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Topics - marvelvscapcom2

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Hello everyone :)

Today I was talking to a friend who has a friend who named his new daughter Marvel because he is such a comic fanatic and Marvel was basically his childhood.  He says his daughter will be strong, have longevity, inspire and all the beautiful traits that Marvel has instilled in him so to him it wasn't a name, it was naming his life in human form :D.  I thought Marvel was different, and at first struck me as off putting but now I find it a unisex type of pretty empowering name.  So long as disney doesn't file a sieze and desist and banish him into the shadow realm.  His daughter forever forced into a paradox wear George Lucas heads yell "make me money" in intervals of 5 seconds at a time as the blood moon howls. 

So this got me thinking if you guys would ever consider naming your child or if you already have named your child after a video game character or slogan you love :D   Here are some that although I wouldn't name my child. I think they are fairly nice names and not as job interview eye brow raising as say "north west" or "chicken fajita"


Genesis -   I feel Genesis is already a name so it fits well for the sega fanatic. It's also religious, spiritual and in general beautiful to me.

Dream - With destiny, faith, hope and all those emotion and philosphical type names.  I feel dream for dremcast is very underused if ever and it's pretty :) 

Peach -  Not bad, people will know you subscried to G4 in 2007


Dualshock 4 -  It means he can take a rumbling and keep on playing the game, hands on, always down for adventure and loyal.  I see it pronounced Dewallllll shosh IV

Sony -  Some may consider it a waking billboard but Sony Michel is a football player for the patriots. It kinda exists :)

Rapture -  Bioshock city. 

What do you guys think of gaming inspired names or do you feel the traditional Emily or Craig would suffice? 

Thanks for sharing.

Hello Everyone! :) 

Today I pose the question as I was looking into the way logos were redesigned for the modern age with the era of mobile app interfaces and marketing being almost perdominantly on flat phone screens and instagram B roll ads. Companies now seem to go for a more minimalistic approach for flat 2 dimensional logos with little depth, simple and almost sleek edging and at times artsy fartsy sticking their nose up at you stripping of a logos identity as we seen with starbucks logo change. Helping them fit into app boxes and pop among your other content, we've seen wendy's font change. Burger king go back to it's older roots where it's just a red burger king with a bun among many others that took dimension out of their logo for the sake of accessability with social influencing platforms :D

Then comes the most offensively degredative change probaobly in the history of modern man :(  It is the chip equivelant of the battle of the bulge.  It is the potato purge  It is like desecrating the Lincoln monument.  And when I first laid eyes upon it I felt almost as if I was not eating the chip, but as if the pringle man had dunked his hand into me.  Making a bird bill out of 2 pringles has yet to feel the same again and I can barely believe what they have done. 

Thier will forever be two eras. The beautiful days of which the pringles man was left not assailed, and then new cruel sick reality we live in where he looks like a hardboiled egg with a jet black stach.  Monopoly man used to be a rustic brunette with charm and personality.  Now he is a hardboiled egg with a ronald reagan halloween wig glued to his face, the logo is ugly, and they botched it in every way to me. 

My Attempts At Logos

Keep in mind that I am no graphic designer or a professional, I did these all on a phone screen with some free app and didn't open any adobe photoshop or premier or anything that would make it serious :)   But I hope you guys do like at least one of them. 

In general do you consider yourself a "change is necessary" or a "if it's not broke don't fix it" type?  And do you prefer the old or new logos pictured above and for other companies like Pizza Hut and Taco Bell?   What is your favorite logo of all time?

Thanks for sharing :D

Off Topic / Lee Vs Wrangler Vs Levi Strauss? Who is the Disney of denim?
« on: September 14, 2021, 01:21:54 am »
Hello everyone! 

Today I got sucked into the fascinating history of the invention, mass producing and distribution of blue jeans and denim in the US which left me with 3 pioneers that not only changed the face of fashion forever but also the world :) 




For me Levi and Lee make the best jeans on the market. I feel I get more wears and washes out of Levi but Lee is more comfortable and at times more fashionable depending on type and the dye is really nice on both :)

Which Jeans do any of the Jean lovers on here wear? 

