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General and Gaming => Classic Video Games => Topic started by: dreama1 on July 12, 2014, 07:47:08 am

Title: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 12, 2014, 07:47:08 am
Best jrpg you have ever played?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: fazerco on July 12, 2014, 08:10:18 am
Always starting a thread, but not telling wich one you like.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 12, 2014, 08:31:34 am
Always starting a thread, but not telling wich one you like.
You never asked. Is this suppose to be some revelation?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: bikingjahuty on July 12, 2014, 10:51:23 am
1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver
5. Final Fantasy VIII
6. Xenoblade Chronicles
7. Pokemon Platinum
8. Final Fantasy IX
9. Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
10. Persona 4
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 12, 2014, 11:17:14 am
Always starting a thread, but not telling wich one you like.
You never asked. Is this suppose to be some revelation?


It's just typical.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant!
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on July 12, 2014, 12:13:57 pm
Easily Chrono Trigger for me. The way the time travel elements affected every era was really cool and just spoke to sci-fi geek in me.

Other honorable mentions: Dragon Warrior IV, Golden Sun series, Legend of Legaia.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: turf on July 12, 2014, 01:12:42 pm
Chrono Trigger.  I'm not an RPG fan, but I love this game.  The time travel, the different endings, and the New Game + made this a favorite of mine. I still play through it every couple of years.

Honorable Mentions: Dragon Warrior, Mario RPG and Final Fantasy III (or VI if you want to be an uppity bitch about it)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: maximo310 on July 12, 2014, 03:28:38 pm
My favs for jrpgs would be Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger,  Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy V, Earthbound, Live a Live, Dragon Quest III(Super Famicom remake) and Dragon Quest IX. I would list more, but I haven't gotten through a lot of rpgs in my collection just yet.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 12, 2014, 06:16:15 pm
1. Final Fantasy VII
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver
5. Final Fantasy VIII
6. Xenoblade Chronicles
7. Pokemon Platinum
8. Final Fantasy IX
9. Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
10. Persona 4

I liked FF7 more than I thought I would playing it for the first time.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 12, 2014, 07:45:23 pm
Mine would be in no real order.

-Suikoden 2
-Panzer dragoon saga
-chrono trigger
-secret of mana
-final fantasy 4
-phantasy star
-tales of series
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: justin8301 on July 12, 2014, 08:13:34 pm
I always have a hard time answering this question. Final Fantasy VII is the game that opened my eyes to RPG's. I'm always quick to say that its my favorite; but once I go back and really think about which RPG I had the most fun playing the story changes. My real favorite RPG is a tie between Suikoden and Final Fantasy IX. I think I had more fun playing those two games then any other game I've played. I just got sucked into them both and always found myself loosing track of time. I think it might be time to play though them again!
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: bloodybaron on July 12, 2014, 10:37:51 pm
For me its persona 3.  Honestly the gameplay itself wasn't great, but I never got as emotionally involved with a game like I did with that one.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: abe on July 12, 2014, 10:56:44 pm
For me its persona 3.  Honestly the gameplay itself wasn't great, but I never got as emotionally involved with a game like I did with that one.

Persona 3 was pretty great. I'd say I even enjoyed it more than Persona 4.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 12, 2014, 10:57:08 pm
For me its persona 3.  Honestly the gameplay itself wasn't great, but I never got as emotionally involved with a game like I did with that one.
It's nice I got it on psp.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: soera on July 13, 2014, 02:03:27 am
Ive been playing JRPGs since the NES was still on the shelf and nothing has come close to the experience that is Ni no Kuni. I literally daydreamed about that game when I wasnt actually playing. I can not wait til a sequel is announced.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 13, 2014, 06:58:09 am
Ive been playing JRPGs since the NES was still on the shelf and nothing has come close to the experience that is Ni no Kuni. I literally daydreamed about that game when I wasnt actually playing. I can not wait til a sequel is announced.
You sure it will have one? I don't think studio ghibli do sequels. As far as jrpgs go it was ok it felt just like a  jrpg from the 90s but modernized, translated better, and more polished all round made in 3d. But the core of it was just more of the same as jrpgs go.  A dragon quest 8 with pokemon elements but I did enjoy it. Maybe only because the ps3 has been starved of quality jrpgs through.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: azure on July 13, 2014, 11:31:12 am
Can't pick just one, but Pokemon and Shin Megami Tensei are my 2 favorite JRPG series.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 13, 2014, 11:54:53 am
SMT games would be pretty high on my list, too.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: argyle on July 13, 2014, 12:17:33 pm
Very hard for me to narrow it down to one, but these are probably my favorites in no particular order:

Suikoden II
Dragon Quest VIII
Dark Cloud 2
Shadow Hearts 1&2
Final Fantasy X
Tales of Vesperia
SMT: Nocturne
Legend of Dragoon
Wild Arms 3
Valkyrie Profile 2

...I could probably keep going.  Love me some JRPGs.  ;)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: turf on July 13, 2014, 01:12:46 pm
Is Kingdom Hearts a JRPG?  That's a good one too.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 13, 2014, 01:45:01 pm
Is Kingdom Hearts a JRPG?

Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on July 13, 2014, 02:13:43 pm
Easily Chrono Trigger for me. The way the time travel elements affected every era was really cool and just spoke to sci-fi geek in me.

Other honorable mentions: Dragon Warrior IV, Golden Sun series, Legend of Legaia.

I should probably point out that I'm not that big into JRPGs. When I get into the mood I'll play one. And, believe it or not, I'm not a fan of most of the Final Fantasy games.

In fact, I could probably name all the JRPGs I've played and enjoyed in this post, right here. (I do own other ones I haven't played yet, though.)

Dragon Warrior I & IV, Final Fantasy IX, Golden Sun 1-3, Legend of Legaia 1 & 2, Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire 1 & 2, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Super Mario RPG, and Evoland. Does Brave Fencer Musashi count? It has JRPG elements in it. Same goes for Mega Man Legends 1 & 2.

I don't like the super-cutesy ones, or the incredibly political-driven plots either. Nor do I like the romance stories of the later FF games. So it really does narrow-down the games I'd like. I'm just not a JRPG guy. I do like the ones that give you that sense of a grand, epic adventure, though.

Some of the ones I've played that I didn't like:

Radiant Historia, Final Fantasy 1, VIII & X; FF Legend, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Time Stalkers, Xenosaga Episode II (I may have liked it if I wasn't incredibly confused by what was going on, I probably have to play the first game beforehand)

JRPGs in my collection I have yet to play:

Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy Anthology, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Xenosaga (actually in the middle of it and enjoying it, but haven't gone back in a bit),  Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve II, Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on July 13, 2014, 06:07:38 pm
My favorite JRPG's are Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, and I might even include FFX.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: MJMaranan on July 13, 2014, 08:53:21 pm
In no particular order, my favorite JRPGs are Final Fantasy Tactics, Golden Sun series, Wild ARMs, Thousand Arms, and Suikoden series.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: abe on July 13, 2014, 09:51:50 pm
My personal favorites in no particular order are:
-Earthbound (SNES)
-Final Fantasy IV (Any of the versions)
-Mother 3 (GBA)
-Dragon Quest IX (DS)
-Disgaea (PSP port)
-Persona 3 (Either P3 FES on the PS2 or P3 Portable for the PSP)
-Mega Man Battle Network 3 (GBA)
-Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: zenimus on July 14, 2014, 02:42:58 am
Top Favorite:
Final Fantasy VI

Honorable Mention:
Valkyrie Profile 2

It's such an incredibly fun game to play. I don't like the first one all that much, but the sequel was amazing.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: bobster on July 14, 2014, 08:51:05 am
Easily Chrono Trigger for me. The way the time travel elements affected every era was really cool and just spoke to sci-fi geek in me.

Other honorable mentions: Dragon Warrior IV, Golden Sun series, Legend of Legaia.

Radiant Historia, Final Fantasy 1, VIII & X; FF Legend, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Time Stalkers, Xenosaga Episode II (I may have liked it if I wasn't incredibly confused by what was going on, I probably have to play the first game beforehand)

I definitely think that's a game that relies heavily on the story of the first one. I can imagine that being incredibly frustrating!
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: blipcs76 on July 14, 2014, 09:46:34 am
In no particular order:

Tales of Symphonia
Xenoblade Chronicles
Final Fantasy VII
Dragon Question VIII

I'm sure Ni No Kuni will make the list once I get a PS3.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 14, 2014, 10:14:40 am
In no particular order:

Tales of Symphonia
Xenoblade Chronicles
Final Fantasy VII
Dragon Question VIII

I'm sure Ni No Kuni will make the list once I get a PS3.

What was the answer, guv?

Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: Jakandsig on July 14, 2014, 11:13:36 am
Do I want aids or Hep-c.. I mean uh...

Megaman X Command Mission? Sure, I'll go with that.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: kuribo on July 14, 2014, 11:42:15 pm
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2 

Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 15, 2014, 07:56:05 am
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2

Welcome aboard! Very good picks there very good. Glad you enjoyed grandia I agree, and I also loved that game. Sega's answer to final fantasy.

Did you play grandia 2?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: kuribo on July 15, 2014, 02:27:20 pm
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2

Welcome aboard! Very good picks there very good. Glad you enjoyed grandia I agree, and I also loved that game. Sega's answer to final fantasy.

