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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: fighterpilot562 on April 05, 2015, 12:35:52 pm
That is right lads and lasses , its gonna be THAT thread. Lets hear your stories.... Ill go first.
So I use to work for Stater Bros. (super market in So Cal).
Any who, I was a janitor. So this one night, I was cleaning the aisles with the autoscrubber, and the cracker aisle started to smell strange.... And i was like... who farted down the aisle!?
So a few day goes by, and the aisle stinks more and more, and the smell spreads to the other aisles, and no one can seem to figure out where its coming from.... I asked the stock crew have they seen anything in the shelf and they said no. So after a week, it was bad, so I finally got sick of it, grabbed some gloves and a trash bag and went down the aisle to look for it... After some time. In the back row on some white boxed crackers. Was a wrapped, butchers meat.... .I was like... Oh hell no...
So I grab it and pull it out, and it was horrible..... So I do the next logical step.... I opened it up... Bad mistake, it was green!
So I threw it out, and cleared out the shelves and cleaned the crap out the area....
How did that go unnoticed by the stock crew? I have no clue!
So whats your story Lets hear them!
Just a note to people replying, please do not post any gross or disturbing images here. Linking to them, with "NSFW" warnings, is fine.
Okay? Okay.
Just a note to people replying, please do not post any gross or disturbing images here. Linking to them, with "NSFW" warnings, is fine.
Okay? Okay.
I figured people would already know this lol.
If I told you...
...I'd have to kill you :-\ :-X :'(
If I told you...
...I'd have to kill you :-\ :-X :'(
Go on
I haven't really seen a whole lot of gross stuff at work, mostly just how stupid people are capable of being. I don't even want to know what kind of stuff Walmart employees have had to see. :( The grossest stuff I've had to deal with at my job is how nasty the organic compactor smells during a hot summer day. Blech. Somebody also shit themself in the elevator once, but thankfully I wasn't around for that and only heard about it from co-workers.
That is right lads, its gonna be THAT thread. Lets hear your stories....
only lads?
tc; what a cad! :P
there's always more culture & class,
when you take the time, to invite a lass ;)
thanks to the lack of a lass -
I think that I'll pass...
That is right lads, its gonna be THAT thread. Lets hear your stories....
only lads?
tc; what a cad! :P
there's always more culture & class,
when you take the time, to invite a lass ;)
thanks to the lack of a lass -
I think that I'll pass...
OP updatd. I am sorry, now I demand a story :D
my best stores were from my first job when I worked at McDonalds back around 2001. Both involve shit so be forewarned.
The first involved a clogged toilet in the women's bathroom that one of my managers addressed and went to go check out after a customer reported it wasn't working. After investigating he came back to the counter looking like he had just seen the worst, most disturbing thing in his life. He said that there was a piece of crap in the toilet in question so big that he doubted it would fit in a Super Size cup. despite being mortified by the possibility that this piece of crap actually came out of a human being he decided to resolve the issue by taking one of the metal spatulas from the kitchen and using it to break the monstrous shit up into smaller pieces so it would flush. It worked and needless to say we never used that spatula again.
My other story involved a panic that happened inside out play area when a bunch of parents cleared there kids out of the play area and came to the counter to say something you never want to hear: some kid crapped in the tunnels. Some poor bastard that typically prepared the burgers was selected to investigate and clean up the mess. I think he was selected because he wasn't very big. Anyhow he went into the tubes and came back to the counter about 15-minutes later looking absolutely disgusted beyond belief. He told us that he didn't see anything at first, but after a few minutes of searching he noticed a small droplet of runny shit in one of the tubes, followed by another drop a few feet further down, and then another, and another. Following each drop of shit he followed it to the source, a pair of red kids shorts and underwear filled with diarrhea. Somehow he was able to get the clothes in a trash bag and clean everything up without vomiting. I don't even think we closed the play place after the mess was cleaned up although we probably should have.
I had the first one happen to me before too at the super market.... The female manager called me over to the womens bathroom. It was horrible. I nearly puked..... People are disgusting, the stuff people did to the bathroom's was amazing......
