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Topics - marvelvscapcom2

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Hello everyone :)

As everyone knows, we as humans are designed of flaw and misjudgement. Here I have compiled some of the biggest mistakes new game curators make or even ones me myself has made. As a child I let these woes define me and if I even so much as corrupted a save file on a PS1 memory card or found a surface scratch on a game that probably came that way anyway because I buy used. I'd always blame myself and dwell which is compulsive i'd say.

A Stack Of Games Toppling Over?

I have only been there with action figures and never video games. But you go to organize your games stacking them PS2 cases up just to accidentally bump them with the hip like a mother of 5 boiling the formula hitting the almond milk over. Causing all the cases to tumble over one another. A big ouch for any collector :(. My brother who is a collector has had this happen. And he has been collecting since the 80s. I hate when this happens.

Over Scrubbing A Label. The Magic Eraser Devestator

This one has personally happened to me when I was a rookie in collecting but not with a magic eraser but with just a slightly damp paper towel with a slightly dirty but otherwise mint Pokemon Yellow gameboy cartridges. My experiences with NES had laminated labels allowed for this with no damage whatsoever but instantly the yellow ink and brown ink that made up pikachu's face rubbed clean off and what was left was a faded gross mess :(.  I had to get a repoduction label that looked nothing like the real one. Over scrubbing is a mistake that my brother also made in his earlier days of collecting. We all learn by trial and error. Now I know that it's best to leave GB and GBA games alone. N64 as well. their labels are so delicate.

Corrupted Hard Drives?

This one I feel is hard to do because it tells you not to unplug while the disc is spinning, while the light is on and without fully powering down and not just entering sleep mode. Never unplug while a game is saving. But I think in the PS2 and PS1 days. Many of kids had corrupted save files that I knew from rushing to power down before the game had fully saved.

What other mistakes in the collecting world have you made? Left something in the sun? Room to humid? Disc rot? Accidentally sat on a game box? Or are you

"You miss every shot you don't take" Michael Jordan probably

thank you for sharing.

Hello everyone :)

A while ago I made a thread topic asking all of you which was your least favorite gaming stereotype from the gamers who package a little samson complete in the box, and your game you ordered on Mecari for 300 dollars in dollar store bubble mailers until it arrives looking like it was crip walked on to the ones who gatekeep and objectify anything that isn't a mountain dew drinker who plays Halo competitive as a "fake gamer' an many other negative stereotypes. You can find that thread here.,8627.0.html

Today we tackle the other side of the stereotypes and talk about the types of gamers including many of the types of gamers that exist in this community that we love and love to be around. And lastly. Which do you most align with?

The Sanitary OCD Collector

The guy that would drive us nuts to live with but boy do we love buying off him.  The "cut that cellophane diagnolly. Dusting his shelfs 3 times a week OCD guy.  We have all been there. You buy a 360 from some guy with a van full of fake jordans just to start it up and it smells like a dog chain smoked for all 47 of it's dog years, theirs roach eggs, theirs dirt and it is more financially sound to throw the thing like Thanos throwing Gamora rather than dare even open it. Nasty collectors or gamers who don't value their things.  OCD guy or girl will pester you about climate, sun getting on your collection as if you are supposed to live in a vanta black geek dungeon where only mushrooms will grow.  If the game has so much as a spec of dust on the manual he will try to claim it to be damaged and selling to him on ebay is basically opening a return claim before it's even delivered.  But when you are curating a collection like this. These types are a dream to buy from because you know you get what you want as it was intended :)

The online multiplayer Medic guy

There you were facing impending afterlife after being yeeted like a hot grenade, and there he was. Usually a 45 yr old as the act of putting others first in online multiplayer isn't gained until you have the 1000 yard stare of epicness. A real gamer. Bearing the username "ShadowLord89" with an avatar only day 1 players can get. And as you look up, screen going red you see the "reviving" of heroism. These types are the first to revive you. While other no scoping trick shot people walk over you downed body. This Sarah Mclaughlin of the servers comes to pick you up in the line of duty. We all love a medic type. They are selfless givers in gaming. We all know where we were when a medic role saved us. When we had last stand in COD and someone picked us up. Teamates and leaders. 

