VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: theflea on March 01, 2014, 12:35:13 am

Title: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 01, 2014, 12:35:13 am
Had a huge find today, plus got a bunch of cool stuff in the mail this week.
Including another extremely rare system.

- One Piece: Romance Dawn - Limited Edition
(Gamestop exclusive, limited to 16800 copies)

- Electroplankton

- Legend of Prince Valiant (EU)

- Sonic the Hedgehog  :D

- Famicom Family Computer Gun  ;D

Atari 400/800
A friend told me about a local book store having a bunch of old Atari games, not expecting much I stopped by and found a ton of Atari 400/800 games all complete in box and priced at $2 - $3. I pretty much bought everything they had. lol  ;D
- Galaxian
- Defender
- Robotron 2084
- Star Raiders (was inside box with Robotron)
- Pengo
- Jungle Hunt
- Qix
- Pole Position
- E.T. Phone Home
- Caverns of Mars
- Eastern Front 1941
- Typo Attack
- Frogger
- Popeye
- Jumpman Junior
- Atlantis
- Choplifter
- Gorf
- Submarine Commander
- Fun With Art
- Pool 400
- Pitfall
- Pitfall II
- Megamania
- River Raid
- Video Easel (cart only, was inside box with Fun With Art)
- Blue Max (Floppy Disk)
- Juice! (Floppy Disk)
- F-15 Strike Eagle (Floppy Disk)
- Drol (Floppy Disk)
- Sea Dreagon (Floppy Disk)
- Demension X (Floppy Disk)

And last a game system I've been hunting for a long time but it was always over priced. An Epoch Game Pocket Computer
It's like brand new in box, still has that new plastic smell. Has all it's manuals and works great. Most time I see this online people want over $1000 for it. Got it for $65  ;D ;D ;D



Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 01, 2014, 01:19:42 am
Those boxed Atari 400/800 games are nice!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 01, 2014, 09:50:01 am
Those boxed Atari 400/800 games are nice!

Agreed. The boxart of Defender is so nice. And the Atari 800 boxes look bigger. It's like having the game on vinyl.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atarileaf on March 01, 2014, 10:26:55 am

Atari 400/800
A friend told me about a local book store having a bunch of old Atari games, not expecting much I stopped by and found a ton of Atari 400/800 games all complete in box and priced at $2 - $3. I pretty much bought everything they had. lol  ;D
- Galaxian
- Defender
- Robotron 2084
- Star Raiders (was inside box with Robotron)
- Pengo
- Jungle Hunt
- Qix
- Pole Position
- E.T. Phone Home
- Caverns of Mars
- Eastern Front 1941
- Typo Attack
- Frogger
- Popeye
- Jumpman Junior
- Atlantis
- Choplifter
- Gorf
- Submarine Commander
- Fun With Art
- Pool 400
- Pitfall
- Pitfall II
- Megamania
- River Raid
- Video Easel (cart only, was inside box with Fun With Art)
- Blue Max (Floppy Disk)
- Juice! (Floppy Disk)
- F-15 Strike Eagle (Floppy Disk)
- Drol (Floppy Disk)
- Sea Dreagon (Floppy Disk)
- Demension X (Floppy Disk)

Wow, super jealous, that's one of my favorite systems to collect for. I have most of those games but none boxed like that. That would be a find of the year for me.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 01, 2014, 11:28:23 am
Time for a March topic, eh?
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 01, 2014, 12:19:14 pm
Split this at Flea's post. Happy March!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 01, 2014, 12:51:10 pm
Also... added a couple more games to my PS2 list today: Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone and Hot Shots Golf 3. I'm now sitting at 98 PS2 games!

(  (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 01, 2014, 02:10:37 pm
Technically I got those games during February, Just by the time I got home from work and took pictures and posted it was after midnight. but meh, whatever.  :P 

When I saw I made a new post for March finds my first reaction was who posting under my name???  :o
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 01, 2014, 02:36:43 pm
Haha, whoops.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 01, 2014, 02:39:09 pm
These two are actually from Wednesday:


I thought I already had Agent Under Fire... but I didn't. So that was a surprise. The item on the left is an employee recruitment DVD by Pandemic and Bioware that was given out at GDC 2006. It's pretty short, about five minutes long, but I figured it would be neat to own. Total was $4 for both.

And these are from today:

One of the booths where I pick up CDs for cheap didn't have any CDs... but I got a weird hunch so I figured I'd check out the rest of the place. And there were -tons- of old PC games there! Many were missing the discs, unfortunately, but I managed to pick these two up. I have no interest in Wizardry (I figure I can sell it or... trade it, hint hint) but Dungeon Hack? I bought that for the manual alone. :D I have a budget (Slash Corporation) release of it on CD but it doesn't even have a proper manual. This does, so hell yeah classic D&D. Not pictured: Two brand new copies of Hell: A Cyberpunk Adventure (Mac version) and an official Hint Book for "Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!" The game box for Larry 6 was there but the discs were missing, so I left it behind. I paid an extra dollar on top of what he asked for the games ($4) to cover it. So $5 total.

They had a -ton- of games there, including several complete boxes for dead MMORPGs from the late 90s and early 2000s! I ignored most of the other games since many had been re-released at places like GOG and Steam... so I figured I'd check the prices when I got home. And when I did I noticed that they all sold for $30 online plus shipping. Goddamn! Who knew old Might and Magic games were worth so much!

I'm going back there tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't rain and the games are still there. :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 01, 2014, 06:16:45 pm
Went to Gamestop today. Man, are they clearing out 360 even more now. So, many games below $10. I thought about cleaning up. But the big boys I want are still $10 and $15 mostly.

Picked up:
Guitar Hero: World Tour - 2.99
Dance Central - 6.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines - 5.99 (new)

Rhythm is my favorite genre behind racing. So I am honestly excited about Guitar Hero. Excited for Dance Central too. It's not a great deal on the game (I bet it will be uber cheap soon). But I got a nice deal on a kinect on eBay and want to test it out. Aliens, I am excited about due to all the backstory behind it.

Guitar Hero, Kinect games, Colonial Marines.... man, I must have some bad taste in games. Interestingly enough, this is one of the only times the Gamestop people have NOT made fun of my purchases.  ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 01, 2014, 06:57:21 pm
Wow, so many great finds already! Good job guys :)

I finally found Final Fantasy II for the PSP for a price that interested me! And found out at the same time about Tactics Ogre's existence on GBA. Another Atlus game in my collection!  ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 01, 2014, 08:29:08 pm
I recieved Wizardry Gaiden: Suffering of the Queen in the mail yesterday.  I am excited to play this one as a group of people have released English translations for Gaiden I, II, IV, and are currently working on III.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kingrat101 on March 01, 2014, 10:41:36 pm
Expensive stuff: Garou AES Japanese version, amazing 2d fighter really happy to have it. Muscle Bomber and Libble Rabble for the Marty. Love the system want to get more "legit" games. Love the cases too, haha slightly bigger than the AES cases just to hold a jewel case. I decided to throw Jackal up there too, found it at a thrift store today 3 bucks

Gamecube and Wii U. Pikmin 3 is amazing

360 binge lately, getting cheaper and Im really liking Dead Rising and Lost Planet. Have not opened Fable 3 yet since I haven't beat Fable 2. Looking forward to it
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 02, 2014, 12:51:47 am
^^^ I always felt like if you owned a NEO GEO AES or MVS you were automatically hardcore.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 02, 2014, 12:53:16 am
I had some decent finds today.  Started out by stopping at Goodwill - haven't been by there in a while.  There's a reason.  ;)  Anyway, I did snag a Dreamcast complete copy of Blitz 2000 for $1, so that something?  I guess?  :P

Anyway, then I headed up to the next town over to checkout their Big Lots.  Managed to snag these 3 for less than $10:  LittleBigPlanet GOTY, RUSE & Tiger Woods 11 (all PS3). 

Then I decided to walk down to the Gamestop a few doors down to see if they had anything that my local stores didn't that I had been looking for.  And they definitely did!  I grabbed these used for the PS3:  El Shaddai, Sacred 2 & Dark Souls.  All were complete except for Dark Souls (I didn't check it - my own fault).  Gonna see if a local store has the book, if not I'll return it.  I also grabbed a complete copy of Excitebots for the Wii.  And for the DS, cart only, I picked up Trace Memory, Populous DS & Chibi Robo! Park Patrol. 

All in all, a pretty good haul.  :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: brettybluevein on March 02, 2014, 01:21:17 am
^^^ I always felt like if you owned a NEO GEO AES or MVS you were automatically hardcore.

And you were right  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: lizardjesus on March 02, 2014, 09:33:03 am
March has only begun but I've already made all my purchases for the month.
I Got:
Final Fantasy VI
Valkyrie Profile
Legend of Mana
Shin Megami Tensei II
Crash Bandicoot (Platinum)

The first three were fairly cheap, VP and LoM were 30% off the time I got em. I got SMT2 at an auction for 7$ so that was a great deal. Crash Bandicoot was given to me by a friend who got a black label copy and said I could have the Platinum one he already had.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: lizardjesus on March 02, 2014, 09:36:47 am
Also... added a couple more games to my PS2 list today: Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone and Hot Shots Golf 3. I'm now sitting at 98 PS2 games!

Man Demon Stone's cover looks really cool, that's a really nice find.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 02, 2014, 12:21:31 pm
Ya my cousin had it years ago. And I always wanted to play it. Been on the look out for my own copy for awhile.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 02, 2014, 01:18:05 pm
Expensive stuff: Garou AES Japanese version, amazing 2d fighter really happy to have it. Muscle Bomber and Libble Rabble for the Marty. Love the system want to get more "legit" games. Love the cases too, haha slightly bigger than the AES cases just to hold a jewel case. I decided to throw Jackal up there too, found it at a thrift store today 3 bucks

Conrats, these are the kind of games that empress me, I have the Neo Geo game myself. awesome fighter.
And here I thought I was the only one who even owned a Neo Geo AES and FM Towns Marty in this forum.  ;)

"Hardcore Gamer Fistbump"  8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 02, 2014, 02:36:11 pm
I went back to the booth from yesterday and picked up Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen (missing the map...) & Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen (missing a notepad or something?), the hint book for Darkside of Xeen, a strategy guide for Lands of Lore 1, Warcraft (the original) CD release complete in box, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 (complete in box) for $5 total.

I also picked up a used copy of Half-Life Game of the Year Edition (CD in case with key) and Might and Magic Archives for $1 each. I think I can sell the Might & Magic stuff together and make back my investment, and Half-Life + KOTOR are going to my trade pile.

I'm not sure what to do about Warcraft 1. I think I had a boxed expansion somewhere, but I don't remember what I did with it. (I have WC2 in a Warcraft III CE bundle I have around.)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: retrogamer418 on March 02, 2014, 04:54:25 pm
Picked up for the PS2 all for $15 yesterday (complete non greatest hits copies and in really nice condition)

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: redblaze57 on March 02, 2014, 07:04:18 pm
OneChanbara: Bikini Samurai squad
(because ...Fuck it)

Bejeweled 3
Metal Gear Rising
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 02, 2014, 10:32:54 pm
I got WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2006-2007 for PS2, WWF King of the Ring for Game Boy and MappyLand for NES!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 04, 2014, 06:16:17 pm
The Art of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow came in today!

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jobocan on March 04, 2014, 06:49:12 pm
Just got Earth Defense Force 2025. Aww yeah!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 04, 2014, 08:40:32 pm
Just got Earth Defense Force 2025. Aww yeah!

I just watched the Classic Game Room review of this the other day. It looks like a freaking blast to play! Let us know if it's as fun as it looks.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 04, 2014, 11:01:50 pm
I snagged a Steam version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic from Newegg for three bucks.

And I got my Steam keys for uh, Vanguard Princess. Including an "uncensoring" DLC. Uh. Don't go into the Steam screenshots for the game. Fair warning. >_<
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 05, 2014, 08:52:31 am
I snagged a Steam version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic from Newegg for three bucks.

And I got my Steam keys for uh, Vanguard Princess. Including an "uncensoring" DLC. Uh. Don't go into the Steam screenshots for the game. Fair warning. >_<

Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved  :o
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Veilor on March 05, 2014, 08:54:03 am
This came in the mail today, another one to the Pokémon collection :D

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: blipcs76 on March 05, 2014, 09:33:57 am
Added a few NES games recently:

- Skykid
- Adventure Island
- Adventure Island II
- Adventure Island III
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 05, 2014, 09:44:13 am
Added a few NES games recently:

- Skykid
- Adventure Island
- Adventure Island II
- Adventure Island III

Good choices on the Adventure Island games. Those don't get the love they deserve.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 05, 2014, 10:27:31 am
Picked up the South Park: Stick of Truth strategy guide this morning since I'm expecting my copies to arrive either today or tomorrow.

Decent looking guide (*especially* for Prima...I'm a "DoubleJump" kinda' guy:)


Looks like it has a decent looking, and nice-sized poster in there, as well.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 05, 2014, 10:30:55 am
Picked up the South Park: Stick of Truth strategy guide this morning since I'm expecting my copies to arrive either today or tomorrow.

Decent looking guide (*especially* for Prima...I'm a "DoubleJump" kinda' guy:)


Looks like it has a decent looking, and nice-sized poster in there, as well.

Prima guides' quality has decreased over time  :-\ So many mistakes everywhere. And I'm not just talking about mistypes (which there are plenty of), but also sometimes a lack of important informations.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 05, 2014, 10:47:54 am
Picked up the South Park: Stick of Truth strategy guide this morning since I'm expecting my copies to arrive either today or tomorrow.

Decent looking guide (*especially* for Prima...I'm a "DoubleJump" kinda' guy:)


Looks like it has a decent looking, and nice-sized poster in there, as well.

Prima guides' quality has decreased over time  :-\ So many mistakes everywhere. And I'm not just talking about mistypes (which there are plenty of), but also sometimes a lack of important informations.


IMO, Brady's just as bad.

I mean, especially when it first came out, Final Fantasy least, I would think - would have been considered a pretty "big" game that would have ensured a thoroughly proof-read & fact-checked, comprehensive guide.

Not only did they never even mention certain "ultimate" items -but- they didn't just forget the map for the "Chocobo's Dungeon" (a confusing, perspective, facing & direction altering, maze type of dungeon that was extremely easy to get lost and/or turned around in) ==> there was never even any mention made of that dungeon  :o

I'm wondering (read: hoping) that the new guide for the HD re-makes will be much improved & fixed -but- if they couldn't even get a guide right for one game - I'm certainly not betting on them getting the guide for 2 (games with pretty large worlds, secrets, & sidequests) in one guide right  ::)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 05, 2014, 12:36:48 pm
I'm just so upset that they're not putting out a hardback collector's guide for the FFX-X2 set.  I *love* those games.  As in, I not only own the original games, and the "Eternal Calm" disk that was only distributed in the US through an issue of EGM, and I think all of the first figures they released for the two games, and a nice poster print from FFX, and of course the original guides, and soundtracks for them - but my wedding ring is even Tidus' ring.  So I *kinda* like the games.  And I feel gipped that they put out a really nice guide for Kingdom Hearts but only a paperback one for this set.   :'(
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 05, 2014, 01:36:24 pm
I'm just so upset that they're not putting out a hardback collector's guide for the FFX-X2 set.  I *love* those games.  As in, I not only own the original games, and the "Eternal Calm" disk that was only distributed in the US through an issue of EGM, and I think all of the first figures they released for the two games, and a nice poster print from FFX, and of course the original guides, and soundtracks for them - but my wedding ring is even Tidus' ring.  So I *kinda* like the games.  And I feel gipped that they put out a really nice guide for Kingdom Hearts but only a paperback one for this set.   :'(

Yeah, me too  >:(

I was also hoping & expecting a nice CE, hardcover guide(s), some music, etc, etc.

Then again - it's not like the "Square + disappointment" association is anything new and/or unexpected to me   :o

What is this "Eternal Calm" disc of which you speak - I'm not familiar with it?

I'm also a big fan of both games & their music (with "Via Infinito", "Yuna's Ballad", "1,000 words" (all versions), and "To Zanarkand" (at least, I *think* that was the name of the opening/"Campfire" song in FF-X) as some of my all time favorite pieces.

So much so that I did something that I VERY Rarely do...namely imported the nice 4-disc + artbook FF-X & the 2-disc FFX-2 OST's (along with the strictly piano versions of both)...and felt that it was money well spent (I also imported (and was happy that I did:) the NIER, Folklore, and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment OST's from Japan as well)  ;D

Did you ever import/play any of the "International" versions -and- do you know exactly what will be new (for US gamers, at least) with the addition of International version content to the HD re-makes?

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 05, 2014, 01:40:53 pm
I snagged a Steam version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic from Newegg for three bucks.

