
I went to a yard sale last year where a kid (teenager - kid to me :P ) was standing next to a box full of recent boxed PC games. They had all been opened, of course, so I ask him "have the keys been used for these games?" He looks confused & says something like "iunno, but you can still play offline if they have." I tell him no, if the keys have been used you can't do anything with them - they're worthless. He just stared at me blankly, so I left. Probably unloaded them on some other poor sap.Not all games force you to register online to play them, you know. :p
The games I remember that stood out to me were some Blizzard games like Diablo 3 - it was definitely stuff that once you registered the key, it was yours.Oh, definitely. If the box says "THIS REQUIRES ONLINE ACTIVATION, AN ANIMAL SACRIFICE, AND AN ACCOUNT BLAH BLAH BLAH" then there's little point in buying used stuff. But sometimes, just sometimes... you can get lucky. ;)
Got my two homebrew Atariage games in the mail - Frenzy for the 7800 complete in box (with a fridge magnet!) and Fall Down which is a very simple but addicting little game. Great as a two player but the AI is very good too.
Also found a bare NES deck for $5.99 at Value Village and especially cool was this little Tiger Marble Madness handheld from 1989
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Just got a copy of The Guided Fate Paradox (took my sweet time getting that one), and also this thing:
Not usually that much into figurines (a lot of the ones I have were gifts), but I couldn't not get that one at some point.
Just got a copy of The Guided Fate Paradox (took my sweet time getting that one), and also this thing:
Not usually that much into figurines (a lot of the ones I have were gifts), but I couldn't not get that one at some point.
IMO, you're in for a sweet treat w/ of my favorite games of the year!
Glad ya got it Greg - Enjoy ;D
Did ya start it up already?
IMO, you're in for a sweet treat w/ of my favorite games of the year!
I started it up and played through the first chapter and half the second, and I'm really enjoying it, it's a really fun little roguelike. I've never really seen anyone talk about it since it came out, which is a shame.
SHRINK WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
Maybe you should let her meet me. She could have done the love thing and given me one too!
Tales of Symphonia CE!
A girl @ my local GS has a bit of a crush on me & flirts w/ me a lot (prolly only because she knows that I'm already seeing someone (one of her best friends; at that)) :o
Anyways, she'd pre-ordered 2 for herself, knew that I wanted/didn't get one, and sold me her 2nd one @ original cost ;D
That's why I said "crush"...if it was *Love* - she would have just wrapped it up & gave it to me as a gift; right ladies ;)
Tales of Symphonia CE!
A girl @ my local GS has a bit of a crush on me & flirts w/ me a lot (prolly only because she knows that I'm already seeing someone (one of her best friends; at that)) :o
Anyways, she'd pre-ordered 2 for herself, knew that I wanted/didn't get one, and sold me her 2nd one @ original cost ;D
That's why I said "crush"...if it was *Love* - she would have just wrapped it up & gave it to me as a gift; right ladies ;)
Hehe, that was fast. :D
According to the tracking info, UPS is going to be delivering my copy of inFamous: Second Son *today*! ;D
Got pretty lucky on the Skylander hit today. Showed up at Toys R Us to see if any of the new ones had come out today. Sure enough I found Fryno, Scratch, Fire bone Hot dog, Trap Shadow, and Freeze Blade. Picked up Fryno and Scratch and brought them home for the step son to save for Logan's birthday gift (he turns 6 in 2 weeks). Well, the wife comes home early and wants to go see about getting a few of the other new ones for his gift. We get there and the guy working just put out the 3 Easter varieties : Spring time Trigger happy, Punk Shock, and Fryno in the egg packaging. We snag up Trigger happy and Punk Shock and go to the register. They ring them up and it flags them for not being able to be sold till 4/6. The manager comes over, has to override the flag, and then has to go pull the rest immediately off the shelf. So for the next couple of weeks, Logan is the only kid to have those 2 characters in this area. :)
Got pretty lucky on the Skylander hit today. Showed up at Toys R Us to see if any of the new ones had come out today. Sure enough I found Fryno, Scratch, Fire bone Hot dog, Trap Shadow, and Freeze Blade. Picked up Fryno and Scratch and brought them home for the step son to save for Logan's birthday gift (he turns 6 in 2 weeks). Well, the wife comes home early and wants to go see about getting a few of the other new ones for his gift. We get there and the guy working just put out the 3 Easter varieties : Spring time Trigger happy, Punk Shock, and Fryno in the egg packaging. We snag up Trigger happy and Punk Shock and go to the register. They ring them up and it flags them for not being able to be sold till 4/6. The manager comes over, has to override the flag, and then has to go pull the rest immediately off the shelf. So for the next couple of weeks, Logan is the only kid to have those 2 characters in this area. :)
I just bought WCW Super Brawl for SNES, Mad World for Wii and Bump 'N Jump for NES!
