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Topics - marvelvscapcom2

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Modern Video Games / Do you like Fortnite? Do you want to play?
« on: January 07, 2020, 03:17:37 am »
Hello Everyone!  :D

I know Fortnite is a very controversial game.  Mostly due to it's overwhelming popularity.   But I don't think these forums will be toxic like the others are about it or fight.  All in and all everyone has tastes and we can appreciate the negatives or positives people have about it.  :) 

I just wanted to ask everyone's opinion of it. Good or bad.    And see if anyone would like to play with me or play it in general in their free time.   Has anyone considered it?  Is it not for you?

My fortnite exposure and opinions were limited up until New Years.  I of course knew it was a mega phenomenon but I had tried it two or 3 times and hated it.   It just seemed so hard.  I didn't get it.   Having to outlast 100 people who were clearly way better than me didn't seem fun.   I'd say that was where most of my negative thoughts of it were coming from.  Just not knowing what I was doing and having experience players whoop me before I even land.    So I wrote off royale games and didn't play it for a year or two.

But then my Nephew who is 8 came over and wanted to play fortnite with me.  So I made an account and played CO-OP on two seperate TVs.    Then by the time he left.  I was so hooked on it I can't stop playing it.   It's just utterly brilliant!   

The nature of the loot boxes, is fun.   You drop into a world where it's just you or a few other teamates.  And you just adventure.  no main goal, objective or anything other than to survive.  And be the last person around.  You build forts.  you loot weapons.  mine for materials.  and get ready as teams.  while avoiding a storm.  The point of the storm being to shrink until all players come closer to eventually declare a winner.

Thiers nothing quite more exillerating than hearing the footsteps of the enemy walking up the stairs while you are opening a loot crate.    Drawing your epic shotgun and hoping you can eliminate him fast.   

I have currently gotten 2 #1 Royales against non bot players.  One in solos and one in squads.   

It's a really fun game.  and best of all it's free.  it's not pay to play like I thought it was.  you can pay for skins and neat stuff. but in reality.  none of it matters.

Thanks for sharing.

The game is amazing!   I'm so happy I gave it a 4th chance.   I think a lot of it is needing someone to show you how to play.    Kinda how I was with minecraft.  I didn't get it for so long until I got it.  once I got it.  It was like being reborn into a new found fun.  :D

Hello everyone! 

I was thinking yesterday of all the odd ball things we may own outside of games, figures, comics and all the general stuff people collect.  I know people collect anything, but I was wondering what everyone has that some especially on here would deem odd, funny, weird, obscure or just off the wall fun :D

We can also use this as a general tread if we purchase any random cool stuff we want to share but don't want to make a whole off topic post about it.  Like a deck of cards, a laundry detergent you like or anything that you would deem interesting to show.   Kinda like a giant art museum for the odd and insane lol.   

Here are so of my more peculiar amenities  ;D

A piece of Coprolite (Prehistoric Fossilized Dinosaur Poop)

It was about 3 years ago i'd like to say.  Maybe 4.  I had just gotten a new 60 inch tv. And as i've mentioned before.  I really get into fads and fall in full steam ahead.  This was one of those moments.   I was binge watching prehistoric dinosaur documentaries.  Beautifully rendered in 4k visuals.  Where it showed beautiful color renderings of what Borrochiosaurus and other dinosaurs looked like both roaming the open planes of early earth, to battling other dinosaurs in epic beastly battles.   It made me love dinosaurs.  I was addicted to watching them.   And began watching arechologists archive fossils and stuff.

So I decided I wanted to buy a dinosaur fossil.  but of course they are extremely pricey.  with small claws being hundreds of dollars.  Skulls being untouchable.  So I looked up dinosaur fossil.  and the only articles I could afford were coprolite specimens.   Including this coprolite.  Corpolite is the scientifc name for dinosaur plop.   I am refraining from using the 4 letter S word as I don't find it appropriate for these forums.  but for comedic effect.  Dinosaur shit.  lol.   

The dinosaur poop was being sold by an expert in coprolite specimens.  He claims it is from a vegetative dinosaur.  Most likely a bird dinosaur.   He had pictures of him uncovering it, examining it.  he had skulls and a nice lab.  tons of great reviews.  so I trusted him.   I had it looked at on dinosaur pages,  with most confirming it wasn't a scam and was in fact a fossilized poop.     

It is one of my funnier off the wall buys of my days.  I don't really recall why I decided to buy one and not more as I have collector compulsion.  I'm just happy I didn't end up with a wall of them.    If you cup it in your hands and smell.  I can smell faintly the smell of poop although they say you can't as it's basically just a rock at this point.   But might just be my imagination. 

It just feels cool having something that I know is from a dinosaur.  that roamed earth all those millions of years ago. It's special to realize that they were like us. 

WW2 1940s typewriter owned by the US Navy

This one, while less odd.  Is probably more cool to most of you lol.   The story behind this is that I am a very big WW2 history fanatic.  and after watching so many WW2 documentaries and seeing the secrateries on naval vessels typing away.  it made me want an authentic WW2 type writer.  this one actually came with a plaque that says "property of the USN".   and is an underwood 6 dated to be around 1938.  early stages of WW2.    It's the model they would have used on board ships or at ship yards or at barracks in general.  and is one of my favorite things :D 

What are some of the more odd stuff you guys have?   I cant wait to see what creepy, weird, funny or random things everyone has from all over the world.   I also have a odd doll that appears to be a voodoo doll, a giant lightning mcqueen toy,  and a picture of a creepy guy in a easter bunny costume from the 80s. 

Thanks for sharing.

