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Hello everyone :)

I know I made a stranger things thread recently and I got hooked on another show and I didn't want to make any more of these Do you like this Tv show threads.  So I decided to make a megatread for all the shows.  Their are 2 other megathreads for Music and Movies.  So I thought TV and Netflix would be fitting too :).  Whenever you start a new show you like you can share it here.   :D

Right now I am so hooked on Orange is the New Black.

I know it is what is considered a "chick flick".  But I love this show so much lol. 

It started by just watching it because I liked Piper Chapman (I think she's nice) but now I like all of the characters.  Or many of them anyway.  I hate a few. 

Please try not to spoil too much because i'm early on.  As will be a universal rule of the thread. But I will say that Red is amazing and powerful.  And I like Pennsatucky even though she's crazy.  But she's pretty cool once the plot unravels.

So much drama interlaced in one season.  Let alone 7.  :D   I can't believe how much is ahead of me.

Anyone else love this show?   :) 

Thank you for sharing any of your favorite shows past, present or future.

Hello everyone :(

Today I went out to eat with my family and had such a lovely morning with sunny beautiful weather which would sadly end in a bad surprise when we returned.  I went out in my car leaving my house completely unattended as my girlfriend who usually does streaming on the 2nd floor came.  We enjoyed such a lovely evening with my 92 year old great grandmother out of town and my parents. 

When I returned I was greeted with a pretty negative sight that has haunted me and has been one of my worst nightmares since as far as I can remember deciding to hoard valuable things lol.

My bottom landing door was completely caved in. Split up the middle, door frame pounded through and dead bolt snapped. And the 2nd floor door was completely split around the door knob, shreded with a crow bar, hammer dents all over the door knob but not breached luckily.  Somehow they gave up.  My door on the 3rd floor was untouched.

I am so lucky that they werent able to steal anything. It's the only silver lining to it all. But I still feel so violated.  It's a horrible dirty feeling to know someone has broken into your home and violated your space and privacy.  I can't describe it.  It's like a feeling of being breached.  I feel like I'm being watched now and have been paranoid every since.

My only idea for why they gave up is my 110 pound labrador.  I assume he heard the noise and barked spooking them off.  He was pretty shooken up when we got back.

This was broad daylight mind you.  :(

Tough one for the books.  But this has been a great wakeup call to fortify my home like I always should have with some sort of private security system.   And I can take this as a positive which is my only way of moving on and coping.  I think this was a warning to show me that I need to be less silly with my collection and protect it with a alarm type thing that alerts the police.

Which brings me into the question part of my post. :)

How do you guys protect your home from burglars? 

For the record, I do have means of protecting the house from an intruder if i'm present.

But that only helps when i'm home.  Which in fairness is most of the time.

What i'm really looking for is one of those alarms that work with Alexa that when someone breaks in it sends an Alarm to the police immediately and then you can see who did it and stuff like that and usually the alarm scares them away :)

But for now I am going to buy 2 water proof motion detecting cameras and a sign that says "Trespassers will be shot" and stuff of the sorts :D

Sorry for a negative post everyone but I would really like to here opinions.  Have any of you ever been robbed?  It's so scary  :( :'(

Off Topic / Walmart vs Target vs Best Buy (Department Store War!!)
« on: August 07, 2019, 04:38:16 pm »

Hello everyone :)

Today we dive into the competition of some of our most beloved and famed big name commercial conglomerates as we decide which is our person favorite for both shopping for everyday things but also for buying games and amiibos. :D

I was inspired to make this because I noticed, some people seem to have immense luck at places like target or Gamestop with discount games, amiibos, funko pops and other collectible fun.  But some people seem to have a walmart or target in their area that is always very lacking and they shop at best buy instead.   And it varies very much as to what the favorite of these 3 Titans is :).


First up we have Wally World as they call it in my home town :).   One of the most universally recognizable and frequented establishments and one of the only places where you can buy a pair of cargo shorts, a car battery and a rottisarie chicken all in one go  ;D

Wal-Mart prides itself on it's many exclusive Amiibos, it's equate brand medicines, great value items that cut competitor prices by a huge portion, game variations and especially Wal-Mart exclusive Funko pops.  Wal-Mart also price matches it's competitors and has a pretty solid return policy in place.  Wal-Mart is also known for attracting some less then desirable mall goers.  Sometimes having frequents who are less than savory in hygiene. 

My Ranking - B+

For me, I certainly frequent Wal-Mart the most. I think their clothes selection usually bests Target's in my general area.  Yes I am a minimalist in regards to clothes and wear George brand stuff sometimes and I don't care who judges  ;D.   But I also love their graphic T shirts.  The walmart in my area always has video game related ones.  So it's a huge plus.

Now onto games, they have the basics but they kinda suck for games and especially Amiibos and pops.  It's actually fairly depressing how little they seem to jump on trends.  Took them years to even bother ordering NES classics back when they were big. And it wasn't from selling out, they simply never stocked them.  Was crazy.