Jimmy Crack Corn and they said he didn't care but he cared enough to write a whole little jingle about it, cared enough to put pen to paper. Cared enough to copyright the lyrics and let a record label publish a song about Jimmy cracking said corn.  His name was james he didn't like being called Jimmy.  And the conch knows you put your ear to it.  You didn't hear the ocean. You simply heard the absence of one in the twisted mind of a conch.  You heared conch soul.  You heard what a conch thinks.  And you lied to yourself to pretend it was soothing but we all know it wasn't :(  #freebritney

Hello everyone :) 

Today I pose the question and I was inspired by these funko pop collectors who color categorize their favorite pop culture icons based on the shades of their garment. Green with Green and Red with Red.  It makes for an asthetically beautifully collection and I have since considered doing it with both game labels and pops in general :D   But which video character is the best for each color of the inclusivity rainbow?  The rainbow that states all colors and hues can live together under harmony and that the most beautiful thing is only visible after the worst of rains.  In lieu of a belated pride month post.  Here are my picks for each color of the rainbow.



Maaaaario has graced our TV sets, the importance of eating psychadelic shrooms for their nutritional properties of course and that it's always ok to jump off your best friend letting him fall into a pit of desolation and death if it is for personal gain :)   But all jokes aside Mario is a legend and I can't see myself putting any other red character above Mario. It's like putting a blue character above sonic.  What kind of idiot would do such a thing. 


Vault Boy

We apologize for the checkered PNG background being haphazardly left in.  We paid Pat the Nes punk 25 bucks and a bag full of jaw breakers to crop out the picture but he didn't put much effort into it. Much like his content :)   But what we failed to do, and because of lack of federal funding to the VGC PNG crop patrol you are left with Vault Boy. Who like Mario isnt blue but wears blue so is perdominantly blue to the eye.  I always loved Vault Boys asthetics and I love the post nuclear fall out type of atmosphere the games have. He is just fun, I love the animations in game.  I just really love fallout and miss it :)   



I mean he's Chara freaking Zard lol. Having a first edition of his card as a child made you the coolest kid on the playground but having it as an adult surprisingly makes you the coolest in most social gatherings.  Kanye has opted to wear one as his new chain medallion until further notice :)   Charizard is cool.  I love the orange color of him.  I feel pokemon characters might chart a few times here so be forewarned. 



Tends to break pots and doesn't reimburse said pot owner.

Also I take back what I said earlier. Spiderman would beat up Mario pretty bad and is cooler.


Hola, Mi Nombre Es Victor!  Marvel Vs Capcom2 has been sued formely by Patrick the Nintendo Entertainment System Hooligan for libel. I will be your new host for the night although I have to go in like 5 minutes because I have a 105 pound labrador that has to pee.  But this category in case you can't tell is for white characters.  I was thinking of any useless white characters that I can't stand for more than 2 seconds but Eric Trump isn't in video games luckily.  Their are a lot of great options for here and I can't wait to see all of what you guys pick :)   Snoopy is a childhood hero to me and my moms favorite character ever. She collects him so honestly I have nostalgic memories and a soft spot for him. I love his 2 very underated video games that I have played.  Snoopy vs the red baron is surprisingly an incredible flying shooter game. 





I love the inklings both orange and purple but always pick purple inkling girl as the playable character of splatoon, she just seems more agile and I love the color purple of the ink and splat :)  Their just arent many purple characters I care for and I love the fan art like the one made above. I even got the amiibo. 

Also Crash is better than charizard. 