And I got my Steam keys for uh, Vanguard Princess. Including an "uncensoring" DLC. Uh. Don't go into the Steam screenshots for the game. Fair warning. >_<

Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved  :o

Yeah, that... that was what made me go "... really? That's allowed?"
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 05, 2014, 02:30:14 pm
Yeah, me too  >:(

I was also hoping & expecting a nice CE, hardcover guide(s), some music, etc, etc.

Then again - it's not like the "Square + disappointment" association is anything new and/or unexpected to me   :o

What is this "Eternal Calm" disc of which you speak - I'm not familiar with it?

I'm also a big fan of both games & their music (with "Via Infinito", "Yuna's Ballad", "1,000 words" (all versions), and "To Zanarkand" (at least, I *think* that was the name of the opening/"Campfire" song in FF-X) as some of my all time favorite pieces.

So much so that I did something that I VERY Rarely do...namely imported the nice 4-disc + artbook FF-X & the 2-disc FFX-2 OST's (along with the strictly piano versions of both)...and felt that it was money well spent (I also imported (and was happy that I did:) the NIER, Folklore, and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment OST's from Japan as well)  ;D

Did you ever import/play any of the "International" versions -and- do you know exactly what will be new (for US gamers, at least) with the addition of International version content to the HD re-makes?

Eternal Calm is a cutscene "movie" - about 15-20 mins long, if memory serves - that helps bridge the gap between X & X-2.  I want to say it came with X-2 in Japan, but the only way they distributed it over here was on a disk packed into an issue of EGM.  I think that's the same issue that had the rare alternate cover art done by Amano, but I may be mistaken.  Anyway, Eternal Calm *will* be included in the HD set.

I have the FFX Piano soundtrack (I think that's the disk I've been waking up to lately) and the FFX-2 standard soundtrack.  I don't think I ever got the standard soundtrack for FFX, but I can't remember.  Getting the CE for the HD set tho, and it includes the full redone soundtracks for both so I'm excited about that.  :)

I have the FFX International Version - I've played some of it but I've never finished it, I don't enjoy playing games in Japanese since I can't read it.  I know some ppl don't mind using a faq / walkthrough with them, but I don't get any enjoyment out of that.  Honestly, I probably wouldn't even have that version of the game except that I stumbled across it used locally, and it completely shocked me to find it in the wild like that so I bought it. 

Anyway, there is an alternate sphere grid layout for FFX that you can select in the beginning, it leaves everything more open from the start allowing you to develop the characters how ever you want from the beginning.  There is also a little extra content later on in the game I believe.  For X-2, there are a few more dress spheres than what was included in the original, and again some extra content somewhere in the game I believe. 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 05, 2014, 03:24:05 pm
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved  :o

Stop teasing, Karyann!   :P

Umm...Link, please?   :-[
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 05, 2014, 03:47:24 pm
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved  :o

Stop teasing, Karyann!   :P

Umm...Link, please?   :-[

Search for "Vanguard Princess", click on "Discussions", then click on "Screenshots".

The screenshots are -so bad- I don't want people getting in trouble for clicking a direct link to them.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 05, 2014, 04:06:48 pm
Konami emailed me my Steam codes for Castlevania Lords of Shadow 1 & 2!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 05, 2014, 04:18:20 pm
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved  :o

Stop teasing, Karyann!   :P

Umm...Link, please?   :-[

Search for "Vanguard Princess", click on "Discussions", then click on "Screenshots".

The screenshots are -so bad- I don't want people getting in trouble for clicking a direct link to them.

Meh; I just took a quick look and didn't see anything *that* bad...
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 05, 2014, 04:47:53 pm
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved  :o

Stop teasing, Karyann!   :P

Umm...Link, please?   :-[

Search for "Vanguard Princess", click on "Discussions", then click on "Screenshots".

The screenshots are -so bad- I don't want people getting in trouble for clicking a direct link to them.

Meh; I just took a quick look and didn't see anything *that* bad...
Keep in mind this is a store in Puritanical America. :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 05, 2014, 07:25:21 pm
Since you said NOT to, I had to take a peek. I'm at school. I closed the tab after a panty-shot where no panties were involved  :o

Stop teasing, Karyann!   :P

Umm...Link, please?   :-[

Search for "Vanguard Princess", click on "Discussions", then click on "Screenshots".

The screenshots are -so bad- I don't want people getting in trouble for clicking a direct link to them.

Meh; I just took a quick look and didn't see anything *that* bad...

Yeah, it's mostly some cell-shaded panties, but it's still kinda weird for Steam :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atarileaf on March 05, 2014, 08:00:50 pm
Been on a big "Worms" kick lately, first Battle Islands for the Wii, then Worms Collection for the PS3 came in the mail yesterday and Worms Open Warfare 2 for the DS arrived today.

These games don't seem to get the love they deserve IMO.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 05, 2014, 08:02:23 pm
Got Stick of Truth today, but I'm not planning on it being a permanent addition.  I hear it's pretty short for an RPG, so I figure I can probably get through it by the end of the weekend and then either trade or ebay it next week (whichever ends up being more profitable).  Should be fun tho!  :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 05, 2014, 08:03:49 pm
Got Stick of Truth today, but I'm not planning on it being a permanent addition.  I hear it's pretty short for an RPG, so I figure I can probably get through it by the end of the weekend and then either trade or ebay it next week (whichever ends up being more profitable).  Should be fun tho!  :)

I just saw a review of it yesterday. I SOOOO want to play it. It looks JUST like an episode of South Park. From what I saw, you pretty much play through an episode of South Park, and that just sounds awesome.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stethebubble on March 05, 2014, 08:32:16 pm
picked up these today
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 05, 2014, 11:37:38 pm
Got Stick of Truth today, but I'm not planning on it being a permanent addition.  I hear it's pretty short for an RPG, so I figure I can probably get through it by the end of the weekend and then either trade or ebay it next week (whichever ends up being more profitable).  Should be fun tho!  :)

Don't know how true this is, but I heard when Ubisoft picked the rights up after THQ went under, they pretty much took out 50% of the game in order to release it later on a DLC expansions. I f$#%ing hate the industry because I can actually see this being true. I guess we'll see. Still looks really fun though.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 06, 2014, 12:05:06 am
South Park is amazing. IS the show.  There's just no other way to put it.  It's hilarious, one of the funniest games I've played.  Gameplay-wise, think a really vulgar Costume Quest.  :P  Exploring the town is just a blast, there's SO much detail everywhere and so many hidden jokes & references to find.  I think it pretty much had to be short tho - if they tried to stretch something like this out to 60+ hours it would probably kill it.  As it is, I imagine 12-15 hours will be the perfect length.  Rent it if you must, but anyone that likes South Park needs to play this game.  :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 06, 2014, 12:36:18 am
Got Stick of Truth today, but I'm not planning on it being a permanent addition.  I hear it's pretty short for an RPG, so I figure I can probably get through it by the end of the weekend and then either trade or ebay it next week (whichever ends up being more profitable).  Should be fun tho!  :)

Don't know how true this is, but I heard when Ubisoft picked the rights up after THQ went under, they pretty much took out 50% of the game in order to release it later on a DLC expansions. I f$#%ing hate the industry because I can actually see this being true. I guess we'll see. Still looks really fun though.

I can't find anything to confirm this. Obsidian -did- say the game would have multiple DLC packs in E3 2012.

But Trey Parker said about cut content being made available as DLC, and I quote, "Fuck that."
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 06, 2014, 09:32:25 am
I looked at the Vanguard stuff too. Nothing too bad. I dont know why the rest of the world assumes that America is full of prudes and tries to limit what we can see. I like crazy shit. Show me all of it!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 06, 2014, 10:01:16 am
I dont know why the rest of the world assumes that America is full of prudes and tries to limit what we can see. I like crazy shit. Show me all of it!

Amen, brother  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 06, 2014, 10:17:26 am
I looked at the Vanguard stuff too. Nothing too bad. I dont know why the rest of the world assumes that America is full of prudes and tries to limit what we can see. I like crazy shit. Show me all of it!

That's like the Family Scene in Lords of Shadow 2. Some folks are up in arms about it, while I look at it and think "He's fucking Dracula, and he's thirsty. It's a game ABOUT Dracula, of course we have to see him feed, what's the big deal?"
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 06, 2014, 11:22:31 am
Its pretty bad in the gaming world. A lot of the games coming over here have to be "dumbed down" for us when I guarantee there are just as many gamers on this side of the world that like the more hardcore stuff as over in the Asian countries.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stethebubble on March 06, 2014, 05:24:31 pm
Been on a big "Worms" kick lately, first Battle Islands for the Wii, then Worms Collection for the PS3 came in the mail yesterday and Worms Open Warfare 2 for the DS arrived today.

These games don't seem to get the love they deserve IMO.

also love Hogs of war
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 06, 2014, 09:29:00 pm
Added a few games to the collection today.
Winter Games and Blues Brothers to the NES pile

ZombiU and Lego City Undercover to the WiiU collection.

And The Boy found a Dark Spyro and Legendary Bouncer Skylanders. He was pretty pumped.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: madmax on March 06, 2014, 09:55:21 pm
I'm going to be buying Titanfall when it comes out, won't be a collection piece though.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 07, 2014, 07:45:53 pm
I recently got Tecmo World Wrestling for NES and Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break for GB.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 07, 2014, 08:39:55 pm
I grabbed a few used PSP games from Gamestop today - a complete Tales of the World, which is what I had went looking for, along with disk-only Crisis Core & Gurumin.  I had the case/manual/etc. for Crisis Core, kept it when I traded the game in originally.  Unfortunately I didn't for Gurumin, but my wife has been upset with me for trading that game in because she loves it.  ;) 


Oh, and I also got this game in the mail today.  You might have heard of's no big deal, really.  ;)

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 07, 2014, 08:57:47 pm
I'm now a proud member to the Neo Geo Pocket Color Family  :D  I cant wait to play it and it also says it syncs with the Dreamcast which I did not know that so that will be interesting to figure that out...I feel cool now with a Neo Geo product  8)

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 07, 2014, 10:00:47 pm
I'm now a proud member to the Neo Geo Pocket Color Family  :D  I cant wait to play it and it also says it syncs with the Dreamcast which I did not know that so that will be interesting to figure that out...I feel cool now with a Neo Geo product  8)


Very nice!!! I have about 10 NGPocket games, but no system :(. Found them last fall for a really good price and was too good to pass up. Plus, I had never come across NGPocket games on the wild before.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: brettybluevein on March 08, 2014, 02:46:54 am
New toy in the mail today!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 08, 2014, 04:37:10 am
Got another weird rare game system.

A Timetop GameKing II!!
A cheap game system from the Taiwan / Hong Kong region.
I have a GameKing I now I got the 2nd model.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 08, 2014, 10:04:21 am
Picked up BC Racers for the 32X. 7 to go.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 08, 2014, 10:44:56 am
Picked up BC Racers for the 32X. 7 to go.

Keep it going Beta.  You're almost there and might as well say 4 considering the 3 big one's that you may find once in a life time lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 08, 2014, 10:45:20 am
New toy in the mail today!

That is so cool  :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 08, 2014, 10:46:47 am
I'm now a proud member to the Neo Geo Pocket Color Family  :D  I cant wait to play it and it also says it syncs with the Dreamcast which I did not know that so that will be interesting to figure that out...I feel cool now with a Neo Geo product  8)

Very nice!!! I have about 10 NGPocket games, but no system :(. Found them last fall for a really good price and was too good to pass up. Plus, I had never come across NGPocket games on the wild before.

Yea I have never seen anything Neo Geo in the wild.  Not a single thing.  I was lucky to find these in the wild *cough* *cough* *internet* *cough*  lol ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 08, 2014, 11:13:20 am
Today was a bust at the flea market other than paying way too much for a New Super Mario Bros 2 strategy guide, but I did great at the Salvation Army where I got an original Xbox with two controllers for 18 bucks and Battlefield 2/Special Forces on PC for 8 bucks together.  Not bad at all to me.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 08, 2014, 11:31:39 am
Received my (2) pre-ordered copies of South Park: The Stick of Truth from GS' on-line store (pre-ordered 'em so loooong ago...that until I got my Shipping Confirmation e-mail last week - I'd completely forgotten about it)!  :o

Anyways...(as seems to be becoming the trend  >:(  ==> there's no manual/just a card inside with 4 DLC codes for different classes + DLC codes (received from GS via e-mail for the) "Super Space-Man Samurai" class (or outfit); apparently, the only "extra" for pre-ordering from them...
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 08, 2014, 11:36:31 am
Yeah Im not fond of the digital manual crap. But it is what it is ... one less thing to look for/lose in the future.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 08, 2014, 11:40:39 am
Yeah Im not fond of the digital manual crap. But it is what it is ... one less thing to look for/lose in the future.


Plus, I almost always get (when there *IS* one to get) & I like looking through & collecting the strategy guides (*especially* for RPG's) = ONE BIG MANUAL, anyhow  8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 08, 2014, 12:17:43 pm
I have a big weakness for strat guides. They are like the bling to games.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 08, 2014, 12:27:14 pm
I have a big weakness for strat guides. They are like the bling to games.

I've started collecting them since I was able to get a bunch at a flea market for about a buck a piece, some gems, some not so much, but I do like having them and I'm starting to grab a few for certain new games now like Super Mario 3D World and I'm gonna get one for Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze.  I never use them to get through a game, but they'll be handy for the after-game stuff as I don't mind using them to find the extras and collectibles lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 08, 2014, 12:38:13 pm
Yeah Im not fond of the digital manual crap. But it is what it is ... one less thing to look for/lose in the future.


Plus, I almost always get (when there *IS* one to get) & I like looking through & collecting the strategy guides (*especially* for RPG's) = ONE BIG MANUAL, anyhow  8)

I'm the exact same way, I always have to have the strat guide for my RPGs just for collector's purposes.  I'll get some for other games too, mainly if it's 1) a game I really like and 2) a hardback CE edition guide.  It's a shame that they don't put out nearly as many JRPG guides these days as they did back in the PS1/PS2 era. 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 08, 2014, 12:55:33 pm
I have a big weakness for strat guides. They are like the bling to games.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 08, 2014, 01:54:47 pm
Picked up BC Racers for the 32X. 7 to go.

Keep it going Beta.  You're almost there and might as well say 4 considering the 3 big one's that you may find once in a life time lol

I see those three fairly often. I'm just getting the carts. So, aside from Spiderman, it's not bad. Prices have been coming down too. I passed up on Pitfall for about $55 (about $10-15 more than I want to spend). I believe VintageVideoGameGeek ended up picking that up to complete his set. World Series comes up for that price a bit too. It's the boxes that become extra insane.

I'm betting it will be another 2-3 years for me. Then I will be within 1 game. I'm concentrating on 3-4 more games. Then I will probably turn to the Game Gear or Master System again. Both of those are over 50% on the complete US set.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 08, 2014, 04:56:35 pm
Got a nice little package in the mail today.
Ninja Gaiden and Golf for my PlayChoice 10.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 08, 2014, 07:11:48 pm
FINALLY found an affordable copy of this game again!

( (

I am now officially done with my Gamecube collection :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: redblaze57 on March 08, 2014, 07:59:29 pm
Not a game but found this today $3
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 08, 2014, 08:57:54 pm
I got Eternal Ring (HUGE King's Field fan, and this is a spiritual successor to the series).

And I got Rocksmith to go with my awesome new guitar, check it out here:,1811.315.html (,1811.315.html)

BTW, this marks 800 items in my collection! I now have confidence that I will reach the 1000 mark in my collection one day!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: blipcs76 on March 08, 2014, 09:23:26 pm
picked up Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Pandoras Tower, which completes my "Operation Rainfall' collection.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 09, 2014, 03:00:00 am
I've got both Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi and Tara's Adventure/Journey incoming CIB/Sealed, meaning I only need GBC DWIII and I have all the US Dragon Warrior/Quest releases! Yayyy :) (I've been skunked on no less than 4 different DWIII auctions, no joke. xD; )
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 09, 2014, 11:42:25 am
Why do I buy these lots for just a couple of games?  Because they're cheap, that's why. Here's what $30 gets you in a junky junk store.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 09, 2014, 05:13:50 pm
Its been a wild couple days. Between bargain Bins, Local Game Stores, a Rare Game System (yes another one) and a Flea Market. Picked up a lot of goodies.

- South Park: The Stick of Truth - Collector's Edition

- Centipede Infestation
- Green Lantern

- Baroque (was $2)

- SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3

- Dragonball Z: Infinite World
- Chulip

- Xiaolin Showtime

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
- Tales of Symphonia (ya it's Players Choice, but for the price and condition I couldn't pass on it)

- Rise of the Dragon

GG ($5 all 3)
- Psychic World
- Chicago Syndicate
- Shinobi II

- Shadowrun

- Super Cross Force (With Manual)
- Squish'em Featuring Sam

And last a Watara SuperVision 1st version CIB (even has headphones, all the paperwork and inserts)
Came with 7 Games. all had their plastic sleeves and Mini Manuals.
- 2 in 1: Cross High + Block Buster
- Crystball
- Dream World
- Grand Prix
- P-52 Sea Battle
- Tasac 2010
- Treasure Hunter


Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: lizardjesus on March 09, 2014, 08:29:16 pm
- Baroque (was $2)

That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price. That ChuLip looks like an interesting game too.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 09, 2014, 11:43:55 pm
- Baroque (was $2)

That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.