As a whole, Walmart is where I go for my non gaming needs, I rarely buy games there.  but for food, clothes and other random things.  They fill the niche in my community and the nearest walmart is like 3 blocks from my house.  So lucky :)


Target is basically like Wal-Mart but slightly more niche and has variances in what they carry and their exclusive merchandise. Their carraiges are typically better, their environments are typically more sanitary and well managed and they have a much much better toy and pop selection in my area at least. 

The problem with target is they are usually at the very least a tad more on most items I find although I do think they price match as well.  But me and my brother have had issues price matching here before depending on the worker. 

Target is known for it's big RED balls.

My rating C

Target for me is a bit of a drive away, and it usually always drops the ball on Amiibos and game selection to a heinous extenet.  Where my local Target shines is Funko Pops and toys in general.  It's truly second to none in toys even to the old toys r us that was near it.  It's just incredible for pops and I always find nice exclusives when I go :)

Best Buy

Best buy is a electronics exclusive department store.  They have other things like washer machines and things like accessories and stuff.  But in general, it's very exclusive to electronic things and games.  Which is very great for us. 

Best Buy has probably the best membership thing.  Although they did away with gamerclub unlimited, it basically gave you 20 percent off any new game.  Which is pretty ground breaking and borderline impossible to top.  I've saved thousands, literally thousands using that membership.  Until it expires in 2020 :(

Best Buy has a much wider selection of laptops, TVs and gaming consoles then most Targets or Wal-Marts but is also usually margainally more money, especially for care plans.

Best Buy prides itself with geek squad protection.  It's costly but in my experience is top notch customer care.

Best Buy has very sanitary and clean and spacious environments.  In my experience the workers are usually almost always nicest and usually some of the happiest and coolest people i've met in such stores.  Usually nerds like us with common interests.  Which makes the buying dynamic funner.

My rating - A

Best buy is not the choice for most things, like food or clothes or the essentials of every day life.  In that sense Wal-Mart is much much better.  But for me and what I like.  My hobby in mind.  Best buy is the cleanest and best buyer experience for offline video game and electronic buying.  Which wins it over in my mind.  I love Best Buy very much and the amount of collectors editions they have had for pre order is outstanding.

Gamestop has on multiple accounts failed to have a game available for preorder when best buy has had it even week later for pre order with the 20 percent off discount.  It's just bar none. 

Best Buy dominates the electronic avenue at least in my local area.

I was going to add gamestop to this heavy weight royale but they literally only do games.  It's not fair to them to put them against giant stores that do multiple things well. 

Thank you for sharing your choice :).    I hope everyone has a happy week. 

If you want to pick costco in your ratings, feel free.  I just don't know anything about that store and I don't know if they carry games.  :D


A dark cloud has appeared over us ladies and gentlemen :(   The very fiber of gaming is being shredded for political propaganda and the world at large is casting a negative light over our hobby and overlooking the wonderful and positive things gaming does for the millions who enjoy it over the actions of very few.   And we innocent people will pay the price.

Before I start this, I want to add that I never like to get political on this page and with the horrors over the weekend, I really don't want to be distasteful and make this about us and not the victims. I can't fathom the pain for their families and loved ones.  Please do not make this a left vs right thing as it's toxic and will hurt the forums and just further this divide we seem to be facing the past 5 or so years.  I know if it's anywhere we can discuss a difficult topic like this and still be loving and understanding.  It's here :)

This is probably one of the bigger pivotal stories regarding games so I felt it really should be discussed. As censorship is truly a devastating idealogy for our hobby and would kill creativity.  This isn't to go off the deep end hating on any political candidate or fighting but more to vent our feeling for what has transpired regarding our hobby over the weekend and try to see what we feel is going to happen especially with games like GTA 6 on the horizon.  With the current climate, it affects video games so much at large that I have to make a post about it and try to save myself from the incessant anger I am experiencing :(

The News

For those not caught up, political Pundits on both sides including the president have made speeches blaming Video Games for the horrors that happened, yes in 2019 video games of all things are being blamed for the atrocities that happened in Ohio and Texas.  Literally the 1990s style Salem witch trial is back with the soccer mom baby boomers blaming Grand Theft Auto and Marylyn Manson for Columbine and any kid who does anything bad for the rest of time because being a decent parent and actually looking for real reasons is too hard.  So blame anything but yourself or the society you live in.  And not the obvious underlying reality of bad parenting and horrible school systems.  Just blame M rated games.   >:(

As if all the crusaders or Lizzie Borden or dictators during WW2 were all corrupted by the Eminem rap CDs and Call of Duty.

Please for the love of god, make this idiocy stop.  We know this not to be true.

We all have differing ideas of how things should be run, but i'm pretty sure on a page like this most of us do not agree with the censorship of artistic creativity the video game publishers and developers currently have to make the games we play.  With a new mandate concerning the violence in video games.  Rockstar will be screwed making GTA 6.  As the game is meant to push boundaries and be crude.  It's Grand Theft Auto for crying out loud lol. 

But it also will effect franchises like Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Doom, Saints Row, Dead Rising, and pretty much any other graphic video game or movie that depicts murder and shootings.

