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Topics - telekill

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Modern Video Games / Abandoned - PS5
« on: June 02, 2021, 09:47:08 am »
Ok... Looking at the graphics of the environment alone on this, it looks fantastic. Once we see more games being specific to the new gen systems, the graphic differences will be very apparent. I know I'll be very happy with PS5 alone for the new gen.

Now, aside from environmental graphics, you can see at the very end of the trailer ( a hand holding a gun and the hand.... doesn't look great but it's still early. The trailer goes on to explain the premise which has promise. Apparently you play the role of a disengaged cult member willing to fight back to save their own skin.

Here's the problem I have. It's a first person survival horror game. Another.... first person survival horror game. I've had a problem with the first person genre being overdone when it comes to military shooters back during the PS3/360 days. Now it seems first person will be overdone with survival horror.

I'm kind of over it. I believe this is one of the reasons that I feel new IPs have nothing new to offer me and why I gravitate to existing IPs. Abandoned does look graphically phenomenal though.

Classic Video Games / FMV Games (90's)
« on: May 31, 2021, 02:01:32 pm »
One of my favorite retro systems is the Genesis and by extension, the Sega CD. When you look at the Sega CD's library of games, there's a rather large percentage which are FMV (full motion video) movie games. Some of my favorites are Corpse Killer, Sewer Shark, Jurassic Park, and Dragon's Lair.

Those were the fun ones. Then there were others that I hoped were good, but the controls were so poor that I couldn't even get 5 minutes into the story.... games like Supreme Warrior and Night Trap. FMV games or movie games generally had to have spot on to the millisecond timing on button presses and it made playing these unbearable. Dragon's Lair was almost on this list.

If you look above at the FMV games I listed as good vs not good, you'll notice that developers had already figured out that the FMVs should probably not be during gameplay. Sewer Shark was able to get around it via giving the player a grace period to react. Later games that had FMVs had removed them from gameplay all together and instead put them in as side videos to watch as informational or to expand on the story. The first couple Need for Speed games did a great job doing action shoots on the super cars and giving information.

I guess this topic came to mind as I just bought the PS4's 25th Anniversary edition of Corpse Killer on PSN. It was on sale for under $7... which is what I feel the game is probably worth. Great nostalgia. Horrible gameplay where it should basically be a light gun game but fun to revisit none-the-less. I would buy a remastered Sewer Shark for $7 as well.

What are your feelings on FMV games of the 90's? Did you have any favorites?

General / Tomb Raider 25th Anniversary
« on: April 27, 2021, 10:34:06 am »

Well, 2021 marks the series' 25th anniversary. I've been a fan for the most part. I remember renting the first game for PS1 probably 3x or so. I decided if I got Christmas money, I'd buy the 2nd game that was releasing that year. The 2nd game was my favorite until the remake of the first with Anniversary on PS2. I loved the new mechanics that Crystal Dynamics had put into the series with Legend. Then the 2013 reboot happened which changed the series pretty dynamically. The reboot has been my favorite in the series since.

I do remember the low points of the series though. When Eidos had told Core that they wanted a new TR game every year, it was bound to ware on the team. You could tell they didn't really care once they got to making TR Chronicles. Then with attempting a reboot with Angel of Darkness, it went downhill pretty quick; at least with the glitches. I couldn't even beat the game with cheats due to game breaking bugs. The low point for the modern iteration for me was Rise of the TR. The gameplay was still intact, but the story written for it was sub-par and predictable. I didn't care about Lara's quest for that game and I believe I've only played it the once.

Still, I own every game that has come to a Playstation platform. I even had the GBA game at one point which was actually pretty fun given the limitations.

So this brings us to what Square is planning for the 25th Anniversary of such a milestone series in gaming history.... and the answer is kind of disappointing to be honest.

1. They have made a deal with Netflix to create an anime based on the series.
2. Various artists are making updated wallpapers that are supposed to be reimagined box arts for the history of games.
3. There's a cookbook for the series.... yeah.... a cookbook.  ???
4. A 25th Anniversary collectors statue of Lara... which we don't know what it will look like but it will probably be expensive.
5. A re-release of the newer trilogy of games for last gen systems (PS4, X1, PC) with no improvements; just all DLC.
6. Then we have a ridiculous cross over with Fortnite of all things.