Baroque is a PS2 / Wii game...   ???
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 10, 2014, 12:19:50 am
- Baroque (was $2)

That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.

Baroque is a PS2 / Wii game...   ???
The PS2 / Wii version is a remake of the PS1 / Saturn version.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 10, 2014, 03:36:32 am
- Baroque (was $2)

That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.

Baroque is a PS2 / Wii game...   ???
The PS2 / Wii version is a remake of the PS1 / Saturn version.

Thanks, that makes a lot more sense then.  ;)  Was the PS1 version released in the US?  I'm not very familiar with most US Saturn games, but I thought I was pretty up on US PS1 games - especially RPGs.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 10, 2014, 06:13:06 am
- Baroque (was $2)

That's a cool find right there, granted it's not the rarer Saturn or PSX version but still a nice find. And you can't beat that price.

Baroque is a PS2 / Wii game...   ???
The PS2 / Wii version is a remake of the PS1 / Saturn version.

Thanks, that makes a lot more sense then.  ;)  Was the PS1 version released in the US?  I'm not very familiar with most US Saturn games, but I thought I was pretty up on US PS1 games - especially RPGs.

It was originally only released in Japan on the PS1 and Saturn. In the US it was only released on PS2 and Wii
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 10, 2014, 12:33:46 pm
- Chulip

I was looking at this game. It seems really strange and a must have for some reason.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: denniedarko on March 10, 2014, 12:45:01 pm
I'm slowly rebuilding my PS3 collection since picking another one up. In the past couple of days I picked up:

- Batman: Arkham City (beat it on the 360, and the Arkham Knight news had me wanting to play it again)

- God of War Collection (only ever beat II, and enjoyed it, not to mention it was only 8 bucks)

- God of War III (again, only beat II and it was only 8 bucks)

- Resident Evil 6 (beat it on the 360, loved every minute of it, wanted to play through it again. One of my favorite Resident Evils, next to 2 and 4)

- Silent Hill: Homecoming (first PS3 game I ever got, still haven't beat it, one of my all time favorite series)

- Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (I was going to wait on this, but had a 10 dollar of coupon and it was only 31 bucks used, so I spent 24 bucks with tax, which I thought was a solid deal)

- Tales of Xillia (didn't beat it when I had it last time, though I enjoyed what I had played quite a bit. Figured I would grab it again before it was harder to find)

- Valkyria Chronicles (gonna give this another chance, really didn't like it when I tried it years ago, but I always hear great things about it. I also really like the setting, art style, and love what music I have heard)

- Yakuza 3 and 4 (have always heard this was a good series, and finally picked them up, might get 1 and 2 if the HD versions ever come here that I heard released in japan)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 10, 2014, 03:59:17 pm
Went over to the GS near my office at lunch & grabbed a few more PS2 games.  All were disk only, unfortunately, but I'm still happy with what I got for the price:

Resident Evil: Dead Aim
The Warriors (was really happy to find this one)
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
Firefighter F.D. 18
MTV Music Generator 3 (was .50, so figured why not?)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: htimreimer on March 10, 2014, 04:13:51 pm
i went to EB games and here is what i got

singularity for pc - 60 cents
transformers war for cybertron for pc -$1.02
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atarileaf on March 10, 2014, 04:46:52 pm
EB had some games for 49 and 99 cents so grabbed a bunch. Hot Shots golf was $13.49 but it's been on my wish list. The Wii game was $1.99 and the rest were in the aforementioned 49-99 cent range.

Probably use most of these as trade bait at the local game store. May keep the "eye move" games but the rest are all just "meh" to me and barely worth a buck each.

( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 10, 2014, 04:54:18 pm
Singularity is excellent if you've never played it before. 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Veilor on March 10, 2014, 05:28:08 pm
Bought these two, both on an auctionsite.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 10, 2014, 05:53:25 pm
i went to EB games and here is what i got

singularity for pc - 60 cents
transformers war for cybertron for pc -$1.02

I've been trying to get those games but friggin Activision NEVER LOWERS THE PRICE ON STEAM!

Oh, I got two SNES cart sleeves for free today. :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: denniedarko on March 10, 2014, 05:56:09 pm
EB had some games for 49 and 99 cents so grabbed a bunch. Hot Shots golf was $13.49 but it's been on my wish list. The Wii game was $1.99 and the rest were in the aforementioned 49-99 cent range.

Probably use most of these as trade bait at the local game store. May keep the "eye move" games but the rest are all just "meh" to me and barely worth a buck each.

( (

I see hot shots on the PS store on sale pretty often. I picked it up a few years ago for 6 bucks, I think it was, with all the dlc.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 10, 2014, 07:02:08 pm
Finaly... FINALLY broke down and bought Avalon Code for the DS on eBay. Wanted this game for basically since it came out. Annoyingly hard to find DS game, for sure.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 10, 2014, 08:29:58 pm
I recently got Mario Superstar Baseball for Gamecube.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 10, 2014, 09:35:49 pm
I just got 2 (Count 'em 2) Super Nintendos in exchange for softmodding a Wii. I love people who think computers are magic.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 10, 2014, 10:40:32 pm

Firefighter F.D. 18

This was a hard, hard game to find! It took me close to three years to find a copy and that is after looking at game stores, garage sales, flea markets and just about every place other than Ebay. Finally found it about a year ago for only $5. Ironically I found another copy at a game store about a month later for $10. Great find on that one :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 10, 2014, 10:41:48 pm
Picked up Valhalla Knights on the Wii. Lol didn't realize this game was so hated by critics, but I've never been a fan of professional reviews anyways :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 10, 2014, 10:51:14 pm

Firefighter F.D. 18

This was a hard, hard game to find! It took me close to three years to find a copy and that is after looking at game stores, garage sales, flea markets and just about every place other than Ebay. Finally found it about a year ago for only $5. Ironically I found another copy at a game store about a month later for $10. Great find on that one :)

I vaguely remember playing it back in the PS2 days, but I don't remember that much about it.  Didn't realize it was that hard to find - they had another copy if anyone else is interested.  It was kinda scratched up, but I don't recall seeing anything that looked bad enough to affect it playing. 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 10, 2014, 11:38:39 pm
Today's incoming:


The NES system bits were bought from a NA user, and while the NES is super moody (even after tweaking and cleaning the 72 pin, I went ahead and ordered a new one after a few hours xD; ) it's a very nice set.

DWII: Cobi is almost mint, I'm very happy with it. Just need DWIII GBC and I'm done! :D

Xenosaga was an unplanned addition, I stopped at a thrift store on the way back from turning in my suitcase to be repaired, and they sold me the copy for 2.50. It's a bit scratched, but complete, and the previous owner left a long heart-felt note about the game inside. Very cool. :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 10, 2014, 11:43:14 pm
Boxed NES *Drool* Must have...
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 11, 2014, 01:53:19 am
Finally went through the latest batch of greenlit / key added Steam games... and a few other games I'd bought recently. So I just added the following:

Greenlit / bundle keys:
Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead
99 Levels to Hell
Tower of Guns
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2
Diehard Dungeon
Where Angels Cry
One Way Heroics
One Finger Death Punch

Retail keys:
Aliens: Colonial Marines - this was $2 on Amazon, how could I resist?

Steam purchases:
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 (from last week, forgot to activate this :P)
Walking Dead Survival Instinct Horde Mode DLC (ditto)
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise - Master Level (DLC) purchases:
BloodRayne 2 (these finally went on sale. Had to pay almost five bucks but I finally have them. For some reason. Now if only they'd add Nocturne...)

I haven't had any physical game-related finds lately. Stuff has been pretty scarce. :(
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jcalder8 on March 11, 2014, 02:48:15 am
I picked up a few things on Sunday:
These were $4.00 for the lot:
( (

These were not part of that lot
( (
Batman was $60
Defiance was $20
Everything else was a buck or two
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atarileaf on March 11, 2014, 07:20:19 am
I've been seeing a lot of bundles or lots of GBA and DS kids games lately. They're becoming the new "sports" games in thrift stores.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 11, 2014, 08:24:15 am
Why the hell is everyone finding copies of Singularity? Even friggin' Gamefly has the game on sale today. (No Steam key, so I'm not touching that.)

Stop taunting me! ;_;
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 11, 2014, 08:52:49 am
The Castlevania: Lords of Shadow T-Shirt came in yesterday! It's a little tight, but I guess that gives me a reason to get back in shape. It feels like really nice fabric too, not some cheap cotton.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 11, 2014, 09:10:26 am
That's a really nice shirt!    8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 11, 2014, 09:18:47 am
Picking up Escha + Logy in a 1/2 hour!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Veilor on March 11, 2014, 12:09:32 pm
I bought a PS1 Memory Card last week, came in the mail today. Finally I can play my PS1 games on my PS2.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 11, 2014, 07:43:51 pm
I bought a PS1 Memory Card last week, came in the mail today. Finally I can play my PS1 games on my PS2.

Awesome. The PS1 has some of the most interesting games since it was during the time when 3D gaming was still largely being experimented with, plus the PS1 has a HUGE library. And those RPGs.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 11, 2014, 07:44:31 pm

These were not part of that lot
( (
Batman was $60
Defiance was $20
Everything else was a buck or two

So what's all in the Batman box?
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 11, 2014, 08:24:02 pm

Batman was $60
Defiance was $20
Everything else was a buck or two

So what's all in the Batman box?

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 11, 2014, 08:27:47 pm
So what's all in the Batman box?


*slaps you*

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 11, 2014, 09:02:12 pm
Am I supposed to know? I know the game is in there, but I'm talking what else comes in the collector's edition, because I don't know.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 11, 2014, 09:18:19 pm
All my Yahoo!Japan goodies (plus my second-to-last DW game, still sealed) all made it in today! :D


(The two non-Dragon Quest items are from the anime Cyber Formula.)

The Dragon Quest pencil bag is vintage 1994, and even had the original opinion survey card inside it! Very cool. :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stuntman64 on March 11, 2014, 09:35:03 pm
I got pokemon stadium strategy guide and knockout kings 2000 while i was in San Antonio today. Nothing to exciting.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 11, 2014, 09:57:36 pm
I received my Club Nintendo Luigi Statue today
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 11, 2014, 10:33:34 pm
Am I supposed to know? I know the game is in there, but I'm talking what else comes in the collector's edition, because I don't know.

What's in the box is a famous line from a movie. Don't google it. Spoilers ahoy. Just run out and watch se7en as fast as you can. Seriously. Do it.


What are you still reading this for? Watch Se7en.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 11, 2014, 10:41:00 pm
Nice stuff Anruiukimi. That pencil bag is pretty awesome. And you know Im jealous of the Serena stuff. I cant wait to update this soon myself. And on to something else ...

Just run out and watch se7en as fast as you can. Seriously. Do it.


What are you still reading this for? Watch Se7en.

Some of the most important words ever spoken are right here. Se7en is probably my all time favorite movie. I watch it pretty consistently.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 11, 2014, 10:49:29 pm
Se7en is good. My girlfriend had nightmares for a while do to that movie. For some reason, that raises my respect for the movie.

Picked up Miracle Warriors for a 5er. I remember not really liking the game. But I am looking forward to giving it another go.   
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 11, 2014, 11:01:16 pm
Miracle warriors is awesome. I have such crazy nostalgia memories from that game.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jcalder8 on March 11, 2014, 11:02:06 pm
I'm thinking about picking up Diablo 3 off of Battlenet for $20. Could I get some opinions on if it's worth it at that price?
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 11, 2014, 11:04:46 pm
Miracle warriors is awesome. I have such crazy nostalgia memories from that game.

Yeah. I'm going to wait until I have a decent amount of free time to sink into it and give it a fair go again.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 11, 2014, 11:30:21 pm

Thrift shopping has been okay for me.

*  Windows 98 gaming computer with Voodoo 3 video card al ready installed with CRT monitor (15.00)

*  RE 4, Fable 2 and Soul Calibur III strategy guides (1.99 each)

*  Unreal Tournament PC (2.99)

*  Evil Dead PS2 (5.00)

*  Guardian's Crusade PS1 (5.00)

*  Tiny Toons Wacky Sports SNES box and game only missing manual (15.00)

*  Battle Arena Toshindin PS1 (5.00)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 11, 2014, 11:34:03 pm
Am I supposed to know? I know the game is in there, but I'm talking what else comes in the collector's edition, because I don't know.

What's in the box is a famous line from a movie. Don't google it. Spoilers ahoy. Just run out and watch se7en as fast as you can. Seriously. Do it.


What are you still reading this for? Watch Se7en.

I've heard the "What in the basket?" line from this one:

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 11, 2014, 11:36:43 pm
What's in the box?!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jcalder8 on March 12, 2014, 12:22:21 am
So what's all in the Batman box?

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 12, 2014, 01:25:51 am
That's beautiful.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: thecrypticodor on March 12, 2014, 11:27:35 am
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows.  :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 12, 2014, 11:36:00 am
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows.  :D

Great finds :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 12, 2014, 12:29:09 pm
99 PS2 games!

Who says you can't game hunt online and not come out ahead? I've been watching the Amazon listings for Xenosaga III for months, waiting for a reasonably priced copy. Ended up snagging one CIB for $25 shipped, I think I did pretty well.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 12, 2014, 01:28:29 pm
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows.  :D

Ristar is really fun.  It's easily one of my favorite Genesis games.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: thecrypticodor on March 12, 2014, 01:49:24 pm
Ristar is really fun.  It's easily one of my favorite Genesis games.
Yeah definitely. Got a pretty good deal on it $10. The Game Gear port is supposedly very good as well. I'll eventually pick that version up too.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 12, 2014, 05:19:07 pm
Just bought DKC: Tropical Freeze!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 12, 2014, 07:23:45 pm
Just bought DKC: Tropical Freeze!

Let me know how that is. I really want to play it.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 12, 2014, 07:41:47 pm
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows.  :D

Ristar is really fun.  It's easily one of my favorite Genesis games.

Ristar looked very nice. But I had trouble actually having any fun with it. The grabbing mechanic got old quick since they make you grab like EVERYTHING! You grab things to collect them. You grab enemies to attack them. You grab platforms to climb. You have to even grab inside freaking bushes just to make sure nothing's there to hurt you. It started feeling like a chore very quickly, to me.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 12, 2014, 07:45:53 pm
Just got this at Goodwill today:


That much closer to completing my Dreamcast collection! :D I only have 5 games left on my Dreamcast wishlist:

1.   Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
2.   Bangai-O
3.   Dynamite Cop
4.   Gunbird 2
5.   Sega Rally 2

Then I might think about upgrading a few of my PS1 games to Dreamcast copies. Specifically Resident Evil 2 & 3 and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: htimreimer on March 12, 2014, 09:42:35 pm
once again i went to EB games and here is what i got

blur for PC - 53 cents
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 12, 2014, 11:11:02 pm

Ignore the extra crap on my table pls.  ;) 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jcalder8 on March 13, 2014, 12:06:43 am
99 PS2 games!
You got 99 games but a Barbie ain't one!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 13, 2014, 01:06:23 am
99 PS2 games!
You got 99 games but a Barbie ain't one!

Funny thing, I almost picked up Barbie Horse Adventures on the PS2 today.

Instead, I bought this:


StarFox Assault was $2.50. The game is in good shape, except for the back artwork - this was found in a box with several PS2, Gamecube, Xbox and PS1 games that were mostly complete, but had one or two holes through the back of the case and artwork, which leads me to believe they were all promo games (or someone really hated the cases, I dunno.) There were several games I wanted in the lot, but some had scratched discs or were missing the manual. I only picked up this one for a reason that I'll mention in the "General" topic later.

The CD is the soundtrack for The Vortex: Quantum Gate II, one of those mid 90s FMV "games". I've seen this a few times over the years but I never knew it was a game soundtrack until last year, when I stumbled upon the game itself. It's a promo copy (there's a sticker over the UPC in the case) but it's the same as the normal release. I know this may probably be the one of the first FMV game soundtracks published in the US. It's certainly made me curious about the game itself...
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 13, 2014, 01:17:45 am
Just bought DKC: Tropical Freeze!

Let me know how that is. I really want to play it.
It has that Nintendo quality you'd come to expect. Fun and challenging gameplay!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 13, 2014, 10:54:02 am
My most recent pickups.
No matter how many games I cross off my wish list it only just grows and grows.  :D

Awesome pickups!