The level of flabbergasting stupidity being possessed by some of the ignorant non gaming baby boomer generation yet again is mind numbing.  It's like anything they don't do or care for it to blame for all the evils of the world and not their abusive parenting tactics, Vietnam war era inspired rhetoric and racism and their constant need to control everything and everyone.  Why can't we as a society come to grip with the fact we can't stop killers from killing?  Ever.  Like literally impossible.  We can't make it harder, we can't make it less widespread.  We cannot stop it.    Take guns away, censor movies, do away with porn.   You can't stop it.   Prohibition didn't stop drunks from drinking.    You can't take away the tool to stop the mechanic.  Humans have unlimited means of doing harm to people.  It's sad but something we have to face.

We as a society and the world all over glorify shootings with the media not with the video games.  Every shooter gets their infamous moment in the spotlight.  It's what they crave is the attention.  The only way to slow it down is to stop flipping the lid. Calm down, and address mental health and the broken systems in place.  Including prison reform systems, educational areas and especially medical issues regarding mental health screenings and addressing red flags from people with prior history of mental illness.  This type of thing is why it's done and why it won't stop. 

But as a whole,  Where do you guys think gaming is going to go from here.  Do you think GTA 6 will be forced to be watered down?  Will Rap Music be effected?  And do you think Trump will succeed in clashing with video game developers regarding violence?  Basically a 100 percent violation of freedom of speech and freedom of artists to create anything. 

In the 90s a issue like this arose, I called it the mothers against gaming movement but I think it had a more formal name.  It even went to the supreme court shortly following Columbine.   But it got laughed out of court and games were still allowed to be on shelves with the same level of censorship as movie media.  I hope that same decision holds again.  :)

Thank you for sharing everyone, and I hope all of you have a happy week.  Sorry for a negative post but sometimes our culture gets the negative light and not all the positivity games spread for millions of people.  It's pretty sad :(   

Hello everyone :D

Recently I binged Stranger Things which is a Netflix original web series.  I got completely absorbed and ended up watching both season 1 and 2 in 2 days.  15 hours in 2 days.  It is by far bar none my favorite show of all time.  It made me cry many times and the whole plot is extremely brilliant and fun. :)   I feel extremely invested now and season 3 starts July 4th. 

I plan on going to strangercon in Dallas Texas in November so I can meet Millie Bobby Brown for her to sign my eleven pop as Eleven is my favorite character.  I have posted here about MK Ultra before, it's a deep topic and the show depicts it in such a eerie and sad manner but also keeps a nice backstory to corelate with it and make the show vibrant and exciting.   Going to Dallas is something that is way out of my element. Which will be exciting.  I feel like i'm in a bit of a mid life crisis lately after a long bout with a cold.  I have no idea what i'm doing but I just know i'm going to do a bunch of stuff lol.

Stranger things acting is amazing. My second favorite character is Sheriff Hopper.  Every character seems to be extremely well written and character development is extraordinary.  MBB is a star pupil in the making, captivating acting in both this and the new godzilla movie. 

I won't spoil too much for those who may want to watch it, but if you haven't.  Please do yourself a favor.  Especially those who are into sci fi horror or 80s themed call back type nostalgia flicks in general.  It's truly a well written masterpiece :)

Hello everyone :)

I just seen the newly released video trending on YouTube of the official new guinness world record holder for most games. A man named antonio from texas.  I mostly came here to discuss with everyone how majestic and god tier this man is. But I also come asking the golden question..... 

Does this god reside among us in these forums?  Is it the flea?  I really am flabbergasted about how amazing this man's collection is and the sheer passion and effort he has for games.  I really hope he makes more videos on a channel similar to AVGN or Gaming Historian so we can see his amazing grails and knowledge.   

He has a full Wii, Wii U, N64, SNES, NES, Genesis (MegaDrive), 360, Xbox, PS2 and PS3 sets among others.  Thousands of PS1 to Switch and XB1 games.  PS4 games in the hundreds.  A full Vita and Full PSP set among countless odd ball stuff like neo geo pocket color sets and amazing amounts of amiibos and swag.  :)

He is basically god. He's our lord and savior.  He is the nerve of nazareth, the second coming of the messiah, the holy power, the choir that spoke the world of the holy prophets who reigned before us.  He's the son of mary, father of joseph.  The legend himself.  He is Christ before and after the cross.  And he is everything I asspire to be.  I'd furthermore kiss his floor but I would not be worthy of such. 

Here is the link to his video with guiness  :)

I hope everyone has a happy week and enjoy the discussion about this monumental video.  I know many of you may already know this man.  I'd love to hear about him or hear from him about his mighty collection.  Does anyone know if this man is a member here? 

Thanks for sharing. 

Classic Video Games / Who has best cover arts? Japan or US?
« on: March 02, 2019, 08:09:39 pm »
Hello everyone :D

I know this varies by game, but as a whole. If you had to choose either Japan cover arts or US cover arts for the rest of infinity, which would you choose as having better covers? :)   

I have made a thread before comparing Japan versus American consoles like Famicom vs NES. And the art styles of the boxes and controllers.  So I thought this would be interesting too as their is so much variances.