The 20 Percent Under VGPC Guy

Nobody likes the "let me look it up on VGPC" local sellers. They don't know their items worth, they are not real collectors and they let the market dictate how they treat a fellow collector when in reality VGPC is a price that is factoring in ebay fees, paypal fees, mecari fees, shipping, boxing, bubble wrap, taxes, and above all hassle of delivering via USPS into the price. Things buying from a local guy at his house will not have to endrue. The 20 percent under VGPC guy understands this and tries to give his fellow gamer a proper gentlemen's deal and help eachother grow instead of making a quick buck on the gullible :( 

The Gamestop Nerd That Tells You About The Cool CE and Sales

You're going to checkout your standard edition of horizon forbidden west when this magestic legend of a guy or gal grabs you by the shirt collar like a don of the corleone family and says "well actually for just 20 dollars more you can get the hyperion super mega deluxe 2.0 whiplash best of the best make you happy edition which comes with an Aloy statue and 20 dollars worth of in game content for free.  To which you say "You are my hero".  These workers will tell you when rewards are to be had. help you get the best deals on trade ins and even give you reserves that have sold out. Kiosks they are throwing away. They are cool :)

The guy who can game without flirting, gatekeeping or saying the N word

I mean sadly a rarer anamoly than it should be. Even in my days of not plugging the mic in. Any girl who would dare to speak would either be met with "you sound hot" and "how old are you?" and other odd personal selatious questions I just have never been subjected to. Or met with "girls play for attention" and "get your little sister off the mic" And i'm not saying its everywhere and everyone but this should not be at all prevelent. So if you don't do this you don't deserve a cookie but you are better than some. Than the N word guys who say it because theirs literally nothing that can be done about it. It is to be expected but I am happy this community is one of the only I have been part in that don't do that.

The "One extra piece of bubble wrap when I ship something" guy

We all order things we can't find sometimes and their are two types. The guy from the negative stereotypes who puts a 5000 dollar box in a 79 cent envelope and hopes for the best and than the guys and girls who will go the extra step to put a little piece of bubble wrap in between the disc and the book to prevent rattling in transit, sturdy box, nice bubble wrap, and a lot of padding so it doesn't have any chance of being damaged. We love this gamer who gets it.

That one friend that is disrespectfully good at Smash

We all have those smash sessions, a couple of friends over wth the new little ceasars batman calzone. Happy. Than you got the knock on the door. The guy that comes over with his gold plated wavebird, a cool ranch dorito bag and crocs on. A switch docked literally in every pocket of his or her clothing, and everyone tucks in their triforce necklaces knowing the prophecy has been foretold and the alpha has appraoched. Do we hate to play against him? Of course. He picks the weakest characters like Villagers and somehow still beats you within seconds, but the reason we like this stereotype is because when he is on your team? When he is giving you tips? When you are the skywalker to his Kinobi.  Is when things get special :)

Compliment Motivational Hypeman

"Bro, you got this. To the left. You're a stallion, you're born from the foam from apophos's loins, this lobby is mere mortals in your presence. Desimate them. Dude Elite!!!  Let's go. Let's flipping go!!" after each shot you make. each person you defeat. They were eliminated two rounds ago, and are in general a casual who gets carried but where the heavy lifting comes in is motivating those who are left with these good tips about where the enemy is hiding and also giving you that push of confidence that you're gonna win.  We all want this over the teamates who die and then just complain or be quiet.

Gamer Dad/Gamer Mom

The dad that doesn't limit "screen time" if the grades are good and chores are done. Doesn't complain. The mom who doesn't not get it so she just ruins it for the kids by not allowing them to play games. These parents are the dream of all gamer kids. And are core building blocks in relationships during developmental stages. Video games don't just allow us to live one life, see one outcome, it opens a world of possibilities and to be anything from an actual god to a slice of bread in the gaming world with your parents there to love you equally through either is a good feeling. Not saying all parents have to game. But the gamer parents not only have their hobby but they give their kids the attention they need and don't just ignore their interests and I think it's healthy.