Funny enough I have never run across a copy of Ristar in the wild. I know it's not a rare game, it is just one of those elusive titles I never see for some reason. Maybe this weekend I'll find it at the flea market. The sun is out, the weather is getting warmer and the sellers will be out in full!!I am so there :p
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 13, 2014, 02:45:11 pm

Would have rather had Lucky Dime Caper, but I'm not complaining since I won an auction on it for $2.75! Lucky me! (Besides, I'll probably get Lucky Dime Caper on my Master System anyways, the SMS version of Deep Duck Trouble on the other hand is far too expensive for my tastes.)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 13, 2014, 10:07:19 pm
I just got LA Noire Complete for Steam for about four bucks and two TF2 item drops. Woohoo.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atariboy on March 13, 2014, 11:16:07 pm
Nice pick ups foxhack, I loved LA Noir on the 360, I thought it was an excellent game.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: teck on March 14, 2014, 03:40:18 am
Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~!  D:
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 14, 2014, 06:59:41 am
Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~!  D:

I didn't have a problem opening mine (I never do tho, I don't buy games to keep them sealed) but I couldn't decide if I should leave the figure in the box to display him or remove him.  My wife told me he would look much better removed & setup, and I believe she was right.  :)  Of course, the decision was made somewhat easier by the fact that the box got a little dinged in shipping...  :-\
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 14, 2014, 10:16:57 am
I picked up a few things in the last few days.

P'radicus Conflict (NES) CIB - $25  The box has seen better days, but it was priced right
Micro Machines (Aladdin Cart) Sealed - $13  My wife didn't know what an Aladdin cart was.  She bought it off eBay.  Yeah Wife!
Felix the Cat (NES) loose - $15 I'm happy to knock this one off of my list.  It's been a booger to find.
Legend of Zelda Classic Series (NES) - $20 CIB Not a bad price
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 14, 2014, 10:46:25 am
Nice score on P`Radikus. Ive never seen the game in person and I would have paid $25 just cart only.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 14, 2014, 01:17:33 pm
Nice score on P`Radikus. Ive never seen the game in person and I would have paid $25 just cart only.

I'm getting really close to having all the unlicensed games.  If it wasn't for those damn dirty Panisian (sp?) games I might be able to get all of them, minus Myrid 6-in-1.  Tengen, Bunch, Wisdom Tree, Color Dreams, and Camerica sets are within reach.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Veilor on March 14, 2014, 05:13:26 pm
Two more games bought

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 14, 2014, 08:21:08 pm
^ I've never seen a "Platinum" PS2 game. Those look cool. In the U.S., it's a "Greatest Hits" edition for PS2, and it has a red border, rather than your stylish silver border.

The original XBox had Platinum Hits editions in the U.S., though. But no cool silver border.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 14, 2014, 08:48:06 pm
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 14, 2014, 09:06:46 pm
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!

Jealous. After MM2, that's my favorite game in the original NES series.

*sigh*, I used to have them all. But my stupid brother sold my beautiful, beautiful NES collection for a Game Boy Color, a few games, and game case at Software Etc. when I was in the Air Force. (all Mega Mans, all Dragon Warriors, all Castlevanias, all Ninja Gaidens, all Adventure Islands, all Marios, all Lolos, etc., etc. It really was a fan-freaking-tastic collection)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 14, 2014, 09:33:00 pm
I picked up Yakuza 4. First Yakuza game for me.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 14, 2014, 10:54:16 pm
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!


Definitely a memorable milestone :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 14, 2014, 11:25:58 pm
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!

Nice! Congrats! I'm pushing a little over 900 if my math is correct, need to save that 1000 for something special!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 14, 2014, 11:29:14 pm
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!

Congrats Sir!  That's the hardest one to find. Very cool.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: teck on March 14, 2014, 11:46:45 pm
Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~!  D:

I didn't have a problem opening mine (I never do tho, I don't buy games to keep them sealed) but I couldn't decide if I should leave the figure in the box to display him or remove him.  My wife told me he would look much better removed & setup, and I believe she was right.  :)  Of course, the decision was made somewhat easier by the fact that the box got a little dinged in shipping...  :-\

Well, considering that I'm maybe half way through Dark Souls and that I don't want to play part 2 until I'm done, I figure I'll likely find a cheap copy of the standard edition by the time I'm ready to play it so keeping it sealed might not inhibit gameplay at all....
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Oheao on March 15, 2014, 12:13:44 am
I went to the United States to visit my family, and like always went game hunting. Of course there had to be shady thrift store incidents (3 in total), however all 3 of them have a happy ending (yay!) I might go into more depth with a new thread, if people think I should. Anyways my pickups:

Let's get these 3 games out of the way. 2 I already owned, but not complete:
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (PS2)
Lock 'N Chase (INT)

And 1 game that I had owned at one point, but someone stole from me:
Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock (Wii)

Now for the games that I have never owned before!:
Samurai Shodown Anthology (PSP)
Tekken Hybrid: Limited Edition (PS3)
Dead Or Alive 3 (XB)
Dead Or Alive 4 (360)
Attack Of The Movies 3-D (360)
HomeFront (360)
Glory Of Heracles (DS)
Dream Trigger 3D (3DS)
Bully (PS2)
Midnight Club II (PS2)
NFL Blitz Pro (PS2)
Bowling (PS1)
Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale (PS1)
N2O: Nitrous Oxide (PS1)
Need For Speed: High Stakes (PS1)
NHL Powerplay 98 (PS1)
Parasite Eve II (PS1)
Power Move: Pro Wrestling (PS1)
Power Play Sports Trivia (PS1)
Superstar Dance Club (PS1)

I can't take high quality pictures, so sorry guys/girls! I really wish I could.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 15, 2014, 07:47:38 am
Just got Dark Souls II CE and I can't decided if I should open it or not~!  D:

I didn't have a problem opening mine (I never do tho, I don't buy games to keep them sealed) but I couldn't decide if I should leave the figure in the box to display him or remove him.  My wife told me he would look much better removed & setup, and I believe she was right.  :)  Of course, the decision was made somewhat easier by the fact that the box got a little dinged in shipping...  :-\

Well, considering that I'm maybe half way through Dark Souls and that I don't want to play part 2 until I'm done, I figure I'll likely find a cheap copy of the standard edition by the time I'm ready to play it so keeping it sealed might not inhibit gameplay at all....

Well in that case I can certainly understand your point.  Still...that statue does look mighty spiffy setup...  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 15, 2014, 08:49:04 am
Open it, open it!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 15, 2014, 08:58:04 am
Open it, open it!

(sung to the tune of):

One.Of.Us; One.Of.Us!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 15, 2014, 09:02:08 am
Precisely. What's the point of all the goodies if all they are gonna do is sit in the box?
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 15, 2014, 09:22:49 am
Precisely. What's the point of all the goodies if all they are gonna do is sit in the box?


Even when I buy multiples of a sealed game and/or LE...ONE of them is *always* for me to rip open, enjoy the swag + goodies, and play the game!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: lizardjesus on March 15, 2014, 09:38:56 am
Just went to a flea market today, first time at that one, managed to find some stuff. Some guy sold me that Game Gear lot and Street Fighter II for 5 euros. Was it worth the money? Yes. Was it worth fearing for my health as I waded through a pile of grime encrusted garbage that looked like it had come directly from a garbage can and having to furiously wash my hands with sanitizer once I got home? I'm not sure. But hey, game chasing ain't for the faint of heart and weak of will.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 15, 2014, 10:10:25 am
Went to the flea market myself, but sadly it was rather empty this time.  Seemed like a few sellers had closed up and not a ton of new garage sale folks.  Did grab 4 games, but really only bought them cause they were a buck a piece lol  Also, I'm very proud to start off my Dreamcast game collection with NFL2K and the Dreamcast Web Browser...oh, wait, that's not pride, but shame, but they were only a dollar, so I can't complain much lol

Really just didn't want to go home empty handed and were the only games I saw that weren't from resellers, of which one thankfully closed up.  I don't mean to be an ass, especially if you do resell games, but when there's 3 or 4 resellers at this one flea market and most of their prices range from "so-so", to "I might as well just buy them on Ebay", I don't have alot of respect for that.  I've only come across one around me that I felt was very genuine with his prices and he's thankfully opening up a retro game store next weekend.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: lizardjesus on March 15, 2014, 10:17:19 am
Same here, didn't feel like leaving empty handed so picked those games up, ended up being a pretty good deal (once I was done cleaning those game gear games of course). I got up really early today so I managed to hit up the flea market before the police arrived and the people with the stolen good had to run away so there were plenty of things to choose from, this guy I bought MGS2 from had a whole bunch of games but many of them were bootlegs (I saw Pokemon Jade for the first time in many years) and most good games he had were in absolutely atrocious condition, I mean really I've never seen PS2 games in that poor a condition. Also found Grandia II for the PS2 there but sadly the box was empty, broke my heart. Dog's Life I actually found at a pawn shop afterwards.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 15, 2014, 02:18:26 pm
Visited the salvation army yesterday, and while I didn't find any games (There was a PC-version of Sonic 3D priced at $1, but the case was empty... such a bummer :( ), I got 3 brand new Gamesharks! 2 of these are Xbox, so I don't really care for them, but I figured that for the price, I should take them as trade material.

I unboxed the PS2 one because the package was in really bad shape anyway. I'm wondering if I should try it with a spare memory card (as not to mess my save files).
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 15, 2014, 02:43:59 pm
Flea Market purchases today, at a $5 table!

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: thecrypticodor on March 15, 2014, 03:12:37 pm
Flea Market purchases today, at a $5 table!

Really nice find on that LOK Blood Omen that's one of my favorite PS1 tittles. RE Survivor on the other hand the seller should have have paid you $5 to take away it away.   :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 15, 2014, 03:24:05 pm
^ I remember RE: Survivor being bad, too, when it first came out. But since the entire series has taken a turn for the worse, I was willing to take another chance on it for only $5. I'm not going into it with the same expectations this time.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 15, 2014, 06:54:00 pm
Received Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord for Famicom today which completes my NES/Famicom Wizardry set.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: denniedarko on March 15, 2014, 07:47:54 pm
Received Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord for Famicom today which completes my NES/Famicom Wizardry set.

Nice, those look really cool. A series I have always been slightly interested in, but know nothing about. I always almost buy 6,7 or 8 off of Steam, but can never quite pull the trigger.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 15, 2014, 08:09:00 pm
I'm kind of the opposite.  I buy a lot of Wizardry games, but can never find time to play them ha.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 15, 2014, 09:26:16 pm
Flea Market purchases today, at a $5 table!


Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 15, 2014, 09:31:19 pm
Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol

I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: denniedarko on March 15, 2014, 09:45:58 pm
I remember playing Survivor and thinking it wasn't that bad. At least not as bad as all the reviews at the time made it out to be.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 15, 2014, 10:03:25 pm
Flea Market purchases today, at a $5 table!


Forgot to add this one with it. Also at the $5 table:

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: thecrypticodor on March 16, 2014, 03:24:42 pm
Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol

I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Dead Aim is actually a pretty decent game it just really needs to played with the Guncom 2. If you're playing it with the standard Dual Shock than it's not going to be very much fun. A lot of people did play it that way and that's probably how it got a bad reputation.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 16, 2014, 03:35:10 pm
Well I thought I'd purchased Lego Marvel Super Heroes, but friggin' Gamefly put my card on hold. AGAIN.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 16, 2014, 05:49:58 pm
Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol

I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Dead Aim is actually a pretty decent game it just really needs to played with the Guncom 2. If you're playing it with the standard Dual Shock than it's not going to be very much fun. A lot of people did play it that way and that's probably how it got a bad reputation.

Yeah I played it with Guncom 2 so that's probably why I liked it lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 16, 2014, 06:48:16 pm
Found Survivor's younger brother Dead Aim today. I HATE this game, but for $2 I thought what the hell. I played it a little tonight and it isn't as awful as I remember, but still pretty craptastic lol

I remember kinda liking Dead Aim, but then again, I was never a huge fan of the original RE's.
Dead Aim is actually a pretty decent game it just really needs to played with the Guncom 2. If you're playing it with the standard Dual Shock than it's not going to be very much fun. A lot of people did play it that way and that's probably how it got a bad reputation.

Yeah I played it with Guncom 2 so that's probably why I liked it lol

I am going to try it out with the Guncon 2. The first time I played it I actually bought it brand new along with a Mad Katz gun. The thing wasn't well calebrated which definitely added to my issues with the game, but overall I didn't like the gameplay, hated the characters and found the story boring. I was also a diehard fan of the core RE games which probably tainted my opinion of Dead Aim as well.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 16, 2014, 07:34:00 pm
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 16, 2014, 09:21:11 pm
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?

Value aside, it is a really fun game. I don't think it will ever be worth less than $40 so unless you get lucky some day and find a super cheap copy, I think it's the best price you'll get on it ever. That is unless NIS decides to do another print run, then the value might change, but for now, I'd hold onto it. I picked it up used at a game store for $25 a month or two ago. It was a good deal then, but didn't realize it had climbed in price so much since then.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 16, 2014, 10:05:10 pm
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?

Why can't this happen to people who want the game?
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 16, 2014, 10:13:04 pm
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?

Why can't this happen to people who want the game?

I think I'm going to hang onto it. I thought it was an RPG until I did some looking. 2D Platforming?  Yes, please!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 17, 2014, 12:19:46 am
Hrm, according to the stock checker a GS about 25 miles away has a used copy of Cave Story in stock.  Think I may have to go check that out later this week.   :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 17, 2014, 12:58:20 am
Here's my Pick ups for the week.

- Dark Souls II - Collector's Edition (the statue is really well made)
- 2k Essentials Collection - Bioshock/Borderlands/XCOM (was $9 sealed)

- Cave Story 3D

- Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl

- Caesars Palace
- Caesars Palace II
(only 44 PS1 left for a complete collection)  :o

- Gotcha Force (paid $10 for it)  ;D

Mega Drive
- Winter Olympics (its like brand new CIB was $1)

- Shin Megami Tensei (English reproduction)
- Shin Megami Tensei II (English reproduction)
traded a couple extra Genesis games for them.


Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 17, 2014, 02:33:04 am

- Gotcha Force (paid $10 for it)  ;D

That is a hard to find game! The one and only copy I have ever come across is the copy sitting on my Gamecube shelf right now. Paid $20 for mine. I haven't even seen this game at local game stores that typically get in some hard to find stuff.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 17, 2014, 03:57:54 am

- Gotcha Force (paid $10 for it)  ;D

That is a hard to find game! The one and only copy I have ever come across is the copy sitting on my Gamecube shelf right now. Paid $20 for mine. I haven't even seen this game at local game stores that typically get in some hard to find stuff.
This is the second copy I've found. The first I've had a long time and it's still sealed.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 17, 2014, 11:56:04 am
Heh, what a tease  >:(

So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...

...Guess which one I received today?

*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles  :P

Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-

For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL  ;D

To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 17, 2014, 12:29:07 pm
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?

Why can't this happen to people who want the game?

I think I'm going to hang onto it. I thought it was an RPG until I did some looking. 2D Platforming?  Yes, please!

I have been really curious about Cave Story.  When you get a chance to play it for a while, let me know what you would rate it from 1-10 please..
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 17, 2014, 12:47:51 pm
I picked up Cave Story 3D yesterday. It was brand slappin new on a game store shelf. Now I have a dilemma. This thing is going for around $100 on eBay. I bought this stupid thing for $40 as a collector knowing this thing is rare. Do I make a quick buck ir do I just hang onto it and play it?

Why can't this happen to people who want the game?

I think I'm going to hang onto it. I thought it was an RPG until I did some looking. 2D Platforming?  Yes, please!

I have been really curious about Cave Story.  When you get a chance to play it for a while, let me know what you would rate it from 1-10 please..

10. Seriously. My only complaint is how short the game is. Metroidvania with JRPG charm to the setting and characters.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bobster on March 17, 2014, 02:55:03 pm
Heh, what a tease  >:(

So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...

...Guess which one I received today?

*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles  :P

Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-

For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL  ;D

To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell  ;)
I lol'd. Thanks for reminding me to pick this up too! My GF will be very happy.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 17, 2014, 04:10:14 pm
Heh, what a tease  >:(

So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...

...Guess which one I received today?

*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles  :P

Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-

For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL  ;D

To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell  ;)
I lol'd. Thanks for reminding me to pick this up too! My GF will be very happy.

Getting the guide too, or just the game?
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 17, 2014, 04:10:47 pm
Heh, what a tease  >:(

So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...

...Guess which one I received today?

*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles  :P

Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-

For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL  ;D

To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell  ;)

Haha that's the best "number" I've seen in a while  ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 17, 2014, 04:12:06 pm
Heh, what a tease  >:(

So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...

...Guess which one I received today?