I personally think Japan almost always has way better covers imo and I always love how they look. But I think this might be because I am from the United States so I have become accustomed to our covers.  This is why Americans love Japanese culture so much and vice versa. Because it's different and new. And the covers seem to be so colorful and fun to me.

Here are some examples of comparisons.  First i'll start with one rare occurance that I think US did way better than the Japanese version.

I love the US design of Okami. It really pops and is beautiful.

Here is the JP version of N64 Smash Bros. It is awesome looking.  It looks like a comic book almost and has nice artistry.

It almost seems like the devs in Japan might try to alter covers to be more rustic and simplistic thinking things as eccentric and fun as Japan has might not attract an American consumer.  But I could be overthinking :)

Using our Super Mario world as comparison, it doesn't have the popping backgrounds, colors.  Just a blue wallpaper PNG from google images and the basic Mario and Yoshi.  Much worst imo.  Although I love it because it's my childhood :).

One of the biggest comparisons is Rockman vs Megaman.  A huge debate of namesake and even design.

The American covers on Mega Man are notoriously EBOLA.  And JP does better imo.  :)

FFX is another that I think US won by default. I love the US cover for this one. 

Out of all examples you can think of.  Who do you think has more consistently better covers?  JP or US?  :)

I know PAL sometimes has exclusives covers too.  But I wanted to keep this simple between the two biggest comparisons as many of the time UK adopts US's cover. 

Thanks for sharing everyone :)

Hello everyone :) 

Yesterday I walked into best buy feeling like a kid again, and their were fellow nerds conversing, it was like a glorious symphany of mythical proportions.  It was like being in traverse down again.  The moments leading up to all of us reliving our childhood, unwrapping the plastic and guiding our disney heroes into yet another heartless battle to save humanity :D

I won't ever forget the feeling of when I first played the original kingdom hearts for PS2.  I was a little kid when my brother let me borrow it. All my childhood disney heroes battling to save the universe from evil unfolding before my eyes.  Heartless.  The story, so profound that it will take years if not decades to understand but also so simple that the youngest 4 year old can look and say "Look mommy, it's mickey mouse!!".    The pure simplicity of it. 

Before I begin sharing my feelings on the new game.  Please let's all keep this free of spoilers.  I don't want to ruin the game.  I won't be sharing any key moments outside of parts I like about the gameplay :)

Kingdom Hearts 3 lived up to every expecations I had of it which is saying a lot because I have been waiting since I was like 10 lol.   

The graphics? Stunning.  The epic new moves and abilities are awesome.  And I love the worlds and plot.  It's so rich and god tier. 

It feels good that Square is back to being god tier in the industry.  First octopath, now KH3.  Soon a FF7 remake.  They are just hitting home runs again.  it feels like the early 2000s all over again :D

I hope everyone is enjoying the game.   Thank you for sharing.

General / Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« on: January 29, 2019, 06:43:51 am »
Hello everyone :)

A few years ago I made a "which gaming stereotype annoys you the most" thread.  It got a lot of activity and was fun.  But that was more so critiquing the gamers.  But this is more critquing the critics of their idiotic assumptions of our culture. 

A lot of people who aren't in the gaming community, simply judge us without much in the way of knowing what they are talking about.  So I will list many of these criticisms and you can choose or add the one you hate the most :D

"Every Gamer is a unemployed Virgin that Lives in his mom's basement"

This critique is the one I see the most, hear the most and annoys me the most. It just is ignorant.  The whole idealogy that in order to be an adult playing video games you must "get no girls" or "You live in your moms basement playing games all day".   I know so many here who have more games than gamestop but also have a home, a wife, a kid, a car, a successful carreer.   If anything i'd say the latter is more true.  Because games are freaking expensive as is having the latest technology.  Sure their is the rare case that a mom will buy their kid a gaming PC and or he lives off the government aid.  But most gamers need to have a job and be productive to fund their hobby to begin with.  And the community has tons of girl gamers in it as well. 

I think this idealogy is very old and hasn't died like it should have. I guess in the damn 1970s when dinosaurs roamed earth girls used to look down on nerds and that was the whole jock thing.  "Hey, look at the gamer nerd" but now it's really the opposite.  Girls massively love game culture, and jocks are kinda the lames now.  So the stereotype is a joke.

"GTA caused Columbine and Violence in kids" (Mothers against gaming)

The picture does most of the talking  ;D.   Bascially "I'm mad.... why am I mad?  I'm mad at you for not knowing why I am mad, Let me take away what you love to explain my insanity".   Sums up the whole mother's against gaming movement.  A group of moms who didn't want to take the blame for raising shitty kids so instead blamed a video game for their childs wrongdoings.   

