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Topics - marvelvscapcom2

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Today is a sad sad day everyone :(

I haven't found many game companies to have ever putten me on a roller coaster of emotions with sheer brilliant story telling the way telltale has continuously done.  The final season of the walking dead is not even halfway released but the first episode leaves so much of what could have been.  I have grown to love many of the characters. And part of the story has honestly shaped me as a person. I feel interlaced with the company and have been a huge supporter since their inception.  This day I never thought would come and i'm honestly not handeling it as well as i'd assume I would with any game dev.   I just can't imagine.   It sure was a ride  :'(

The fate of tfs is still unknown but it would really hurt not to see the final ending the game series deserves. I'm not sure if 3 and 4 episodes are still in beta phase but I really hope they can still release it as I have already pre paid.

Today I mourn and I cry. 

I have a decent idea as to why they went under.  Awful marketing, terrible business practices (Like giving your game out for free multiple times) the game being priced at 20 dollars makes it less lucrative than the 60 USD games of course.  And they really must have paid out the wazzoo in licensing these big names. 

What game company that went defunct hurt you the most in your life?   Weather old or new?

Hello everyone :)

Although having romantic feeling or thinking a game character is attractive is looked at as geeky, we are among geeks and I think most people I have talked to have found a video game character to be beautiful/hot and had crushes on different characters growing up or even as adults.  :)   The cosplay world and the fan fictions reflect this too.

Some characters just have a subtle infectious personality that may correlate with a romance preference you have.  The type of person you'd probably fall for if they were real.  And some are just kinda made with the intent to be attractive weather it be over zealous body parts by the Dev  ;D

As a whole their have been plenty of game characters I thought were very attractive and some I have had crushes on.  Here is a list of 5 of my biggest video game Crushes.   The most fresh in my mind anyway.  Although I feel like i'm leaving someone out.

Lara Croft (Post Definitive Edition)

Lara has kinda always been considered an iconic attractive girl in video game culture, but really pre modern console age I disagreed.  But modern day Lara is unique. Personality wise she is witty, sharp, brave and most of all kind.  She's also beautiful.  And I also think British/English accents are cute.  :)

Dawn (Pokemon)

BOTW Princess Zelda

BOTW Princess Zelda is beautiful imo and her character development and back story helps a lot with making her interesting more so than the brunette version imo. 

Elanor (Walking Dead)

If you played the game you probably hate her but I always shipped her with Javier.  She was a nurse in a zombie apocolypse and was really nice.

Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)

Which video game characters did you have a crush on or just thought were very attractive?  :)

General / Video game name frustration. (Rant)
« on: September 14, 2018, 05:08:57 pm »
Hello everyone :)

One thing that has struck me about games lately is that developers seem to have this unexplained amnesia. I think I may have touched on this before but not In some time and not in depth but lately it's just impossible to ignore.  I wanted to see if anyone else ever wondered about this phenomenon and why it occurs and has been annoyed by trying to categorize or figure the mess out weather conversing about games or collecting them in general.

Here is a pretty large culprit of many things but naming their games is yet another fumble from EA as a whole.

Need for speed most wanted 2012 2005

Why god. The OCD gods poke us with their flaming rods.  We beg for the answers as to why.  We cry and we beg.  How did this blunder get past Quality Control,  PR, the executives, the board rooms?  Their was already a Need for Speed most wanted just 7 years prior.  Would it have killed them to put a 2?  Just one 2, it's all we ask.  Nobody cares if devs changed.  Devs change all the time.  It's still the second one of that namesake. Would it have sunken the whole ship?   I thought this was the only instance i'd be seeing once every so often.  I passed it off as an annoying mishap.  It's just an anomaly.   

I was so, so wrong :(.   

First you go 25 years naming your games based on the year of the season in which it comes out.  Now and only now you decide to name the game after how many years the franchise has been out? Although during Madden 09 you didn't name it Madden 20? So what happens when the year 2025 comes and Madden comes out?  Exactly,  2 madden 25s.  It chronilogically ruins a shelf.  It makes absolutely zero sense. 25 is well after 19 although 19 is the newest one.  Why EA.  why can't you just put 25th anniversary on the package like everyone else does.  :(    How much bugar sugar does it require to just pass this off as a good idea?


I do love the PS1 version, sadly now when you mention spiderman, people will just poke their heads out yelling how great the new one is and everyone will be talking about PS4 edition this, and red ps4 that and the old one might as well never have been made.