The "I'll pick you up one too" guy

Gotta work and can't make it to get the new switch launch or a title you been wanting? That collector's edition gonna sell out by the time you get there? No need for fear. The "get if for you" friend is there. The friend that you can text and ask him to pick you up one. He won't want to reseller or demand you pay an inflated price. He will just want what's on the reciept. Of course you take him for pizza or pay his gas or whatever you want for hooking you up. But it's the genuine love of not wanting to rip people off and helping his or her fellow game that we love about this stereotype.

What other stereotypes do you know and which one are you?

Hello Everyone :)

I was browsing the internet when I came accross a man either on youtube but i'm fairly certain it was on here who went on an epic all energy locked in place, ending to a marvel movie type of rant of rockstar ganes that made a lot of sense and pointed out to me that Rockstar, the once 10/10 factory themselves, the Dan Houser supreme, the big R, the Sammy Davis of Software, the open world Oprah itself. Wait for it? Has released 1 game in all of the last entire console generation and has spent almost a decade selling shark cards to 10 yr olds :(   

List of Rockstar Games since PS4's release.

1. Red Dead Redemption 2

I feel collectively as a gaming community we have given other devs less acclaim and more flack for doing far more in this hobby and entertainment medium for a while now. I feel if this wasn't rockstar we would call them pay to play scams who don't innovate :(

Insomniac games has maybe made 3 GOTY contenders in that time frame. Even the time from GTA San Andreas to 4 and then 4 to 5 wasn't even half this wait and that's because they couldn't sell online currency over.and over to stay in business without really doing anything back then.

Even epic games literally known for doing one thing has since bought another big game in attempts to broaden themselves.

Rockstar doesn't tease GTA 6, they don't deny it's possibility and they don't even give GTA 5 a chance to cool before milking it raw with repetitive updates and sales on 100 dollar shark cards that really give nothing.

Rockstar has fallen to the very thing we deemed them incapable of and they aren't special anymore neither quality wise or morally. LA Noire 2? Foreget it. You'd be more likely they give LA Noire 1 to a 3rd party mod company like grove street games to ruin.

Do you think Rockstar deserves a pass? Or do you think 1 game in the PS4 gen is a bit lazy?

But on the other end of the argument they rarely mess up and part of that is from taking pride and time into their work. I am on the fence and I want to see what everyone thinks :)

Thank you for sharing

Hello everyone :)

I was browsing the forums today and I seen that one of my old threads was brought back to life with a similar premise of ranking the installments of the Mario franchise. Where we listed where the Mario entries both from open world nostalgia trips that repaved the very landscape of 3D gaming and what it did for our childhoods to the best kart racers of all time.,8655.0.html

But today we tackle the open world Bowser Dan Houser, the R to the Star, the one the mothers against gaming loves to hate
but hates to love. 155 Million sold on one entry. Another game that manages to survive 3 console generations seemingly unchanged just like Mario as of late. It's staying power is undeniable so I ask all of you. Where do you rank the GTA games best to worst?


1. Vice City - Childhood Nostalgia, perfect soundtrack that I still don't believe a game has topped. Rich setting full of color, life and characters that upgraded on it's previous entries. It is GTAs peak that I feel has still never been met.

2. GTA 5 - Although Rockstar has milked this so much PETA has filed for lawsuit, milked it so much through 3 console gens and more updates than the roof at tinder's headquarters. When it came out it was just a world so full you can spend 25 years looking and still spot something new. A masterpiece in every way.

3. GTA 3 - The Original 3D GTA that paved the way for watch dogs, saints row, Far Cry and Even GTA 5 itself. Sometimes I wonder where we would be collectively if this game didn't push gaming into the directions it did.

4. GTA 4 - How did I forget this one lol. But I did have fun memories with GTA 4. I think it is grossly underrated in terms of what it's done and the attention to detail on the hardware it did it on :)

5. GTA San Andreas - My pick for most overrated GTA, but childhood nostalgia bias doesn't add to my love for it because I never played this one. It has a lot of depth but maybe too much for me.

6. GTA - Top Down and simpler times. A bit dated now. I do love the "screw you ***hole" as a kid that always got a laugh out of me ;D

7. GTA 2 - A little better than 1 in gameplay but less nostalgic for me.

8. GTA Vice City Stories - Pretty good. If you played the PSP version I know it probably made you marvel. But I didn't get to experience it until years later. A handheld innovator.

