Author Topic: Best jrpg you have ever played?  (Read 12034 times)

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2014, 11:42:15 pm »
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2 

When I'm not playing video games, I draw them.  You can see more at:


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2014, 07:56:05 am »
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2

Welcome aboard! Very good picks there very good. Glad you enjoyed grandia I agree, and I also loved that game. Sega's answer to final fantasy.

Did you play grandia 2?

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2014, 02:27:20 pm »
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2

Welcome aboard! Very good picks there very good. Glad you enjoyed grandia I agree, and I also loved that game. Sega's answer to final fantasy.

Did you play grandia 2?

Thanks!  I feel like I have too many PS1 RPGs, but it really was a golden era for JRPGs.  I haven't played Grandia 2 and I'm not sure why I didn't play it back when it came out.  I've heard some people like it better than the first even.  Do you recommend it?
When I'm not playing video games, I draw them.  You can see more at:


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2014, 05:25:06 am »
I'm new to the site, but thought I would jump in since I love RPGs!

Grandia - This is a really underrated game with an excellent combat system and a real sense of adventure and fun that has rarely been matched.  I really recommend it.
Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 - I like the combat system a lot and the characters and story in the Persona games are easily some of the best in any RPG.  The social links keep the gameplay fresh too.
Final Fantasy 7 - This game is the one that got me into RPGs and I love the game in spite of any faults it may have.  I've played it more than any other RPG and I think I've secretly hoped that every Final Fantasy I've played since is as a good as this one.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Easily my favorite strategy RPG of all time.  I love the challenge of the gameplay and I think the story is strong too. 

Honorable Mentions - Chrono Cross (Haven't played it since it was new and while I remembering loving it, I need to play it again to know for sure if it belongs on this list), Dragon Quest VIII (Very fun game/adventure, not quite one of the very best RPGs in my opinion though), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Final Fantasy X and X-2

Welcome aboard! Very good picks there very good. Glad you enjoyed grandia I agree, and I also loved that game. Sega's answer to final fantasy.

Did you play grandia 2?

Thanks!  I feel like I have too many PS1 RPGs, but it really was a golden era for JRPGs.  I haven't played Grandia 2 and I'm not sure why I didn't play it back when it came out.  I've heard some people like it better than the first even.  Do you recommend it?

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2014, 01:43:27 pm »
Chrono Trigger.  I'm not an RPG fan, but I love this game.  The time travel, the different endings, and the New Game + made this a favorite of mine. I still play through it every couple of years.

Honorable Mentions: Dragon Warrior, Mario RPG and Final Fantasy III (or VI if you want to be an uppity bitch about it)

Final Fantasy VI (yes I will be an uppity bitch about it  8) )
"My life is a chip in your pile. Ante up."
     Setzer  FFVI


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2014, 03:33:01 pm »
Chrono Trigger.  I'm not an RPG fan, but I love this game.  The time travel, the different endings, and the New Game + made this a favorite of mine. I still play through it every couple of years.

Honorable Mentions: Dragon Warrior, Mario RPG and Final Fantasy III (or VI if you want to be an uppity bitch about it)

Final Fantasy VI (yes I will be an uppity bitch about it  8) )

Stop by more often uppity bitch, you  :P
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2014, 06:21:42 pm »
Chrono Trigger will likely always be my favorite JRPG, though most recently I thoroughly enjoyed Ni No Kuni and Lost Odyssey.

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2014, 01:09:41 am »
My top three are probably
1. Dragon Warrior
2. Final Fantasy
3. Ultima: Exodus
I remember beating those multiple times when I was younger. Not sure if they were actually that good, or it's all I had to play at the time. One of the other things that kept me going back to them was the fact that you couldn't beat them in an hour like most NES games at the time.

The last RPG I beat was Lost Odyssey. It's too tempting these days to just look up the strategy guide online when you get stuck, so RPG's kind of lost their magic for me.


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2014, 02:40:23 pm »
Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2014, 02:53:02 pm »
My top three are probably
1. Dragon Warrior
2. Final Fantasy
3. Ultima: Exodus

If you have only played 8 bit NES RPGs, you missed a few. Quest of the Avatar is so much better than Exodus in the Ultima line. Destiny of an Emperor is a super unique option that is a great play through.

Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^

Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2014, 03:10:49 pm »
Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.


Do you mean that you think it's an RPG - just not a JRPG?

If so...what would/do you consider/classify it as?
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #41 on: July 24, 2014, 04:31:31 pm »

Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^

Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.

Fine, then just Chrono Trigger, still PS1. Though i was not the only one who mentioned Pokémon...


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2014, 04:54:32 pm »

Pokémon Red and Chrono Trigger (PS1 version) ^_^

Not quite sure I could consider Pokemon a JRPG.

Fine, then just Chrono Trigger, still PS1. Though i was not the only one who mentioned Pokémon...

Beware the Soera...

...ere he strikes again!  :o
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2014, 10:15:25 pm »
My top three are probably
1. Dragon Warrior
2. Final Fantasy
3. Ultima: Exodus

If you have only played 8 bit NES RPGs, you missed a few. Quest of the Avatar is so much better than Exodus in the Ultima line. Destiny of an Emperor is a super unique option that is a great play through.

The only other Ultima I played was Warriors of Destiny on PC. Loved that as a kid, but never did beat the last Shadowlord.
Just checked my games. I have a copy of Quest of the Avatar on NES I can try out some day. Destiny of the Emperor looks like a Dynasty Warriors RPG, could be interesting.
Most of the RPG's I played were on the Playstation. I really did seem to lose interest after that. Working full time kept me close to the faster paced games without having to remember much story line.
When I do get around to playing Quest of the Avatar, I'm probably gonna cheat the hell out of it lol. I just don't have time to break out the graph paper to make maps etc. like when I was younger.


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2014, 10:37:39 pm »
not one game per say but the Tales of Series why? because it seems to be a big deciding factor a lot of the time for when I get a system PS2 (Abyss), 360 (Vesperia) , PS3 (Graces f), 3DS(Abyss again) and very soon a Vita (Hearts R).

Favorite of them I guess I would say Xillia but it all depends on which one I'm playing
Altough my favorite character is defiantly Yuri Lowell from Vesperia.