Much of the fan base was hoping that Square would take this as an opportunity to release the original PS1 and PS2 games in HD. We wouldn't really need a remake of the first as we already got it with TR Anniversary on PS2, but the thought of seeing an original Tomb Raider game re-imagined on the new gen of hardware does give me a bit of hope for the next game.

A new Tomb Raider game is confirmed to be in development. They won't be showing it off any time soon so it won't be revealed during the 25th anniversary time frame. The cool bit is that the developer stated that as the previous three games were showing how Lara became the Tomb Raider we knew from the original titles, the new game is set to merge the newer games with the original timeline. That in itself has me pretty excited.

So what has been your history with the franchise? What was your favorite game? What was your least favorite? Do you like the way the newer games evolved from the original series? I plan to continue buying Tomb Raider games so long as they look like they're delivering a fun adventure.

As a side note, I completed my 4th Shadowbox project which revolved around Uncharted. You can see a couple photos of it in my gallery here in my profile. Not sure why I can't link them here but oh well. My next shadowbox project will be surrounding the Tomb Raider series and TR Anniversary for PS2 will be the inspiration.

General / Ever Bought a Game with No Plans on Opening it?
« on: March 26, 2021, 04:43:55 pm »
So I decided to bite the bullet and pick up a copy of 3D Mario All Stars as Nintendo is stopping production on the physical editions this week. I got the last copy at my local Target and I have zero plans on opening it. I'm just going to keep it sealed and wait for the price to spike up as many Nintendo titles have shown in the past to do.... especially those that have fewer copies released.

I've never actually done this before so it feels odd. I have a little bit of interest in replaying Sunshine and maybe revisit Mario 64 for the nostalgia but it wasn't enough to make me bother opening it. I really don't have the time these days.

Have any of you done this before? Did you pick up 3D Mario All Stars?

Modern Video Games / Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge Announced
« on: March 10, 2021, 02:03:29 pm »

Incredible news for a Turtles fan like me. Looks like we're getting a 16bit brawler in the vein and apparently a direct sequel or at least inspiration from Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time. The graphics look great and the classic Turtles intro is fantastic.

Announced for both consoles and PC, this is a classic 4 player co-op side scrolling brawler. This is being developed by Tribute Games and published by Dotemu who recently released Streets of Rage 4 (which apparently is getting new DLC as well).

As with so many others, I could see this getting a Limited Run Games release, but I'm hoping that they do a retail physical release so we don't have to wait months after release to get it as I really can't wait for this one.

I've added it into the PS4 and PS5 PSN libraries on here as well as the Nintendo eShop library if you want to add it to your wish lists.




Modern Video Games / Mortal Kombat 11 - Needing Fighter Fans Thoughts
« on: March 02, 2021, 09:06:23 am »
Hey all,

I've found with the PS5 that all the games I've been interested in are either being given to me on PSN as part of Plus or have been delayed to later in the year. I have yet to have bought a physical game for my PS5 since launch when I bought AC Valhalla. I'm wanting to add to my PS5 collection and out of everything currently available, MK11 Ultimate had my attention. I've enjoyed the series, for the most part, since it started in the Arcade and on Genesis/SNES.

I was holding off for two reasons. 1. I only wanted to buy one of each fighter per gen and now with MK11 on PS5, it falls within that realm. 2. I wanted most if not all DLC fighters on the disc. It looks like with Ultimate that it's reached that point.

So here's the questions.... how does MK11 hold up to previous iterations and as a game in general? As a casual player for fighting games, would be pretty easy to pick up (I'm not planning on playing online).

Modern Video Games / Instinction - Spiritual Successor to Dino Crisis
« on: February 18, 2021, 05:16:39 pm »
Recently announced was a game called Instinction which for lack of a better comparison is said to be the spiritual successor of Dino Crisis. As I've been wanting Dino Crisis to be remade in the same vein of Resident Evil 2 or 3 for quite some time, this has me really excited.

Not much is known and the trailer looks to be pretty early on and not well put together. Aside from that though, this has a massive amount of potential. I'm expecting an immersive and incredible experience. I hope we get to see some of the 3rd person gameplay soon.