9. GTA Liberty City Stories - Not bad but forgettable.

10. GTA Chinatown Wars - Hated the hotwiring cars gimmick and it just was not what it should have been.

11. GTA London - My play of this is very minimal but I don't remember loving it like the others.


Vice City? I will never forget the Christmas I opened that it. All.other PS2 games took a back seat, it had it all. And I love it so much :)

Where do you rank the GTA franchise from best to worst?

Thanks for sharing.

Hello everyone :) 


After scouring the forum search thingy I can't seem to find this topic and if their was, it would be declared necromancy to dig it up and the sheriff will shine his floodlight on anyone digging up stuff that old and with new users coming every day I wanted to share 2 stories from my life that will follow forever. The type of topic that digs into the archives of the file database of our hearts into them seasons of warmth, caring and inclusiveness. Home Alone flickering on a 90s Sony trinitron as all of you unwrap what Santa brought on them nights where the food seemed to taste better and the sun shined brighter. So grab some roast, and let's have a merry christmas together. 

*Andrew Sorkin director of being the ricardos calls with urgent news


I just got a phone call from a venue that was supposed to host the 3rd annual VG Collect awards but it turns out I maxed out Turf's debit hiring Ariana Grande with the last one jk lol. After sucking on SNL and getting outsung by Kelly Clarkson she now demands perputity to recoop what she deems as "wasted time" :(  But I did not forget this tradition but simply have been bogged down but in general this will be that christmas thread and I assume it will be more palatable for easy participation but if anyone wants to enjoy the last VGcollect awards it will be left here :)

But into the thread

My First Secret Santa And Dash V's Gift

In 2019 I participated in VGCollects Secret Santa and recieved this amazing gift and it still remains the only gift I have ever gotten outside of family from a long distance gifter :).  I am not sure if DashV still even frequents these forums but I had just come back from my trip to Dallas which was basically the equivalent of a hot glue gun in a big tool box of life. Seeing the mantle of earth's circumfrence from 15,000 ft above was like a lifetime of learning. But it wasn't until I was grounded and seen the community and humility here that I had finally known the meaning of flying. I had traveled 1500 miles from home but had not been moved an inch until I see not only the secret santa but the subsequent reveals on the livestream. Being involved in that was just something I will never forget. It wasn't just a moment in a lifetime. It was a lifetime in a moment. For me it is never about the gifts but the thought of course but this is also one of my favorite funko pops :D. My collection hit I believe half a thousand pops recently and this one will always hold a special place in my shrine. Since Dash has gotten me it, it has become vaulted which is basically geek speak for rare lol.  So I do love this.  And everything I post is for users like this on this platform.   Hexen, Wartoy, Turf, Oldgamerz and more.  Just genuine friends and I wish you all a merry christmas :)

My Childhood PS2

The sacrafice my parents did, going from raising 3 boys in the project housings. from food stamps to bouncing back during a recession to give me and my brother who was still living in the house a life, and they came back and we were able to live lower middle class but comfortable for my life, and a chance for a tomorrow is the greatest gift of all. I was able to pursue what I pursue succeed or fail because of all them nights of them giving everything to gain a little and to somehow making miracles each and every christmas can never be repaid :). Losing heat and eating ham from an electric oven. Love from people is never unconditonal, sometimes when you slip these want to belittle you, but then when you got the mushroom and grow, they would catch a bullet for you and stick with you. But love and star power makes you invincible. You win some and you lose some. But you live to see another dream, but not if I lose this one. 14 hour shifts but a parent never punches out, their is no time card, their is reality.  It is beyond a plastic box to me. It is beyond words. A constant reminder of how a thousand candles can be lit with one candle, sharing love and giving back does not ever take away from the original source but only makes it brighter.  I will never forget those days coming home from school, and that red glow of the PS2 light admitting not a shred of warmth yet it feels like a oven of christmas ham to me. Long before stress or having to fill out forms. Video Gaming takes a mask off us as a collective community where we can be ourselves and live freely. A mask we thought we couldn't live without but know for certain we couldn't live within. The graphics as a 2000s baby to me were basically like how kids feel when the PS5 releases today. I was gifted this with Jak And Daxter Pre Cursor legacy. Still remember the sequences and cut scenes where Daxter falls into precursor stuff :)  This is my childhood. This was what was done. And I just cry because i'm nostalgic.