Hello everyone!  :D

I know based on the title it sounds confusing.  But I thought of an idea for modern gaming that would be such a monumental thing for physical collectors who also like the convenience of digital gaming.  :)   It's like the great equalizer that gives us the seemless swapping of digital games and the conveneince of an all digital library but the physical disc for those who want to own the games and trade them. 

The idea is heavily inspired by the remote keyless entry of new cars.   If you have a newer model car or have rented one.  You may notice that you don't have to phyiscally insert the key into the car.   The car actually unlocks itself once it detects that you have gotten close to it by a chip that is inside the key.   Same with keyless start cars.   You press a button and it knows you own the car because the key is on your person and near it.

The best way to describe it, is to think of the car as the console.  and they key as the game.   

Imagine each disc having a very small micro ship inside of it.  Or some sort of micro chip on this disc edge.   And when it is in a 50 feet proximity to the console.   You can begin playing it from your digital library.    Because the console will know that you do in fact own the game.  But it will save you the time and annoyance of swapping discs.  When you just want to lay in bed and play seemlessly.    It's like accessing your entire physical collection without actually swapping the discs :D.      It also doesn't worry the company that 2 people will use the same game because it's impossible because it will only play with the console it is downloaded on.   Each sensor will be specific to the downloaded file. 

With current gen consoles, if you download a game,  you still have to have the disc in the console in order to play it.  If not you could easily sell your games and still play them.   Only digital games can be switched seemlessly from the comfort of your couch with the UI. 

But if the Xbox or PS5 could sense if the chip was near it just like the key fob,  it could let you play the game with assurance that you do in fact own it as it is nearby.     Same way a car lets you access it with the key even without inserting it. 

I really hope we see techonology like this.  Because it gives all the perks of both digital and physical collecting in one.  The convenience of not having to swap a disc anytime you want to change games but also the neatness of curating a collection and haven't actual physical media to sell or trade. 

Does anyone think this is a good idea?  :D     Has it ever been tired?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

General / VG Collect's 3rd Annual Video Game Awards!
« on: December 28, 2019, 08:39:23 pm »

Welcome everyone to the 3rd annual VG Collect Awards Show! :D I am your host MarvelVsCapcom2.   I see a lot of you are looking wonderful tonight. Shigeru Miyamoto was going to be here tonight but the check bounced.  So we have to settle for Aziz Ansari.   The giant Zeppelin blimp outside is being billed to Soera. :)  Hopefully we can all keep that between us or the lights will get turned off and Kratos will rip someone's spine out again.  That was a PR nightmare last time.   But we have a fun filled night full of the golden pinnacles of gaming we all know and love.   Icons, legends, new comers and everything that makes our gaming world go round.   So get comfy,  sip from the fly filled punch bowl.   And enjoy the entertainment.  And as always, if you don't see the choice you like or love.  Be sure to write in your own.  Their is always an other option :)


The limos are pulling up.  The glitter of paparazzi flashes blind all onlookers.  Dappered down in their finest threads!   These star hopefuls are looking to win your vote and your love as your favorites of this year.    From spleen punching, heart ripping savages, to zombie slaying bad boys,  to your favorite plumber's brother.   The special guests are here to get this party started.  And we best not disappoint! 

Sub Zero is in the corner making ice cubes if anyone needs them. 

Gamer of the Year Award

As tradition, we kick off the night with the very fiber that keeps the stitching of gaming in tact.  The ones who drive the culture, change the perception of the youth,  and lead the new generations of gamers into the pure unfiltered bliss of gaming nirvanna through digital entertainment every day.  The game buyers, the stick slingers, the superstars of the keyboard.   Cultivating the landscape of the hobby.    Some are legends, the forefathers of gaming YouTubers and streamers who consistently entertain with some of the most time tested and amazing gaming content of all time.  And some are newcomers.  The new world order of what gaming will be.  Young, hip and willing to take not only AAA titles but also indie devs to new heights unlike any who rivaled them before.    All share a common theme of being engrained in the culture.    These are the 2019 picks for Gamer of The Year.   :D


The man, the myth, the legend.  Felix Kjelberg returns for another year of absolute dominance on the YouTube platform.  This time taking a step back after his long winder fued with Indian Music Group T-Series to spend a little time in the light indulging in what made him the popular juggernaut he is to begin with.   Video games....    Spending the latter half of his year diving deep into Minecraft let's play videos.  Uploading upwards of 10 a week. Which not only garnered him new subscribers.  but also the award for most views of 2019 of any independent YouTuber.   Dominating the Minecraft YouTuber demographic and entertaining millions of children and adults alike.

PewDiePie also broke the record this year for most subscribers for an independent YouTube as he hit the coveted 100 million milestone.   He got married this year to his wonderful wife Marzia,  he slayed the enderdragon this year.   And has gone through much work to better himself after a rocky 2018 of controversy.    And he is eagerly hoping for your vote for Gamer of the Year. 

James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd)

Since May 16th, 2004.   The age before twitch cams, insta likes, loot boxes, DLC, and long before the idea of retro game collecting became the phenomenon it is today.   The Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolfe),  With nothing but a VHS camcorder, his childhood memories of bad NES games and a passion for retro nostalgia that can not be rivaled.   Began his cinemassacre series of online rant videos.   

Since then he has not only made us laugh with his skits, funny and witty roasts, and amazing choreography.  But has redefined what we thought could be of the retro gaming community.   His rise of success and popularity mid 2006, followed him into the new decade.  As he surged retro gaming and made it cool to collect and play the relics of the past.   Data actually shows a pretty consistent correlation between the rise of the AVGN and the rise of retro game collecting in general.  He has inspired children to seek the classics,  and has guaranteed found thousands of dusty grey carts a forever loving home among a new fanatic.   Someone who seeked to experience what James had spoken of.   The simpler time of 80s gaming.   The fun that they bring.   And especially,  the hilariously bad games that were spawned from the nether regions of the LJN dungenons. 