Did you play grandia 2?

Thanks!  I feel like I have too many PS1 RPGs, but it really was a golden era for JRPGs.  I haven't played Grandia 2 and I'm not sure why I didn't play it back when it came out.  I've heard some people like it better than the first even.  Do you recommend it?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 16, 2014, 05:25:06 am
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2

Welcome aboard! Very good picks there very good. Glad you enjoyed grandia I agree, and I also loved that game. Sega's answer to final fantasy.

Did you play grandia 2?

Thanks!  I feel like I have too many PS1 RPGs, but it really was a golden era for JRPGs.  I haven't played Grandia 2 and I'm not sure why I didn't play it back when it came out.  I've heard some people like it better than the first even.  Do you recommend it?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: ronalopolis on July 16, 2014, 01:43:27 pm
Chrono Trigger.  I'm not an RPG fan, but I love this game.  The time travel, the different endings, and the New Game + made this a favorite of mine. I still play through it every couple of years.

Honorable Mentions: Dragon Warrior, Mario RPG and Final Fantasy III (or VI if you want to be an uppity bitch about it)

Final Fantasy VI (yes I will be an uppity bitch about it  8) )
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 16, 2014, 03:33:01 pm
Chrono Trigger.  I'm not an RPG fan, but I love this game.  The time travel, the different endings, and the New Game + made this a favorite of mine. I still play through it every couple of years.

Honorable Mentions: Dragon Warrior, Mario RPG and Final Fantasy III (or VI if you want to be an uppity bitch about it)

Final Fantasy VI (yes I will be an uppity bitch about it  8) )

Stop by more often uppity bitch, you  :P
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: sibbs on July 16, 2014, 06:21:42 pm
Chrono Trigger will likely always be my favorite JRPG, though most recently I thoroughly enjoyed Ni No Kuni and Lost Odyssey.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: betelgeuse on July 18, 2014, 01:09:41 am
My top three are probably
1. Dragon Warrior
2. Final Fantasy
3. Ultima: Exodus
I remember beating those multiple times when I was younger. Not sure if they were actually that good, or it's all I had to play at the time. One of the other things that kept me going back to them was the fact that you couldn't beat them in an hour like most NES games at the time.

The last RPG I beat was Lost Odyssey. It's too tempting these days to just look up the strategy guide online when you get stuck, so RPG's kind of lost their magic for me.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: pikalink91 on July 24, 2014, 02:40:23 pm
Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: soera on July 24, 2014, 02:53:02 pm
My top three are probably
1. Dragon Warrior
2. Final Fantasy
3. Ultima: Exodus

If you have only played 8 bit NES RPGs, you missed a few. Quest of the Avatar is so much better than Exodus in the Ultima line. Destiny of an Emperor is a super unique option that is a great play through.

Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^

Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 24, 2014, 03:10:49 pm
Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.


Do you mean that you think it's an RPG - just not a JRPG?

If so...what would/do you consider/classify it as?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: pikalink91 on July 24, 2014, 04:31:31 pm

Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^

Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.

Fine, then just Chrono Trigger, still PS1. Though i was not the only one who mentioned Pokémon...
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 24, 2014, 04:54:32 pm

Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^

Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.

Fine, then just Chrono Trigger, still PS1. Though i was not the only one who mentioned Pokémon...

Beware the Soera...

...ere he strikes again!  :o
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: betelgeuse on July 24, 2014, 10:15:25 pm
My top three are probably
1. Dragon Warrior
2. Final Fantasy
3. Ultima: Exodus

If you have only played 8 bit NES RPGs, you missed a few. Quest of the Avatar is so much better than Exodus in the Ultima line. Destiny of an Emperor is a super unique option that is a great play through.

The only other Ultima I played was Warriors of Destiny on PC. Loved that as a kid, but never did beat the last Shadowlord.
Just checked my games. I have a copy of Quest of the Avatar on NES I can try out some day. Destiny of the Emperor looks like a Dynasty Warriors RPG, could be interesting.
Most of the RPG's I played were on the Playstation. I really did seem to lose interest after that. Working full time kept me close to the faster paced games without having to remember much story line.
When I do get around to playing Quest of the Avatar, I'm probably gonna cheat the hell out of it lol. I just don't have time to break out the graph paper to make maps etc. like when I was younger.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: redblaze57 on July 24, 2014, 10:37:39 pm
not one game per say but the Tales of Series why? because it seems to be a big deciding factor a lot of the time for when I get a system PS2 (Abyss), 360 (Vesperia) , PS3 (Graces f), 3DS(Abyss again) and very soon a Vita (Hearts R).