When I was a kid, like 14, I worked as a skate guard at the local ice rink because hockey and figure skating aren't very popular so I was pretty much one of the only locals that could skate so they actually recruited me after one of my practices :) but anyway imagine having anywhere from 0-100 people that do not know how to ice skate trying to skate around each other where falling is common and there are practically razors on everyone's feet. Yeah I saw my fair share of pretty messed up things. Not as bad as any medical people obviously, but I've seen teeth through mouths and severely severed hands and fingers. The worst one was a 5-6 year old girl was being pushed around by her mom (who also could barely skate) and the daughter fell and had the mother go across her hand it looked like it went about halfway through her hand and all the way across, but we did get an update that she was fine and just needed some stitches, no permanent damage.
Having helped with a pest control business for a few years... I've seen some sh- :-X. ( ;) )
I'm not sure what's worse; the bugs, or the people... :P
(We have some really good customers, but man... some of 'em, I tell ya... :o )
I almost got hit by a car, I think that's my worst experience. Red light for cars was on, I was in the middle of crossing, pretentious bitch comes flying down the street and hits the brakes, starts honking her horn like it's my fault. Bearing in mind I wasn't having the best of days and she was driving a jeep, I dealt with it in the best manner I could. Stuck my fingers up at her, walked off.
Yes, I still have the job, this happened a good six months ago, may be even more.
Aren't I an awful bastard?
What was your job^
I probably have you all beat...unfortunately. I work as a Corrections Officer. Messed up stuff... If you find the deranged dealings of offenders too much..please stop reading now...
One of the favorite magazine back in the day before the system banned them was Nasty. They came with these giant, fold-out posters that were about 4 feet by 6 feet. One night we were doing the 12:30 count. One of the cells, this guy was sitting up at the end of his bunk with a "Nasty" poster all sprawled out in front of him. I figured he was doing his "handiwork" and left well enough alone. Well, our count came up one short so we went back out (I was not assigned to that unit and was filling in, thus did not know the offenders). Lo & behold, we ended up back at the "Nasty" cell and what did I see? Under the poster, another guy's leg was sticking out from under it! :o
In the general population units, the showers had a solid door that covered from about your knees to your mid-chest. While observing the offenders on wing recreation, I noticed one of the men showering had four legs. Guess what was going on there! :'(
When we had to take the offenders to shower in the segregation units, we walked around and made a list first. When I approached a particular cell, I saw one offender bent over the toilet holding his butt cheeks apart. His daddy had a pat of butter in his hand, getting it all over his fingers. ??? Yeah, I guess they figure they would get to business before shower time.
And the worst one of all in my 18 years at this job....
A co-worker of mine, a Sgt. and the coroner had to bag and carry a body out of a cell at about 3:00AM back in 2000. His cellie murdered him, bit the side of his face off where you could see his teeth. His left eye was avulsed (hanging out) and said cellie decided to rape him afterwards. There is a disturbing aura with death. It's hard to explain. It's not like a viewing at a funeral home. And there is a smell of death. Not the typical smell you associate with something rotting like a dead animal. It's something that will always be with me. Unfortunately, I'll never forget it.
Hypothetically speaking, of course --And--
Making the mighty big presumptions & assumptions that anyone were to even 'suspend-their-disbelief' strongly enough & long enough; to enable them to believe my hypothetical to have any merit or honesty in it...
As a retired/Ex / 'pretend' and 'hypothetical' drug dealer - working as an "independant" at times, while - at other times, working with "employees" that had to answer to me (and, of course, some that I had to answer to:) -
- leading to & resulting in spending time as a 'guest-of-the-state(s)' in 3 different states; because - while there exists no officially printed "company policies & rules" manuals (it *IS* made quite plain - and very, very heavily-implied that...part of your job description that
"Talking" = No bueno - while
"Not Talking" = intelligence, safety, care taken of your loved ones, and...
...*After* all of that - at the end of the day/week/month/year; receiving one hell of a hard-earned bonus for a job well done ;D continue & stretch-out my fictional hypothetical even more -
If I presently made (a very nice) living, by being a (very good & "lucky") professional gambler (all legal, if this was non-fiction) my house being < a half hour from Atlantic City (by road or water)...
...Man oh, man!
If there was such a person - why, I'd bet that he/she had seen many interesting & unique things that would come under the "Job/Work" umbrella :o
I'd sure as hell like to hear from such a person! ;)
Damn...that'd be some pretty funny & coincidental shit if this post was being typed at the same time as one by a CO 8)
Damn...that'd be some pretty funny & coincidental shit if this post was being typed at the same time as one by a CO 8)
Damn...that'd be some pretty funny & coincidental shit if this post was being typed at the same time as one by a CO 8)
seriously, though!
wtf are the odds on that shit happening?! :o
More adventures from my time at Stater Bros:
At least 4 times people crap themselves and tracked it around the store.