A legend in the space of gaming and a fan favorite for well over a decade.   AVGN continued this year with an amazing line up of quality content,  including Majora's mask review, Jurassic Park, Pepsi Man and many other odd ball games.   He again took us back to the past, to play the shitty games that sucked ass lol.   And he is a staple in the culture who is well deserving of your vote tonight.   ;D

Belle Delphine

Belle Delphine's rise to stardom was amazingly sudden, and incredibly polarizing.    This 20 year old self proclaimed Gamer Girl is one of the most followed and mentioned female influencers in the gaming scene.   Before her account was suspended for violation of terms of service,  her instagram account gained 3.2 million followers in less than a year time.   

Known for her modeling, cosplaying and online skits.   Belle Delphene had multiple viral moments in 2019.   Such as selling jars of her bath water on her website  Sending a jar of her spit to famous YouTube H3H3 productions.  And also selling other things like "gamer girl pee"  and "gamer girl chewed gum" on her website for fans to buy.   She hosted black friday sales.  She's sold out of many of these items.   And game pages have shown people sharing her jarred fluids with seals of authenticity which scalpers have attempted to flip for profit.    She also went on to be arrested for supposidly spray painting someones' car because they stole her hamster.   

Controversial and unique.   Their is no denying Belle's business savy way of staying in the spot light.  She's extremely different,  which imo is good sometimes.   Although she is rarely seen actually playing games.  She can often times be seen licking controllers.  So I assume she is in some capacity a gamer.  :)     

Antonio Montiero

Antonio Montiero broke the record this year for largest video game collection.  Antonio is everything we aspire to be lol.  He is basically theflea  ;D.    But I felt for his amazing feat he certainly deserved to be on this list.   After I assume decades of collection,  hunting,  flea market hopping and of course spending.   He holds the claim for curating the largest curation of video game amazingness ever curated.   

These gems will go on to educate, and preserve the history of gaming.   As well as of course entertain Antonio as he enjoys the finest things in life.  The games that make our lives special :) 

Nathaniel Bandy

Nathaniel Bandy is a fairly new YouTuber in the game scene.  But has brought many amazing videos this year garnering millions of views.  He is an up and coming gaming youtuber who makes tier based videos regarding video game controllers, games, consoles and other things.   He shares his opinions such as "top 10 nintendo controllers" and takes the viewer through the quirks, features and good and bad of a lot of different gaming icons and peripherals. 

He is pretty entertaining, and has quite a lot of informative information :)


For our next category, we go down the dark rabbit hole of the biggest woes of 2019.  The companies, games and releases that let us down, dissappointed critics,  scammed consumers, or just were plain out bad in more ways than one.   This category tackles the lackluster tom foolery and slams those responsible,  Hulk Hogan style.   Time for us to toss our apples like Shakesperean times  :) 

Google Stadia

The beloved technology titan Google, the very beacon behind some of our favorite websites and internet hubs announced recently that they were going to be throwing their hat in the gladiator arena of console warfare with a gaming unit of all gaming consoles to remove the crown from the kings of gaming and perch itself upon the throne of greatness as the pinnacle of our gaming consumption.  A all in one, seemless interface to revolutionize gaming forever.  Gamers clammered with excitement wondering what kind of innovation or incredible features they would bring to the table.   Advertised as having more power than PS4 Pro and Xbox One X combined.  Google did nothing to shy away from comparisons with other dedicated console companies.  It didn't unveal itself as a "streaming service" that won't be compared to Xbox or PS4.  No,  they came right at Xbox and Sony lol.   It was portrayed to be a console slayer of monumentous proportions.   But what we got,  was the biggest "they done goofed" in quite some time :)

What we got instead was a broken, often times unplayable, laggy, failed emulator streaming service of a console that had one of the worst launches sales wise in gaming history.   It felt rushed, boring, plain and most of all one dimensional.  With basic controllers that did nothing to differentiate themselves from competitors,  with awful input delays,  awful UI and a very limited selection of games.   The Stadia is well on it's way to console pergatory among the likes of the Atari Jaguar before it even got it's footing.  A ambitious "console" that however was very uninspired and not ready for current consumer markets.    Will it make a turn around?  Only time will tell.  But Xbox at VGA show showed how you convey a proper gaming console and hit a home run.   PS5 is likely to do the same.    Proving the old saying.   If you swing at the king,  you best not miss.   And Google missed this time. 

Death Stranding/Hideo Kojima

Death Stranding is a very polarizing game.  Some love it and revere it as one of the greatest and most ambitious artistic feats in gaming of this year.   With a unique and suspenseful plot.  But thousands of others revere it as one of the most frustrating, dissappointing and boring games of the year. With hours of mundane walking,  backtracking and delivery quests.   That makes it feel like a chore more than a game. 

 Including it on this list was tough, because playing the fence is difficult when two sides both love and hate a game so much.   But the sole reason it is being included is because how Hideo Kojima handled his criticisms and insulted the player base of his games and his consumers. 

Fallout 76 Launch/Microtransactions

The long awaited new entry in the cult icon Fallout franchise was met with many disappointed fans.  Firstly the devlopment team made the game online only,  which crippled the long standing legacy of single player greatness the franchise had always delivered.   It's world felt empty,  it's performance struggled with major bugs and issue at launch. 