In all seriousness though, what are your favorite color characters for each color of the beautiful rainbow?
 I know this isn't off topic so I won't share much but just know to all the people of this amazing forum who I consider like family at this point, you guys have given me the best 4 to 5 years I have shared in a gaming community and weather
you are green, purple or blue love is love and margainalization of affection, condemnation of love, and barring humans of any creed the right to marry is among many big smudges on our society. Gaming has made great bounds to be inclusive but it isn't fully there yet.  Characters like Lara Croft made it so female representation in games wasn't just the damzel role, and african american characters like clementine from walking dead, who give a spotlight on multi cultural epicness will always hold a place in my heart. You all humble me.  And just know that the world will try to opress you and hold you into this bubble, but their is no rose without a rosa parks. And it is better to stand for something than fall for anything Dare to stand.  Dare to be called a simp or SJW in the face of hate and lies.  And just let them never take away the shine that is deep inside you.  I hope all of you have the best day possible  Don't expect this from me often as I know "soap box" posts are overdone in many forums but just know I love you all and you all shine in you own special way.  And even if your dream is out of reach, Even if your are 45.  Samuel L Jackson didn't become a household name until that age and Lucille Ball was a C rate actress until she started the I love lucy show in her late 30s.  You guys all are winners.  Soldiers.  Gifts and the best!

Thanks for sharing

I think Wolverine would possibly dice a proper gentlemens slaw in about 5 seconds flat. And better than Kruger and with finer shreds. I feel he's versatile and his wife must love him in the kitchen :)  I think a first person hack and slash with say the dead by daylight idea but first person and for VR would be very fun. Or if fruit Ninja got Mulan and Wolverine DLC.

Do you think first person hack and slash is a good idea? Why is it rarely done? I can only think of a few. And most of those games also include melee and guns.

Thank you for sharing!

Who do you think dices onions faster Kruger or Wolverine? 

Hello Everyone :) 

As you know most of us are collectors of many things but video games collectively and thus have a multitude of experience with all 5 of the big shipping competitors.  So I wanted to pose the question. Which package handler is the best and why? Which do you have the worst experiences with? 

The leave package in the rain when their is a very visible mail box and porch potected by an awning UPS guy 11/1000

Ok at this point I feel actively UPS tries to make your life misery, and if not for the thousands of i'm sure hard working good humans they employ this is a company i'd have no problem if they went under. Their is a special place in purgatory most likely near pol pot for the mail UPS man that deliberately crams a box the size of a box of cereal into a mail box the size of a box of gummies as if it makes scientifical sense. But maybe for only one day because it isn't as bad as his atrocities but he does have to pay lol.  UPS is borderline disrespectful with how they treat packages, how they treat estimated delivery times and the excuses they make :(    For example they literally got my package in my city today.  Delivery to be made at 7pm.  Just to tell me that you ran late and it will come the next day.  But no.  They go out of their way to blame a hurricane that I am not experiencing. "Your package is delayed.  Severe weather from Hurricane Idna has slowed our network of drivers.  Like sure I get if it wasn't in my city yet.  But that's like if I call out of work tomorrow and blame the blizzard of 78.  Like come on now.  Also my UPS man has a habit of deliberately going out of his way to put my 100 plus dollar packages on top of my trash can and hit "delivered at front door" on his thing.  It's just inexcusable.  Call? they deny it.  Fight lost packages they tell you to eat it.  This company is hopeless.  And when I see a seller confirm they delivered with UPS I automatically expect the worst.  I add 5 days to the time i'd normally expect to get something and pretty much pre damage my game boxes internally  :'(   Shame on ups.   

USPS 97/100

USPS has always been beautiful to me, The finest specimens of delivery excellence this proud spinning rock of water and desolation have ever seen :)  Federally funded through a pandemic, lay offs left and right, but every in person experience has been perfecta.  My main thing with my mail carriers, is they have the consideration to put packages in the entry way out of harms way, but even if they don't they always make sure they handle it with care.  I have had full talks with the mail man and he is really a good person.  From the LGBT man who weights my packages at the postal place who is one of the best comedic personalities I will ever know to going above and beyond to locate missing packages.  USPS is the standard for me.  Which is odd since they are typically the most cost effective, common and most hated of the big 3.  But I just love when I see "usps priority" when someone ships.  How about all of you? :)   I leave them drinks because they like it.   They are underappreciated and I love to make them feel cared about. 