A bum crapped himself, missed the entire inside of the toilet, but hit the seat, sides, floor, and left his boxers.
Upstairs bathrooms flooding, leading it to leak down in the checkstand area
Kid pissed himself in the checkstand area, the dummy boxboy tried to clean it up with paper towels. (you would think a 25 year old would know better than to clean a puddle of piss with PTs)
Puke in the bakery
Cleaning out floor drains. Service Deli was the worst. Never ate their food.
Cleaning out meat cases. Wanna know what 2 weeks worth of frozen blood smells like after it warms up?
They finally replaced the entire meat case one day..... The entire store smelled horrible.
The weekly bone barrow pick up was bad. They had to roll it from the front of the store to the back.... they used a garbage truck to pick it up. that thing smelled foul.
Someone crapping right on top of the seat. and the evening crew didnt bother cleaning it up. So when I came in for graveyard. It was dried and I had to deal with it.
Damn...that'd be some pretty funny & coincidental shit if this post was being typed at the same time as one by a CO 8)
seriously, though!
wtf are the odds on that shit happening?! :o
Flip-sides of the same coin? I'm no crusader of justice, just a guy working to make a living for my family.
Damn...that'd be some pretty funny & coincidental shit if this post was being typed at the same time as one by a CO 8)
seriously, though!
wtf are the odds on that shit happening?! :o
Flip-sides of the same coin? I'm no crusader of justice, just a guy working to make a living for my family.
Meh, like anything & everything else in life...there's decent CO's and ass-hole CO's - just like there's decent cons + cons that are ass-holes. I went to high school with, and I'm still friends w/ some guys that are CO's.
*Generally* most of the CO's that I've known that were ass-holes...were the ones that couldn't get a job as a cop/agent, etc...and it showed.
The CO's happy enough to just be working & making a living as CO's...were generally just fine (many of them - were just future & potential inmates that just hadn't been caught yet :P)
Never had any particularly gross or crazy experiences at work. I've had a couple of strange deliveries in my years at FedEx though. Like:
Delivering to a funeral home DURING a funeral. AWKWARD!
Delivering to a strip club, and trying desperately to act professional in the face of boobies.
I was the IT administrator for a small, rural, high-poverty school district for several years. I have tons of stories of weird IT things if anyone wants to hear them, but I thought I'd go with just a crazy and a nasty, only one of which relates to IT.
The crazy: I had just started my job and they'd never had a full-time tech person before. The high school secretary had some favorite teachers and if one of those needed me for the most trivial of things, she'd have me paged on the PA to the teacher's classroom. About two weeks of this (I was K-12 and couldn't just be on call for the high school), and I'd had it. I barged into the secretary's office and said something like "Listen, I've got a server that I'm working on upstairs and if it goes down, we all go down. Don't page me unless something is on fire!" and headed up the stairs.
About two hours later, I hear the page: "Amauriel, please report to Mr. So-and-so's room. His computer is on fire." Sure enough, when I walked in the room, there was a billow of black smoke rising from his monitor. I ran over and found that he hadn't even unplugged it before calling the office. It hadn't actually caught fire, but of course I had to tear the monitor open to see why it was smoking. Come to find out, he had the computer sitting below his chalkboard for so many years that the miniscule amount of graphite in the chalk had connected two circuits and made it short out.
The nasty: I had the office beside the part-time school psychologist. She was the one who had to sign off on any requests to contact Child Services for a student. We once had a child sent to the office because he'd had bugs all over him. Come to find out, the child's living conditions were so bad that a cockroach had laid eggs inside his ear canal and they were beginning to hatch. That's the only time I remember a child actually being completely removed from their home situation.
Working in labs most of my professional life, you see (and smell) some nasty chemicals. I'll list a few of the nasty things I've seen/worked with:
1. Hexavalent chromium. This orange acid will eat through your clothes; it happened to me. A drop. -A DROP- is enough to make holes in your good sweater. And this was when I was wearing a lab coat.
2. Cyanide copper. Anyone on here should know what cyanide can do to the human body. Unfortunately, it's a cheap and easy to use component in copper plating. More on this later. Just understand that, for now, it smells terrible.