However the main form of criticism would pour in from the massive stimulus package, mother of all mothers of pay to play microtransactions.   Bethesda unraveled a giant paid for subscription service that would reward players with stash items and special loot, private servers,  special perks.  All for 100 dollars per day or 12.99 per month.   Absolutely callous and unfortunate for bethesda to stoop to such money grabbing tactics.  Releasing a half game and charging users double to access some of its best most rewarding features.   

Of all games listed,  this one has really hurt Bethesda in ways unimaginable.  And it may take time for them to earn the player bases trust again. 

National Pokedex/Pokemon Removal

When pokemon announced, it created so much hype as every entry does.  It was amazingly palpable to feel the electiric atmosphere of excited children and adults alike awaiting their very next poke adventure. 

But sadly gaming took a dark turn after the announcement of the national pokedex.  Which cut many iconic pokemon to make room for big forms of some of the existing cast.   Developer Game Freak was sadly met with backlash,  hate, boycott threats and worst of all death threats following the announcements.   Gamers attacked Pokemon Sword and Shield's metacritic scores with 0s.   Hateful of the pokedex limitations and demanding their favorite pokemon to be restored into the roster.  Claiming Nintendo was aiming for gimmicks and not the iconic fun they knew and loved.   

Pokemon however went on to get amazing reviews, and millions still revere it as one of the best pokemon games of this decade.  Garnering praise,  millions of sales and nominations for GOTY :).   


As many of you know, with crippling debt, murderous loan sharks, and a seize and desist from about 50 game developers.  We cannot operate in any capacity outside of a bowling alley in newark new jersey without selling our soul to the sponsorship overlords as they barter with it in the depths of hell on roullette tables.    But without further a due,  we bring you into today's sponsor.  Weight Watchers.  And to kick off this special presentation.   We have a very special guest to share with us.  How much weight watchers has meant to him and his family of seemingly unlimited little sisters.    A warm welcome and a hand to our fan favorite, and legend.  Big, Not so Big Daddy!!  :D

Big Daddy -   "Hello everyone!  Hope everyone is enjoying their night.  As many of you may know,  In the late 2000s I played big daddy in the bioshock franchise.  At that time I weighed over 2 tons.  I was one thicc baddy.  I popped every air mattress I ever layed on.   I was self concious.   The player judged me through the screen.  I felt it.  And most of all unenergetic as I stomped and put all my energy into moving like 4-5 feet and getting wrecked by a swarm of bees and heroin addicts.    With the constant crumbling of underwater walls in my underwater pergatory.    I found myself being the guardian and role model to dozens of children who not only depended on me,  but loved me and inspired to be like me.   And were pained to see me go down the rapid decline in health that I did.   

Until one day I was sitting around,  waiting to drill people into walls and stuff.  When I turned on the TV.  And saw the ad that would change my life forever.   I subscribed to weight watchers.  And lost 1.5 tons in 2 years.  By the 2nd installment of bioshock.  The fans witnessed me be sleaker,  sexier,  but most of all.  A big daddy that the little sisters can be proud of.     A father energetic enough to play catch.  And dance.    Now ramming people into walls, drilling spinal cords in half,  and stomping bodies into a bloody paste of bones and death is easier than it has ever been.   And I owe it all to weight watchers.   And best of all, I didn't have to sacrafice my diet of plasma infused heroin,  cigarettes and rotted red meat.   I can eat the things I love and still feel like my sexy new self.   

Please consider joining today.  Use the coupon  BIGDADDY25 for 25 percent off your first box of weight watchers healthy low calorie cousines.   And remember that anything is possible going into this new year.   God bless and Merry Christmas everyone. 


Next up, we have the tire screeching, nitrous boosting,  arcade racing fun we all know and love :D.  This year saw some amazing hits with racing games.   From Sonic's kart adventure,  to one of the most ambitious Need for Speed games in years.  A lot of cult icons coming back for another go.   Nothing in gaming can quite capture the feeling of adrenaline pumping excitement as cops are on your tail at well over 200 mph in your dream car.   Here are your choices for racing game of the year! 

Sonic Tag Team Racing

Need for Speed Heat

Dirt Rally 2.0

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled

The character limit has been met,  we are being kicked out by security staff because it turns it we may have illegally used the belagio casino in las vegas without permission and we also may or may not have summoned a poltergiest from innerdimensional planets using a Ouija board.   So we're gonna have to take this to the after party!   See you in the comment section :D

Omg,  OMG!!.    The time is upon us yet again.  Gather towns folk.  For the beast has awaken.  To breathe it's ash infused fire dust onto us.  As it completely shatters our asses,  by kicking them royally.  By being the standard of technological advancement.   The culmination of 2 world wars.  The next level of everything modern man can achieve.  The pinnacle of our existence.  The reason we live.    I'm fan girling hard.  :)

The VG Awards have been so damn lit.   :D

Here is the official launch trailer.

Xbox struggled this year with exclusives.  But Xbox is already coming out this generation swinging.   Hellblade 2,  Ori and the Will of the Wisps,  Forza 8,   Halo.    Just heavy after heavy.   And it's time for the great equalizer to go blow to blow with the sony giant yet again.   This is two galaxies colliding.  This is Ali/Frazier.   This is the crusades.  This is the best thing to ever happen on earth.

This is going to be the best generation in gaming history.  One we will tell our childrens children.  One we will have carved into our epitath.   This is what dreams are made of.  This is the manifestation of artistry.   This is everything and nothing at all.   It's the expansion of a universe collapsing into a white dwarf sun getting sucked by a black hole.  Never to be topped,  never to be bested.   The true greatest decade of human life will be upon us.   Maybe we learn to share it's glory as it comes only once a lifetime. 