But with all that said my favorite christmas isn't even those 2. It isn't really a memory but more a feeling. My favorite christmas is the one I share with you all every year and especially my family in 4 days. From my grandmother who was an immigrant who worked 2 mill jobs to give my parents a chance at life and meeting, to the matriarch that is my mom who gives and gives and never takes. To now me which all this has led up to. It's hard not to be thankful.

So I want to say. Merry Christmas VGcollect.

If your space bar isn't stuck with all the sap, I hope you all can share your favorite christmas memory with us. I am so excited.

Thank you for sharing :)

Hello everyone :)

Phase 1 Dehumanization before destruction

After watching multiple documentaries recently, one of which being about Princess Diana of Wales. One of the greatest humanitarian civil rights heroes in recent history who was driven to crisis and eventual death by Paparazzi. A mother, a leader, a once in a lifetime personality who couldn't escape this parasitic like profession that seemingly make living humans into art exhibits and the other being about Britney Spears during her huge #freebritney conservatorship hearings on netflix. I got to thinking if I controlled all the laws in the modern industrial setting of media life. Would I or wouldn't I strip these people the right to publically harrass people under the guise of free speech and freedom of news reporting.

I feel If I camped out outside some average civilians house with a camera and didn't even let them leave their driveway I would be arrested within an hour but since these people are celebrities and chose a certain career path that put them in the public eye now the civic governing agencies deem it ok that they lose all basic fundemental human rights :( 

Some paparazzi state that since they are celebrities they belong in that public eye and that they chose this but these same paparazzi film and harrass with blinding lights like strobing concerts to innocent children of them same celebrities. Who did not sign up for anything but being born. And it's literally children who can't even live and grow up.

How many celebrities will have to die or be driven to insanity for this to change?

But this got me thinking. Where do you guys stand on Paparazzi? Do you feel it's a honest form of living and press is important to the ascension of celebrity stardom or do you feel it's basically paid harassment that really stretches the definition of "press" to include 2000 pictures of Tom Cruise drinking a boba tea?

Thank you for sharing.

Hello everyone :)

Today in a trance, my playstation was lagging to load the store app which it always has, and not even paying attention I half intentively said "come on you got it girl".  Among friends I have caught myself like on party with NFS Heat calling cars "her" which is far much more common.  Phrases like "she purs" referring to the cars engine.  Or "she can do it" determining if a car can hit the high speed needed for a speed trap.

Car Naming And Giving Human Qualities to inanimate things

It turns out that I went a good chunk of my life believing this was only a guy thing? Stereotypical for sure but when I was around car guys it was always "big betty" to refer to a cadillac. Or 'she's good on gas" in terms of giving a seemingly hunk of metal a girl pronoun which to me used to be odd but I instantly just fell into this maybe like how I was raised? For me it isn't like thinking that the actual car or playstation has any type of human emotion or can hear me but I feel like it's more like animorophasizing the qualities of necessity some feel for their SO or maybe like more giving human traits because as humans we love humans so it falls naturally? Coming through for us I guess most see them qualities. For me I say it blindly and never put much into why "she" and not "he".  But recently my SO said she will name her first car Lucy and referred to her playstation as "he".  So I wonder why cars are girls even for her? Although it shows this type of thing is pretty common place.  Not everyone names their car. But a lot do.  Many girls in my city even put mustaches and eye lashes on car to give it human traits.

I have never gone as far as naming a console but if I did name my PS4 I guess it's name would be Lauryn with a Y. My TV would definitely be a Carlos.

The reason this occurs is because as adults we long for the feelings that have since passed, that ball hitting bricks at reccess? You rounded the diamond but didn't realize you were the diamond. Lost potential as the mundane confides of 9 to 5 surround you, you miss the simple times of like a box weave apple pie, the hug of our mother the same way full grown cats curl in the box longing for the protective embrace of a mother cat it was stripped of. It is both the beggining and end. A mere microcosm of what defines us within.