Fed Ex 77/100

Ok but not perfect.  And speed varies based on type of service a bt too much.  I know economy shipping options should be slower but how slower? With USPS the economy mail like first class, media mail and economy all ship within 10 days at least.  When you pick economy with fed ex they basically strap your game to a carrying mule, they then have a carrying mule transport for 15 weeks cross continent like pre invention of the wheel days in saudia arabia villas.  I could walk to the person who intiially sent my package through fed ex economy faster than it takes for it to arrive.  And that is before the pandemic.    Then express?  Or next day of course?  They basically have Brett Favre spiral it onto your lap from your local air port, thing still has the person who shipped it's undried sweat on it, comes off the press hot.  So if you overspend for 40 dollar delivery services of course you have a good experience but most of the time you suffer long wait times.  However they do treat packages with care for my experience :)

Which of the big 3 do you like best.  Any bad stories? 

Hello everyone! :) 

Today we duke it out between two blonde pop sensations who dominated over 3 decades of music entertainment, Each with their own sound, creative songs, catchy anthems and controversies alike. 

As a child or teen I never was much for commercialized sugar muffin bubble gum yum yum sensationalized pop, sounded all the same to me but as I mature my tastes mature, I finally begin to appreciate the nostalgia and simplicity of the catchiness of some of these songs. It wasn't always about talent or instruments, it was about fun and ease to sing along with.  Both of these artists paved the way for the Ariana Grandes to come :D  Now I know many of you may not rock out with your socks out to some Britt Britt.  But even the metal heads can play along.  Which songs hit your ear better.  Who do you like better as a person?

I feel Britney while not as capable of a singer, not as vocally talented had a way more memorable career in terms of not only diversity in the song style, nostalgic hits but also these huge industry moments. Hit me baby one more time is just one of the best pop songs of all time  It changed music forever and their are still songs today that copy the Britney recipe.  Christina had 3 hits I loved.  2 old and one new.

I played this card rank type of deal that I made myself.  But you can play along if you want.  Thank you sharing.

Now that the scent is off the trail.  The flamingo knows when you laughed at it.  One time it asked great philosphers of our time in flamingo speak, this type of pondary of why is it when you tell a man that their is 290 trillion stars he will believe you but if you tell him the paint is wet he will touch it to be sure, why do we? Did the man who invented college go to college? Did the man who invented the wheel drive? Silver Surfer is just Mr. Clean with silver body paint. The MGM lion made your childhood happy but their was someone yanking his tail.  The beggining and end.  But in reality.  We look for the answers when we never really had the questions.  The question is who is better Britney or Christina.  The question is who is better.  You or whatever inside you controls what you will type in response this. 

Hello everyone :) 

Last night the fabled Spongebob dieties that be lured me down childhood lane as they sometimes do so I decided I wanted to show someone new to spongebob all the of the greatest episodes from my childhood.  We begin where anyone does in this train of porous, absorbant sea spongery with F.U.N and idiot in a box. We then made our way to ripped pants and met all of our familiar under water friends at the goo lagoon :)     

Erasing History Instead of Educating Why It's Wrong = Death Of Satire Comedy

Well we get to this episode where I want to show her the iconic "are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs?" Episode.  Where basically spongebob and Patrick take Mr. Krabs on a series of adventures that are supposed to make him feel younger but he simply never does.  They end in a sequence where Mr. Krabs basically takes the boys on a panty raid. Which ends in accidentally raiding his own mothers panties and getting embarassed and punished for doing such. 