Whos as excited as I am?  Anyone going day one?   I will set up my tent 10 days prior and use a wifi hot spot to watch memes unti launch. 

I know its a little crazy.  But i've been really getting hooked on Batman lore.  The games especially.  But also the comics.  The idea that one simple citizen can be that guardian over everyone elses shoulder.  To burden on the load of all evil humanity can muster. A beacon of hope to that abused kid or that fearing old lady. 

I just have been feeling empty for so long, looking to find purpose.  And I know gotham is a fictional world.  And Bruce Wayne is rich.  But what I love about Batman is its possible.  Its all possible.  No super powers.  Just technology.  Wit.  And determination.

I won't rip off the Batman. I'll try to come up with an alter ego.  Maybe not animal inspired.  Just some sort of avenger. Identity hidden.  Stealth and secrecy. I love the rooftop hopping approach. But I have blue prints to design a suit.  Shoulders, elbows, chest and back made from flame resistant bullet proof plates infused with fibers that withstand sharps.  But im gonna make an entire armor out of it. Like a bat suit. A mask as well.   Night vision goggles.  Expensive but cool.

Another main step will be learning martial arts.  And becoming extremely agile, fast and strong.   So I can beat up crack dealers.

Plan being to look for where the drugs are coming from.  Find the source.  Infiltrate the gangs.  And take down the whole operation.  Depending how deep it goes.   I know it goes deep.  And I know more than I can share.  Its all way bigger than can be fathomed.  Everything is a lie.

Ive lived in my city my whole life.  And the crime has grown 400 fold.  The citizens need support. 

I will try to hinder the spread of drugs. And take down the leaders of the gangs once and for all.

Am I thinking irrationally?  I know I have fads on a whim.  Always did.  Prob add.  Has anyone else ever considered it?  Why do we stop dreaming as kids?   We can help so many.  If we just band together.  Maybe its dumb.  The suit is still a good idea tho.  Just for a project alone :)

I don't know if it's only me, And I always hate the "video games sucked this year" guy.  So I wanted to ask everyone to be sure :)    But I really can't help but think gaming fell flat this year. 

It really seems like last year we had such a high of quality games.  Red Dead Redemption 2 redefined what we thought of realism in an open world sandbox game. It completely blew up the gaming universe.  Pure unfiltered amazingness.  And won so many GOTY awards and then God of War and Spiderman turned their franchises into a place they were destined to go.  Just impeccable adventure games from Sony.   From Shadow of the Tomb Raider to games like Far Cry 5.  Just so many heavy hitting incredible games. 

This year,  the game of the year contenders for the video game awards are Death Stranding (One of the most disappointing games since No Mans Sky, maybe even worst since it was by Kojima and everyone had high hopes for a silent hill caliber or maybe a MGS caliber entry into the long running legacy of Kojima greatness.  Instead we got a UPS simulator where you take on the task of playing as a post apocalytpic delivery man who has to walk 200 miles and initiate 3 cut scenes to fast travel as if that made any sense, with such mundane game mechanics as traveling empty desolate roads for hours on end to deliver things per quest requirement. Truly a shame.  Then Hideo has the nerve and sheer audacity to say "It's not my fault Americans play FPS and can't appreciate a real game, they are too stupid to understand good games. It's not that I made a mediocre game.  Its Americans only like shooters and shooters dominate the american market" type of childish blame shifting.  Of course not verbatim. But that's essentially what he was poking at.  When games like Pokemon and Spiderman massively appealed to our masses and aren't shooters at all.   Games like BOTW.  I lost plenty of respect for that man.  I wish he could accept criticisms with the same tact that the producers of the sonic movie did.  And not like an 8 year old boy. 

 Smash Ultimate is really great,  But it's kind of odd a party game is in the running.  It's very rare plot driven games take the back seat in GOTY runnings to games like Smash or Mario Kart.  But the well ran dry for the big cinematic entries after Crackdown flopped,  ghost of tshushima got delayed as did TLOU 2.  Outer Worlds which is a fantastic Fallout esq game that I loved a lot :).   It's the one I think is worthy of the list.  I think it would have my vote.
 Outer Worlds was like a golden beacon of hope in a sea of micro transaction EA games and delays from Sony.   

2017 we had BOTW, Odyssey, Horizon Zero Dawn, Cuphead. 
2018 we had GOW, Spiderman, RDR2

just pure gold.

This year we got a few flops,  Luigi's Mansion 3 and a Resident Evil 2 remake. 

I could just be bitter because TLOU 2 got delayed again.  But who else thinks this year was pretty cold and lonely for gamers? :)

Off Topic / Do you believe in ghosts?
« on: October 10, 2019, 08:34:05 pm »
The things that go bump in the night.  Spirits longing for the answers to their untimely demise, trapped in limbo.  Living their life as they always did amongst us confused mortals. In a never ending cycle of purgatory.  Disembodied connections to a long lost past.  Static.  And sad.  The pained,  the wronged, or the lost.  Talking to you.  For one last chance to visit their world.   One last chance to make their voice heard.   

We are the ghosts, and the ghosts we see are the living.  We torment the living.  We've been dead for centuries and don't even know it.   Everything you do and say.  It's all a lie.

People fall into 2 lanes usually.  Believers and non believers.  And both can be heavily set in their ideas.   It's hard to convince a skeptic that the full bodied voice on the recorded was a ghost just as hard as it is to convince a believer that it was the wind.  So it all depends on your vibes, opinions on life and death and the other side. 

For me,  I believe in ghosts.  But not as much as I did as a kid.  As a kid I was terrified of them.  And used to worry about being attacked or possessed.  But now I try to avoid spooky ghost shows.  They are mostly fake. 