Yep, just played it to see if it works and yeah...not so much fun really. Another one off the list for the collection none the less. The character select screen is funny though.I just bought WCW Super Brawl for SNES, Mad World for Wii and Bump 'N Jump for NES!
Have you played Super Brawl yet? Holy Shit are you in for some disappointment. The best part is the character selection screen. I know you love you some wrasslin, but that game is shit. I love that old WCW stuff though. Too bad the game is such a turd.
At any rate...ser Jobocan - beware of the 4th boss fight as it is most...seriously...a bitch :-\
Not a bad haul today. Particularly happy for the Mega Man X collection, Twisted Metal, Red Faction, and Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Probably gonna use Panzer General and GTA3 for some trade in at a retro game store opening tomorrow.
I love that Twisted Metal large box case. I had no idea they made a big box for that one. I've got to get it
Nice finds :)
Yeah I had Mag Max as a kid and liked it - wasn't my favorite, but I remember enjoying it a good bit. But I saw a review of it not too long ago and it actually looks horrible. :P
Item #777 is my First PS4 Addition and also... JACKPOT
inFAMOUS Second Son Collectors Edition
Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel (...)
Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel (...)
You're gonna learn what true horror is once you pop that game into the console.
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s ;) ;D
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s ;) ;D
I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:
Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s ;) ;D
I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:
Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Most of those were in the 80's. I think Bo Jackson had broken his hip by '90 or '91. That's a damn shame too.
Don't forgot about Ken Griffey Jr!Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s ;) ;D
I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:
Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Recent PickupsCongrats on Bonk's Adventure! I'm happy for you :D
Don't forgot about Ken Griffey Jr!Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s ;) ;D
I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:
Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
I bought Diablo 3 on the sale Blizzard is having now on Time to get around and playing it. Tried the demo on 360 and it was pretty ok. Now with AH gone and better drops it's really time to see how it is.I just picked it up yesterday too!
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s ;) ;D
I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:
Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Most of those were in the 80's. I think Bo Jackson had broken his hip by '90 or '91. That's a damn shame too.
They were all in the 80s, oops (well, Joe & Mike straddled both decades). That's what I read when I saw that. :-[
DAMN pacpix, that was incredibly lucky. Wonder why yours went for so cheap? Listing mistake, maybe? (I still have that thing you want, btw. :p)Might of messed up the price when entering the sale price as it was on sale when I bought it. Either that or they may be raising the price significantly since it is the last copy ( Even the shipping went up to $18!
I calculated wrong earlier, I had 99 N64 games. I just added my 100th game -- this is a much more notable 100th title milestone:
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber
I just picked up Blades of Time (PS3 version) out of Walmart's 'Cheap-ass games bin' ;D
Didn't see any sign of them buying and/or selling any used games yet, though...
I just picked up Blades of Time (PS3 version) out of Walmart's 'Cheap-ass games bin' ;D
Didn't see any sign of them buying and/or selling any used games yet, though...
How much was it?
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail. Seemed like a pretty cool hidden gem of sorts. Yesterday, I picked up Deception IV.
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail. Seemed like a pretty cool hidden gem of sorts. Yesterday, I picked up Deception IV.
As badly as I want Deception IV, I really want the first three on the PS1. I went on Ebay last night, and they have all gone up in price recently. Hopefully once the novelty of the fourth game wares off I'll be able to grab the first three for a better price.
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail.
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail. Seemed like a pretty cool hidden gem of sorts. Yesterday, I picked up Deception IV.