Between Eminem and Marylyn Manson but especially M rated games like Doom, GTA and Mortal Kombat.  Parents have always tried to blame popular media for the worlds evil.  Which has led kids to want it more.  It's such a silly stereotype to assume that a game convinces you to kill people in real life because it's a digital entity.  Obviously fake.  And good parenting shouldn't be recycled with these censorship filters.  Put down the remote, put down the phone and be a mom. 

Why did you buy all these games you don't even play. You could have bought (Insert expensive car here)

This one is more nicer natured, and I think the people are just trying to be nice when they say it.  But is still a stereotypical question.  I know some of you have mentioned it too :).  It's when someone looks at your collection and says the cliche "Why did you buy all these games.  You can't even play them all. You could have bought a Lamborghini or a house"  :'(.   It's like.  Maybe a Lamborghini isn't as important to you as video games or all your cherished childhood keepsakes.  Maybe a overpriced, gas guzzling hypercar might be someone else's life goal and fun hobby but not yours.  But it seems most people see every collection as a money pit and not for the love that goes into it.  :D

People who are good at games, have no life

This one goes hand in hand a bit with the 1st stereotype, but it's more so gamers who are so envious of other gamers being good.  They have to say that the only reason they lost is because "The other guy is a no life, he doesn't have a job, he plays all day and I don't".  Instead of being nice and being an adult. :)

Games are for little kids, adults who watch anime or play pokemon are wierd

This one tends to come up to me a lot when I play pokemon on 3DS, from people who are not in the know when they see me playing Pokemon or wear a Pokemon shirt.  It's like the 40-50 year old crowd really think you are a sub human specimen for liking a children's cartoon or game.  I have even seen posts saying any grown man who watches Anime is a pedophile.  I just don't give that any creedance and it's so offensive.  But their are people so toxic enough that they equate playing video games, especially Nintendo ones that are aimed for kids as a lack of masculinity or some sort of creepy mind state of being attracted to youth things.  I'm glad this stereotype is a bit more uncommon.    But I do hear the "You still play Pokemon".  Or "Arent these for kids?"   Thing way too much.    Most of these stereotypes can be summed up into McJuggernugget's dad on that fake YouTube channel way back  ;D

"It's me or the games" spouse

This one exists in almost any hobby or in life.  It's just the obsessive girl or guy that wants to monopolize everything you love so they can have your undevided attention at all times.   Guys usually do this by not letting a girl hang with a certain friend,  girls usually make a guy give up games or sports.  It typically leads to degradation in a relationship.  To sacrafice what you love means the person didn't love you for who you really were. Someone who is clearly on a power trip. 

Why buy Retro games, You can just get them on Raspberry PI for free?

These guys while completely factually correct, just don't seem to ever grasp the importance of physical media to us collectors :).  They always make fun of all of our clunky plastic.  They might even be right.  But their is nothing that quite replicates holding that grey plastic in your hands and remembering the exact moment you held that same cart in your hand at 8 years old.  Remembers the sounds, the voices that day.  Remembers the smell of christmas ham as you unwrapped your N64.  Feeling the box again.  It's all what drives us :D

The seller that ships a box in a bubble mailer, thus creasing it

Their is a special place in hell, typically next to Pol Pot where Ebay sellers go who do this  ;D.  Maybe only 1 day, because it's not so bad but they have to at least go for this.  When they place a 250 dollar irreplaceable CIB N64 Game or some special amiibo you have been wanting for years in a flimsy 1 dollar bubble mailer to save on shipping cost.  Easily getting crushed into a mush of nothing throughout trasnit :(.   Leaving your golden Mario amiibo or your CIB Mario Party a crushed and pitiful mess of lies.   :'(.    It's so cruel it makes me want to cry when this happens.

The "Imma leave your 500 dollar package outside in the rain or send it to your neighbors house" USPS dude  ;D

I won't be too mean because USPS drivers do have a hard job, I just wish most of them would just leave it in the entry.  Please just leave it in the entry.  Sometimes a lot of the USPS drivers really mess up and the company never really helps you out. 

Which stereotype drives you the most angry and which do you wish would go away most? :).   Feel free to add any that I missed or the one you hate the most.   

Thanks for sharing.  :D

General / Light Set Ups For Game Rooms Discussion (Game Room Idea 2019)
« on: January 27, 2019, 08:31:53 am »
Hello everyone :D 

Today I have gotten inspired to do something with my game room that is truly gonna pop it off I believe. Especially considering I love bright lights and LED lights truly are my favorite.  I get mezmorized by neon lights and LED bulbs.  I have all my TVs super bright and just love it. 

I have seen many gaming set ups who use the LED rope lights to surround their consoles, game setups or CPU desks to make it look sci fi and cool.  :)    But i'm going to pretty much make a sorta skyscraper, club look of my whole room.  Very space age like a CES show.   

I'm gonna do the whole ceiling of my room with LED lights and also get the regular bulbs for the recepticle that all work through my new Amazon Echo.  Also going to do the area in which I game where my One X and CPU is with the lights.   

I am going to be using dimmable Neflux LED smart light strips and a few of the bulbs.  Phillips Hue light strips for the amount of feet I would need would be close to 1,000 dollars but with the Neflux brand (greatly reviewed) it's only slightly over 100.   