*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles  :P

Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-

For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL  ;D

To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell  ;)

Haha that's the best "number" I've seen in a while  ;D

Sometimes truth *IS* stranger (and funnier:) than fiction  :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 17, 2014, 04:17:29 pm
I have a 50% off one guide coupon from BB that I got for renewing my Gamer's Club Unlocked, I plan on using that this week to grab the X-X2 guide.  The CE of the game (along with the Vita version) is en route to me now - from the tracking it looks like I'll get it tomorrow!  :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bobster on March 17, 2014, 04:23:32 pm
Heh, what a tease  >:(

So, I pre-ordered my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD games from Amazon last year and I didn't remember to pre-order the strategy guide for it until last week...

...Guess which one I received today?

*Hint* it's nothing that would fit in any of my consoles  :P

Now...we all know how dry, boring, and tedious it can be entering item's product #'s -but-

For the 1st time EVAH - reading & typing this ASIN# literally made me LOL  ;D

To make it quick, easy, simple, and convenient for all of you - I've even linked directly to it below ==> If anyone can top the humor found in this *REAL* product #; tell  ;)
I lol'd. Thanks for reminding me to pick this up too! My GF will be very happy.

Getting the guide too, or just the game?
I already got her the CE of the game. It came in the mail today so she'll be surprised when she gets home  ;D She loves her strategy guides though so this'll be one I'll want to get for her.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stethebubble on March 17, 2014, 07:32:49 pm
Todays pick ups

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 17, 2014, 10:57:47 pm
Found this today for $20. Not an incredible deal, but much better than Ebay. Haven't decided whether I'm going to keep it or use it as trade bait though.

( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: dstone on March 18, 2014, 01:10:03 am
Picked up Corpse Killer for the 32XCD sealed off of eBay (finally arrived). Also scored a Sega Mega Mouse while I was out and about. That finishes off the three items I so desperately wanted years ago when I read about them in Sega Visions magazine (the Activator, Mega Mouse and an XBAND modem). Now I just need to dig out some games that work with the mouse.  ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bobster on March 18, 2014, 08:21:42 am
Found this today for $20. Not an incredible deal, but much better than Ebay. Haven't decided whether I'm going to keep it or use it as trade bait though.

( (
Nice find! I never seem to find any Mega Man games other than the 2nd one.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 18, 2014, 08:43:13 am
Mega Man 1 is the only MM game I've ever finished.

As a kid.

When I had far more patience.  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bobster on March 18, 2014, 08:51:03 am
Mega Man 1 is the only MM game I've ever finished.

As a kid.

When I had far more patience.  ;)
I'm not sure which ones I beat as a kid. I remember playing at least parts of all of the NES ones. I know I consistently beat the X series on SNES.

I went through the 2nd one about 3 or 4 weeks ago. It wasn't so bad! I even beat it on difficult. It was not my intent to play it on hard, but I thought the start screen said "difficulty" as in, "select a difficult", then when it started up, I just played lol.

It does take some patience, but I found that with enough perseverance, you really just learn the stages better and it's not too bad.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 18, 2014, 12:52:06 pm



... what, I figured I'd take a gamble. :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: lizardjesus on March 18, 2014, 03:00:08 pm



... what, I figured I'd take a gamble. :P

Was it a physical copy? If so just get it from Steam when the next sales come around and you got yourself a nice boxed game to keep in the shelf for 2$ I guess.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 18, 2014, 03:42:30 pm
I went to a yard sale last year where a kid (teenager - kid to me :P ) was standing next to a box full of recent boxed PC games.  They had all been opened, of course, so I ask him "have the keys been used for these games?"  He looks confused & says something like "iunno, but you can still play offline if they have."  I tell him no, if the keys have been used you can't do anything with them - they're worthless.  He just stared at me blankly, so I left.  Probably unloaded them on some other poor sap.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 18, 2014, 03:50:31 pm
Mega Man 1 is the only MM game I've ever finished.

As a kid.

When I had far more patience.  ;)

If you can beat the first game, you can beat any of them. The first Mega Man is so freaking hard!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 18, 2014, 03:51:23 pm
I went to a yard sale last year where a kid (teenager - kid to me :P ) was standing next to a box full of recent boxed PC games.  They had all been opened, of course, so I ask him "have the keys been used for these games?"  He looks confused & says something like "iunno, but you can still play offline if they have."  I tell him no, if the keys have been used you can't do anything with them - they're worthless.  He just stared at me blankly, so I left.  Probably unloaded them on some other poor sap.
Not all games force you to register online to play them, you know. :p
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 18, 2014, 04:01:47 pm
I went to a yard sale last year where a kid (teenager - kid to me :P ) was standing next to a box full of recent boxed PC games.  They had all been opened, of course, so I ask him "have the keys been used for these games?"  He looks confused & says something like "iunno, but you can still play offline if they have."  I tell him no, if the keys have been used you can't do anything with them - they're worthless.  He just stared at me blankly, so I left.  Probably unloaded them on some other poor sap.
Not all games force you to register online to play them, you know. :p

The games I remember that stood out to me were some Blizzard games like Diablo 3 - it was definitely stuff that once you registered the key, it was yours. 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 18, 2014, 05:01:36 pm
The games I remember that stood out to me were some Blizzard games like Diablo 3 - it was definitely stuff that once you registered the key, it was yours.
Oh, definitely. If the box says "THIS REQUIRES ONLINE ACTIVATION, AN ANIMAL SACRIFICE, AND AN ACCOUNT BLAH BLAH BLAH" then there's little point in buying used stuff. But sometimes, just sometimes... you can get lucky. ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atarileaf on March 18, 2014, 06:41:30 pm
Got my two homebrew Atariage games in the mail - Frenzy for the 7800 complete in box (with a fridge magnet!) and Fall Down which is a very simple but addicting little game. Great as a two player but the AI is very good too.

Also found a bare NES deck for $5.99 at Value Village and especially cool was this little Tiger Marble Madness handheld from 1989

( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jobocan on March 18, 2014, 07:09:56 pm
Just got a copy of The Guided Fate Paradox (took my sweet time getting that one), and also this thing:


Not usually that much into figurines (a lot of the ones I have were gifts), but I couldn't not get that one at some point.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 18, 2014, 07:28:44 pm
Was a good mail day today.  :)

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 18, 2014, 07:53:36 pm
After two days, Gamefly finally gave me my Lego Marvel Super Heroes Steam key.

... but they called the family cell phone. They were wondering why the charge had been made from Mexico... I told them that was normal. :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 18, 2014, 07:56:24 pm
Got my two homebrew Atariage games in the mail - Frenzy for the 7800 complete in box (with a fridge magnet!) and Fall Down which is a very simple but addicting little game. Great as a two player but the AI is very good too.

Also found a bare NES deck for $5.99 at Value Village and especially cool was this little Tiger Marble Madness handheld from 1989

( (

$5.99?! Wow! that's a score for sure!

Just got a copy of The Guided Fate Paradox (took my sweet time getting that one), and also this thing:


Not usually that much into figurines (a lot of the ones I have were gifts), but I couldn't not get that one at some point.

That's pretty awesome looking.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: teck on March 18, 2014, 08:17:08 pm
Just got a copy of The Guided Fate Paradox (took my sweet time getting that one), and also this thing:


Not usually that much into figurines (a lot of the ones I have were gifts), but I couldn't not get that one at some point.

That's definitely super awesome....  I got the Good Smile Zero Suit Samus one recently myself....  I'll post a photo of it later....
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 19, 2014, 03:43:58 am
Recently bought Xardion for SNES!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Oheao on March 19, 2014, 05:15:51 am
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster: Limited Edition (PS3)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 19, 2014, 06:33:48 am
had some cool stuff come in the mail last couple days thought I'd share.

- Titanfall Controller

- Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Limited Edition

- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Collector's Edition

- Power Strike II (rare game from EU)

And last another rare game console, An Acetronic MPU1000. It's part of the VC4000 family. The games are pretty much the same as on a VC4000 but the carts and boards are different in size. A console only sold in Europe. Even the Controllers look exactly like a VC4000. Also got one game for it.
- Invaders (CIB)

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 19, 2014, 07:49:59 am

Glad ya got it Greg - Enjoy   ;D

Did ya start it up already?


IMO, you're in for a sweet treat w/ of my favorite games of the year!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jobocan on March 19, 2014, 08:08:35 am

IMO, you're in for a sweet treat w/ of my favorite games of the year!

I started it up and played through the first chapter and half the second, and I'm really enjoying it, it's a really fun little roguelike. I've never really seen anyone talk about it since it came out, which is a shame.

I was worried about getting FFXHD late (scumbag telling me it comes out next week so I'll cancel that order and grab it at retail for 5$ more... damn canada increasing game prices), but right now at least I have something fun to play so I don't mind grabbing it a bit later :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 19, 2014, 08:45:49 am

Glad ya got it Greg - Enjoy   ;D

Did ya start it up already?

Not yet, I started up FFX HD last night.  Man, that game looks gorgeous!  :D

Not sure when I'll get to play Danganronpa honestly - I seem to be taking my sweet time with Bravely Default.  Going on vacation next week and I'm going to take a portable with me, so maybe I'll get some time into BD then.  Once I knock it out I may play Dangan next, should be a nice break before diving into another RPG (I guess Demon's Gaze will be next?).  Yeesh, brutal year so far w/ RPG releases!  :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 19, 2014, 09:50:24 am

IMO, you're in for a sweet treat w/ of my favorite games of the year!

I started it up and played through the first chapter and half the second, and I'm really enjoying it, it's a really fun little roguelike. I've never really seen anyone talk about it since it came out, which is a shame.

Actually, (especially for being kind of a 'niche-of-a-niche' kind of game), iirc - it reviewed surprisingly high when it was released & there was quite a bit of good *buzz* for it at the time) a vocal minority though, of course.

At any rate...ser Jobocan - beware of the 4th boss fight as it is most...seriously...a bitch  :-\
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 19, 2014, 12:18:13 pm
SHRINK WARP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 19, 2014, 12:21:45 pm
SHRINK WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 19, 2014, 12:57:21 pm
Doh!  8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 19, 2014, 02:42:39 pm
Tales of Symphonia CE!


A girl @ my local GS has a bit of a crush on me & flirts w/ me a lot (prolly only because she knows that I'm already seeing someone (one of her best friends; at that))   :o

Anyways, she'd pre-ordered 2 for herself, knew that I wanted/didn't get one, and sold me her 2nd one @ original cost  ;D

That's why I said "crush"...if it was *Love* - she would have just wrapped it up & gave it to me as a gift; right ladies  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 19, 2014, 04:10:09 pm
Maybe you should let her meet me. She could have done the love thing and given me one too!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 19, 2014, 04:52:13 pm
Maybe you should let her meet me. She could have done the love thing and given me one too!

WtF's going on here, Soera  :o

Is that...Brad...that I Spy with my little eye - rocking the...*Digital Only* Costume Quest  :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 19, 2014, 05:38:23 pm
Wii U - Got Assassins Creed 4, Wonderful 101, and 007 Legends on sale on Amazon last week.

PC - Over at BJ's, the big warehouse bulk product store, they had some games on sale and I noticed they had Battlefield 1942 and Medal of Honor Airborne for only 5 bucks a pop, so I grabbed them since I don't think I have an original full set of 1942 and grabbed MoH for the hell of it lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 19, 2014, 07:16:18 pm
Tales of Symphonia CE!


A girl @ my local GS has a bit of a crush on me & flirts w/ me a lot (prolly only because she knows that I'm already seeing someone (one of her best friends; at that))   :o

Anyways, she'd pre-ordered 2 for herself, knew that I wanted/didn't get one, and sold me her 2nd one @ original cost  ;D

That's why I said "crush"...if it was *Love* - she would have just wrapped it up & gave it to me as a gift; right ladies  ;)

You tiger, you.  ;)

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 19, 2014, 07:21:52 pm
Costume quest is fun and interesting. The only part Im a little disappointed in so far are the fight scenarios. For the most part, they are pretty much the same thing over and over.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jobocan on March 19, 2014, 07:26:20 pm
And now I just got my copy of FFX/X-2 on Vita. w00!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 19, 2014, 08:25:03 pm
Got my new copy of Persona for the PSP in the mail today that I ordered from ebay using that $5 off code.  :)  Combined w/ the CE stuff that I already had, I now once again have the complete CE for it - yay! 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 19, 2014, 09:07:00 pm
Tales of Symphonia CE!


A girl @ my local GS has a bit of a crush on me & flirts w/ me a lot (prolly only because she knows that I'm already seeing someone (one of her best friends; at that))   :o

Anyways, she'd pre-ordered 2 for herself, knew that I wanted/didn't get one, and sold me her 2nd one @ original cost  ;D

That's why I said "crush"...if it was *Love* - she would have just wrapped it up & gave it to me as a gift; right ladies  ;)

Heck, as long as you got it. :P Enjoy it! It's a really nice set.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 19, 2014, 11:13:20 pm
I just looked at all the listings on Ebay for Tales of Symphonia CE. How depressing. Every BIN is at least $75 more than what the game originally sold for. :( This my be the first CE I want that I will not end up being able to get.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 20, 2014, 12:26:02 am
Wish they'd hurry up & announce a Xillia 2 release date / CE now!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 20, 2014, 02:16:20 am
Just gots me a copy of Memories of Celcetta Silver Anniversary Edition. Not a die hard LE collector, but it has one of coolest LE box sets out there, in my opinion.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 20, 2014, 05:32:40 am
Geez, I'm peeling all these stickers off of Battlefield 1942 and there are so many prices lol There's the small 4.50 tag that was over the 7.99 tag it had, and under the big generic PC GAME tag they seemed to have added over the box and game, I found another price tag for 9.99 lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 20, 2014, 11:51:41 am
Got my PS3 FFX / X-2 HD remasters CE today + some neat "swag-in-a-box" from fellow member...

...Argyle  ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 20, 2014, 11:56:47 am
Hehe, that was fast.  :D

According to the tracking info, UPS is going to be delivering my copy of inFamous: Second Son *today*!   ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 20, 2014, 12:02:01 pm
Hehe, that was fast.  :D

According to the tracking info, UPS is going to be delivering my copy of inFamous: Second Son *today*!   ;D

The USPS has been treating both of us pretty well lately; eh?   8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Veilor on March 20, 2014, 01:55:57 pm
Bought this earlier in the week, came in mail today!


I also bought ilomilo plus on the Windows Store cheap today, it's on sale.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 20, 2014, 02:56:27 pm
Got pretty lucky on the Skylander hit today. Showed up at Toys R Us to see if any of the new ones had come out today. Sure enough I found Fryno, Scratch, Fire bone Hot dog, Trap Shadow, and Freeze Blade. Picked up Fryno and Scratch and brought them home for the step son to save for Logan's birthday gift (he turns 6 in 2 weeks). Well, the wife comes home early and wants to go see about getting a few of the other new ones for his gift. We get there and the guy working just put out the 3 Easter varieties : Spring time Trigger happy, Punk Shock, and Fryno in the egg packaging. We snag up Trigger happy and Punk Shock and go to the register. They ring them up and it flags them for not being able to be sold till 4/6. The manager comes over, has to override the flag, and then has to go pull the rest immediately off the shelf. So for the next couple of weeks, Logan is the only kid to have those 2 characters in this area. :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 20, 2014, 03:04:38 pm
Got pretty lucky on the Skylander hit today. Showed up at Toys R Us to see if any of the new ones had come out today. Sure enough I found Fryno, Scratch, Fire bone Hot dog, Trap Shadow, and Freeze Blade. Picked up Fryno and Scratch and brought them home for the step son to save for Logan's birthday gift (he turns 6 in 2 weeks). Well, the wife comes home early and wants to go see about getting a few of the other new ones for his gift. We get there and the guy working just put out the 3 Easter varieties : Spring time Trigger happy, Punk Shock, and Fryno in the egg packaging. We snag up Trigger happy and Punk Shock and go to the register. They ring them up and it flags them for not being able to be sold till 4/6. The manager comes over, has to override the flag, and then has to go pull the rest immediately off the shelf. So for the next couple of weeks, Logan is the only kid to have those 2 characters in this area. :)

"Son, let me teach you a lesson about supply and demand, and turning 2 Skylanders into a lot more..."  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 20, 2014, 03:12:44 pm
Oh I know. I just never think like that. One day maybe.  :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 20, 2014, 03:14:03 pm
Hehe, sadly I'm constantly thinking like that.  It's a blessing and a curse *thinks of all the games I've foolishly sold over the years*.  :(
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 20, 2014, 03:40:14 pm
Dude, that's awesome.  I'm glad to know when the Easter ones come out.  The Boy will love the Trigger Happy.  That's his favorite Skylander.  It's good to know those others are out too.  They haven't shown up around here though. 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 20, 2014, 06:53:22 pm
Monster 3 Ultimate for the Wii U! It's on sale for 20 bucks at Gamestop right now.  Really expanded my Wii U library with all these sales I've come across as I just got in the mail on Wednesday Assassin's Creed 4, Wonderful 101, and 007 Legends that I bought on sale for pretty much all half off from Amazon.

