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Topics - soera

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Off Topic / Im going to be needing a car soon so ...
« on: December 10, 2012, 02:26:01 pm »

Off Topic / I just got depressed ...
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:37:33 pm »
Im not the biggest movie fan in the world (And if you ask Darko, my taste in movies sucks) but I just found out about one I would have bought on release day... that was only released overseas :(

General / Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 22, 2012, 12:08:28 am »
Going to end my night with wishing you guys a good Thanksgiving. Hope everything is going good for everyone and that tomorrow is a great day for people! :)

User Feedback / Zenimus
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:29:05 pm »
Made a trade with Zenimus. Game arrived wrapped to survive a holocaust and in better condition than I had imagined. Would trade with again!

General / DW VII slated for remake in Japan (and possibly stateside)
« on: November 01, 2012, 03:54:26 pm »

Dragon Quest 7 reborn on 3DS Feb. 7 in Japan [update] by JC Fletcher on Oct 31st 2012 2:00PM

Square Enix has opened an official Japanese website for the 3DS remake of Dragon Quest VII, announcing a February 7 release date. Artepiazza, a developer with a pedigree of Dragon Quest ports including the recent DS remake trilogy, is in charge of the update.

In addition to the refreshed graphics, the 3DS version of Dragon Quest VII will feature an orchestral score by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra. Square Enix has yet to announce any plans to release this outside of Japan, but all three of the DS remakes made it to North America. Recently, Dragon Quest games have been published in North America by Nintendo.

Update: A Square Enix representative has told Joystiq that Dragon Quest VII is currently being "evaluated" for the western market. "We're currently evaluating the title for the Western markets, but nothing has been determined. Please stay tuned for more information."

Site Feedback / Wii U ..
« on: October 28, 2012, 10:06:47 am »
Why are people already inputting Wii U junk into the system? Its not set to be released for weeks and almost nothing has pictures or any sort of information. Just seems a waste cause someone is going to have to go back and fix them later and its not like anyone has them in their collection yet.

Classic Video Games / Another copy of Air Raid ...
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:47:56 pm »
Apparently some greedy bastard and (Im guessing) his equally greedy girlfriend rummaged through his dad's prized Atari collection treating games like shit looking for the money shot and got it. This world has issues I swear :

Modern Video Games / Skylander Giants
« on: October 21, 2012, 01:00:38 pm »
Well, today is release day. I had already pre-ordered at Best Buy cause reward wise, it appeared to be the best. What I have seen so far is :
Portal owner pack (comes with game and tree giant) (Best buy has a backpack with poster, bracelet, keychain, and stickers for pre-order of either pack)
Game pack (comes with full game set and 2 small characters, tree giant)
Series 2 characters : game 1 characters with new look and available new options
Giants : Crusher, Bouncer, and Swarm (Target has an exclusive Crusher called Granite Crusher)
3 pack comes with a cannon an older character and a new one (shroomboom) (Gamestop has an exclusive gold cannon)
New characters : Chill, Pop Fizz, and Fright Rider.

So far, price wise, portal pack 59.99, game pack 74.99, original size characters 8.99, giants 14.99, and 3 pack is 24.99

Game is pretty neat. Chests/hat boxes open a different way, experience bar is easier to read, gold is more available. Difficulty settings are optional now. There is a new type of treasure called a luck o tron. Giants have the ability to do new stuff (break through floors, do feats of strength, etc). All-in-all, its definitely impressive if you liked the original game.

General / Happy Nintenday!
« on: October 18, 2012, 07:18:59 pm »
On this day in 1985, the NES was released into North America and forever changed gaming. :)

Off Topic / My other obsession
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:12:12 pm »
I dont talk about it much since it is a gaming forum but I have something I love probably more than my games and its my Harley. I just finished painting the motor this morning and got her out for pics. 1999 Harley 883C with 15,200 miles. (click on the pic itself to enlarge it).

General / Replacement labels for my NES games
« on: August 25, 2012, 02:26:18 pm »
I know a lot of people consider it "taboo" but I dont care. I want to get some replacement labels for my games and if anyone here has the ability to do it and sell me some, let me know. The games are : Addams Family, Bases Loaded 4, GI Joe : A real American hero, Metal Storm, and Wario's Woods.

General / 24 hour game-a-thon for local charity
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:57:23 pm »
The gaming club that Darko and I helped start is putting on a 24 hour game-a-thon starting at 7pm on August 31. Any help anyone is able to give is appreciated. The organization we are supporting is called Hotdogs for Homeless. Its a local couple who go on their weekends and buy 2-300 hotdogs/buns and drive around giving them out as well as minor tasks such as bicycle repair and what not. for more info. Thanks guys!

General / Yum! I cant wait.
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:27:52 pm »

I really hope this gets an NTSC version. I will probably buy this bundle regardless.

User Feedback / Tpugmire
« on: June 21, 2012, 01:23:25 pm »
Was suprised in my mail box today. Got Star Trek TNG for NES for free!!! Thanks man, one less spot to fill in my collection. :) Game looks it just came out of the original packaging. I could eat off it its so nice and clean.

Hardware and Tech / Modifying a system
« on: June 07, 2012, 06:15:26 pm »
Im wanting to play some games that are pretty costly and some of them I dont even have the system either. Ive seen a Wii that someone modified to play all the Dragon Warrior games and wondering if someone knows how to do that. Id love to be able to play the following :

Tecmo Secret of the Stars
Magic Knight Rayearth
Popful Mail
Albert Odyssey
Crusaders of Centy

I dont know much about emulation either but any way to play these games reliably on a modded system or emulator would be fine for me.

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