I am very excited and inspired, I might do the entire perimiter of my ceeiling, and maybe even the floor board that wraps around the bottom so the whole room glows.  Of course it will be easily turned off when not in use in case it'd be too much for average days.  But for night time gaming.  I am very excited.   

A lot of people do the lights inside their console cabinets so the consoles are lit up at night.  :)

Does anyone have a cool light set up or wants to share an opinion on them?  Thanks for sharing.

Hello everyone :)

Today has been an unfortunate day,  A soda bottle exploded in my game room causing massive amounts of spray and truly a complete and utter disaster.  Luckily the spray went up and seemed to only hit thing from the top so many of the games inside shelves weren't touched.  But many amiibos were.  But luckily the amiibos were easily cleaned.  So many other things like consoles got drops on them.  It was a nightmare to clean them all.   Than my TV broke from getting wet and when I went to fix it,  I was electrocuted pretty severely by the capacitor or whatever the big metal thing is.  I didn't wear rubber gloves and I was dumb but I will learn from this mistake.  Now my finger feels like I dipped it in a fire. Which effects my gaming :( 

But my main question is,  Do you own an Amazon Echo, also known as an Alexa?  You can ask it questions and tell it to do stuff like play music and dim the lights.  They are pretty neat for a very modern contempary setting and really pop a living room and make it very techy and nice :D.    I have one coming today, and i'm very excited.   

Their are smart lamp and color changing smart bulbs that Alexa can change color on or dim or shut off with voice command.  You can also get garage door actuators, and other types of bluetooth smart things that can alter your life with voice command.  You can turn on most smart tvs too.   I mostly bought mine to ask Alexa questions about things.   

I hope eveyrone has a happy day.

Off Topic / MK ULTRA (Everything you know is all a lie)
« on: January 25, 2019, 05:43:40 pm »
If you are unaware of MK Ultra, please google it if you have the time. But if not, I will fill you in.  I never knew how far it extended, all of this was hidden from us.  But it seems the extents the government has gone to control you and your idealogies is immense, dark and really sad :( 

MK Ultra was a series of illegal governement experiments that the US government carried out during the 50s and 60s during the cold war in efforts of beating Soviet Russia to the technological or nuerological race to completely brainwashing a human.  The focus of the testings were to rewire the human brain to create sleeper cell agents who were basically programmable agents that would confess to things like their deepest secrets, confess to things they never even did,  and they ever were attempting to melt the brains through radar waves.   The tests were conducted on unaware subjects, some of which DIED from the US and Canada, many of which children. 

This is not conspiracy, this is not a theory.   This is 100 percent, documented, historically archived, evidence based fact that is on the history channel, it's in books.  The CIA has confirmed involvement and a lot of the findings of test have been released. It happened.  And many of the test subjects tell the stories of the horrors. 

Children like the one pictured above, were subjected to hundreds of hours of shock therapy, sexual abuse, mental manipulation,  and heinous amounts of LSD.   In attempts to create brain wiped mindless slaves to do the bidding of the CIA.

This method of human brainwashing through hypnosis went defunct in 1974,  but whos to say they stopped? 

Everything we know is a lie, since we were born we were shaped, molded like clay. The moon is a hollogram, Kennedy was a hologram,  Lee Harvey Osward was MK Ultra victim, they rewire your brain into false confessions,  everything you think, you replying to this, me typing it,  it all never came from organic thoughts.  But the media will never speak out on this.  I went my whole life never knowing.  We do what they say, the frequencies of our computers make us subserviant, and their core fundementals of the MK Ultra program remain prevalent,  they can change the way you think through radar waves and the wifi bandwith of every device you have.  This was all tested and proven with science.  My great grandfather who worked in the 50s as a psychology professor at an institute did testing on children.  I assume he was part of MK Ultra.  A pitiful puddle of lies,  you are a skin puppet,  they have us all.  How can we trust this democracy of hypocrisy?  We all sit drool lipped at our flashy devices, as they use codes and sublimal messaging patterns,  key triggers that alter the cerebellum of your brain,  key phrases that intefere with your nuerological chemistry, changing the compounds of the molecules that make you who you are.  You were born pure,  since you are a tapestry,  a foiled painting.  You are everything and nothing at all.  And no matter how far ahead you get, you're always behind in your subconcious data keeping mind. 

I look at myself,  I am a political pawn.  I am on the governments monopoly board, most celebrities have been wiped and show clear evidence of being turned into MK Ultra sleeper cells like glitches in their memory, and odd patterns of satanism, messaging, and they pass on the brainwashing to the youth, almost all politicians too.  I can at any point be thrown into submission by my higher lords, nothing you think is real is real.  It's all one big distraction.  The curtain pulled on the final act.   I am scared :(       

This is the sad state of reality.  A portrait of an artist tortured and trapped in your own drawings, darker than anything imaginable.

Hello everyone. :)

Black Friday I finally caved in and broke the seal to get my first PS4.