Do you name your consoles? If you had to name your console what would it be?

Thanks for sharing

Hello Everyone :) 

I combed over the forums to see if this thread was ever made and if it ever was I can't find it and the sheriff would knock on my door and charge me for necromancy if I dug any deeper into the thread graveyard lol.  But it did have me thinking, with a collection as small as 500 or so games I am a mere pupil to the cornea of plastic hoarding epicness in this site.  Some of you having collections worth well over a quarter of a million dollars, and stacks of plastic gold that could basically put a down payment on a nice house.  And even those with more modest collections have basically a built in investment, a physical investment. 

This got me thinking. What do you or have you talked to your spouse about what would be done with your games after you no longer can play them or after you punch in your final konami code and ascend to the final level :)   

Children Or Grandchildren Make A Shrine in your honor

Would you want your relatives to keep your games as like a way to honor you in the way people save their loved ones possessions or spanish people put like a portrait with candles as a type of vigil.  Maybe your gold copy of Zelda for NES can be like the candles of a vigil? :) 

Have your games donated to a video museum

I know this is something a lot of gamers do in their retirement age or they try to.  And seeing your games go on to entertain millions rather than just you makes all your life's collecting work immortalized :)

Have your collection sold and used to support your family

Even if just for a year or so, it would feel good to know that you were making a change in the well being of those you love most :)

I hope the post isn't morbid. But more a beauty of the cycle of life, how games that gave you a lifetime of entertainment can be purposed to do so much for so many when they fulfill their purpose to you. 

Thank you for sharing

Off Topic / Which do you like better? Silverback Gorillas or Tic Tacs?
« on: November 30, 2021, 12:47:10 am »
Large chest pounding primeapes of the homosapien classification or multi flavored breath mints? Which would you rather do without for the rest of your life? Life no more gorillas at the zoo or no more tic tacs?

But it got me thinking. Society is like a zoo. If you look deeper. So many walks of life and factions. 

The Gorillas bite their eucalyptus and mock the elephant, but the giraffe gets the last laugh because people pay to feed it, so the zoo always makes sure their is a line of people feeding it because of the money they make. Same way the government gets paid to feed the upper 2 percent, the rich elitist are the giraffe and you are the elephant fighting other elephants for half rotted pumpkin pulp :(   

Your response to this was already decided for you and your thought process at this point is copy and paste. The giraffe? His neck was too long to ever hear your lack of consent to his ways. His neck was too long to hear you oppose.

Off Topic / What brand of coffee do you drink? How do you like your coffee?
« on: November 21, 2021, 08:35:24 pm »
Hello everyone :)

Lately I have in the coffee kick and I wanted to see what everyone else has in the cylindratical container of pleasure and love in their coffee loving abode? Which cup of stanky old mud do you like. Instant or Ground? As I know their are plenty of coffee lovers out there.  From tasters choice to maxwell house or even folger's.  What cup o Joe do you call yours?

My cup

I am only able to drink decaf coffee due to a hypertension disorder that causes caffiene to really make me messed up. Caffiene in general has a addictive dependency for me that I have avoided since middle school :)   With that said as a bean fed Boston boy, I am almost sworn since the womb to be Dunkin driven.  I run on it like America runs on it.  It gives a more robust flavor.  I like my coffee iced and never hot, extra sugar and light cream, a dark color.  I like my coffee like I like we love our media, watered down and filled with lies.

Iams is suggested by every vet because paid promotion like skillshare ads on a youtube video, but in reality the grains within the dog food were sourced shortly before watergate by Richard Nixon, Iams stands for I am S. I am syrpent.  Weather balloons do not fly in V patterns :(  One giant step for man? The moon is a hologram. One giant leap from the director chair to chase the phases of it  Aliens shine the moon up to mock us like a bat signal.

If you could order any coffee for the rest of your life. What is your go to order?