Some of the key points:

 - Can be played either 1st or 3rd person
 - Single player and co-op
 - Player customization (I'll probably try and remake Regina from Dino Crisis)
 - Weapons are fully customizable including skins
 - Customizable UI
 - Emphasis on next gen tech such as...
   - advanced ray-tracing
   - DLSS 2.0
   - HDRI
   - screen space effects
   - shadows and reflections
   - Dynamic resolution and frame rates
   - Target support for 8K and 120fps (not likely)
   - 3D audio
   - PS5 players get full dualsense support

Planned for release on PS5, PS4, XSeX/S, X1 and of course, PC during Q3 next year (2022). <-- Developer site

Classic Video Games / The Best Places to Find Classic Games?
« on: February 10, 2021, 11:28:06 am »
I'm currently trying to track down a copy of Micro Machines on the Sega Game Gear with an instruction manual for no more than $40-$50. Seems like a tall ask given that very few copies of the game even show as still having the manual. I'm wondering if there other places to look than what I have listed below as these are my more frequented places to shop for retro/classic games. Where do you browse for your collections? <-- Sadly, my usual go to. <-- stock can be very limited but great store. <-- blew me away they had retro stuff as I thought it was mostly a craft shop. <-- very few in comparison to the other locations.

What are your go to places?

Classic Video Games / Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« on: January 21, 2021, 08:26:49 am »

A few months ago, there was a slew of top 50-150 games for various retro systems. One that is often overlooked is the Sega Game Gear; which is my favorite handheld system. I would imagine most of us know about the history of Sega and how the rival of the Game Gear (Game Boy) obviously won out that battle, however, Game Gear still has a great library and lots to offer.

I thought it would be fun to bring back one of the "Top ##" threads for this year and start it off with a favorite of mine. If you don't have experience playing on Game Gear, I recommend you check some of the games out however you can that end up getting listed in this thread. Also, if you played the Sega Master System (SMS) and have a favorite, so long as the game is also on Game Gear in some fashion, you can list it instead. The two platforms shared most of their library.

Let's get this started....

1. Sonic Triple Trouble - Sonic was a massive pull as to why I asked for a Game Gear instead of a Game Boy and Triple Trouble was arguably the best Sonic game on the system. Sega had added in quite a bit from the Genesis versions including snowboarding which was only available on one level, but fun none-the-less. As per usual, great soundtrack as well.

General / What Games Defined Each Generation for You?
« on: January 05, 2021, 10:45:42 am »
I've been continuing my wall of fame project lately where I create a shadowbox themed around a single series. I'm doing one per generation and I've found it hard to narrow it down to a single series that defined an entire generation for me. I've found with this project that there were a couple series from the previous generation that I felt were better series than what was offered. As an example, the PS2 generation didn't have a new IP for me that really stood out as incredible enough to spend dozens of hours making a shadowbox display for. So I'm using a continuation of a PS1 series for that gen.

It got me to thinking though, what are your top three new IPs from each gen that defined each generation for you? As there aren't dozens of hours of work on the line for this, I thought it'd be interesting to see where I stood as well. If the series or game is cross gen, it must have been released first with that newest generation on the market already. So you can't do Resident Evil Remake for PS4 as an example.

I broke up the gens by systems. I know I've missed a few, but this is an example of what systems were around.

Here's where I stand:

2nd Gen - Atari 2600
 - Pitfall
 - Dig Dug
 - Joust

3rd Gen - NES/SMS
 - Ninja Turtles (created a shadowbox for)
 - Double Dragon
 - Ducktales

4th Gen - Genesis/SNES and Game Gear/Game Boy
 - Sonic the Hedgehog
 - Jurassic Park (Sega games - created shadowbox for)
 - Mortal Kombat

5th Gen - PS1/N64/Saturn
 - Resident Evil (currently creating shadowbox for)
 - Tomb Raider (will take PS2's shadowbox with Anniversary)
 - Dino Crisis

6th Gen - Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox and PSP/DS
 - Shenmue
 - Amplitude
 - God of War

7th Gen - PS3/Wii/360 and PSV/3DS
 - Uncharted (will be the shadowbox for this gen)
 - Mass Effect
 - Assassin's Creed

8th Gen - PS4/X1/Wii-U
 - Destiny
 - Ghost of Tsushima
 - For Honor

9th Gen - PS5/XSeX/Switch
 - This is basically to be determined for me as Switch has produced the usual staple of Nintendo games, but they're all existing IP from previous gens and so far wouldn't count. PS5's Demon Souls and Astro Bot can't count either as both were existing IPs from previous gens.