 I have become hooked on Tetris effect and you can tell the game is 300 times more immersive and beautiful if you were in it and resolved of your peripheral distractions.

Most games for the matter most likely.  But I'm very nervous about diving into the VR.  Mostly because i'm on the fence with many of the games as I don't know what many of them are about or if they are good.

So my main question, is it genuinely good?  Worth 250+ dollars?   I find that pretty cheap and entry level for VR but also pretty pricey as just a novelty.  I want it to be something I love.  Tetris Effect already has me sold but are their any other games i'd love?   How does the RE play on it?  Is it as immersive as it looks? 

Does it make you feel in the game or is it more looking at a game through a pair of goggles?   

I like adventure games, platformers, racers and action games.  Astro Bots, Creed and a few others attract me. 

What is everyones experience with owning or playing the VR?  Do you reccomend it?

1 side question too,  although games like GOW aren't VR, can you still play them with the headset on? Does it show the game in there just not reactive to your movements?  I'd love a device to cut off my peripheral vision so I was emmersed more.

Thank you for the help :D

Hello everyone :) 

I'm not sure if this topic has ever come up, I didn't want to grave dig an old thread and their are many new members who may also share just in case :)

My main question is to ask has anyone ever become addicted to tetris or to discuss tetris fever that enveloped the 80s and 90s.  And any stories any have of being hooked during their life?  Has a game ever hit such cultural levels of pure mind numbing blissful addiction?  It was so addictive Shigeru Miyamoto when asked if it was a good game said "Yes" and the person asked "why do you think so"  and he said "Because all of our accountants are playing it" lol.  ;D.  It spread like wild fire and really was one of the best selling and most available games of all time.

 I know it's probably the most accessible and readily available and recognized video game of all time being on almost every console and even calculators.  And I know it was such a phenomenon in it's day that it coined many terms that the video game industry still use like "the tetris effect".  Which is any time a game is so addictive it occupies space in your sub concious memory and alters your dreams and thinking.  People may experience falling teriominoes falling when they close their eyes and see lines clearing in their dreams :)

Currently I have finally caught Tetris fever, Perhaps to unhealthy levels. I can't put it down and it's consumed a lot of my time recently.  Mostly trying to get 40 lines faster and faster.  I feel slow. I love tetris effect but my favorite is Puyo Puyo tetris.  Not the puyo puyo part.

With this I wanted to dive into some of the most addictive games I have ever played and wanted to see how people rank tetris among other addictive games or ever drugs. 

Here is my top 5 for most addictive games that I have become hooked on. While I don't regret my time with the games, I do wish I perhaps toned it back some at times :D   Please share your #1 or 5 if you have the time. 

1. Tetris

This list is in no perticular order only because I am only recently been hooked on tetris.  I have always loved and played it but for some reason now I am just obsessed with bettering my scores.  I feel the same bit of addictive nature the gameboy kids felt in the 80s on every school bus.  With the switch being able to go anywhere it truly makes it hard to stay away from even at work or in car rides.


Minecraft is another one that definitely creates a peaceful and relaxing world where repetitive tasks somehow become addictive.  And the game is basically limitless. The music is orchestral and soothing and makes me love to go back.  It's sold so many copies on so many platforms and has one of the largest monthly user base in the world consisting of mostly kids who become hooked.

Call of Duty

I know Call of Duty has become subject of ridicule due to it's lack of innovation and seemingly complacent way of making games as of recent, but early on the franchise truly was a sensation.  Everyone tried it, everyone had it.  and for months and months it was life.  In my middle school years It's all I knew and I think i've clocked more time into it than any other game.   It adds the main addictive element of the level up and K/D ratio systems to keep you hooked on watching your stats climb and then adds that with some fast twitch reflexes necessary for being good.  The feeling is uphoric if done right :)

Guitar Hero

Although I have since fallen out of fashion with GH, When I was a kid I really loved them and played them for hours and became good at them.  They are again another game with a lot of repetition, a score system and a format for addiction. 

Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo

These racing sim games, or many arcade racing games with large stories or multiplayer always get me hooked because they are very relaxing and I love cars.  And the races can be very long but also very rewarding when you win and watch the money climb affording new cars as you go.  It's the sense of reward than keeps humans longing for more :D



1. Repetition
2. Rewards
3. Easy at first, hard over time
4. Soothing, limitless and accessible

What is everyone's pick for their most addictive game?  Has any game made you addicted to a unhealthy point and do you love Tetris?  I love Tetris because it's so simple but yet so compelx too.  It warps the human mind. 

Hello everyone :D

This might come off a little like a rant and I don't mean to come off mad or overly critical but Today I picked up a game I have been longing to play since it came out and was very excited about.  A game that in every single way borders on perfection in reimagining a childhood staple for me.  A reinvision of a childhood game I have loved and played since I was a kid. So I hold it near and dear to my heart. 