Now is panty raiding illegal, immoral, perverse, gross, and not really material children should watch? Of course.  Buuuut, let us take a trip down another iconic memory of my childhood :) 

A Licensed Fry Cook and His Boss Literally Poisoned A FDA food insepctor intentionally, dragged his mangled corpse into the desolate parts of bikini bottom to bury it alive then lied to uniformed police officers after midnight about the body's whereabouts all while blaming the other for accountablity

See this is where it gets ridiculous folks.  At what point is it bad for kids? Let's just draw the grey line. What line? But worstly what balding, newport smoking, aristocratic 55 year old who drives a Fusion because he claims it's "good for the environement" who wouldn't know humor if it was the hooker they cheat on their wife with while trying to clean up our childhood as if it was ever as perverse as his actual life gets to decide the damn line is?  Why are we some toddler to have a baby gate in front of nostaliga cookie jar?  Because in what world is a panty raid although very morally wrong and illegal.  Fit for children? But teaching 20 million children who some will grow up to work in our fast food industry that poisoning a paying customer for vegence and then lying to the cops about killing him, burying him alive is acceptable to stay on?  Who decides that?   It's hair pulling stressful at this point.    One is home invasion and at most invasion of privacy or theft.  One is literally pre meditated first degree murder, evading the scene of the crime, badgering a witness, lying to the cops, food tampering and lastly false accusations.   By all means kids.  Kill the food inspector and blame someone else for it.   

We seen it with Dr. Suess.  We seen it with "It's cold outside"   Innocence is being replaced with entitled people's need for correcting or bubble wrapping the world.  And it won't stop because nobody stops it.    I was 5 when I seen the episode and did I grow up to go around stealing woman's panties for fun? NO.  Because people forget that children are born with common sense.  Then people will say "Well if the kid doesn't have parents around it can be bad"  But my parents never watched spongebob with me.  Spongebob became my best friend after school and sincerely no kid parent or no parent is growing up to do things because some nagging encepahlapod did it or because Tom Kenny voice a sponge to do mischeavous things.   

The De-evolution of Humanity

Ah the 50s, where you couldn't show a pregnancy birth on screen, couples had seperate beds, biracial couples werent allowed, and blacks werent even allowed to share the same water dispensers.  Censorship sure worked huh?  On screen telling kids it's morally wrong to sleep in the same bed as your wife or the beauty of a woman's sacrafice to birth actual life into this world is not to be shown as if embarassing but by all means let's perpetrate the cold war, sink our economy just 10 years after literally murdering 85 million people for a war of greed, and violence.   Stop it.  We moved into a place finally where we can have what is fair.  Create and not destory and it's getting taken.  Someone somewhere needs to bring change.  Not a petition but actual change.  Things in the censorship "erase it if it's not fit for these pinky in the air wannabe know it all pundits' days were simply not good.  No kid has ever been corrupted by spongebob.  He teaches life lessons in vague ways.  And even the panty raid episode it is very well portrayed by all characters that the act is wrong and the consequences are bad. 

Girls, blacks, hispanics, and biracial and homosexual people don't want or need a bubble wrapped world. we simply want the same one you guys always had. Which is equality.  Equal not more or less. And not changed. Equal. 

"The faster you change or forget history is the faster you are doomed to repeat it"

Hello everyone :)

The era of the STIMMY

As we all know, last year millions of Americans were simoultaneosly flooded with thousands of dollars in trump lumps, mortgage forgiveness and bursts of unemployment retroactive backpay and had stimmy swimmies on the great big web of games. This combined with at least a 3rd of the country being forced to stay at home with nothing but a TV, a plastic childhood friend and pockets bigger than inhabitions.  We seen games like MarvelVsCapcom 2 selling for upwards of 200 dollars after being 65 CIB for years. PS2s in working condition closing in on near 100 dollars when you could walk outside and trip on one getting the mail in 2013 :(   During this time I unloaded much of my PS2 collection because to me PS2 is still accessible and common.  But is it? Is my question.