I think the spirits roam earth,  and energies still remain.   Like if you are in a room where dark things happened,  that feeling,  that energy.  It stays.   Even after the spirit moves on.   

I live in a city with a very famous axe murder house.  And I never had the courage to go in it.   But people say it always gives awful dread.  Which is a feeling associated with a lot of haunted places. 

Do you guys have any tales of the spookies?   Any ghosts ever touch you or talk to you?  Where do you stand on their existance?

Do you believe in ghosts?

One Bald Narcissist and another Bald Narcissist although one is a little more menacing. 

I'd have to go with Rick, because when you go shopping with him he'll help you to talk down game vendors.  And he'll call in a buddy.  Which is his signature move.  Unlimited PP. 

Kratos seems like the type who will beat you up for trivial things.  Like if you accidentally burn the pizza rolls he will rip your head off and floss with your spine or something.  It's not the type of atmosphere I want to raise a family around. 

Hello everyone :)

Have you ever been in a room where everyone is discussing something and you hear a mistruth told.  And you know it's wrong because you've known your whole life that it happened a different way.   Only to find out you remembered it wrong?   A logo, an event,  a date.  Being skewed from what you vividly remember it being?   

This is normal.  Humans forget things all the time and make up memories as we go to fill the void.   But it only get's wierd when you realize that hundreds of thousands if not millions of others remember the event the same way you do but only about half remember it the opposite way.    Leading many conspiracy theorists to believe that their are alternate universes that we unknowingly alternate between.   And some slight variances occur.   

Here are some of the Mandella effect moments I have had.  :) 

The Mandela Effect,  Mandela Effect lol

The Mandela effect is named after famous civil rights activist, revolutionary Nelson Mandela.  Who was imprisoned for conspiring to overthrow the state of his government. 

The Mandela effect was noticed when millions of people remember being vividly taught that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s  Some heard 1990s.   But the oddness becomes apprent when they all learned that Nelson Mandela died much later, as a free man.   Not even that long ago in the year of 2013 at 95 years old. 

This one I find to be the most odd to me.   Because it is the only one I am 100 percent of my memory on.   The others I remember it one way but I could have saw wrong or something.   But this one.  I vividly,  100 percent remember the exact day I was taught it.   It was 7th grade.  I was in middle school.   The teacher had books that we opened and we were reading about Nelson Mandela.   I was specifically told that he died in prison in the 1980s.   I remember is so vividly.  As do millions of others. 

But it turns out it was all a lie. 

Some chalk it up to the famous theory of persuasion.   Where the majority will suggest something and even if it's wrong, others will follow suit because they don't want to feel out of place with their memory.  But I don't believe so.  I was never told outside of that classroom anything about Nelson Mandela.  And I remember the book.   The illustrations.  The headlines.  It even showed a picture of a news article claiming he died. 

It's pretty strange. 

The Chic-Fil-A  Mandela effect

This one is another convincing one for me because it's so much more recent.  Chic-Fil-A came to my area only fairly recent and it was always spelt Chic-Fil-A.   I always typed it that way.  The sign always said it.  The bag, the wrappers.   It was always Chic-Fil-A in my mind.   Than one day I was going down the rabbit hole of Mandela effect stuff.  Turns out it was always CHICK-FIL-A.   

How?  How could my mind be falsifiable so recent. 

And I only want to add just for the record.  That I have a thing called photographic memory.  I can remember vivid details about things that happens when I was a new born, and I can play them back in my mind and remember colors and details of what was said.  I remember my car ride home form the hospital after birth.  I remember the song that was playing.  So it's odd that the memories could become so skewed.  I vividly remember the K being left out. 

Tailless Curious George Mandela Effect

This was the one that drove me over the edge.  No way.   I remember him even hanging off of trees with his tail.  He used to hang off the man with the yellow coat's arms with the tail.   It was in picture books.  I used to color coloring books with his tail.   I just know it was part of something bigger.   Why wouldn't he have a tail? 

He looks naked without the tail.  He looks wrong.  And now I can never have tailed George back :(

Some of the others that I didn't get effect by include

Pikachu has a black tip of his tail. 

Might be because of how much we all play video games.  But I never remember pikachu having black on his tail.  Only pichu.   

Monopoly man had no Monicle. 

I don't remember him having one either.  But some people do.  It's one of the larger instances of this :)

The Hitler super wepon

One of these instances is only personal to me and I was hoping i could find others that remember seeing this online.  Maybe I did and maybe it was removed.  Or maybe it was all a odd mismemory.   But I really remember it.

It was this documentary about the darkest secrets of WW2.  And it was a story about this super weapon made by Hitler that was never found after the end of WW2.  Supposidly it killed 80 percent of the scientists that worked on it.   It was like this saucer type of thing that could levitate off of the ground and emit pulses of energy that could boil blood.   They tested it on deers and rabbits and it would kill them dead.  It would boil blood and shut down the entire central nervous system of anything in it's path.   It could harnass lightning and change the weather.   It was some evil weaponry of hell.   But it was never uncovered.   Some people think they are hiding it at area 51.

Perhaps it was a creepypasta.  But I just can never find it again.   Was it a bad memory?   

What Mandela effects have you encountered.   Do you believe in alternate dimensions or do you think it's just some error of human communication? 

Thank you for sharing :)

Hello everyone :)

Sometimes the world works in magical ways, and we are placed in positions where we can meet the people we idolized our whole lives or people with a lot of star power who have been a intricate part of our childhoods.  For better or worst depending on how nice they are.  It can be a monumental memory you never forget :).