Video Game Database Discussion / PS Network Categories Question
« on: January 01, 2021, 08:51:24 am »

I was wondering if it's possible to move the various Playstation Network categories under their respective systems? Example... Playstation Network (PS4) be moved under the PS4's main category, Playstation Network (PS5) be moved under the PS5's main category.

Same for Nintendo Shop (Switch) being moved under the Switch's main category.

Seems like it would clean it up a bit.

Thanks for reading and considering.

Modern Video Games / What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« on: December 17, 2020, 10:00:25 am »
With 2020 being nearly over (thank God), we can now look towards 2021. While there's no guarantee that next year will be better, at the very least, there'll be more stock of next gen systems and graphics cards for gamers to upgrade too. That brings me to the topic at hand. We now know quite a few games that were pushed to 2021 or are presumed to release in 2021. More games appear to be constantly being added to the known list and I'm wondering what each of you hold as your top 5 most anticipated game that are more than likely coming next year?

Mine are all on or playable on PS5. In no particular order:

1. Outriders: I was hoping this would have been a launch game for PS5 but it got pushed to next February. It looks like f Uncharted's multiplayer, Destiny and Mass Effect had a love child. Three person co-op seems to be a focus. This is right up my alley as I love co-op and third person cover shooter games. Tons of potential.

2. Mass Effect Legendary Edition: I had the trilogy on PS3, but no longer have my PS3. It feels great to be able to pick this up again. One of my favorite series and I'm very excited that there's also a new ME game in the works. I'm guessing the new one won't release until 2022-23, but this will definitely hold me over.

3. Horizon Forbidden West: I really enjoyed the first game. Going up against robotic dinosaurs was fantastic; especially in a gaming industry era where it feels good dinosaur games are almost non-existent. I'm expecting quite a bit from this new one. I'm not sure if also releasing on PS4 will hold it back or not. I'm not we'll get a true next gen game as it was later announced for PS4 as well. I guess we'll see.

4. Oddworld Soulstorm: I loved the first two games back on PS1. I thought they did a great job with New N' Tasty. I'm absolutely looking forward to the remake of the second game with Soulstorm. Oddworld is one of the reasons I decided to go with PS1 after seeing its game lineup compared to Saturn back in the day. Seeing the new Oddworld shown with the PS5 lineup show brought a nostalgic smile to my face.

5. Hood: Outlaws and Legends: This game feels like it's For Honor meets Robinhood lore. It has me excited, but I have to wait and really see more presented to make the final call on if I'm going to jump on. Then of course, I have to see if any of my online buds will be jumping in as well. Here's hoping as it has quite a bit of poential.

General / What Is Your Gaming History?
« on: November 09, 2020, 09:38:05 am »
Hey all. With the new generation right around the corner, I had been going over my own gaming history and was curious on what your histories in gaming looked like. While I personally started out playing on my dad's C64, it wasn't until the NES that I had a system to call my own. So here's the ground rules.... while you may have gone back to previous gens and had every system as you guys are mostly collectors.... what are the systems that could be considered yours or at least partly yours that you had during their shelf life?

1st Gen - N/A
2nd Gen - N/A

3rd Gen - NES - I was gifted the NES action set that came with a gun and the Mario/Duck Hunt cart. I also got Ninja Turtles 2 with it which I still love to this day.

4th Gen - Genesis and Game Gear - I got my Game Gear first with Sonic 2. I took it everywhere with me. I later got my Genesis model 2. It was the Lion King pack, but I had been given Sonic and Knuckles with it.

5th Gen - Playstation - I worked my rear off during the summer of '95 to get one, but I only got half of what I needed. My grandparents stated if I gave them what I earned and didn't mind knowing what I got for Christmas that year, I'd have a Playstation. I got it that Christmas with Ridge Racer, Destruction Derby and a memory card. Good times.