My main question is do you think that games like say that 15 dollar PS2 game that is now 200 dollars go back down or do you think once they are high up they are just going to stay that way forever?  Do you think the ones selling to semi rich people with all the leisure time in the world during a global crisis are the smart ones? Or do you think that the ones buying are smart? Seeing a surge of video games from their childhood and getting while the getting was good :) 

Off Topic / Jurassic Park, Back to The Future or Indiana Jones?
« on: August 30, 2021, 09:53:12 pm »
Hello Everyone! Which was the greatest spielberg trilogy of all time? I know 2 of these aren't trilogies but let's pretend they ended with the first 3 masterpieces :)  Carnivirous dinosaurs, time traveling and a middle aged guy looking for artifacts. Which holds a more special place in your heart? Powerful scores from John Williams combined with cinematography decades ahead of it's time. These movies all paved the way for the sci fi greats that followed in their footsteps.  Seeing that all 3 stood the test of time in terms of cultural significence.  Which of the 3 do you think had the most consistent franchise?

For me it is Jurassic Park by a slim margain. Something about being a kid seeing 2 angry T rexes fight for their baby on a big screen. The effects were ahead of their time.  The plots were simple to follow compared to the other 2 but also very deep, thought provoking and intelligent. Although post Goldbloom JP is like trying home alone without Culkin. Like trying to have a pizza without cheese. It was honestly the closest ive come in a movie to feeling like i'm missing a childhood friend.   Here are my scores!

JP1 - 98/100
JP2- 99/100
JP3 - 75/100

BTF - 97/100
BTF2- 65/100
BTF3 - 97/100

Thanks for sharing :)

Hello everyone  :D.

Who would you rather have run for local city electives or simply share a gaming session with? A judgemental unibrow having encephalopod who at times can be swayed into moments of self critical clarity and be nice if shown his own error of ways or a retired B list boy band member who was the 3rd most loved member of Nsync?  And most likely is insufferably nostalgic.

I mostly ask this to pose a bigger question. What characters of spongebob who didn't date should have? Who do you ship and where do you think missed love opportunity presented itself? :)  For me it's Squilliam and Squidward.

Their suction cups met in burning love as sweetest sin by Jessica Simpson serenades them over candle light. It wasn't a mere moment in a lifetime. It was a lifetime in a moment. "You gotta be squidding me" the dad pun humor Squilliam knew his minimum wage earning 6 tentacle having advesary was equipped with. Ink connects like baby bel cheese melting. Melting 2 hearts as one. "We arent much different you and I" because how can it be a lie to feel? To the world, squidward was one squid in a big ocean. But to Squilliam. He saw the whole ocean in squidward. And he was free again :)

We can all relate to squidward. Just trying to scrape himself out of the mundane mediocrity of day to day life. I wish he did have a romantic plot line to make that final clarinet toot of the day feel a bit more loved. Like even if 2 ears longed to hear it.  Even long distance. 3,500 miles feeling like 15.