Xbox (one?)

Xbox 360????

Xbox...... ONE!!!

Sony has the right idea. PS1,PS2,PS3, PS4.  Even their controller has stood mostly the same in shape and format.  If something is broke don't fix it.  You know it's most likely going to be the PS5.  Not the playstation iguana,  the playstation virgo project and then you get the thing and it's called the PS2 but PS2 already exists they say but PS2 has 2 fans in it so it had to be the PS2.   But it's the PS5.    My mind is melting.  I care about you Lindsay Lohan, I care about your well being. 

Their are companies that get it right for the most part, One I notice consistently having somewhat common sense with their names is Square.  It's not final fantasy,  it's final fantasy X, or X-2 or XII. Final Fantasy Chronicles.  Tomb Raider Definitive Edition.  Not just tomb raider.  Rise of the tomb raider,  Shadow of the tomb raider.  Whoever looks things over at Square clearly is awake lol

Nintendo also for the most part fits this narrative.  Zelda BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2,  Pokken Tournament DX even though it's almost the same game.  Pikmin 1, 2, 3.   They released a game called Yoshi but have now changed it to Yoshi's crafted world.   Someone at PR probably realized, wow, we have a Yoshi already for NES.  Maybe we can be creative.

Does anyone else wonder why this happens so much especially in this current gen of games.  Why have companies started to just laze out on the names.  Or even just copy names from old games.  It truly ruins shelfing certain franchises of games in a collection.  If you go chronilogically you'd have Madden 13,25,15?   What does one do if he wants to talk to his friend about how amazing god of war is. 

I love god of war man, it's such an epic game.   "Yeah dude, It looks pretty epic in 4k"   Really how'd you get your PS2 to run 4k, that's cool man.   "PS2?"   Yes,  OG old school god of war.  Not god of war 4.   God of war 4 is god of war 4.  It should have been called god of war 4.  It would have sold even more units had it been called 4 for the fact of being called 4.  I feel like naming my first born child Godda Warr IV.   

Does anyone else find this an annoying trend?  Thanks for sharing :)

General / Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« on: August 25, 2018, 04:11:49 am »
One of my favorite developers of all time is Telltale games :).  Truly a golden grail company that almost never disappoints me.   Each and ever unraveling plot line they muster is pure story telling gold.  It's like they are androids who function on a different brain wave length than our brains can muster how they just pump out emotional rollercoaster story after emotional rollercoaster story.  For iconic franchises and adaptations. And this year is season 4 and final season of the walking dead tell tale game series.  And no other game series ever has ever put me through such a tornado of emotions and gotten me so invested.  :( 

At this point Clementine means something to me, not just a character but an actual tangible influence in my life and really although a virtual entity, someone I care for if that makes sense.  It sounds like exaggeration games be so powerful sometimes.  From the first season you show her how to use a gun and she's 8,  from ups and downs she's been through with Lee so much and see at least 4 dozen people die but now she's 17 and it's crazy to see it all come full circle.    Not one season of the series has not made me cry, laugh, get angry all in one.   Just toying with your emotions and keeping you happy along the ride.

The character development of TT games is so awesome imo.  I love how your decisions deeply effect the plot.  Sometimes they come back to haunt you.   I love how they added collectibles in the new one too :D.

I loved wolf among us,  I loved the Minecraft stories mostly,  I adored the tales from the borderlands game.  And especially the holy grail walking dead series. 

Some people don't like them.  I think most won't if they come in wanting a video game that's demanding, and video game like.  I tend to consider them more interactive movies that you write the plot in and once you come at them with that perspective and want to enjoy the story line.  The very storyline you shape with every decision in the dialogue is pretty marvelous and fun.   But I can see why many might not like.  The gameplay is of course simple.

Do you like Telltale games or point and click story games as a whole or do you think they are bad? 


I like Fiji water because it comes from the fiji islands.  I imagine ukalelee playing island people and happiness when I drink it.  It has notes of cirtus and smells like it came from the islands. 

Some people love a certain brand of water, like i'm a dasani guy or something and some people don't care what brand and think it's all the same like my guardian.  My guardian thinks it all comes from the tap.  The government puts different labels.  Secret society to triple profits funding the political alt left machine.  Which side are you on?  Are you a water brand fanboy or are you just drink whatever water is in the vending machine at the time.   Like if someone had options would you not care or do you have a favorite?

For a few years I became a water connoisseur if you will and was trying to differentiate different notes of the waters.