Favorite of them I guess I would say Xillia but it all depends on which one I'm playing
Altough my favorite character is defiantly Yuri Lowell from Vesperia.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on July 24, 2014, 11:43:15 pm
Why are they called JRPGs, anyways? Didn't Ultima begin that play-style? And isn't that a British series? So then shouldn't we be calling them BRPGs?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: MJMaranan on July 25, 2014, 01:38:50 am
Probably because the games that developed aforementioned games are Japanese studios or creators...  Topic really isn't mainly about the play style origin but the developer and overall style, I believe.  JRPGs are even transitioning to action-RPG elements nowadays.  "Witch And The Hundred Knight," "Demon's Souls," and "Dark Souls" to name a few...  So does that mean we should call the genre poseurs?

If that's the case, I guess indie RPGs should also be in the same genre.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: pikalink91 on July 25, 2014, 08:24:29 am
Funny though, how only japanese role playing games are given the specific genre title of "J-RPG", whereas RPGs made everywhere else in the world are merely called "RPG" xD
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on July 25, 2014, 09:05:43 am
Funny though, how only japanese role playing games are given the specific genre title of "J-RPG", whereas RPGs made everywhere else in the world are merely called "RPG" xD

There's also:

SRPG's, ARPG's, etc...

BUT - I'm not going into the "What constitutes an RPG" and/or the "What, exactly is the difference between an RPG & a JRPG" time-sinks topic/debate because...different people have different defining criteria; which, is perfectly fine by me.

And, if it's good enough for pornography + good enough for the Supreme Court...I may not be able to define it, but I know it when I see it works just fine for me, as well   8)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on July 25, 2014, 11:17:18 am
Why are they called JRPGs, anyways? Didn't Ultima begin that play-style? And isn't that a British series? So then shouldn't we be calling them BRPGs?
Even in the atari days the japs were swaying to the anime style while the americans were focusing on realistic games. You know the atari 2600 flopped in japan lol.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on July 25, 2014, 12:55:36 pm
Funny though, how only japanese role playing games are given the specific genre title of "J-RPG", whereas RPGs made everywhere else in the world are merely called "RPG" xD

It's not so much an indicator of where the game was made, it's more of an indicator of play-style. There are American-made JRPGs out there.

That's why I questioned the origin of the name of the genre. Because since it isn't exclusive to Japan with those games, I figured it came from the origin of the genre.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: soera on July 25, 2014, 05:12:13 pm
Its all about the playstyle.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: slipknotsam on August 04, 2014, 10:11:15 am
Hey guys! This is my first post on VGcollect!

Final Fantasy III definitely got me hooked for a good amount of time, though I never finished it. It's on my list of games to play next, but I will have to start it from the beginning to get back into the story and atmosphere.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: abe on August 04, 2014, 10:49:31 am
Hey guys! This is my first post on VGcollect!

Final Fantasy III definitely got me hooked for a good amount of time, though I never finished it. It's on my list of games to play next, but I will have to start it from the beginning to get back into the story and atmosphere.

Final Fantasy III as in the actual Final Fantasy III, or the SNES version of Final Fantasy VI?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: Jakandsig on August 04, 2014, 12:12:09 pm
Why are they called JRPGs, anyways? Didn't Ultima begin that play-style? And isn't that a British series? So then shouldn't we be calling them BRPGs?

The difference between Ultima and Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest for example is due to how limited the RPG elements are to the point people argue if they are rpgs.

Ultima plot branches, you can control  your management, you can interact with the world more so then DQ and FF. Wizardry is the closest to Jrpgs in whole, but even then there were still some differences and the similarities end with the first game since they started getting used to technology while Jrpgs kept the same system.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: Jakandsig on August 04, 2014, 12:15:07 pm
Funny though, how only japanese role playing games are given the specific genre title of "J-RPG", whereas RPGs made everywhere else in the world are merely called "RPG" xD

It's not so much an indicator of where the game was made, it's more of an indicator of play-style. There are American-made JRPGs out there.

That's why I questioned the origin of the name of the genre. Because since it isn't exclusive to Japan with those games, I figured it came from the origin of the genre.

On top of that, Action Rpgs were separates a bit back as well but no so much anymore. Because Japanese Action Rpgs used to mostly consist of hack n slash games while Most (most FP at the time some where TP) other Action Rpgs that were not from japan, even in other asian countries focused on being rpgs but having it in real time instead of using separate screens, or combined with dungeon crawler elements. For example Spial Doom and YS, or later examples, Secret of Mana and Ultima Underworld.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on August 04, 2014, 12:18:47 pm

As I mentioned in the recently completed thread: I now renounce Chrono Trigger as my #1 favorite JRPG of all-time, and place in that spot Golden Sun: Dawn Dawn for DS. Awesome & epic storyline, great characters, great music and charming graphics, and a great mix of battles of puzzle-elements. The puzzle-elements were really well done, too, as good as Zelda puzzles.

Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: Jakandsig on August 04, 2014, 12:40:19 pm

As I mentioned in the recently completed thread: I now renounce Chrono Trigger as my #1 favorite JRPG of all-time, and place in that spot Golden Sun: Dawn Dawn for DS. Awesome & epic storyline, great characters, great music and charming graphics, and a great mix of battles of puzzle-elements. The puzzle-elements were really well done, too, as good as Zelda puzzles.

I like it too but apparently people don't like this game for some reason. Very strange. It's the only GS I liked to.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: slim87r on August 04, 2014, 10:06:22 pm
Love it or hate it my favorite RPG is Beyond the Beyond for the PS1. Gives a nice challenge and the music was top notch for me. I haven't played too many RPG's so that may change once I start actually playing the games in my collection. If anyone has any recommendations I'm all ears.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: scott on August 04, 2014, 11:09:33 pm

As I mentioned in the recently completed thread: I now renounce Chrono Trigger as my #1 favorite JRPG of all-time, and place in that spot Golden Sun: Dawn Dawn for DS. Awesome & epic storyline, great characters, great music and charming graphics, and a great mix of battles of puzzle-elements. The puzzle-elements were really well done, too, as good as Zelda puzzles.

I like it too but apparently people don't like this game for some reason. Very strange. It's the only GS I liked to.

I have yet to play it. I got about halfway through the 1st GS and was loving it... but got side tracked. :\

I really want to play them in order though.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on August 05, 2014, 08:25:08 am

As I mentioned in the recently completed thread: I now renounce Chrono Trigger as my #1 favorite JRPG of all-time, and place in that spot Golden Sun: Dawn Dawn for DS. Awesome & epic storyline, great characters, great music and charming graphics, and a great mix of battles of puzzle-elements. The puzzle-elements were really well done, too, as good as Zelda puzzles.
This is blasphemy!
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: deftommo on August 07, 2014, 03:58:37 pm
I don't think I could narrow it down to just one, so here are a few all time favorites in no particular order.

Final Fantasy VI
Golden Sun (hm, maybe I should play part 2 and 3)
Final Fantasy Tactics
And although I never quite finished any of them, Shining Force and Fire Emblem games were enjoyable.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: slipknotsam on August 09, 2014, 11:31:07 am
I am getting deeper into Bravely Default, and I love. I didn't play A LOT of jrpg to date, and I am wondering what I could play next. As of now, am simply astounded by the gameplay mechanics present in BD, the bravely and default modes to be more precise. I was thinking about starting over Chrono Trigger..
Can someone suggest what I should play next, looking at my collection? Feel free to suggest games that are not in there as well! Playing on My 3DS would be a plus! (No Spoilers Please.)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: justin8301 on August 09, 2014, 02:36:42 pm
I am getting deeper into Bravely Default, and I love. I didn't play A LOT of jrpg to date, and I am wondering what I could play next. As of now, am simply astounded by the gameplay mechanics present in BD, the bravely and default modes to be more precise. I was thinking about starting over Chrono Trigger..
Can someone suggest what I should play next, looking at my collection? Feel free to suggest games that are not in there as well! Playing on My 3DS would be a plus! (No Spoilers Please.)

You might want to check out Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on August 09, 2014, 02:41:19 pm
^ I still haven't been able to find a copy of the first Tales game on GameCube to play. And I'm neurotic, I HAVE to play the first game in a series, first.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: scott on August 09, 2014, 03:50:05 pm
^ I still haven't been able to find a copy of the first Tales game on GameCube to play. And I'm neurotic, I HAVE to play the first game in a series, first.

Isn't Tales of Phantasia the first game of the Tales series? And that's available on the GBA (was a Super Famicom game originally).
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: abe on August 09, 2014, 04:46:17 pm
^ I still haven't been able to find a copy of the first Tales game on GameCube to play. And I'm neurotic, I HAVE to play the first game in a series, first.

Isn't Tales of Phantasia the first game of the Tales series? And that's available on the GBA (was a Super Famicom game originally).

Yes it is. Tales of Phantasia originally released for the Super Famicom in 1995. It has had plenty of re-releases and ports, but the only ones that have released in North America are the GBA version (which contained some improvements introduced by PS1 version we didn't get), and the iOS version.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on August 09, 2014, 09:52:03 pm
Damn, guess I'll have to seek that one out, instead.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on August 10, 2014, 09:21:14 am
^ I still haven't been able to find a copy of the first Tales game on GameCube to play. And I'm neurotic, I HAVE to play the first game in a series, first.
What's the point? Get the ps3 collection set. It includes it's sequel as well.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on August 10, 2014, 09:30:23 am
I don't think I could narrow it down to just one, so here are a few all time favorites in no particular order.

