I had some decent finds today. Started out by stopping at Goodwill - haven't been by there in a while. There's a reason.

Anyway, I did snag a Dreamcast complete copy of Blitz 2000 for $1, so that something? I guess?

Anyway, then I headed up to the next town over to checkout their Big Lots. Managed to snag these 3 for less than $10: LittleBigPlanet GOTY, RUSE & Tiger Woods 11 (all PS3).
Then I decided to walk down to the Gamestop a few doors down to see if they had anything that my local stores didn't that I had been looking for. And they definitely did! I grabbed these used for the PS3: El Shaddai, Sacred 2 & Dark Souls. All were complete except for Dark Souls (I didn't check it - my own fault). Gonna see if a local store has the book, if not I'll return it. I also grabbed a complete copy of Excitebots for the Wii. And for the DS, cart only, I picked up Trace Memory, Populous DS & Chibi Robo! Park Patrol.
All in all, a pretty good haul.