One time I bought very expensive water that fizzed.  It tasted like Rhino urine. Then I gave up because the pricey waters are gross and the best waters are the store ones :).

Which water is your favorite or do you not care? 

Modern Video Games / Is Pre-Ordering games a gimmick? Do you preorder?
« on: August 01, 2018, 07:30:18 pm »
Hello Everyone :)

Before I dive in, I do want to exclude games that are limited editions, and companies like Limited Run Games or very rare numbered box sets, obscure devs,  niche JRPGs and stuff like that because without preordering those games sell out very fast and you won't get one.  That's kinda what pre ordering started as with titles with huge demand but not quite enough supply so collectors could get one by buying early and not have to worry. :)

What i'm referring to is more like games with plenty of supply, certainly not going to sell out, (best example being) the poor saps who preordered no man's sky.  And I know their may be a few in here who put their hard earned money into a company to preorder a promise or an idea.  False promises were made, a game undelivered but they still raked in massive amounts of money because of the pre order trap.

Is it bad in general to hand over money to any game company for an item that is unproven, something that doesn't exist yet, enabling them to half rump it due to already making millions off a sold promise?  Does this make game companies complacent? Or does it further drive them to make better content or fund them to do last second tweaks as well?

I preorder quite a bit, I love the feeling of having the game accounted for and it gives me a sense of ease because it feels good paying something off and already knowing It's out of the way. It's become a yearly thing for me to preroder all the games after E3 that I like,  But more and more lately they have been giving less and less preorder insentives.  And games that I want, even without preorder I can get on launch easily. I kinda wonder if their is a point to preorder a popular game as it will be given anyway. 

I know they give your preorder amount back if you ask but usually by the time you find out the game is bad or the consensus comes out it's already 1-2 days after launch like No Man's Sky and you would have already picked it up out of sheer curiosity.  Sometimes at midnight or morning of before anyone would have known.   

Do you think preordering is a good or bad thing as a whole for how most people use it with common blockbuster games? Is it good for companies to get money early.  It seems similar to a kickstarter, in the sense of putting money into a idea and having faith it will be awesome.  Do you preorder often with common games or just pick up games when they release and wait for reviews? 

I only preorder from companies with stellar track records now and franchises i already love that haven't failed me.  Like Nintendo games like Smash or a Last of Us 2.   :)       But something i'm on the fence about i'll wait because No Man's Sky has scared me. 

Thanks for sharing  ;D.

Classic Video Games / Which version of Mario do you like best?
« on: July 30, 2018, 10:05:51 pm »
Hello everyone :D

A few weeks ago, I asked everyone who their favorite version of Link was, throughout all of his epic adventures he overcame so many visual changes and their were so many different design choices and options to love. :)

But now, I wanted to dive into a character who may have even more phases and creativity, from power changes, style overhauls, accessory options and just overall look swaps.  Our beloved plumber has changed quite a bit in his endeavors from the 8 bit screen to the glorious HD TVs of today.  :).    3+ decades of innovation behind him,  let's take a look back at some of his most iconic looks.   

Donkey Kong Mario (1981)

First up we have Mario in all his ape abusing glory from vintage nostalgic times :).  Very simplistic, very iconic sprite.

Mario Game and Watch Mario (1986)

One of the lesser appreciated Mario appearances was his first leap into the handheld world, with the game and watch dedicated consoles :).   Consisting of just black and white cells that make up simplistic animation.  This Mario looks almost like a pre beta sketch for some design for games to come.  Very neat looking :D.

8 Bit Mario (1985)

Probably the most iconic Mario, residing in a special compartment of each and every gamer's heart :).  We all recall the first time this mustache'd hero ran across our tube televisions for the very first time.  For many he was the spark of it all, the lightning in a bottle, the radiating bug light that attracted us into gaming.  Such a timeless simplistic design :).   

8 Bit Mario Fire Version (1985

Super Mario Bros 2 Mario

Of the 3 NES Installments (Excluding lost levels) Mario has overgone 3 look changes already.  2 being one of the more bizarre Mario games of all time, a complete clone of Doki Doki Panic but with sprite changes. :).