Final Fantasy VI
Golden Sun (hm, maybe I should play part 2 and 3)
Final Fantasy Tactics
And although I never quite finished any of them, Shining Force and Fire Emblem games were enjoyable.
Go buy grandia for ps1.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: Oheao on August 11, 2014, 10:07:55 am
FINAL FANTASY X!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: Oheao on August 11, 2014, 10:10:11 am
Easily Chrono Trigger for me. The way the time travel elements affected every era was really cool and just spoke to sci-fi geek in me.

Other honorable mentions: Dragon Warrior IV, Golden Sun series, Legend of Legaia.

I should probably point out that I'm not that big into JRPGs.

I thought you liked King's Field a lot, that's a JRPG.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: burningdoom on August 11, 2014, 07:44:27 pm
Easily Chrono Trigger for me. The way the time travel elements affected every era was really cool and just spoke to sci-fi geek in me.

Other honorable mentions: Dragon Warrior IV, Golden Sun series, Legend of Legaia.

I should probably point out that I'm not that big into JRPGs.

I thought you liked King's Field a lot, that's a JRPG.

It may be technically Japanese made, but it's FAR from your traditional JRPG style game. It's more in-line with Arx Fatalis or Ultima: Underworld.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: varkias on August 14, 2014, 03:49:17 pm
Phantasy Star IV and Ni No Kuni for me.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: slipknotsam on August 14, 2014, 03:53:36 pm
Phantasy Star IV and Ni No Kuni for me.

I will definitly play Ni No Kuni after I am done with Bravely Default.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: doncosmo on September 16, 2014, 10:24:05 pm
Terranigma, easily.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: instantreplay on September 20, 2014, 09:11:02 am
Persona 4: The Golden
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: evilnick on October 06, 2014, 12:34:46 pm
Xenoblade Chronicles--and I think that's because it dumped a lot of JRPG tropes in favor of a lot more more Western design concepts.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: BarbaricAvatar on October 10, 2014, 05:53:25 am
Valkyrie Profile 2

Nothing comes close because it fixed the one thing that all JRPG's have wrong with them: The combat. Every battle and random encounter is a joy to play and never a chore.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on October 10, 2014, 07:41:50 am
Valkyrie Profile 2

Nothing comes close because it fixed the one thing that all JRPG's have wrong with them: The combat. Every battle and random encounter is a joy to play and never a chore.

how does VP2's combat play out; turn-based?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: argyle on October 10, 2014, 10:50:18 am
Xenoblade Chronicles--and I think that's because it dumped a lot of JRPG tropes in favor of a lot more more Western design concepts.

It's my favorite as well, and I like to say it took the best of both worlds - JRPG & WRPG design. My only complaint was the poor inventory management system, but that's so minor in light of everything that game does right that it's hardly worth mentioning. 
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: krelyan on October 10, 2014, 04:15:55 pm
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross (I wish this got as much love as Trigger, it's just as good IMO)
Persona 3
SMT: Nocturne
Suikoden 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Xenoblade Chronicles
Crystalis (might be a stretch to call it a JRPG)

If I had to pick one, Xenogears probably edges them all out.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: davifus on October 10, 2014, 05:50:14 pm
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: azure on October 12, 2014, 01:01:05 pm
Narrowing down one game its too difficult for me so I'll just go with a whole franchise, that being Shin Megami Tensei.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: bikingjahuty on October 13, 2014, 02:02:43 am
Final Fantasy VII will always be the gold standard for me. The only JRPG to even come close for me was Chrono Trigger.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: evilnick on October 13, 2014, 12:28:12 pm
Xenoblade Chronicles--and I think that's because it dumped a lot of JRPG tropes in favor of a lot more more Western design concepts.

It's my favorite as well, and I like to say it took the best of both worlds - JRPG & WRPG design. My only complaint was the poor inventory management system, but that's so minor in light of everything that game does right that it's hardly worth mentioning. 

Yeah, most of my complaints were very minor gripes.  The inventory system was cumbersome and I would have liked a more Kingdoms of Amalur-style quest system, but it was nice not having to revisit certain characters for quests to be considered completed.

I was particularly pleased with how much insane depth there was to the game, and even 20 hours in, I was still discovering stuff to do--like the specific collection system for each area, and the branching shared abilities and perks system.  Had I discovered that before I'd spent 30 hours or so making Shulk "great with anybody on the team," I'd unfortunately failed to make too many other characters stronger with each other.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: ffxik on October 18, 2014, 04:14:08 am
Valkyrie Profile 2

Nothing comes close because it fixed the one thing that all JRPG's have wrong with them: The combat. Every battle and random encounter is a joy to play and never a chore.

how does VP2's combat play out; turn-based?