And that game is Pokemon Let's go Pikachu which is a reimagining of a top 10 favorite game of all time for me, Pokemon Yellow version. :)

The game's visuals are so incredible, the game is borderline orchestral with it's music and presentation. I smiled so wide when I seen pikachu I almost cried  :D.  it has the ambiance only a Pokemon game can have. The pikachu is so customizable and adorable.  It has all the right ideas, in the all the right places like Pokemon that are just out in the open so you don't have to battle pokemon you already have unless you want to. It's a true blast.  I ever like the new catch system.  Except for one major game breaking flaw....

A 2 year old blind electric eel could beat it. 

Nintendo's difficulty issues (Have games gone soft?)

Now I know what you may be thinking.  "Pokemon games have always been easy".  And their is truth to that I know.  Sure most people who are fairly decent at RPG games would just breeze through one.  But while easy for a veteran they weren't flat out challengeless and to the point where they just gave you the win.  The old pokemon especially around the elite four stages could humble you if you weren't good and certainly would require some grinding and planning for your party.  Even as recent as sun and moon I felt like I did something when I beat it.  some trainers were genuinely hard for me. :).

To put in prespective how sadly easy Pokemon Let's go is.  I did a challenge for myself just to see if it was all over ridiculed as many on reddit were saying it was too easy to be enjoyed.

I heard all the rumors so I decided for myself.  I'm going to step into Pewter City Gym and beat Brock (Rock types) with a freaking lvl 9 pikachu (Weak to rock) and nothing else.

So I stroll on through just to find out the game FORCES you to go catch Brock's weakness and it won't even let you fight him without a grass or water type present. Bascially saying "Hey Brock..... You're screwed" lol. ;D.   So I go there with a level 3 oddish in my backup.

No potions, no going back to heal.  I beat both trainers before him and Brock with a lvl 9 pikachu using double kick.  One shottted a LVL 12 onix with a leach seed from a lvl 3 Odish after almost killing it with a potionless half dead pikachu and completely obliterated him.  It was truly a sad display and I felt no joy from doing it.  I didn't feel that pulse in your neck you get when you are neck and neck on life bars with a boss about to die and triumphently win.  I just felt like I threw out the trash or put a fork in the sink.  Their was no resistance.   And that is simply where it has gone too far.  And it hit me that games are just way too easy and I doubt I can enjoy many of them the way they should be enjoyed unless I was 5. 

This isn't the only game for Switch of recent especially from Nintendo who appears to be allergic to a challenge slider or a difficulty setting in their games that is just a tad too easy imo.  Mario Odyssey was also too easy for me.  As great as it was. It was in desperate need of a Challenge slider or a hard mode imo.  Anyone skilled at platformers could beat Mario Odyssey without dying.  All bosses were a breeze.  Some stars were literally given and even the darker side of the moon levels were about the hard we needed pre boss.   Another game franchise deemed to be easy but never on such a level of easiness imo.  Mario 64 was fairly hard, Sunshine's floaty block thingy levels were a nightmare and super mario world had it's moments especially when it was our first try :)

The old days :)

Many of us won't ever forget being the little kid with the gameboy in hand and the uphoria of moving up the ranks with their pikachu.  The bond you got with your pokemon from experiences trials with them was awesome and watching them grow.  It's the very feeling that we earned through learning the ropes. And the fun it was to actually win and not get the gift of winning free.  Having to build the perfect party to beat a tougher opponet. You couldn't just wander up to brock and whoop him with a Pikachu of any lvl even up to 20 he'd probably still win.  Because Rock Types were imprevious to Electric attacks and quick attack or tackle hardly hurt him.  You had to grind out a pidgey or a rattata to become strong as him and even then it was a good little altercation.  Especially for a first boss.  It was only easy with a squirtle.  And back then it made beating brock something a kid could be proud of.  And share.  and remember for the rest of his life.  Being resourceful and winning instead of just getting it handed to him. 

I really do miss the days when your hands would sweat and you'd feel your pulse rising as you intricatly dodged obstacles with your friends watching in awe as you did something that took SKILL and not just something a 4 year old gorilla could do.  You died many times, you lost, you failed and you learned to overcome.  And that was the best feeling of all.  Even the easiest of games (Kirby's Adventure) would require some skill. 

Difficutly Settings

I know I may be the minority on this idea and it's not always easy to impliment in some games.  But almost all good games of today aside from the likes of Nintendo seem to have the universal fix to this problem.  The tried and true difficulty setting. 

With the difficulty setting you can have an option for everyone of every skill set.  A challenge for even the toughest of gamers and a casual experience for children.   It's so essential imo to have one.  I think it makes games a little worst if they don't at this point in gaming evolution.  It's 2019. We need a difficulty setting.

Nintendo Underestimating Children?

My reasoning is that Nintendo knows these are kids games and want's to baby proof the player base by making it so easy.  But I think they understimate just how good at games kids are.  I have been whooped in smash by enough kids to know lol.   They don't need hand me outs, they need challenge to grow and learn to love games as we all have. 

I want to petition Nintendo to make their games harder or include a difficulty setting from now on :)

Games they got right were the new donkey kong and Mario Bros. U.  they had the right amount of challenge and were fun :D.

Does anyone feel like the games have gotten too easy too?

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