Thanks for sharing :D

Off Topic / Miss You Guys
« on: August 12, 2021, 03:05:30 pm »
Hello everyone

Last year was a tumultuous, crazy time for many of us and was at times like razer blades on a broken heart, sometimes I wanted to self inflict emotional harm like I felt I wasn't worthy of much but sadly most struggles that came with it werent virus related for me. I was thrown into situations that I didn't really know how to handle at the time  :(  I became a poor reflection of myself.  I just didn't have the tools. Young, dumb, collapsing economy. Now? It is basically that warm throw in the back of a cold car keeping that long trip home happy, the calamine lotion on a bad skin infection, that "ahhhhh" feeling of being chest to chest with a crush because they liked you back. Sometimes we gotta break to know where the pieces lie to glue it all together. I was spoiled in life. On top of the pile of golden lego bricks you dont see the limbs of broken plastic army men. So when I fell face first I fell. And I know even still my issues with last year are nothing to racial injustice, the well over a half million Americans that lost thier life and I still thank the dieties that be that I am here. And I am new. Not different. Still learning but never afraid to take notes. But their isnt a single month that goes by that a name, a post. Even a profile picture doesn't pop in my head.  "I miss turf" or "I remember Lady D being so friendly to me when others werent"  :)  And last but not least the secret santa gifts I got from DashV still stay on top of my collection. The community warmth here is something rarely ound. We are like a big distant gamer family and I really miss everyone like that estranged step cousin coming in late to the BBQ. I just needed to take the time to step back as I wasn't in a good place. For reasons I can't disclose for personal privacy reasons and half pride.  But on them cold nights crying in a bath tub. My mistake of caving to my first vice which was alcohol and all this happened at 23 after spending that time proud of lifetime sobriety. Laying in an empty tub with a Mike's harder lemonade trying not to puke leftover spaghetti into my lap, waking up and not remembering what happened the previous day. But I managed to get sober in less than 3 weeks but seeing that monster is a butterfly of death, a dancer of sorrow that will never leave my shoulder. Because now? I am happy again but some don't get so lucky. And not just normal happy. But best I ever been in my life happy. Learning Korean and Spanish happy. Having dreams happy. Knowing most of those dreams are 5 feet away from me. An arm reach. Kamikazee Keeg? BikingJahuty? Hexen? Among others. All were that mothers home cooking when the fridge wasn't so full. You can't always see the sun when it's raining but it's there. Brighter days  :D.  These werent moments in a lifetime. They are our lifetime in one transcending moment. You? You are beautiful? Ladies? You create love out of nothing. Give a good girl a small minimum and she will make the galaxy with it.  A home from a house. A life from a cell. Yet gender pay gap still exists. I know my perceptions shifted. When I was face down, the people in my life who had the most "balls" certainly didn't have testicles.With the world how it is now. I miss unity. You guys are perfect. Not just by online standards but this page is like some fountain of youth, a hidden view into lost humanity.  I will never forget you guys. Weather I post 5 times a day or 5 times a year. I wanted to stop by to say. Keep hope. The world will chew you up, put you in a bubble but be like gum. Chew it. Put it in a bubble. But when they're done you stick it out.  I can't wait to get back into gaming talks. Especially now that I am me again.  Thank you so much. My pm box is open rain or shine. I want to be what you guys were for me. Anything and I mean anything. But damn. I feel like this isn't enough for all the happy feeling I have. You are all gorgeous. In a society of beauty standards, gamer stereotypes. You are perfect just the way you are. Love from people isnt always unconditional. When their is mush room for growth they will do anything to belittle you, but red shell how if you are ahead they will follow and stick with you. But win or lose? You guys are the star power that makes me invisible  ;D. - Marv

Off Topic / Who do you think killed Kennedy?
« on: April 19, 2020, 08:18:09 pm »
Hello everyone! :)

Do you believe the official FBI testimony that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and was the sole perpetrator of the largest scale and most recognizable conspiracy of all time?

In November, I went to the sixth floor museum at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, which is the exact location of the gunman fire that supposedly came from the school book suppository building.  After standing at the exact vantage point, I believe that two hits one fatal. Three shots landing near or around the target from that distance on a moving vehicle is literally impossible.  The angle isn't right. Video clearly shows front to back.   All grassy knowl evidence was destroyed by secret service informants.   

The assassination of John F. Kennedy was an inside job perpetrated by Lyndon B Johnson to gain a position of power to perpetrate the Vietnam War for greed. All evidence points to multiple gunmen.

Insecurities have gotten a hold of me.  And life is a ever impending sound sucking vortex of darkness.   I feel acid rain,  and a feeling of like being on a stage in front of 8 billion people, curtain opens,  anticipating snickers as I approach a microphone,  my mind mixes words up but can't form anything worth conveying to the earth.  The one and only person who truly ever loved me,  stands with her green glistening eyes, witnessing me change in a spiral of depression.  And losing hope for me :(   Me being a shell of what I was, losing popularity and nobody standing by me in the face of adversity.  Dying alone.   In a hospital bed with a tear rolling down my cheek as I begin to ascend to the other realm of existence spirtually,  the glow of incandescent bulbs illuminating a bright white tiled hospital floor with not one single person by my bedside.  No children, no wife, no friends and no family.   Just the sense of coldness as the heart rate monitor gives the deafening beep of lifelessness.   Seeing the green neon spike turn to a flat line as I float.  The lights turn dark.  Dull.   Meloncholy.    Knowing of no greater hell than what I have been uplifted from.   My queen giving up on me  :'(.    Letting me wither in the mud filled trenches of mediocrity like squidward.   Punching a punch card to work a mundane worthless 9-5 existence.   