It's very much turn based.  They just try very hard to disguise it.  It uses a system that is a hybrid of Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and Star Ocean.  Using the free roam of Star Ocean while heavily utilizing mechanics from it's predecessor, modifying a lot of them for the worse and adding some new yet ultimately broken mechanics to it as well. 

VP2's combat is one thing I absolutely abhor about that game.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: argyle on October 18, 2014, 02:15:57 pm
Valkyrie Profile 2

Nothing comes close because it fixed the one thing that all JRPG's have wrong with them: The combat. Every battle and random encounter is a joy to play and never a chore.

how does VP2's combat play out; turn-based?

It's very much turn based.  They just try very hard to disguise it.  It uses a system that is a hybrid of Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and Star Ocean.  Using the free roam of Star Ocean while heavily utilizing mechanics from it's predecessor, modifying a lot of them for the worse and adding some new yet ultimately broken mechanics to it as well. 

VP2's combat is one thing I absolutely abhor about that game.

Huh, I loved VP2's combat but I'll admit that I've never played the original. The only real complaint I had about the game is that it's almost necessary to follow a guide or else the end game will be a LOT more difficult than it already is.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: ffxik on October 18, 2014, 08:13:20 pm
Valkyrie Profile 2

Nothing comes close because it fixed the one thing that all JRPG's have wrong with them: The combat. Every battle and random encounter is a joy to play and never a chore.

how does VP2's combat play out; turn-based?

It's very much turn based.  They just try very hard to disguise it.  It uses a system that is a hybrid of Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and Star Ocean.  Using the free roam of Star Ocean while heavily utilizing mechanics from it's predecessor, modifying a lot of them for the worse and adding some new yet ultimately broken mechanics to it as well. 

VP2's combat is one thing I absolutely abhor about that game.

Huh, I loved VP2's combat but I'll admit that I've never played the original. The only real complaint I had about the game is that it's almost necessary to follow a guide or else the end game will be a LOT more difficult than it already is.

As far as the original goes.  Remove the free roam and that will pretty much cover a huge swath of it.  Which is just fluff anyway, since you get close enough to an enemy on field it will switch to the Lenneth style of combat.  My gripes come from some rather odd design choices.  Such as putting the entire party on one action timer instead of each person having their own.  The cool down on accessing the menus.  That really hurts knowing spells like Might/Guard Reinforce or Heal which were AoE are now single unit.  Pair that with a cool down and I lost many a boss battle thanks to this.  Among others I just get annoyed thinking about it. :/

My only other gripe is the cookie cutter party members.  Lenneth made them unique.  You had to adjust your combat timing for each new addition since no two characters had the same attacks or finishing blows.  Can't say the same for VP2.

On the plus side the graphics were gorgeous and the addition of shops and currency was a very cool move.  The removal of the "periods" or the timer between chapters was awesome.  Although if done properly you could exploit that in Lenneth.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on October 19, 2014, 05:58:00 am
Either of you guys played VP: CotP (DS)?

I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on that one too (sitting in my backlog)...
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: evilnick on October 20, 2014, 01:35:28 pm
Either of you guys played VP: CotP (DS)?

I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on that one too (sitting in my backlog)...

I don't believe I've played Vampire Princess: Courtship of the Plesiosaur for the DS. 

Has anyone else ever played [acronym]?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: Warmsignal on October 20, 2014, 01:42:59 pm

I don't believe I've played Vampire Princess: Courtship of the Plesiosaur for the DS.

Is that a rare NIS SRPG?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on October 20, 2014, 01:59:08 pm
Either of you guys played VP: CotP (DS)?

I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on that one too (sitting in my backlog)...

I don't believe I've played Vampire Princess: Courtship of the Plesiosaur for the DS

Has anyone else ever played [acronym]?