3. UV sensitive components. I won't mention the name of the chemical due to my security clearance, but I will say chemicals that are sensitive to sunlight smell awful and will f*ck you up if you get it on you and don't wash. A coworker got some splashed on his leg. Even though he was wearing pants, him going outside resulted in third degree burns.
4. All of the acids, bases and indicators needed to perform reactions and test chemicals were lethal in some way or another.
Now for the weird/crazy issue. This story might make you wince. It involves the above mentioned cyanide copper.
Two to three weeks into a new job, I was working on the computer. It was on a Thursday afternoon. A few folks asked me where my manager was. I told them that she was at lunch. At least, I thought she was at lunch. Eventually, the usual lunch hour ended and she was still nowhere to be found. I was still working on the computer since I had a lot of chemicals to test that day.
With the way the room was set up, I never heard much of the goings on around the facility. Eventually, my coworker came up to me in somewhat of a panic. She asked if the manager had came back yet and, again, I told her she was likely still at lunch. My coworker said that her car was in the parking lot, so she couldn't be at lunch. I didn't think anything of it; maybe she stepped out for a phone call or was in the restroom or something.
Five minutes later, the same coworker came back in a hysterical frenzy. She told me that they found our manager in a testing chamber, passed out. Unfortunately, she wasn't passed out. She committed suicide and went into the testing chamber since it was kind of out of sight. In her hands the coroners found a can of pop and a bottle of cyanide copper.
The company closed early that day. The next day, nothing got done because nearly everyone was in mourning. Our manager was a lovely person. She and I didn't know each other very long but she always wore fierce outfits and loved the fact that I complimented her on them. Heck, she hugged me the day I started. I was not expecting that. I would have liked to have known her more since the two of us clearly hit it off. In fact, everyone liked her from what I could tell. The following Monday the company was shut down in her honor and the day after was the funeral. The work resumed as normal on Wednesday.
Nothing has ever topped that as being "weird/crazy" and I hope nothing ever does because that was an experience I'll never forget.
I worked in the flowers in a big greenhouse. And one day they decided to do the good thing, using biologic 'poisen' to kill some bugs. They used something with garlic in it, and that it stinked. Almost enough for everybody to quit. It stinked for the whole week there.
Question asked by fighterpilot562.
What was my job?
I got a paperround until this game store opens nearby, basically secured my place there, it's a matter of the owner doing some last few things.
I used to work in the IT department for a metal building company. We had several programmers developing in-house software used for building pricing, automation systems, etc. One Monday afternoon I get a phone call from one of our Oracle programmers. Her computer was producing a lot of smoke and a strong burning odor. I grab my tool kit and a fire extinguisher and run down the hallway (about 200 feet) from the data center to the programmer's cubicle. She already had the machine turned off, unplugged and sitting in the middle of the floor. I take it back to my workbench and start disassembling it in order to remove the hard drive to image another machine for her. I pull out the hard drive cage and a pile of dead ants fall out. I keep removing components and find a huge (burnt) mass of dead ants inside the power supply. Turns out, over the weekend, our pest control guys sprayed the building. Not sure what drew the ants to her computer (she kept a clean workstation) but they crawled into the power supply and managed to short it out. I finished imaging a new computer for her about 30 minutes later and deployed it. While I was plugging everything back in several of the programmers wanted to know what happened and how I fixed it (their specialty was software, not hardware). I told them I had to debug the computer. This raised several more questions (as they were thinking "debug" in a programming sense) and I told them about the ants. I figured that was my one shot to crack a pun like that.
I was a camera operator at a small television station while working an internship (was later hired on as an engineer then made head of the engineering department before we got bought out). We produced a variety of talk shows and had just started planning our first game show. During our morning talk show we had a guest on to talk about their variety of bacon-flavored products. Just before going to break, the guest hinted at a new bacon-flavored product they were developing that would "spice up the bedroom life." For those that have never used an intercom system at a small TV station (or theater), it's like a group walkie-talkie system that doesn't go out over programming audio that allows the director to give instructions to the operators, among other things. Our director pops over our intercom headsets and mutters "bacon-flavored K-Y." I'm glad we were just going to commercial, not a single one of our cameras had a steady shot after that.
I kindof miss that station, lots of craziness happened both on- and off-camera.
someone left an open yogurt in a draw at work. i opened the draw and this liquid mold ran towards me as the room suddenly got filled with the smell of death. i puked and could not go back in the room for days. the yogurt could only be aged using carbon dating it was that old. i have not ate yogurt since.