I guess i'm trying to capture lightning in a bottle twice,  the magic that started it all.  Tragic.....   The more I chase that ghost the more it alludes me.  I've lost sight of what's important as the neon flickers in these fog drenched london streets.  Cobblestone roads with the pattering of rain drops.  I smell the musk of Jack the Ripper.  I hear spirits whispering.   

I'm going seek therapy tomorrow.   Hopefully the waiting list isn't too long.  Hopefully my HMO covers it.  I think my mind is so broken at this point,  the therapist will need a therapist.   I prey their is hope for me.   

It's all because of the selfishness of my past.   Karma is swift like a Ginzu knife. 

God bless all of you. 

I pose the question.   Have any of you seeked therapy?   Do you have a councelor?   Do they work?    :)


Hello everyone!  :)     Happy Valentine's Day <3 

I'm sorry I have been pretty inactive lately :(.   I love this page so much and hate to be so distant.  But it's been a tumultuous and rocky 2020 filled of surprises.   And id also like to sincerely apologize for the begginning of the month of January.  I reached out to a lot of the users here in private messages in a dark patch of my life,  feeling immense pain and fear.  Feeling vulnerable, depressed and venting emotions that I shouldn't have bothered others with.   I should have never let that type of negativity infect this page.   I almost made a main post filled of depressed and paranoid rambling and would have immensely regretted it.  But in my most crippling moments,  I was voiceless, paranoid and looking for a hand to pull me out of the fire.   And many users here provided that for me.   And I am forever thankful for that :D     I cant muster mere words. 

The reason for my distance from the page and most things in general is that I fell in love, early this year after new years and am extremely invested in a long distance relationship with the girl of my dreams :D.    I can't describe how much she means to me.   I never knew what true love was until I met her.  Love songs make sense now and my vision is 100 percent clearer.  I feel new found purpose and my life finally has meaning.  I feel like their is a compass in my heart that only points to her and no other girl.   It's spiritual.  Internal and so much beyond vanity or popularity.   It's just the feeling that someone else is a piece of my heart.    And the story of how it came to be is crazy,  wild and borders on destiny. 

But we met on a video game page,  because we had similar interests.  I won't specify what because i'm gonna keep this vague for her privacy.   But as a New Years Resolution I decided to send a gift to her (at the time a complete stranger) as a random good deed to start 2020 off happy with good Karma.  This led to a friendship and eventually love.  Problem was on the game page I was using a fake account similar to this one that didn't garner my real profile picture.   Because I value privacy heavily.   We began to fall in love rapidly in private messages but I had such a dilhema on my hands because I knew the lie would snowball if I didn't reveal to her that I was not what I was displayed and I had to unveal that I was a lie.  It was the hardest, scariest and anxiety inducing thing I ever had to do.    Her reaction surprised me.  She still loved me and accepted me for me afterwards and it was truly the most heart warming and uplifting thing to ever happen in my life.  She gives me hope that the world isn't so dark.   Is a beacon of light in a sad and miserable world.   With tears streaming down my cheeks.   I lifted myself up and vowed to never lie or hurt her again.   Since then it's been almost 2 months and we have discussed meeting in person and NSFW things. :) 

I adore her so much,  and think of little to nothing else.   I have lost a lot of my creative ability with posts and haven't played games since January 5th.   All creativity goes towards making her feel like a princess like she deserves.  So my long winded thoughts typically are romantic ones now.  About carrying her so she'll never have to walk or wrapping my hoodie around her so she's never cold.   I don't spend money anymore,  I have lost 20 pounds,   I feel different.  Like I found myself.   Or she helped me find myself.   And it's truly undescribable.   

How was it when you guys first felt true love?  :).    Was it your first spouse or the one you have now?   How did you know it was destiny?   

Thanks for sharing everyone. 

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