Thanks for sharing

Hello everyone :D

About a week ago on a little movie night me and my SO watched an iconic movie "clueless" which was a romcom from the 90s and her childhood I believe that pretty much revolutionized the way we look at fashion in movies. It mixed corny comedy with a pretty gooey ending that actually did manage to tug at my heart strings a bit and almost make me cry which isn't hard with anything sweet or sad in movies for me. Back when step brother, step sister mingling wasn't looked at as taboo like it is now lol.  The plot involving a socially naive, and pretentious "valley girl" type who fills the title "clueless" in more ways than one, firstly not seeing her friends ideal love interest and also not seeing how she is usually only putting her own interests above other peoples lives lol.

But it got me thinking? Why do some 80s stars seem to shine forever like Bruce Willis, Eastwood, I mean even Hasslehoff managed to get into other things like the spongebob movies and many cameos.  But John Travolta? Alicia Silverstone? Corey Feldman? It's like they were forgotten about.  Like who talks about Alicia Silverstone anymore? But between clueless and babysitter among others she was a top 10 popular actress of the early 90s. I mean I don't find her the most skilled actress ever but it feels odd how you go from clueless to movieless.

But what actors were you shocked to see fade out and who do you wish had a coming back even still till this day?

Here is a list of some actors that a missing persons report should be sent out on :)

Corey Feldman -  I mean he went from like 200 80s movies to controversies and then never seen again, could he not be on something just for gags? lol. 

Vince Vaughn -  After a few dozen comedy movies in the 2000s and even cameos, I don't think ive seen anything with him in it interview or movie in about 5 years. What happened?

Can you think of any and how do you feel about hollywood being dominated by the same 5 actors and not many others getting a slice. I can see a haunted mansion 2 starring the rock and kevin hart like I can see my left leg  ;D lol.

Thanks for sharing.

Hello everyone :)

Well Rockstar just released their news juicy soup to suck down by the bowl.

The GTA trilogy was met with backlash and praise combined in one big socially diviscive nugget of both review bombing entitlement, actual solid gripes and nostalgia lens confusing what could have been a fun trip down memory lane. But I guess we are dealing with a developer who is out of touch and out of time? Or are you simply dealing with gamers who are out of their head when they're not around? To a point that they could bring democracy to cuba and it would still get a 10 on metacritic?

The complaints

Missing songs -  I mean come now Ethyl, Fred Mertz already bought you a Don Juan original last year at the paris fashion show.  We all know that licensing and copyright retainment is tricky business and songs like Billie Jean suffer simply because Michael Jackson's IPs are unobtainium unlike they were in 2002.  I just wish gamers would cut them some slack on this one.

Rockstar stopped modders from modding old GTA games now -  This one confuses me the most about gamers at large. It's like if an artist paints a portrait for 300 hours and you buy it and then say "i'm gonna add some touches here and then give it out to the world as my remastered version".  It is blatantly illegal, it is a modification of licensed first party content and rockstar is not at all in the wrong for sending sieze and desists to modders messing with their products admist them trying to gain validity for doing it themselves. Be like if a car deal found a car mechanic selling their cars just with new rims.  Rockstar owns the logo, the story, the writing, and the modding community should just be happy that Rockstar let them live this long. 

Rockstar Depth And Draw Distance - I will agree the lack of serious fog, wind effects and the city being fully visible is eery, and gross looking. I intend on spending my time on the ground because of this and with vice city it's less of a big deal but I just can't get myself around it. The game is 20 years old and still couldn't get better treatment then this? I do side with the gamers on this gripe.

Their are also bugs and calls for refunds after Rockstar fumbled some of the in game physics.

The consensus

Once reality sets in, 64.95? Now now Lucy you need to learn the value of a dollar earned :(  I work all day at the tropicana night club and you do this? Money doesn't grow on trees yet WB Mason, also know as the Mussilini of the moss, the Bonoparte of Bark.  And paper ripped from the ribs of howling trees is a 16 trillion dollar enterprise.  Money grows on trees, money is tree flesh. Money is tree guts. And quite frankly they know.  Can we even say for sure the game is being played or if the game has played us all along? Can we know for sure if you collect games or if games brainwash you into physically hoarding and curating them into massive piles knowing one day while you sleep they will unite and form megatron and take over the world. You are both good and bad. You are pepsi in a coca cola glass but we still love you for it.  Know him by his 3rd eye and don't be afraid of him for he his daddy. 