As badly as I want Deception IV, I really want the first three on the PS1. I went on Ebay last night, and they have all gone up in price recently. Hopefully once the novelty of the fourth game wares off I'll be able to grab the first three for a better price.
You should still grab it. I'm the same way, but I figured there was no way I was letting IV slip away, so drove out to GameStop on day one and picked it up. I was told it was the only copy the store was sent, if that tells you anything.
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail.
I remember my best-friend bought that when it was brand-new. We really wanted to like it, because we didn't have many games on PS1, being that it was the new expensive system then. But I remember it being terrible.
I just picked up Blades of Time (PS3 version) out of Walmart's 'Cheap-ass games bin' ;D
Didn't see any sign of them buying and/or selling any used games yet, though...
How much was it?
tagged @ $4.99, but in a box marked as "$10 - $15" :o
so...$4.99 -but- it may have been mis-marked; no questioning or complaining on my end ;)
Just out of curiosity... Purely hypothetical... If a person bought a copy of The Guy Game for Xbox at a Goodwill for $4 would he/she be in possession of child pornography? I'm just wondering... just in case I ever saw someone buy it... for a friend... or complete stranger that he/she could never find again.
Just out of curiosity... Purely hypothetical... If a person bought a copy of The Guy Game for Xbox at a Goodwill for $4 would he/she be in possession of child pornography? I'm just wondering... just in case I ever saw someone buy it... for a friend... or complete stranger that he/she could never find again.
What the heck???? ??? I'm lost here...
Just out of curiosity... Purely hypothetical... If a person bought a copy of The Guy Game for Xbox at a Goodwill for $4 would he/she be in possession of child pornography? I'm just wondering... just in case I ever saw someone buy it... for a friend... or complete stranger that he/she could never find again.
What the heck???? ??? I'm lost here...
After The Guy Game was released it was discovered that one of the topless girls was 17, not 18. So I think Turfs post is in reference to the fact that there was a 17 year old in the game showing her ta-ta's.
Lunar - DS (cart only) - $4. Forgot the full title of this one, but AFAIK there's only one Lunar for the DS. Got it because it was Lunar & super cheap.
There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.
There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.
Lunar Dragon Song is in fact not only a bad Lunar, but a bad RPG and game in general.... After 4 hours with the game I still found it hard to find any particular thing I actually liked about it.... Avoid like the plague people....
Officially started getting the rest of my PS1 collection out of the way and picked these up for good prices. Also ran into Suikoden Tactics, one of the last 20 or so games I still need for that system :)
Officially started getting the rest of my PS1 collection out of the way and picked these up for good prices. Also ran into Suikoden Tactics, one of the last 20 or so games I still need for that system :)
Wing Commander! That's sweet!
First post, though I have been tracking my collection here for a while.
Took a trip to Japan earlier this month. This is what I came back with.
-3 of the 4 Tron Medicom/Kubrick sets (B, C, and D) ¥750 each
-Rez (PS2) ¥250
-Cybersled (PS1) ¥105 (New, sealed)
-Macross VF-X2 (PS1) ¥500
-Okami HD (PS3) ¥2000
(Those from Book Off/Book Off + in Nagoya)
-Bomberman 1-3 (SFC) ¥1000 for 3
-Bomberman 4 (SFC) ¥1190
-Saturn Multitap S-BOM SS ¥2100
(From a random classic game shop in Nagoya. They also had a bunch of the miniature gashapon game console models, "Not for sale" :-\ Saturn Twin-stick for ¥2100 (too big to pack or ship back) )
Nausicaa Moewe model from Ghibli Museum in Tokyo
Also visited a Hard Off in Nagoya that had a lot of stuff the last time I visited, but was a bit bare this time. They had a set of DC Maracas for Samba de Amigo for ¥500, but with the sensor bar, too big to fit in my bag.
Those Tron things look sweet - I'd love to see a closer shot of those. :)
Guess which Lunar it is? C'mon, guess! :P
Lunar Knights is not part of the "Lunar:..." saga, it's a spin-off to the Boktai series, which was produced by Hideo Kojima. Probably what argyle meant to say.
Lunar - DS (cart only) - $4. Forgot the full title of this one, but AFAIK there's only one Lunar for the DS. Got it because it was Lunar & super cheap.
There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.
