So I began writing my assessment of The Last Jedi, when I got about two paragraphs in and quickly realized how difficult it was for me to articulate what I even liked or did not like about it. There were definitely parts that I loved, but almost in equal measure, things I hated about these same parts. And these aren't just unimportant parts, no, these are major parts in the movie such as the Snoke/Rey/Kylo confrontation in Snoke's throne room, Rey's "training" with Luke on Octu, the whole "we're running out of fuel and time" ship chase, and the final confrontation between Kylo and Luke. What I find funny is that the whole subplot with Fin and Rose is that it's something that bothered me far less than how much it seems to bother others, but I still understand why people really don't like it.
When I read the comments of people online about The Last Jedi, both positive and negative, I seem to agree with them and they resonate with me, even when these opinions are at odds with one another. Unless I am forgetting something I don't think I've been this at odds with or confused about how I felt about a movie ever. My point is that I really need to let this movie sink in and process more, as well as rewatch it again without the hype and super high expectations I went in with. Until then I will suspend my thorough analysis and opinion of this movie.
Agree with most of what Bikingjahuty wrote.
What irks me the most about this movie was Rian's idea that the "Jedi must die". He did his best to create a film that erases anything important about the last seven episode films and relishes in the dumping of it. Destroys Kylo's mask because "he is no Vader". Proves that only fools rush in as heroes and save the day when he sabotages Poe's character, and makes Luke a washed up Jedi that contemplated murder. He doesn't even have the courage to say goodbye to his sister in person and face Kylo after the mistake he made. Finn needed to be shown how much of a selfish brute he was and that he had no understanding of love even though that was what he learned already in Force Awakens.
We are given a glimpse of Kylo and Rey both being very open to both sides of the Force, but with no pay off or lingering questions. Imagine if the film ended with Kylo offering Rey to take his hand and rule and Rey hesitates. It would put people in the seats for part nine. Imagine if Rey was the twin born to Han and Leia and she finds out in Snoke's throne room which makes the decision harder since she feels so alone. Kylo could have been the one to save Leia in space which would make me as a viewer wonder if he could turn good, or at least shock me more when in a final moment he turns on Rey and wounds her. The original film were amazing because there were heroes, betrayals, twists, and shocks. Last Jedi was fan fiction sold to me for a $10 ticket price.
They should have used Lucas' outline for the new trilogy and written some amazing screenplays. The overall stories have always worked and Lucas has been able to get some good screenplays written from them even if you hate his dialogue choices and movies the overall story has always worked for me.
Oh and the milking of the manatee sitting upright like a human with nasty nipples was disturbing. Especially how Luke looked at Rey like a pedophile while chugging it letting it slosh down his beard and chin like a sick pervert. The light saber throwing seen and calling it a laser sword I can maybe forgive but not that disgusting joke scene of Luke milking the animal. Reminded me of the farting animal in Episode 1. I mean if they wanted to show he was living off the land they might as well showed him artificially inseminating an animal with his bare hands or having to use a toilet with no plumbing, right. Just go ahead and give us a scene where Luke is instructing Rey while on the toilet. You can hear him grunting and there would be a small window so he can give her the glare that says, "you want to be a Jedi then you must milk the manatee beast, inseminate animals, and take nasty dumps... Look at me Rey, look at the milk pouring down me too and I'm on the potty."
Certain scenes of Last Jedi were among my favorite Star Wars scenes of all time. Going in to the film and some of the ideas promised in the trailer were far more intriguing than Star Wars has been since the original trilogy. Yet the movie overall failed to deliver. I didn't leave the theater loving the characters more. I barely care for them at all now. Rey might be the only character I respect now yet I'm not thrilled to see where she goes next.
This ranks as the lowest entry for me.
Certain scenes of Last Jedi were among my favorite Star Wars scenes of all time. Going in to the film and some of the ideas promised in the trailer were far more intriguing than Star Wars has been since the original trilogy. Yet the movie overall failed to deliver. I didn't leave the theater loving the characters more. I barely care for them at all now. Rey might be the only character I respect now yet I'm not thrilled to see where she goes next.
This ranks as the lowest entry for me.
Even under the Prequels? I rewatched them and while I know Revenge of the Sith is tolerable, those first two movies are unwatchable. Garbage tier slop. I don't even care if they are technically more complete stories, they did far more damage to the Star Wars brand than Last Jedi ever could. Last Jedi at least gives us an interesting potential future and did its best to try and give us a new direction with new ideas, even though it struggled in some areas.
Certain scenes of Last Jedi were among my favorite Star Wars scenes of all time. Going in to the film and some of the ideas promised in the trailer were far more intriguing than Star Wars has been since the original trilogy. Yet the movie overall failed to deliver. I didn't leave the theater loving the characters more. I barely care for them at all now. Rey might be the only character I respect now yet I'm not thrilled to see where she goes next.
This ranks as the lowest entry for me.
Even under the Prequels? I rewatched them and while I know Revenge of the Sith is tolerable, those first two movies are unwatchable. Garbage tier slop. I don't even care if they are technically more complete stories, they did far more damage to the Star Wars brand than Last Jedi ever could. Last Jedi at least gives us an interesting potential future and did its best to try and give us a new direction with new ideas, even though it struggled in some areas.
Last Jedi now holds the box office record for greatest second weekend drop. It dropped by over $150 million in its second weekend. It is now trailing Jurassic World and Avengers within a similar release frame. It is not looking good. I wonder if this means Rian's new trilogy will be scrapped.
I'll give the analysis a look, but I don't expect it to change my view much. What I like, I still like, which is more than what I don't like about the movie. It is flawed for sure, but again, I'll never think of it worse than Episode 1 and 2. Even if I admitted it was bad, it is still less of a bore and waste of my time than those miserable prequels. That's a permanent, never shifting, take from me.
But that's all your opinion there and I can respect it. I'll disagree for sure, but I think I've read enough to know we won't see eye to eye on this as I think the franchise will be fine. Even if this trilogy doesn't pan out, there are still two other trilogies and whatever other spinoffs planned. If the Prequels didn't kill Star Wars, then the Last Jedi won't kill Star Wars.