But what is your take on the new GTA trilogy? I just downloaded because nostalgia made me and i'm scared I wasted my money. But the channel "before you buy" by gameranx says good things about it. I have high hopes and feel I will let myself decide.

Thank you for sharing.

General / What ever happened to cheat codes?
« on: November 14, 2021, 12:05:00 am »
Hello everyone :)

The day is Nov 11th 2006. You just turned off your fifth playthrough of buelevard of broken dreams by green day, you either have a trapper keeper with rockstar stickers or a secret Avril Lavagine crush you hide from your syblings, but either way you come home to a windows xp lap top and go onto cheat planet where you find all the codes for GTA san andreas, maybe you are doing demoliton derby in saints row the original.  Or the beautiful light of a green PS2 power button being the only thing you see during dark load screens as this wasn't just a game in your childhood but your childhood as a game.  Overpowered jets? boom.  Left down up right.  The konami code? infinite lives?  What happened to it all?  And why do you feel game companies have done away with single player campaign cheat codes? So long as they are kept off of online servers, I don't see how it effects anything but adding an epic fun factor to games :)


Unlimited Health In Bioshock Definitive Edition

Michael Desanta gets to be Lance Vance with a call back skin

Infinite Red Shells in Mario Kart 8

As gamers many of us grew up with the tips and tricks magazines but now a days you have to find some modder on PC to make your dreams reality.  Not only did devs back in the 2000s do it themselves, they did it coded into the actual game and not as DLC.  Cheat codes were mostly always novelty for me. But a nostalgia bone in me really misses that novelty.  Does anyone else have theories as to why last gen and current gen games seem to never have cheat codes? And do you miss them?

Thank you for sharing :)

Off Topic / The Potato Chip Zodiac. What Your Favorite Chip Says About You
« on: November 01, 2021, 08:55:28 pm »
Welcome To Snack Astrology :D

Welcome everyone to the potato chip based snack product cosmos, the caloric cosmos, the astrological make up that makes you was given from an ancient scribe and Dr. Dip and Sir Heluva Good have come together to organize what your chip preferences say about you.  Do you like cool ranch or nacho cheese doritos more? See what that says about you.  You can tell a lot about a human by their posture and by the bag of chips they go for first :) 

Nacho cheese? Loyal. Tradtional. Great frends.

Cheez itz? Your mommy of the year.

Salt And Vinegar?  Well ummm. You eat pizza backwards crust first and you emphatize with Bush. Or maybe the stars lied? Maybe it isn't what we see at face value.

What do you feel of your zodiac? Will you use your chip astrology for tinder bios?  And if you didn't know this was made by an irreputable member of a video collection page and it was rather made by buzzfeed would you invest more in the logic of it?

Disclamier so netflix doesn't ban me

VG collect and all of it's affiliates do not sponsor nor condone any of the views express here in. The thread is made for satirical purposes only and does not help lottery chances, romantic prosperity or has been approved by the FDA or BBB.  If you eat salt and vinegar chips.  I of course think the world of you and love you still :D 

Thank you for sharing. 

Sliced Bread Is The Best Thing Since Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai is better than a sweet cream cheese on a toasted bagel, it's that sequel we were denied. It's all I can share and more.  For one the acting is top tier.  Ralph Maccio still has it.  Johnny Lawrence goes from being one of the most hated men in 80s lore to now being someone we belove and his arch is anime levels of profound :D

If your Mrs. offers you to fly to rome and even chocolate covered strawberries off glascapes overlooking gondolas.  Or if your trampoline park is having a pizza night.  Cobra Kai is better.  If you imagine the best dream you ever had. Cobra Kai is better.

It also has a tubular and bodacious soundtrack.  And I am actively on my journey to be Johnny Lawrence by buying a 91 Trans Am and drinking coors banquet beer while wearing leather and kicking unadulterated wholesale ass.  The best.

But I pose the question  Do you feel Cobra Kai as a body of work has ascended to levels the original movie franchise didn't? Or do you think it isn't as good? 

Thank you for sharing.

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