  I really thought it'd be fun to hear all the awesome stories of the events (Conventions, Shows and Meet Ups) you guys have gone to and the type of faces you've seen.  I know so many celebrities pour into some of the comic cons and video game expos. I know many people have met James Rolfe.  I wish I could meet him soon.  I always miss the events he's at.  I like him a lot.  Does anyone have any stories of James or other celebrities both big and small?

I have never met a celebrity before but I will be really soon,  In November I will be going to a meet and greet with some of the cast of Stranger Things.  Millie Bobby Brown specifically is A-List so i'm nervous.  But also Pretty excited :D.  It will be a chance to conquer some of my fears of popular people.  If I make an ass of myself it'll still be an experience. 

As for celebrities i've seen but not met.  I've seen Donald Trump once.  I've seen Anthony Moran who played Michael Myers in Halloween.  He was at Salem, MA during their big halloween festival they do every year.  I've chatted with YouTuber Lael Hansen on facetime who is actually pretty friendly.  She's extremely nice.  One of the nicest people i've talked to.   Even with as big as she's grown popularity wise.  She's still always open to talk.   And I have been sort of friends with her since 2015.   

Have you ever met a celebrity or popular person?   How was the experience?    Were you extremely nervous going in or were you not worried at all?   

Thanks for sharing all your stories.   :)

Most want to meet celebrities

Mr. Miyamoto
James Rolfe
Joe Rogan
Lil Wayne
Bill Gates
Jay Leno

Hello everyone :D

I was playing Far Cry: New Dawn today and i'm really loving it.  But just like what happened with Far Cry 5 and a few other games like Call of Duty and Batman and Red Dead.  Something felt a little off visually. And I couldn't put my finger on it.  The colors were nice, the visuals were high fidelity, good frames.  But my eyes were still having trouble adjusting to it.

Then I found out the perpetual thorn in my backside.  The devs had film grain on by default!! 

This picture does the best job of showing how film grain extremely destroys the realism of a game.  The immersiveness.  The visual appeal.   

So I get through playing half a game before I realize,  wow.....   This game could have looked a million times better this whole time lol. 

I notice it after looking and see these grains on my TV thinking I was having an HDMI cord trouble or something. 

Why is film grain a thing?  If I wanted to play a 4K HDR modern game on an old film projector on a projection screen in some 8th grade science classroom I would.  But it's not meant to have film grain considering it's not a damn film.  You are playing through the eyes of the player you are controlling and unless he's a very elderly man with eye issues,  nobody has film grain on their eyes.  Who's idea was this?  >:(   It just baffles me. 

Film grain is such a horrible idea.  Even in games where the setting is vintage it sucks.  Like Red Dead.   Some games don't even let you turn it off.  It's so frustrating.   I know I shouldn't be such a graphic snob, but why restrain the games visual capabilities because you want to be gimmicky.  At least make it off by default so those who like it can put it on.  But it makes as much sense as putting window tint on a TV so everything appears darker until the end of the time.   

But to get into the meat and potatoes of the question :).    What do your in game menu settings usually look like?  Here are about what mine look like.

Brightness -  50    (Usually the default and it's usually optimal for my TV.  Horror games I might drop it to 45 to make the darkness more scary.) 

Sensitivity - 50  (Again usually defualt is optimal for my play style.  I don't like crazy hair trigger but don't like it sluggish either.  I know some competitive gamers crank it up to 100.  But I can't play good with it high)

Subtitles -  On     (When I was a kid I hated them, but I actually like reading along now.  It makes it so you miss nothing if someone is talking under loud noises or your tv volume is low.)

Aim Axis -    Whichever one is up for up and down for down.   Inverted I use for plane games :)

Saturation -  60    (Usually 50 by default,  but my TV is already high saturation in the settings.  I love colorful bright things)

Aim Assist -  Off   (Not a big fan of aim assist, it makes me feel like I am good when i'm not.  I try to play by myself.) 

Difficulty -   Normal or Hard   (I used to only play on veteran but as I get older, it makes games miserable.  Now i'm just trying to have fun and not prove something.  I was playing for all the wrong reasons as a kid lol) 

What do your settings look like?  Thank you for sharing. :D

Hello everyone :)

For everyone who is nostalgic of their childhood and all the immortalized memories of those saturday summer nights, irradiating neons glow your skin as you stand outside your favorite mall blockbuster store with your friends renting that New Contra Cart after waiting weeks.  The smell of the fresh plastic surrounding you and the cheesy pop songs you hated at the time but act as a staple that holds the binding of the book that is your life together.  Little jewels of yesteryear that make you smile in ponder of all those great time.  All those late nights up during summer vacation with your friends taking turns passing the NES controller with the cricket chirps encompassing the background as the moon turned into a sun as you slept on the couch with your favorite can of soda still fizzing the next morning.

Although they are very unhealthy, nothing quite captures the feeling of teenage carelessness and fun like the memories of your favorite soda pop can. Cracking open a crisp can of New Coke while you lived life their was no tomorrow as only a child can.  From Crystal Pepsi to Surge to Mellow Yellow.  Their are so many different flavors and so much to choose from. It can be quite elaborate.

  I wanted to let everyone know that New Coke from 1985 is back in extremely limited quantities.  Not sold in stores and is exclusive to the Coca Cola store in a awesome stranger things retro 4 pack.  It's fittingly 19.85 with free shipping.  I highly reccomend it for the fanatic of 1980s lure and to recapture the memories you have associated with it.   It comes packaged in a nice little black box and the cans are wonderful replicated to pay homage to the originals.   Not only that, they have actually remade the exact New Coke formula.  So it's not just regular coke in a new coke retro can.  It's actually a chance to drink real new coke. :)

I have bought 2.  I drank one and saved one for collecting.  The cans are already getting pricey as scalpers are taking them.  So I wanted to give everyone a chance. 