All that is left for me to get is New Super Mario Bros U/Luigi U and Resident Evil Revelations (Which I own on PC, but want a physical copy) and I'll pretty much have all the games I really want for the system I think.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 20, 2014, 08:32:22 pm
Got pretty lucky on the Skylander hit today. Showed up at Toys R Us to see if any of the new ones had come out today. Sure enough I found Fryno, Scratch, Fire bone Hot dog, Trap Shadow, and Freeze Blade. Picked up Fryno and Scratch and brought them home for the step son to save for Logan's birthday gift (he turns 6 in 2 weeks). Well, the wife comes home early and wants to go see about getting a few of the other new ones for his gift. We get there and the guy working just put out the 3 Easter varieties : Spring time Trigger happy, Punk Shock, and Fryno in the egg packaging. We snag up Trigger happy and Punk Shock and go to the register. They ring them up and it flags them for not being able to be sold till 4/6. The manager comes over, has to override the flag, and then has to go pull the rest immediately off the shelf. So for the next couple of weeks, Logan is the only kid to have those 2 characters in this area. :)

Nice! Lucky Logan...exclusivity is always fun to rock! :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 21, 2014, 12:59:27 am
I just bought WCW Super Brawl for SNES, Mad World for Wii and Bump 'N Jump for NES!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 21, 2014, 01:01:32 am
I just bought WCW Super Brawl for SNES, Mad World for Wii and Bump 'N Jump for NES!

Have you played Super Brawl yet?  Holy Shit are you in for some disappointment.  The best part is the character selection screen.  I know you love you some wrasslin, but that game is shit.  I love that old WCW stuff though.  Too bad the game is such a turd.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 21, 2014, 01:11:06 am
I just bought WCW Super Brawl for SNES, Mad World for Wii and Bump 'N Jump for NES!

Have you played Super Brawl yet?  Holy Shit are you in for some disappointment.  The best part is the character selection screen.  I know you love you some wrasslin, but that game is shit.  I love that old WCW stuff though.  Too bad the game is such a turd.
Yep, just played it to see if it works and yeah...not so much fun really. Another one off the list for the collection none the less. The character select screen is funny though.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 21, 2014, 10:42:40 am
Not a bad haul today.  Particularly happy for the Mega Man X collection, Twisted Metal, Red Faction, and Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Probably gonna use Panzer General and GTA3 for some trade in at a retro game store opening tomorrow.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 22, 2014, 12:12:36 am
My recent picks and available trade items all in my new video!!   :D  Please check it out!

Here is everything typed out on added to collection:

*Daytona USA Special Skittles Team Racing Deluxe Edition (PC)  1.99
*Casino CIB (Atari 2600) 2.00
*Combat CIB (2600) 2.00
*Freeway II CIB (2600) 2.00
*Spiderman CIB (Nintendo 64) 2.20
*Namco Museum CIB (Game Boy Advance) 5.00
*Simpsons Treehouse Terror (Game Boy Color) free
*PacMan (Game Boy) free
*NHL 2000 complete (PlayStation 1) 1.00
*Harpoon Classic Complete (PC) 2.50
*Deer Hunter 5 Complete Big Box (PC) 5.00
*Nascar Heat Complete Big Box (PC) 5.00
*Monster Madness 2 disk only (PC) 5.00 included with Monster Madness 1 Big Box
*Unreal Tournament (PC) 2.99
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jobocan on March 22, 2014, 12:16:41 am
At any rate...ser Jobocan - beware of the 4th boss fight as it is most...seriously...a bitch  :-\

Holy crap, you were not kidding >_<
Grinding time!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: teck on March 22, 2014, 01:08:46 am
Just grabbed Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes because I was dodging spoilers all day, and I'll be damned if I allow someone to ruin it for me....
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: exonerator on March 22, 2014, 03:33:38 am
Picked up Just Cause 2 the other day. It's not a bad game, if you're playing it just to fly around and such. Otherwise it's pretty mediocre :p
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 22, 2014, 03:46:58 am
Not a bad haul today.  Particularly happy for the Mega Man X collection, Twisted Metal, Red Faction, and Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Probably gonna use Panzer General and GTA3 for some trade in at a retro game store opening tomorrow.


I love that Twisted Metal large box case.  I had no idea they made a big box for that one.  I've got to get it

Nice finds :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 22, 2014, 10:31:10 am
I love that Twisted Metal large box case.  I had no idea they made a big box for that one.  I've got to get it

Nice finds :)

Twisted Metal 2 is actually my favorite, I already have that, but I was really stoked to find this long box of Twisted Metal cause it's just one of those game boxes that really stands out.  I think they match with the Saturn and Sega CD boxes which I really like.

Today I went to a retro game store opening and had a great time with a little trading and more importantly, I got a CIB of Legend of Zelda on the NES. Pricey for sure, but it's one of those games I've been needing and wanting for a long time, it's the jewel of my Zelda collection, I'm so happy to finally have it along with the gold version of Zelda 2.  I also got Wind Waker HD for a nice price (I still have the digital edition from my Wii U, but can't sell it lol), the Twilight Princess strategy guide for the Wii which is an enormous strategy guide, Pac Man 2, Ikari Warriors 2, Magmax, and GH: Aerosmith cause I'm collecting the Guitar Hero games on PS2 for the heck of it and it's stupid cheap lol

Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel and Magmax I swear is another childhood memory game that I didn't remember till just now, so I grabbed that.  Don't even know if that one was good or not.


Geez, looking at a review of Mag Max, I totally remember this game now lol Much like Ikari Warriors, you look back on it with nostalgia goggles, but it probably isn't so great lol I still wanted it though, it's just kinda cool to have those games...except for Bible Adventures.  Cause screw that game lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 22, 2014, 11:00:21 am
Yeah I had Mag Max as a kid and liked it - wasn't my favorite, but I remember enjoying it a good bit.  But I saw a review of it not too long ago and it actually looks horrible.  :P 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 22, 2014, 11:14:25 am
Yeah I had Mag Max as a kid and liked it - wasn't my favorite, but I remember enjoying it a good bit.  But I saw a review of it not too long ago and it actually looks horrible.  :P

Yeah looking at the review, it's like a really slow space shooter with really bad music, but it's one of those games where I go "Oh, I had that as a kid!", knowing it isn't good, but I still want it lol

Funny enough Ikari Warriors is very similar.  Slow moving shooter with bad music and questionable gameplay.  I apparently didn't have the best of taste as a kid or at least my nostalgia goggles are working overtime into making me think I liked them lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: redblaze57 on March 22, 2014, 12:16:08 pm
Item #777 is my First PS4 Addition and also... JACKPOT

inFAMOUS Second Son Collectors Edition
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 22, 2014, 12:21:37 pm
Item #777 is my First PS4 Addition and also... JACKPOT

inFAMOUS Second Son Collectors Edition

Nicely done!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 22, 2014, 01:28:54 pm
Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel (...)


You're gonna learn what true horror is once you pop that game into the console.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 22, 2014, 04:10:45 pm
Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel (...)


You're gonna learn what true horror is once you pop that game into the console.

Awww, did they not improve over the first one? DID THEY NOT LEARN?! lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 22, 2014, 05:26:07 pm
So... Yeah.... Something happened today.... Yeah... This deserves a video.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 22, 2014, 10:56:36 pm
Got a pretty good haul from a friend.  He was selling his psp & games for $90.  Another friend of ours wanted just the psp, so my friend said he would sell him the system/case/accessories for $50 & that he'd sell me the games for $30.  The games I got were:

Dungeon Maker
D&D Tactics
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
FF Tactics (GH - but I already have the non-GH of this one anyway)

UMD Only:
Phantasy Star Portable
Daxter (but again, already have this one complete)

Hopefully I can find a case/manual for PSP & Patapon.  :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 23, 2014, 12:49:51 am
Recent Pickups
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 23, 2014, 01:03:36 am
What a tease at the end! I was expecting something good. Then you go and show that silly game that you are going to give me soon.  :o
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 23, 2014, 01:20:36 am
I agree with Soera, after seeing your previous post I figured you found something awesome.  Instead you showed us a game as common as Super Mario/Duck Hunt.  I'll do a trade with you if you are interested; Championship Bowling, Top Gun, and Deadly Towers for that one worthless game.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 23, 2014, 01:53:09 am
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 23, 2014, 02:48:54 am
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s  ;) ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 23, 2014, 12:24:54 pm
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s  ;) ;D

I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:

Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 23, 2014, 12:56:27 pm
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair

I thought we were talking about athletes, not soap opera actors.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 23, 2014, 12:59:57 pm
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s  ;) ;D

I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:

Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair

Most of those were in the 80's. I think Bo Jackson had broken his hip by '90 or '91.  That's a damn shame too.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 23, 2014, 01:03:13 pm
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s  ;) ;D

I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:

Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair

Most of those were in the 80's. I think Bo Jackson had broken his hip by '90 or '91.  That's a damn shame too.

They were all in the 80s, oops (well, Joe & Mike straddled both decades). That's what I read when I saw that. :-[
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 23, 2014, 02:42:38 pm
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s  ;) ;D

I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:

Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Don't forgot about Ken Griffey Jr!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bobster on March 23, 2014, 05:49:29 pm
Recent Pickups
Congrats on Bonk's Adventure! I'm happy for you :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 23, 2014, 07:00:15 pm
Alright! Went on a bit of a shopping spree with my newly earned eBay money! ;D

-Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)
-Data East Arcade Classics (Wii)
-Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble (SNES)
-Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Game Gear)
-Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
-Pandora's Tower (Wii)
-South Park: The Stick of Truth (XBox 360)
-Thunder Force V (PS1)
-World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Genesis)

Land of Illusion and World of Illusion came together in a lot for only $11.50.  8)

Got some metal CDs in addition to those games, too, check out what I got in the "Added to Other Collections" thread:,1824.360.html (,1824.360.html)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 23, 2014, 08:24:19 pm
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s  ;) ;D

I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:

Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair
Don't forgot about Ken Griffey Jr!

Yes!   I love Griffey.  One of the reasons I have not been a real fan of the MLB in so many years is because he retired.  I use to want him to beat Hank Aarons HR record so bad but those injuries just kept haunting him.   But amazing athlete  :D

Joe Montana to me, seem to fade in the 90s.  His glory was with the 80s 49ers.  Steve Young was the real hero for the 49ers in the 90s.  Montana struggled in the 90s
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Veilor on March 24, 2014, 02:00:02 am
I bought Diablo 3 on the sale Blizzard is having now on Time to get around and playing it. Tried the demo on 360 and it was pretty ok. Now with AH gone and better drops it's really time to see how it is.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atarileaf on March 24, 2014, 06:57:31 am
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Calling someone else a dork about sports on a video game collecting web forum goes beyond ironic  :P

Kinda like Cosplay folks making fun of people who put on face paint to go to a football game.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jcalder8 on March 24, 2014, 09:43:46 am
I bought Diablo 3 on the sale Blizzard is having now on Time to get around and playing it. Tried the demo on 360 and it was pretty ok. Now with AH gone and better drops it's really time to see how it is.
I just picked it up yesterday too!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jobocan on March 24, 2014, 10:45:43 am
Got my first PS4 game, inFamous Second Son!

Now I have no idea when the next game I'll get for this thing will be :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: elraiser on March 24, 2014, 01:30:34 pm
Got these for my wife and friends for my birthday:


Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: fazerco on March 24, 2014, 02:22:13 pm
Congrats with your birthday.

Nice games, loving the psy vs spy  :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 24, 2014, 10:43:25 pm
In case you needed another reason to love Japan, look at what came in the mail today:

Japan had an entire freaking magazine dedicated to Wizardry!  There is a ton of cool stuff including a look back at all the games up until 1991, an article about the anime, and a lot of merchandise like the tabletop Wizardry RPG. I spent about $16 (plus $12 shipping) on this magazine and I thought that was a lot, but a day later the seller listed another copy at over $100 :o.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: spac316 on March 24, 2014, 11:09:37 pm
Just bought DKC Returns 3D for 3DS!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 25, 2014, 12:06:15 am
DAMN pacpix, that was incredibly lucky. Wonder why yours went for so cheap? Listing mistake, maybe? (I still have that thing you want, btw. :p)

I... didn't get anything today except a free copy of Escape Goat 2. Which was released today. Except I had the game already since I betatested it. Um. Yeah.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 25, 2014, 12:14:56 am
Jeez, I never thought you dorks would be so happy about a stupid hockey game.

Gretzky was the greatest pro athlete other than Jordan in the 90s  ;) ;D

I could throw a few out there that might challenge that:

Bo Jackson
Mike Tyson
Magic Johnson
Will Clark
Joe Montana
Hulk Hogan
Ric Flair

Most of those were in the 80's. I think Bo Jackson had broken his hip by '90 or '91.  That's a damn shame too.

They were all in the 80s, oops (well, Joe & Mike straddled both decades). That's what I read when I saw that. :-[

Well, in response to the 90s comment then:

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 25, 2014, 01:25:34 am
DAMN pacpix, that was incredibly lucky. Wonder why yours went for so cheap? Listing mistake, maybe? (I still have that thing you want, btw. :p)
Might of messed up the price when entering the sale price as it was on sale when I bought it.  Either that or they may be raising the price significantly since it is the last copy (  Even the shipping went up to $18!

Also I get paid this week if you are interested in parting with that thing :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: blipcs76 on March 25, 2014, 09:28:59 am
I calculated wrong earlier, I had 99 N64 games.  I just added my 100th game -- this is a much more notable 100th title milestone:

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 25, 2014, 09:47:55 am
The poster I won as part of the Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 twitter giveaway came yesterday! The back side is pretty lame, it's just Dracula standing there in the dark DLC armor and it even says something like "Dark Armor Skin" on it. They could have done a much better job on making both sides cool.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 25, 2014, 11:12:19 am
I calculated wrong earlier, I had 99 N64 games.  I just added my 100th game -- this is a much more notable 100th title milestone:

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

In terms of collectability that is quite the milestone. It's a decent game as well, however I lost interest in it about 10-hours in.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Veilor on March 25, 2014, 02:58:57 pm
Got this one today


Rayman Origins & Legends is getting a lot of praise now, but I didn't fully like atleast origins, I prefer the original one. So I decided to get it!

I also bought the Humble rhythm bundle, Symphony is an awesome game.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 25, 2014, 06:59:30 pm
I just picked up Blades of Time (PS3 version) out of Walmart's 'Cheap-ass games bin'  ;D

Didn't see any sign of them buying and/or selling any used games yet, though...
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 25, 2014, 08:42:46 pm
I just picked up Blades of Time (PS3 version) out of Walmart's 'Cheap-ass games bin'  ;D

Didn't see any sign of them buying and/or selling any used games yet, though...

How much was it? 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 25, 2014, 09:17:17 pm
I was out hunting for games today, and came across a PS1 game I have been after since I've been collecting, but have never seen ever. The game is Monkey Magic, and it was $15 at a local record store that sells used games as well. About an hour later I was at a local used media store that sells PS1 games for $3 each regardless of title, and low and behold I spot another complete copy of Monkey Magic. My jaw dropped in disbelief; I can't find this game for 4-years then all of the sudden I find two within an hour on the same day. The hell???
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 25, 2014, 10:02:21 pm
My recent pick ups from this past weekend through today  :)  Neo Geo pocket color, Nintendo Power, Mortal Kombat, and much more...Plus an item I am giving away for free!  ;)  Please watch if you get a moment...

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 25, 2014, 11:23:07 pm
If you do not wish to watch my above pick ups video, then here is pictures below   :):


*  All Nintendo Power magazines 1.20 each
*  Final Fantasy Strategy Guide 2.99
*  Mortal Kombat II Strategy Guide 2.00
*  Donkey Kong Country Returns Guide 3.00
*  Neo Geo Pocket Color with Sonic and Dark Arms 30.00
*  Sega Smashpack (Dreamcast) 1.00
*  Fallout Trilogy 1.00
*  Alone in the Dark the New Nightmare 2.30
*  Resident Evil 3 PC 2.30
*  Pariah 5.00
*  Turok PC 5.00
*  Left 4 Dead PC 2.00
*  Diablo set (all disk shown) and Mist 2.00 for all
*  Top Gun Hornet's Nest PC 5.00
*  X-Com Interceptor PC 5.00
*  Ultimate Flight Series 3 Pack PC 3.50
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 26, 2014, 01:24:36 am

I got Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance for GBA today.

I get completely hooked when I play these type of hack-n-slash action-RPGs. And while this one is based on the console game of the same name, the levels are supposedly completely redesigned. So I'm really looking forward to this.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: teck on March 26, 2014, 07:11:59 am
Just got Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete for PS4....  The data migration from PS3 wasn't very well presented, but it worked quickly and flawlessly and I got to burn through Lu Bu's campaign with blatant disregard for anything actually going on just as any good Lu Bu player should....  I really like Lu Bu's Daughter, her character is a good addition to the female line up....  She brings another fierce and angry choice like Wang Yi to the table....
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 26, 2014, 08:12:56 am
I just picked up Blades of Time (PS3 version) out of Walmart's 'Cheap-ass games bin'  ;D

Didn't see any sign of them buying and/or selling any used games yet, though...