6th Gen - Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube and PSP - Dreamcast was the first game system I bought myself. I got Sonic Adventure, Blue Stinger, Soul Calibur, a VMU and an extra controller with it at launch. Loved that system. I got PS2 a little after launch with DoA2 Hardcore. I was gifted a Gamecube with Smash Bros shortly after it released. I still consider it the best Nintendo. I also had the original Xbox when Halo 2 came out but I only had it for a month so I'm not really counting it. I got PSP at launch with Twisted Metal, Wipeout and Ridge Racer. I absolutely loved that handheld. I wish I had never gotten rid of it.

7th Gen - PS3, Wii and PSV - I got my PS3 a week after launch with Resistance Fall of Man, Ridge Racer and an extra controller. Little did I know that my favorite series of all time (Uncharted) would be started on that system. The Wii was gifted to me for father's day one year. I learned with Wii that I loathe motion controls. The system ruined me on Nintendo for years. PSV was also another huge let down. I got it at launch with Uncharted and the first couple years were great but then even Sony stopped making games for it. Completely ruined me on handheld gaming from here on for myself.

8th Gen - PS4 - I picked up the PS4 at launch with Assassin's Creed Black Flag and Kill Zone Shadow Fall. I stuck with only the one system for most the gen as I simply didn't have time at this point to expand beyond it with adulting. Still, PS4 has been an incredible system and if I had only one system for the gen, this was a great pick.

9th Gen - Switch and PS5 - I got the Switch as a family system at launch. I waited to give it to them until Mario Kart had released. The kids got to do a city wide clue hunt following clue boxes that looked like the yellow Mario question mark boxes. It took them to all their favorite places including McDonalds for lunch which had Mario specific toys. Good timing there. When we got back to the house for following the final clue, they got to open a 14" box made to look like the clue boxes as well. Inside was the Switch, two Pro controllers, Zelda, Mario Kart, a memory card and screen protector. We've all enjoyed it since.

I have my PS5 preordered with Assassin's Creed Valhalla and the 3D Pulse Wireless Headset. I also have the Destiny Beyond Light expansion preordered to continue playing with my brother with. Should be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward too it.

Obviously, there's been far more systems that I've owned than what's listed above as I have gone back to previous generations and purchased those systems and games. This is just the starting point for what I had during those generations. Interesting to note that the 6th gen was my busiest gaming wise but is also when I was the most financially insecure being in college and going out on my own. Gaming has me remember those days fondly though.

What is your gaming history?

In honor of N7 day, Bioware and EA have delivered the goods.

The Mass Effect trilogy is coming to both current and next gen systems in the form of the Legendary Edition.

The new versions will not be full remakes, but BioWare intends to improve them so players can experience them in their "best possible forms," according to the official announcement. That means better resolutions and frame rates, and all single-player DLC and promotional items will also be included. Elements such as textures, shaders, character models, and effects will all be improved for the Legendary Edition.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is due to release in Spring 2021 for PS4, X1, and PC, and will be playable on PS5 and XSeX with enhancements. BioWare confirmed that the compilation will be optimized for 4K Ultra HD visuals among other enhancements. I'm hoping we see raytracing for next gen.


Secondly, it was announced that a NEW Mass Effect game is already in the works and will presumably release on PS5, XSeX and PC. It's assumed to be a couple years off at minimum. As the Mass Effect universe in general is fantastic, I'm really happy to see it continue and expand.

Classic Video Games / Best Retro System to Modern TV Adapter?
« on: October 21, 2020, 09:39:18 am »
I've had a 4KTV now for a few years. It only has HDMI inputs so the usual direct connection isn't happening anymore. I still have my Genesis and my PS2 Slim to play both my PS1 and PS2 games. I ended up buying a cheap ($15 I think) AV to HDMI adapter and it works but not well. It stretches the screen a little but not all the way. Then there's basically no upscaling at all so it remains a blurry/muddy picture.

I'm wondering if there is a device out there that upscales retro games from AV SD to actual HDMI HD? I don't mind if it's only 1080p. I'm not expecting the moon with 4K output here, but I'm hoping for my retro games to look crisp and clear; not muddy and stretched as they are now. I'm also hoping that the adapter would just keep the original scale and not stretch to attempt widescreen.

Thanks for the help guys.

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