Well, since me & the 2 other (aka "either of you other guys") were/had been talking about "Valkyrie Profile" games...the "VP" part of the 'acronym' should have been pretty self-explanatory to the guys I was talking to *AND* ==> moving on...(considering that there was only 1 "VP" game released on the "DS"); the rest also would have been pretty easy to figure out  8)

Since you asked so nicely & because your burning desire for comprehension is obviously overwhelming -

the game ('acronym') in question was/is

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume...on the DS  ;)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: fauxshot on October 21, 2014, 04:17:04 pm
Even though I have barely gotten anywhere with the Disgaea series, I like to collect the games, and appreciate the series. I think 3 has been my favorite so far; I actually started out playing it on a Vita, and really loved the smart sense of comedy. xD

But, by far, Fire Emblem: Awakening has to be my current favorite. While the story does lack a bit, the game as a whole is generally excellent. Definitely can't wait for the next one. ^w^

(Honorable mention goes to the Persona series. I like it, and would like to collect all the games, but 3 is a bit too lengthy/grindy to be labeled as my favorite. xD I'm really close to finishing P3P, and hope to finish it soon so I can break open Golden on my Vita! Since I haven't played any of the other ones really, I'd like to try those out as well, eventually. )
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: dreama1 on October 22, 2014, 10:35:24 am
Even though I have barely gotten anywhere with the Disgaea series, I like to collect the games, and appreciate the series. I think 3 has been my favorite so far; I actually started out playing it on a Vita, and really loved the smart sense of comedy. xD

But, by far, Fire Emblem: Awakening has to be my current favorite. While the story does lack a bit, the game as a whole is generally excellent. Definitely can't wait for the next one. ^w^

(Honorable mention goes to the Persona series. I like it, and would like to collect all the games, but 3 is a bit too lengthy/grindy to be labeled as my favorite. xD I'm really close to finishing P3P, and hope to finish it soon so I can break open Golden on my Vita! Since I haven't played any of the other ones really, I'd like to try those out as well, eventually. )
Which disgaea game do you recommend starting with on the ps3?
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: disgaeniac on October 22, 2014, 11:55:01 am
Believe it or not - I'm also a fan of the Disgaea series :P

MY recommendation & suggestion (if you're only interested in the PS3 games), would be:

1st play Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness (because, it's the same characters from the 1st game on the PS2 (arguably the best game in the series) but - more importantly for newcomers to the's BY FAR the most polished & accessible game in the series,

2nd play Disgaea 4 (because I like it better than D3), and

3rd play Disgaea 3 because, while known as the weakest & least popular game in the series...IMO, it's not a "bad" game and it's still worth playing (*Last*).  8)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: argyle on October 22, 2014, 11:59:56 am
Either of you guys played VP: CotP (DS)?

I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on that one too (sitting in my backlog)...

I *own* it.... ;)
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: fauxshot on October 23, 2014, 12:40:06 pm
Believe it or not - I'm also a fan of the Disgaea series :P

MY recommendation & suggestion (if you're only interested in the PS3 games), would be:

1st play Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness (because, it's the same characters from the 1st game on the PS2 (arguably the best game in the series) but - more importantly for newcomers to the's BY FAR the most polished & accessible game in the series,

2nd play Disgaea 4 (because I like it better than D3), and

3rd play Disgaea 3 because, while known as the weakest & least popular game in the series...IMO, it's not a "bad" game and it's still worth playing (*Last*).  8)

Really, you are too??? ;D xD

I haven't played D2, but I wouldn't doubt that that'd be a good place to start.

Personally, I actually thought 3 had the most attractive story. While the whole 'High School' thing has been overdone by now, I loved the sort of backwards-logic surrounding the idea of having to become a good student to be the ultimate bad student. That just really caught my attention for some reason. XD

I'm just not a big fan of 4's story so far. It's not bad, but it doesn't have that same sort of 'mental stimulation' that 3's idea caused me to have.

But again, I've never gotten more than 20 hours into any given entry, so yeah. xD

For the OP, just don't get discouraged, as there really is a bit of a learning curve to the game (heck, even I still get a bit confused by geo-blocks sometimes). But I'd say it's worth it, as I think Disgaea just serves as a really good model of how to make a solid game. The humor isn't always up my alley, but I like to admire it.

Oh, and all the games are available on either the PSP or Vita, so if you have one (and prefer handhelds) that's another viable option. They also generally have a bit of extra content as well.
Title: Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
Post by: abe on October 23, 2014, 01:30:47 pm
Believe it or not - I'm also a fan of the Disgaea series :P

MY recommendation & suggestion (if you're only interested in the PS3 games), would be:

1st play Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness (because, it's the same characters from the 1st game on the PS2 (arguably the best game in the series) but - more importantly for newcomers to the's BY FAR the most polished & accessible game in the series,

2nd play Disgaea 4 (because I like it better than D3), and

3rd play Disgaea 3 because, while known as the weakest & least popular game in the series...IMO, it's not a "bad" game and it's still worth playing (*Last*).  8)

I agree completely. This is the best order to play them in... if for some reason you want to ignore the PS2 entries or the improved handheld ports.

It would be really cool if the original Disgaea got an actual remake (and not just a port with added features) for the PS3, so it plays more like D2. Though I suppose NIS has moved on to the PS4 now, with the impending release of Disgaea 5. So... change that to a PS4 remake then! ;D