How much was it?

tagged @ $4.99, but in a box marked as "$10 - $15"   :o

so...$4.99 -but- it may have been mis-marked; no questioning or complaining on my end  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 26, 2014, 04:07:32 pm
Hit a couple thrift shops on the way down to the retro game store and didn't really find much other than these PC ports of Sonic CD, Sonic R, and Sonic & Knuckles lol.  They are from 1999 and 2000, not sure if they even work, just thought they were kind of cool and they were only a buck because I think the cashier thought they were CD's lol


As for the good stuff, I bought this at the retro game store today.  Wind Waker strategy guide, Warioworld with strategy guide (Never played it, but it looks like it could be a fun 3D platformer, Jak X for my Jak & Daxter collection that I have, but don't know why as I really only just love the first one lol, and Red Faction 2 just to have as I got Red Faction cheap the other day.  Going real old, there's Talespin, a cartoon I love, but never played the game, and Chip & Dale, a real classic.  Also got a loose Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the DS.  I've not played it before, but I needed it for my collection.  Just need Spirit Tracks and I think I technically have all main releases of Zelda.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atariboy on March 26, 2014, 04:22:55 pm
Found Mega Man 5 for NES! And that makes it my 1000th game for my whole collection!

Congrats, Thats a good game to have added at that milestone.

My finds for this past week till today:
Privateer 2 had the first Privateer game in it, and the DS game is May's Mystery: Forbidden Memories, also not pictured is DS game Dawn of Discovery.
( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 26, 2014, 05:13:57 pm
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail. Seemed like a pretty cool hidden gem of sorts. Yesterday, I picked up Deception IV.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 26, 2014, 06:15:01 pm
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail. Seemed like a pretty cool hidden gem of sorts. Yesterday, I picked up Deception IV.

As badly as I want Deception IV, I really want the first three on the PS1. I went on Ebay last night, and they have all gone up in price recently. Hopefully once the novelty of the fourth game wares off I'll be able to grab the first three for a better price.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 26, 2014, 07:10:13 pm
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail. Seemed like a pretty cool hidden gem of sorts. Yesterday, I picked up Deception IV.

As badly as I want Deception IV, I really want the first three on the PS1. I went on Ebay last night, and they have all gone up in price recently. Hopefully once the novelty of the fourth game wares off I'll be able to grab the first three for a better price.

You should still grab it. I'm the same way, but I figured there was no way I was letting IV slip away, so drove out to GameStop on day one and picked it up. I was told it was the only copy the store was sent, if that tells you anything.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stethebubble on March 26, 2014, 07:12:48 pm
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 26, 2014, 08:01:10 pm
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail.

I remember my best-friend bought that when it was brand-new. We really wanted to like it, because we didn't have many games on PS1, being that it was the new expensive system then. But I remember it being terrible.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: justin8301 on March 26, 2014, 08:07:15 pm
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail. Seemed like a pretty cool hidden gem of sorts. Yesterday, I picked up Deception IV.

As badly as I want Deception IV, I really want the first three on the PS1. I went on Ebay last night, and they have all gone up in price recently. Hopefully once the novelty of the fourth game wares off I'll be able to grab the first three for a better price.

You should still grab it. I'm the same way, but I figured there was no way I was letting IV slip away, so drove out to GameStop on day one and picked it up. I was told it was the only copy the store was sent, if that tells you anything.

I had no idea this was out. I used to own Tecmos Deception back in the day and loved it. I really wish I hadn't traded it in. Now im going to have go back and try to buy them all... Thanks for making me aware of them!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 26, 2014, 08:09:48 pm
Today I got Steel Harbinger (PS1) in the mail.

I remember my best-friend bought that when it was brand-new. We really wanted to like it, because we didn't have many games on PS1, being that it was the new expensive system then. But I remember it being terrible.

Meh, I go by gameplay videos on YouTube. Everyone can't be Twisted Metal or Crash Bandicoot, and lucky if they even achieve Wild 9 status. Doesn't mean they're bad. Try playing Big Rigs, every now and then it's good to ground yourself on what a terrible game is. As well, perspectives on games can change a lot from when you were a kid.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: turf on March 26, 2014, 09:42:50 pm
Just out of curiosity... Purely hypothetical... If a person bought a copy of The Guy Game for Xbox at a Goodwill for $4 would he/she be in possession of child pornography?  I'm just wondering... just in case I ever saw someone buy it... for a friend... or complete stranger that he/she could never find again.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 26, 2014, 10:33:51 pm
I just picked up Blades of Time (PS3 version) out of Walmart's 'Cheap-ass games bin'  ;D

Didn't see any sign of them buying and/or selling any used games yet, though...

How much was it?

tagged @ $4.99, but in a box marked as "$10 - $15"   :o

so...$4.99 -but- it may have been mis-marked; no questioning or complaining on my end  ;)

Not bad at all!  :)

I'm on vacation now, posting from the hotel room.  We hit up a used game/movie/book/music store that's about 5 mins away from the hotel and I found some pretty good stuff - nothing earth-shattering, but I'm happy.  :)

Otogi 1&2 - $5 for 1, $10 for 2.  I'd say 1 is in good to very good condition, while 2 is in excellent condition.  Both complete.  I've been wanting to pick these up for a bit, so was happy to see them & thought those prices were fair.

Crimson Sea - $5.  In good-very good condition, also complete.  Another one I've been wanting to pick up.  Was unusual for m to get more Xbox games than anything else, but there ya go.  :P

Mark Ecco's Getting Up - PS2 version - had this back in the day, really enjoyed it (beat it at the time).  $5, in excellent condition and complete. 

Lunar - DS (cart only) - $4.  Forgot the full title of this one, but AFAIK there's only one Lunar for the DS.  Got it because it was Lunar & super cheap.

Also snagged some guides - Soul Calibur V CE (I think this is the only SC CE guide I was missing) - $5, Guild Wars 2 CE - $6, Alundra 2 - $3 (excellent price & great condition!), Dragon Quest Monsters 2 - $4.  I wish there were more places that sold used guides in my area.  This places prices were *generally* good - some seemed too high IMO (original Dragon Age, paperback regular ed., $17?  I know the CE is rare & somewhat sought after, but can't see paying that much for the standard ed...). 

I also picked up Lost In Blue at a local GS for $3, cart only.  This one wasn't available in my area, so was happy to see it too.  :) 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 26, 2014, 11:19:50 pm
Just out of curiosity... Purely hypothetical... If a person bought a copy of The Guy Game for Xbox at a Goodwill for $4 would he/she be in possession of child pornography?  I'm just wondering... just in case I ever saw someone buy it... for a friend... or complete stranger that he/she could never find again.

What the heck???? ???   I'm lost here...
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 26, 2014, 11:20:54 pm


I think this is the best finds so far  :)   Awesome games to add to your collection!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atariboy on March 26, 2014, 11:34:38 pm
Just out of curiosity... Purely hypothetical... If a person bought a copy of The Guy Game for Xbox at a Goodwill for $4 would he/she be in possession of child pornography?  I'm just wondering... just in case I ever saw someone buy it... for a friend... or complete stranger that he/she could never find again.

What the heck???? ???   I'm lost here...

After The Guy Game was released it was discovered that one of the topless girls was 17, not 18. So I think Turfs post is in reference to the fact that there was a 17 year old in the game showing her ta-ta's.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 26, 2014, 11:49:07 pm
Just out of curiosity... Purely hypothetical... If a person bought a copy of The Guy Game for Xbox at a Goodwill for $4 would he/she be in possession of child pornography?  I'm just wondering... just in case I ever saw someone buy it... for a friend... or complete stranger that he/she could never find again.

What the heck???? ???   I'm lost here...

After The Guy Game was released it was discovered that one of the topless girls was 17, not 18. So I think Turfs post is in reference to the fact that there was a 17 year old in the game showing her ta-ta's.

Oh okay.  I never heard of that game so I'll have to do some research on it.  Turf, I say she is 17 so no big deal.  If she was taking her shirt off for a game then she probably was dating some one over 17 anyways. 

You could also use the "you didn't know" method and pretend you never asked that question and we did not comment on it  ???
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: thecrypticodor on March 27, 2014, 01:15:10 am
Finally got my NTSC copy of Terranigma in the mail today. I've been wanting to try this game for awhile now. Even thought this is just a reproduction it definitely beats having to play it on an emulator.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 27, 2014, 01:19:32 am

Lunar - DS (cart only) - $4.  Forgot the full title of this one, but AFAIK there's only one Lunar for the DS.  Got it because it was Lunar & super cheap.

There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: teck on March 27, 2014, 07:19:45 am
There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.

Lunar Dragon Song is in fact not only a bad Lunar, but a bad RPG and game in general....  After 4 hours with the game I still found it hard to find any particular thing I actually liked about it....  Avoid like the plague people....
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 27, 2014, 02:51:02 pm
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls CE came in yesterday. Man this expac fixes so much that was wrong with the game.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 27, 2014, 03:19:17 pm
Damn you Scott! Damn you and your teases. Grrrr!!! :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: scott on March 27, 2014, 03:27:11 pm
Join us! You've got a job now, you can swing it! Ha
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 27, 2014, 04:04:30 pm
There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.

Lunar Dragon Song is in fact not only a bad Lunar, but a bad RPG and game in general....  After 4 hours with the game I still found it hard to find any particular thing I actually liked about it....  Avoid like the plague people....

Wasn't that LUNAR game the one where you lost HP with every step that you took; or something ike that?  :o
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 27, 2014, 04:51:29 pm
Guess which Lunar it is?  C'mon, guess!  :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: darkninja on March 27, 2014, 06:49:58 pm
First post, though I have been tracking my collection here for a while.

Took a trip to Japan earlier this month.  This is what I came back with.
-3 of the 4 Tron Medicom/Kubrick sets (B, C, and D)  ¥750 each
-Rez (PS2) ¥250
-Cybersled (PS1) ¥105 (New, sealed)
-Macross VF-X2 (PS1) ¥500
-Okami HD (PS3) ¥2000
(Those from Book Off/Book Off + in Nagoya)

-Bomberman 1-3 (SFC) ¥1000 for 3
-Bomberman 4 (SFC) ¥1190
-Saturn Multitap S-BOM SS ¥2100
(From a random classic game shop in Nagoya.  They also had a bunch of the miniature gashapon game console models, "Not for sale"  :-\ Saturn Twin-stick for ¥2100 (too big to pack or ship back) )

Nausicaa Moewe model from Ghibli Museum in Tokyo

Also visited a Hard Off in Nagoya that had a lot of stuff the last time I visited, but was a bit bare this time.  They had a set of DC Maracas for Samba de Amigo for ¥500, but with the sensor bar, too big to fit in my bag.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 27, 2014, 07:42:09 pm
Officially started getting the rest of my PS1 collection out of the way and picked these up for good prices. Also ran into Suikoden Tactics, one of the last 20 or so games I still need for that system :)

( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 27, 2014, 07:56:32 pm
Man, I just made some dough on eBay. Feeling pretty good about what I got, all proud off knocking a few of my Top 10 Wishlist, posted my list of games with swagger, and then you guys come in with your super-rare games and collector's box-sets and just make me feel like a little man.  :(

Congrats, though, guys. Nice buys!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 27, 2014, 08:56:47 pm
Officially started getting the rest of my PS1 collection out of the way and picked these up for good prices. Also ran into Suikoden Tactics, one of the last 20 or so games I still need for that system :)

Wing Commander! That's sweet!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 27, 2014, 09:20:27 pm
Officially started getting the rest of my PS1 collection out of the way and picked these up for good prices. Also ran into Suikoden Tactics, one of the last 20 or so games I still need for that system :)

Wing Commander! That's sweet!

I know! It's a very underrated and long forgotten series imo. Freakin Luke Skywalker is in it for christsake!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 27, 2014, 09:30:49 pm
First post, though I have been tracking my collection here for a while.

Took a trip to Japan earlier this month.  This is what I came back with.
-3 of the 4 Tron Medicom/Kubrick sets (B, C, and D)  ¥750 each
-Rez (PS2) ¥250
-Cybersled (PS1) ¥105 (New, sealed)
-Macross VF-X2 (PS1) ¥500
-Okami HD (PS3) ¥2000
(Those from Book Off/Book Off + in Nagoya)

-Bomberman 1-3 (SFC) ¥1000 for 3
-Bomberman 4 (SFC) ¥1190
-Saturn Multitap S-BOM SS ¥2100
(From a random classic game shop in Nagoya.  They also had a bunch of the miniature gashapon game console models, "Not for sale"  :-\ Saturn Twin-stick for ¥2100 (too big to pack or ship back) )

Nausicaa Moewe model from Ghibli Museum in Tokyo

Also visited a Hard Off in Nagoya that had a lot of stuff the last time I visited, but was a bit bare this time.  They had a set of DC Maracas for Samba de Amigo for ¥500, but with the sensor bar, too big to fit in my bag.


Those Tron things look sweet - I'd love to see a closer shot of those.  :)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: sin2beta on March 27, 2014, 09:47:40 pm
Those Tron things look sweet - I'd love to see a closer shot of those.  :)

They do. I want that recognizer especially.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 28, 2014, 12:09:37 am
Guess which Lunar it is?  C'mon, guess!  :P

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: MJMaranan on March 28, 2014, 12:11:03 am

Lunar - DS (cart only) - $4.  Forgot the full title of this one, but AFAIK there's only one Lunar for the DS.  Got it because it was Lunar & super cheap.

There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.
Lunar Knights is not part of the "Lunar:..." saga, it's a spin-off to the Boktai series, which was produced by Hideo Kojima.  Probably what argyle meant to say.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 28, 2014, 09:07:01 am
Guess which Lunar it is?  C'mon, guess!  :P


Heh, nope.   :(
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: darkninja on March 28, 2014, 11:09:20 am

Those Tron things look sweet - I'd love to see a closer shot of those.  :)

I'll try to get some better shots soon.  Meanwhile, there are some nice pictures of them in these articles: ( ( (

I wasn't really expecting to find them, I have been watching them go for about $50+ each on ebay for years.  At $7.50, seemed worth the hassle of getting them to fit in my luggage.  They were bigger boxes than I had thought.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 28, 2014, 01:45:54 pm
Got my W&HN LE today, it wasn't destroyed in the mail! But... I am kind of underwhelmed with the LE. Kinda wasn't worth it to me, and I think this'll be my last LE for a while, just not that into em'...  :-\ I def overpaid for it.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 28, 2014, 02:02:02 pm
Got my W&HN LE today, it wasn't destroyed in the mail! But... I am kind of underwhelmed with the LE. Kinda wasn't worth it to me, and I think this'll be my last LE for a while, just not that into em'...  :-\ I def overpaid for it.

For some reason, when I looked at it on the page of N1's seemed like there was just *more* there than there was once I received it & saw it up close.

IMO, many LE's have been underwhelming over the last gen.

My 2 biggest pet peeves are:

1).  No instruction manuals &

2). Music CD OST "samplers"; I fucking hate em with a passion.

Well...if you like the music from Witch & the 100 Knight, at least, you've got more of your money's worth since it's not far fetched to think that in a few years...a 2 Disc/multi-hour OST will often fetch the price of a new game  :o
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 28, 2014, 03:41:39 pm
Got my W&HN LE today, it wasn't destroyed in the mail! But... I am kind of underwhelmed with the LE. Kinda wasn't worth it to me, and I think this'll be my last LE for a while, just not that into em'...  :-\ I def overpaid for it.

For some reason, when I looked at it on the page of N1's seemed like there was just *more* there than there was once I received it & saw it up close.

IMO, many LE's have been underwhelming over the last gen.

My 2 biggest pet peeves are:

1).  No instruction manuals &

2). Music CD OST "samplers"; I fucking hate em with a passion.

Well...if you like the music from Witch & the 100 Knight, at least, you've got more of your money's worth since it's not far fetched to think that in a few years...a 2 Disc/multi-hour OST will often fetch the price of a new game  :o

Yeah, I believe it said that it featured a collector's edition "box", but really it's just a slip cover. Also the Metallia figure is difficult to put together, I'm afraid I'll break it. Plus it is tiny! 1/3 the box it comes in.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 28, 2014, 05:06:53 pm
I'm glad that I wasn't really tempted by it with all that I'm hearing, I'll stick with my pretty ToS box :3
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: blipcs76 on March 28, 2014, 05:09:59 pm
I added a few new interesting games to my collection recently.  From eBay I picked up:

- Bomberman

- Ogre Battle 64
- Pokemon Stadium 2
- Resident Evil 2

Today I was at Goodwill and found in their display case a boxed Uninvited (NES).  It was missing the manual, but it had everything else looked pretty mint (probably 9/10).  I had to pay for it though, since it was in their display case ($50), but now I have all 3 Kemco point and click adventure games on the NES either boxed or CIB.

( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 28, 2014, 05:18:24 pm
I'm glad that I wasn't really tempted by it with all that I'm hearing, I'll stick with my pretty ToS box :3

That *IS* a pretty one, isn't it?!

The LE that I'm looking forward to getting the most is, w/o a doubt - the upcoming:

Drakengard III

one (the one where there's only 5,000 copies being made -and- the one where it was almost impossible to pre-order it...if you didn't do so almost immediately after the pre-orders became available).

My saved ass is still thanking you, Mr. Argyle!   :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 28, 2014, 05:42:50 pm
Picked up Hoshigami on the PS1 as part of a local trade. Gettin those PS1 games out of the way!

Also have something in the mail and I am very excited about! (hint, hint, another PS1 game lol)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 28, 2014, 05:48:57 pm
I like the W&THK CE.  The box isn't huge but it has some really nice artwork on it, the soundtrack is beefy and I'm becoming a fan of those Nendoroid figures (should be another one waiting for me when I get home in that Mugen Souls CE!  :D ).  Oh, and the artbook was harbound.

I tried to make myself cancel the FFXIV CE, but the Amano artwork on the box is just gorgeous.  Can't do it!  ;) 

EDIT:  Oh, almost forgot.  Hit some thrift stores around here this morning (still on vacation!  ;) ).  Was pretty much a bust - found a bunch of PS2 sports/racing/wrestling games at once place.  Another had a Star Wars: Clone Wars / Tetris pack-in disk for the Xbox, which I would have grabbed just to have it, but it was priced at $8 which I thought was kinda high for it.  Last stop was at a nice-looking pawn shop, and I actually found a few things there.  Replaced my Castlevania: LoS & Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen that I had traded off for $10/each, and they both look brand new.  Also picked up a copy of F-Zero for the GC for $5.  It was a touch rough, but complete & I figured for the price I'd bite. 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 28, 2014, 06:26:08 pm
I went browsing at Salvation Army and found this! It's an awful game imo though, so I probably won't keep it. But it's in great shape even after removing the price tag.

(sorry for the big picture, I'm too lazy to resize it and reupload)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: madmax on March 28, 2014, 07:05:14 pm
Steel Case :D

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 28, 2014, 07:51:51 pm

Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!

BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: atariboy on March 28, 2014, 08:21:48 pm
Just ran to my local thrift store and found these 2 games. Yellow stickers were half off so I got them for 97 cents each.  ;D

( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: pacpix on March 28, 2014, 09:02:20 pm

Today I was at Goodwill and found in their display case a boxed Uninvited (NES).  It was missing the manual, but it had everything else looked pretty mint (probably 9/10).  I had to pay for it though, since it was in their display case ($50), but now I have all 3 Kemco point and click adventure games on the NES either boxed or CIB.

That boxed Uninvited is nice!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 28, 2014, 09:49:03 pm

Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!

BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.

It got the kiss of death from critics for the most part, which really hurt sales. I found mine about a month ago for $6 at a pawn shop. Haven't got around to playing it, but for $6 I could care less if it's horrible :p
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 28, 2014, 11:05:52 pm
I added a few new interesting games to my collection recently.  From eBay I picked up:

- Bomberman

- Ogre Battle 64
- Pokemon Stadium 2
- Resident Evil 2

Today I was at Goodwill and found in their display case a boxed Uninvited (NES).  It was missing the manual, but it had everything else looked pretty mint (probably 9/10).  I had to pay for it though, since it was in their display case ($50), but now I have all 3 Kemco point and click adventure games on the NES either boxed or CIB.

( (

Nice grab on the Uninvited!   :)  That box looks like its in very good shape too.  I would have paid for it as well if it was me  8)...Again, nice condition boxed NES fine
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 28, 2014, 11:07:35 pm

Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!

BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.

I'm wondering what to spend mine on. $10 ain't much for as much work as eBay actually is.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 28, 2014, 11:32:01 pm

Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!

BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.

Oh what the crap, I've been selling stuff there for seven years, have amazing feedback, rarely have problems, I even made like $400 this month alone - and I didn't get shit.

*shakes fist*

My recent purchases have included Predator: Concrete Jungle for the PS2 (in near mint shape except for a small cut right above the UPC, aaargh!) and a bunch of Steam games from bundles that I haven't added yet. I also stumbled upon The Punisher for the PS2 but the disc was gone, instead it had Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for the PS3.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 29, 2014, 12:06:43 am
I've gotten some other stuff, but I felt they deserve their own post.

So I'm a big Dragon Quest fan, and I tend to get fun, functional stuff (plushies are totally functional.) And when the rugs came up for sale, I knew I had to have them. :D

Three separate orders later, I will actually pack these up until I move back out again and I can actually use them.

First picture is my initial setup, my parents moved them around for the second shot. :P


Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 29, 2014, 01:54:08 am

Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!

BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
My recent purchases have included Predator: Concrete Jungle for the PS2 (in near mint shape except for a small cut right above the UPC, aaargh!) and a bunch of Steam games from bundles that I haven't added yet. I also stumbled upon The Punisher for the PS2 but the disc was gone, instead it had Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for the PS3.

Is Concrete Jungle like a cult classic or something? I picked the game up last year for like $1 and figured it was some super obscure flop. Since then, I've heard people mention it a lot.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: MJMaranan on March 29, 2014, 02:37:19 am
With my tax refund, I finally bought a PlayStation Vita.  Also, added these two in my collection:

XCOM: Enemy Within

Sega Genesis:
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: karyann on March 29, 2014, 10:36:48 am
I tend to get fun, functional stuff (plushies are totally functional.)

They sure are! Why would I gather so many if it wasn't the case?  ::) (I'm a total sucker for goodies and various video game products. And plushies are EVERYWHERE)

That's some nice loot there  :D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stethebubble on March 29, 2014, 10:42:31 am

Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!

BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.

It got the kiss of death from critics for the most part, which really hurt sales. I found mine about a month ago for $6 at a pawn shop. Haven't got around to playing it, but for $6 I could care less if it's horrible :p

its more of an action game than a survival horror.
thats why it was so bad.
there is also a lot of  QTE
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 29, 2014, 10:45:15 am
I finally bought a PlayStation Vita.


Now you're playing with power  8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 29, 2014, 10:58:14 am

Cost me exactly $0. Ebay gave me a $10 credit to spend on anything for being a good seller!

BTW, damn that game is going for cheap. I got a complete copy, and my $10 credit completely covered it.
My recent purchases have included Predator: Concrete Jungle for the PS2 (in near mint shape except for a small cut right above the UPC, aaargh!) and a bunch of Steam games from bundles that I haven't added yet. I also stumbled upon The Punisher for the PS2 but the disc was gone, instead it had Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for the PS3.

Is Concrete Jungle like a cult classic or something? I picked the game up last year for like $1 and figured it was some super obscure flop. Since then, I've heard people mention it a lot.

I think some would say it is a hidden gem, and it's Predator which is why many people bought it (myself included). It's a pretty meh game overall, the gameplay is clunky, but since you play as a Predator it can mostly be forgiven.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 29, 2014, 11:32:19 am
Nothing terribly exciting found today, just some cheap grabs.

Ninja Gaiden Black
Guilty Gear X2

NFL QB Club 2001
Virtua Tennis
World Series Baseball 2K1

Delta Force Black Hawk Down - I actually remember this being a surprisingly good multiplayer shooter.  It had maps where there seemed to be no real boundaries at times, so you could snipe from crazy distances and that was pretty cool at the time.

Guitar Hero - Just need one or two more and I have my collection on PS2 finished. Just getting the collection for the heck of it as I played Guitar Hero a ton on PS2 before moving to Xbox 360.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 29, 2014, 12:50:12 pm
Just picked up (both sealed) from GS:

Dark Souls II:  Black Armor Edition (PS3) -and-

Thief (PS4)  ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on March 29, 2014, 01:33:21 pm
I finally bought a Nintendo 3ds.


Now you're playing with power  8)

Thought I would correct this for you  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on March 29, 2014, 02:02:10 pm
I finally bought a Nintendo 3ds.


Now you're playing with power  8)

Thought I would correct this for you  ;)

+10 points (goes to your "Power-of-Observation" stat). 90's!

I was waiting to see who would catch that & when  ;D
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 29, 2014, 02:48:19 pm
Just got Deathtrap Dungeon. Another PS1 hit-and-miss title, that I think looks pretty cool. I'm all about these early 3D action adventures.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 29, 2014, 07:13:21 pm
I'm back!  Fun vacation, but glad to be home.  :)  So here's my haul from the week - some of this I mentioned already, some of it I grabbed today on the way home when we hit a couple of flea markets.  Here's pics of it all at any rate.  ;)


Left-right, that's Lunar for DS (cart only - the crappy one, apparently :P), a complete Mystery Case Files for my wife, a complete Chibi Robo: Park Patrol to replace my cart-only one, F-Zero GX (some water damage, but for $5 I decided to take it anyway), Castlevania: LoS & Dragon's Dogma: DA both complete & like new, Lost in Blue cart only, Rayman Rush for PS1 (I have never seen this game before, and being a Rayman fan & since it was complete and in excellent condition I decided to grab it), Kuon complete & like-new, Otogi, Otogi 2 & Crimson Sea all complete & in excellent condition, a Pac-Man glass circa 1980-something (my wife got me one for Christmas, couldn't resist grabbing a second for $2), Clocktower 3 complete & in excellent condition (just needs a new plastic case), Getting Up complete & in very good condition, Dirge of Cerberus, Demon Stone & Way of the Samurai all complete & like-new and not game related but a copy of the graphic novel Maus I picked up for $1. 

Kuon was the big pickup of the trip - got it from a guy at a flea market booth who was not a game dealer, most of his booth was LP's & movies.  He had one stack of PS2 games, and I asked him how much they were - he acted unsure, said he got them from a storage locker and that I was the first person that had asked about them.  He then told me $7 for most, $5 for the GH games he had.  I picked out 4 - Kuon, Demon Stone, Dirge of Cerberus & Way of the Samurai - and offered him $20.  He took it.  :)  DS, DoC & WotS were replacements for rough disk-only copies I had gotten from  the recent Gamestop PS2 clearance.  Kuon I really wanted because I'm trying to get all of the PS2 survival horror games.  And it's rather pricey on ebay (looks like at least $55 for a complete copy).


Four guides I grabbed from this HUGE place that dealt in used books/movies/music & games.  Really nice place, decent prices for the most part.  Got the guides, the 3 Xbox games, Getting Up and Lunar from there.  Was happy to find all of these guides - was shocked to see that they only wanted $3 for the Alundra 2 guide, given how old it is.  All are in great condition as well.

Then I returned home to some packages:


BlazBlue: CP CE came out this week, Mugen Souls CE was on sale at NISA this week and the other games were from the big sale Square-Enix was running on their website.  I have the LE packaging for KH 1.5, but traded in the disk (mainly because BB gave me what I paid for the set for it :P) and wanted to pick up the standard packaging edition anyway so that I can keep the LE on the shelf unused so it doesn't get damaged.  ;)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 29, 2014, 09:46:39 pm
Maus is excellent. :) Make sure you find the second volume somewhere! Funny that it was by itself, I'm positive that's the version that is normally in the boxed set.

I tend to get fun, functional stuff (plushies are totally functional.)

They sure are! Why would I gather so many if it wasn't the case?  ::) (I'm a total sucker for goodies and various video game products. And plushies are EVERYWHERE)

That's some nice loot there  :D

Thanks! I've got three more slimes on preorder now, because I always need more slimes. xD
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: foxhack on March 29, 2014, 10:07:49 pm
Maus is excellent. :) Make sure you find the second volume somewhere! Funny that it was by itself, I'm positive that's the version that is normally in the boxed set.
I have that box set. I didn't know that version wasn't released separately.
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: argyle on March 29, 2014, 10:15:35 pm
I've heard a ton about Maus, which is why I snatched it for that price.  I don't read a ton of graphic novels, so when I do I like to pick ones that come highly recommended.  ;) 
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: theflea on March 29, 2014, 10:45:07 pm
Still to cold for garage sales but did pick up some good buys online and local stores.

- The Witch and the Hundred Knight (Limited Edition with figure)

- Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2
(thanks to stethebubble for pointing out this deal)

- Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves
It's been a long time sense I picked up a new Dreamcast game.

- Metroid II (CIB)
- Super Mario Land 2 (CIB)
- Donkey Kong (box only)

- Dragon Fighter
Only 5 games left to get (not counting holy grails) for a complete collection But cheapest one I'm missing sells for about $150  :-\

- Pong / Computer Space
This is a limited edition homebrew by Collector Vision, really well made tribute to the Original arcades.

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: redblaze57 on March 29, 2014, 11:07:08 pm
First off I bought
PSP- Tactics Orge: Let Us Cling Together
Wii- House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return (I let my dad borrow my copy and that was almost a year ago so...yeah)

and from a recent trade
Wii U-Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
PSP- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology
SNES- Secret of Evermore (everything but the box insted a UGC case)

I'm also currently talking to a friend to obtain his PS4
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stethebubble on March 29, 2014, 11:58:39 pm

- Dragon Quest Mosters Joker 2
(thanks to stethebubble for pointing out this deal)

:) no problem
glad someone picked it up because i forgot it lol
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: soera on March 30, 2014, 01:54:59 am
Well, March has been an amazing month for my collection. First are the Skylanders. Got Spring time Trigger happy, Punk shock, Scratch, Nitro Freeze blade, Legendary Zoo Lou, Fryno, and 2 sealed Enchanted star Strike. Then got my Witch and the Hundred knight CE a week ago. Next are SMS NFR kiosk demos. Black belt, Choplifter, F-16 Fighting falcon, Fantasy zone, Gangster town, Great baseball, Great football, Rambo, Rocky, Shooting gallery, and World grand prix. Got Pandora's tower and all the pieces for the Last Story CE other than the game itself and the Sega Master System Encyclopedia from the convention today.

And then I picked up 3 of my most wanted items. From a purchase on Nintendo Age, I got a complete Messiah Generation Nex console. Next from a trade from a fellow member here was a CIB copy of James Buster Douglas for the SMS. And finally my white whale : Thanks to a drop shipping helpout from Anruiukimi, I have a complete in box Battle Road victory controller for the Wii and the matching JP game CIB.

I will try to get pics soon but atm Im a very happy collector!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: anruiukimi on March 30, 2014, 11:46:08 am
Maus is excellent. :) Make sure you find the second volume somewhere! Funny that it was by itself, I'm positive that's the version that is normally in the boxed set.
I have that box set. I didn't know that version wasn't released separately.

I don't think it was, but I could be totally wrong. I bought might some ten years ago, so memory could certainly be way off. xD
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: burningdoom on March 30, 2014, 03:49:58 pm
Couple cheapies:


Not counting that cartoony-looking Hobbit game, I now have all the LoTR games: Fellowship, Two Towers, Return of the King, and the Third Age.



Spyro: A Hero's Tail. Which I've heard is the only PS2/XBox/GCN era Spyro game worth getting. New Beginning looked TERRIBLE; Enter the Dragonfly looked fun on YouTube videos, but all the reviews said the controls and camera were horrible, which makes for an even worse combination if it's true.


And I picked up Def Leppard: Adrenalize, which completes my Def Leppard album collection! 8)
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: madmax on March 31, 2014, 07:15:07 pm
Just came in the mail :D It's just a little wider than a normal case so it doesn't fit in any plastic protectors I've got :(

Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: Warmsignal on March 31, 2014, 07:36:52 pm
Today's PS1 catch actually is widely regarded as a hidden gem, and that's The Divide: Enemies Within!
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: stethebubble on March 31, 2014, 07:56:30 pm
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: jobocan on March 31, 2014, 08:10:52 pm
Last get of the month, The Witch and the Hundred Knight on PS3. is being REALLY bad recently, I probably should've gotten it last week.

And also just got a new car, and I'm starting to look for a house... Lots of stuff going on in the jobocan household right now :P
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: htimreimer on March 31, 2014, 09:08:13 pm
i got winnie the pooh print studio for $1 and i hope this is the last of the general mills cds
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: bikingjahuty on April 01, 2014, 01:05:55 am
FINALLY bought a copy of this game! The prices on it have been getting ridiculous, so I bought it for $35 before the prices get even more outrageous.

( (
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: 90snostalga on April 01, 2014, 01:27:14 am
*  Sonic Rush for the DS
Title: Re: March 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
Post by: disgaeniac on April 01, 2014, 07:49:56 am
Last get of the month, The Witch and the Hundred Knight on PS3. is being REALLY bad recently, I probably should've gotten it last week.

And also just got a new car, and I'm starting to look for a house... Lots of stuff going on in the jobocan household right now :P

Congrats, buddy!

If anyone can do it...

...JOBO can!