Guess which Lunar it is? C'mon, guess! :P
Those Tron things look sweet - I'd love to see a closer shot of those. :)
Got my W&HN LE today, it wasn't destroyed in the mail! But... I am kind of underwhelmed with the LE. Kinda wasn't worth it to me, and I think this'll be my last LE for a while, just not that into em'... :-\ I def overpaid for it.
Got my W&HN LE today, it wasn't destroyed in the mail! But... I am kind of underwhelmed with the LE. Kinda wasn't worth it to me, and I think this'll be my last LE for a while, just not that into em'... :-\ I def overpaid for it.
For some reason, when I looked at it on the page of N1's seemed like there was just *more* there than there was once I received it & saw it up close.
IMO, many LE's have been underwhelming over the last gen.
My 2 biggest pet peeves are:
1). No instruction manuals &
2). Music CD OST "samplers"; I fucking hate em with a passion.
Well...if you like the music from Witch & the 100 Knight, at least, you've got more of your money's worth since it's not far fetched to think that in a few years...a 2 Disc/multi-hour OST will often fetch the price of a new game :o
I'm glad that I wasn't really tempted by it with all that I'm hearing, I'll stick with my pretty ToS box :3
That boxed Uninvited is nice!
Today I was at Goodwill and found in their display case a boxed Uninvited (NES). It was missing the manual, but it had everything else looked pretty mint (probably 9/10). I had to pay for it though, since it was in their display case ($50), but now I have all 3 Kemco point and click adventure games on the NES either boxed or CIB.
Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!
BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
I added a few new interesting games to my collection recently. From eBay I picked up:
- Bomberman
- Ogre Battle 64
- Pokemon Stadium 2
- Resident Evil 2
Today I was at Goodwill and found in their display case a boxed Uninvited (NES). It was missing the manual, but it had everything else looked pretty mint (probably 9/10). I had to pay for it though, since it was in their display case ($50), but now I have all 3 Kemco point and click adventure games on the NES either boxed or CIB.
( (
Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!
BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!
BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
( recent purchases have included Predator: Concrete Jungle for the PS2 (in near mint shape except for a small cut right above the UPC, aaargh!) and a bunch of Steam games from bundles that I haven't added yet. I also stumbled upon The Punisher for the PS2 but the disc was gone, instead it had Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for the PS3.
Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!
BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
I tend to get fun, functional stuff (plushies are totally functional.)
Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!
BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
It got the kiss of death from critics for the most part, which really hurt sales. I found mine about a month ago for $6 at a pawn shop. Haven't got around to playing it, but for $6 I could care less if it's horrible :p
I finally bought a PlayStation Vita.
( recent purchases have included Predator: Concrete Jungle for the PS2 (in near mint shape except for a small cut right above the UPC, aaargh!) and a bunch of Steam games from bundles that I haven't added yet. I also stumbled upon The Punisher for the PS2 but the disc was gone, instead it had Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for the PS3.
Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!
BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
Is Concrete Jungle like a cult classic or something? I picked the game up last year for like $1 and figured it was some super obscure flop. Since then, I've heard people mention it a lot.
I finally bought a Nintendo 3ds.
Now you're playing with power 8)
I finally bought a Nintendo 3ds.
Now you're playing with power 8)
Thought I would correct this for you ;)
I tend to get fun, functional stuff (plushies are totally functional.)
They sure are! Why would I gather so many if it wasn't the case? ::) (I'm a total sucker for goodies and various video game products. And plushies are EVERYWHERE)
That's some nice loot there :D
Maus is excellent. :) Make sure you find the second volume somewhere! Funny that it was by itself, I'm positive that's the version that is normally in the boxed set.I have that box set. I didn't know that version wasn't released separately.
:) no problem
- Dragon Quest Mosters Joker 2
(thanks to stethebubble for pointing out this deal)
Maus is excellent. :) Make sure you find the second volume somewhere! Funny that it was by itself, I'm positive that's the version that is normally in the boxed set.I have that box set. I didn't know that version wasn't released separately.
Last get of the month, The Witch and the Hundred Knight on PS3. is being REALLY bad recently, I probably should've gotten it last week.
And also just got a new car, and I'm starting to look for a house... Lots of stuff going on in the jobocan household right now :P