But with that said I move on to the meat and potatoes of the post :D


Here is my all time top 5 :)

1. Baja Blast Mountain Dew (Taco Bell)

Before I get into it, I want to say that I can't have caffiene.  So it basically eliminates this option completely.  If I drink caffiene I can go into a shock and have major panic attacks.   Which is a testiment to how delicious this elixer of the gods is.  Because I still drink it lol.  It's just so delicious.  So flavorful and so vibrant and colorful.  It tastes fantastic frozen and even makes an incredible float with vanilla icecream.  It's versatile and fun.  I love everything about Baja blast.

2.Caffeine free Diet Pepsi

As stated, I am very concious of my weight and also can't have caffiene.  So caffeine free diet pepsi is really a saving grace for me.  It is delicious enough to make any meal taste good.  It gives you the effect of a yummy soda.  But with none of the draw backs.  It's a really great diet soda. 

3. Tropical Berry Sprite

Delicious sprite, has a lot of sugar and calories. But it's so great. 

Coca Cola Classic

I mean, what can be said.  It's Coca Cola.  It's literally as iconic as just about anything.  Not my first pick.  But sometimes you just simply need a classic coca cola in glass.  It's very nostalgic.  :)

5. Dr. Pepper

Dr. Pepper is the best tasting diet soda imo.  It doesn't lose much when put into diet form.  It still tastes great.  It's got such a unique taste that I haven't found anyone who can describe it.  It's just Dr. Pepper lol.  It's so amazing. 

What is your favorite effervescent black liquid that fizzes?   :D

Hello Everyone :D

I know many years ago I made a thread called "If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be".  But this time it's a bit different.  I'm gonna ask about the places we all have already gone to and if traveling is scary.  As it is my first time traveling in November and really would love advice as the closer it gets the more scared I get :)

What traveling experiences do you have?  Are you a frequent flyer or is it more a once in a blue moon type of thing for you to see other states or countries?   I know traveling can be a lot of people's life goals and bucketlist moments. 

My Upcoming Trip

All of the planning has worked out so far and I have bought 4 autograph tickets so far to strangecon in Dallas and the plane ticket.  So it's official that this will be my first main vacation ever and so many firsts all packed in one trip. I'm so excited but also So i'm actually pretty nervous.   

I'm mainly nervous because I will be traveling by myself.  Nobody is coming with me. So i'm going to be in a distant state, city, town, neighborhood,  with no means of direction other than my phone.  I will rely mostly on ubers and google maps to get around. Which has worked for local travels.  I assume I will find my way pretty good.  But it's mostly the hussle and bustle that seems nerve wracking.

I have never flown on a plane.  Never rented a hotel, never been that far away from home and have never met a celebrity in person.  So it's all pretty foreign.

The pros is that the people in Texas will still speak English and their is no passport stress or currency conversions or worrying about ID and stuff.  It's still my home country.  And their will be no language barriers.   And another plus is I am not bringing checked luggage, just a carry on filled with Funko Pops and Clothes lol.

My main questions are.  Is the TSA scary?  Do they yell at you and shove wands in your bum?  Is it like the movies?  Or is the airport a less scary thing than people make it.  From what I hear it's so stressful and horrifying. 

I am flying Jetblue.  And to put it in prespective i'm flying out of Boston.  So I will have time to Enjoy both Boston and Dallas for a bit.  I plan on seeing the boston harbor, the paul revere house and the JFK museum in dallas. 

What is your favorite city or country to tour?  Are you an avid tourist?

Thank you for sharing everyone :)

Marketplace / Selling my Wii U Collection
« on: August 25, 2019, 06:26:41 pm »
Hello Everyone :D

I am selling my Wii U collection to save up for a trip.  And with the additions of Switch I have become a larger collector of that.  I have some really good titles.  I priced the Lot on VGPC at 479 but of course I will go much lower then that price.  I am open to offers.  I want to sell as an entire lot if possible. 

36 games.  I will confirm conditions if their are any condition affects out of the norm and other details below :)

Yoshi's Wolly World 
Shovel Knight  (Like New, Includes the manual)
Pikmin 3 
Mighty No. 9 
Batman Arkham City Armored Edition
Starfox Guard  (Has some yellowing on the side, bought from gamestop like this.)
Disney Infinity
Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival
Pokken Tournament (Includes Mew Two Card)
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Just Dance 2015
Need for Speed Most Wanted U
Hyrule Warriors
Smash Bros Wii U
Mario and Sonic at Rio Olympic Games  (Fairly rare and in great condition.  Comes in a protector)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD
Legend of Zelda WindWaker HD
Steamworld Collection  (Steamworld is brand new sealed. And is in fantastic shape)
Game and Wario  (Fairly uncommon game)
bayonetta 2  (Bayonetta is the 2nd edition and not the rare 2 disc one)
starfox zero
captain toad treasure tracker  (Includes Amiibo and Amiibo bundle box)
gameparty champions  (Has puck marks on the plastic but is just in need of a case swap)
disney infinity 2.0
the wonderful 101
wii fit u
skylander imaginators
kirby and the rainbow curse  (Has some wrinkles on the label.  Slight crease damage)
Call of Duty Black Cops 2
Angry Birds Trilogy
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge (Sealed Brand New, Has clearance sticker on front)
Assassin's Creed III
Ducktales Remastered   (Doesn't have the pin, and has damage on the back.  (Puncture) )

Thanks for looking and considering to offer.  I am very negotiable on the lot and am open to offers :D

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