Super Mario Bros 3 Mario

Mario Bros 3 Raccoon Suit Mario

Super Mario World Mario (1990)

Super Mario World Cape Mario

Marios leap into 16 bit, one of the most beloved entires of all time, featuring the likes of amazing new outfits, pixel resolution and of course the epic cape. :)

Super Mario RPG Mario

Super Mario 64 3D Mario (1996)

Mario's first jump into the 3D world, one of the most innovative moments in gaming history, a true leader for all other 3D platformers to follow in it's lead.  :)

Mario Sunshine Backpack thingy

One of my favorite iterations of Mario, with his backpack water spraying thingy majig :).  The hydro aquatic blast washing away the pain of yesterday and all the evil doings of Bowser and his son.  Really disrespectful on a new low, even for Bowser how they desecrated the world of the tropical islanders.  Tax Payers have to fund the clean up.  Just no care. 

Super Paper Mario

Such a unique Mario, where he is a two dimension surface in a amazing tumultuous JRPG adventure, looking hand drawn on Paper hence Paper Mario.  One of my faves :).

New Super Mario Bros. Wii/Wii U Mario/

After all graphical restraints are lifted, and after over 30 years of tweaks and entries,  this is the Modern Mario we have all grown acustomed to.  Making his mark in Icons like Mario Galaxy, Mario Wii, Wii U and even Odyssey.  The appearance hasn't changed in quite some time aside from outfits.  Good old blue overalls and the red outfit which has become a staple of the character.

Super Mario Maker Mario

Mario Odyssey Cappy Mario

The latest Entry in Mario's long line of legendary blockbuster games comes a very unique ability, with Cappy which transforms Mario into enemies stealing their power Kirby style.  Kirby has since filed a sieze and desist order claiming Mario stole his idea, the same seize and desist order he filed against Ditto.  But seems to be to no avail as all characters are owned by Nintendo and their are job interferences with the court proceedings. :).


Mario Paint Mario

Metal Mario

Baby Mario

Bee Mario

Mario Kart Mario

Evil Mario (Mario Sunshine)

Super Mario Land GB Mario


CDI Mario

The Super Mario Bros Movie Mario

Through all the years, Mario has always been a beloved hero in the world of gaming.  Of all his changes and moments throughout the ascension from childhood to adult, generation to generation and all the ups and downs,  which look do you think was the peak of his excellence?  :)

My top favorites style and art concept wise are 16 bit Mario from Super Mario World,  Paper Mario and Sunshine Mario with the water jet pack :D

Hello everyone :D

I usually don't want to be the one who complains about these types of things or try to be a negative nancy or an SJW but I just wanted to see what everyone else thinks or if they felt the same way about the topic as many gamers have brought this up, especially with Mario Maker. :).   

It first happened with Super Mario Maker which was the first I remember but someone may recall another time too, which seemed to be the guinea pig.  I remember seeing SMM was releasing on 9/11 when I preordered and thinking to myself that it was kinda distasteful of Nintendo to set the release date for Japan for the 10th but made sure to put the USA version on the 11th and not at the very least the 12th.   But then they explained it was because of their anniversay celebration, and they wanted to make it as close to the 13th, and on a friday ect..   :)

But now NBA 2K19 (Mostly American Devs) and the digital version of Shadow of the Tomb Raider Deluxe both huge titles set to release on a day of mourning where the nation tries to remember in sorrow what had happened not so long ago.

Their is much more to gain to avoid the narrative i'd assume with just 1 more day wait.  And although it doesn't bother me, I can't imagine why they would do it from a business standpoint.  Not only is it a sensitive day but also sales would be a tad worst as many people might be doing cookouts in rememberance.  Why not the 12th or the 10th?  It's just a sad day in general imo. Why choose the nations most sensitive and mourned day?   

Do you think it's a marketing decision? I couldn't imagine sales would be lucrative as they would on any another day.  I don't think it could be a ignorance thing as 9/11 is pretty well known.    If it were a JP exclsuive or UK release, it'd make sense because the date has no suggnificance in the culture, but I kinda wonder how the marketing team avoided the elephant in the room. 

I guess one could paint it in the light of they are trying to make a sad day into a happy one by giving the gift of bonding and gaming. :).

How do you feel about the topic?  One of my friends pointed it out to me and I just thought of it when I seen the NBA release date in Xbox store.  When you bought Mario Maker in 2015, did you feel a sense of distain or think about it at all?  Do you think it's distasteful or just a release day?   Thanks for sharing :)

Modern Video Games / Gameinformer's E3 Report Card
« on: July 22, 2018, 11:55:07 am »
Hello everyone :D

A few issues back we discussed gameinformers "top 300 games of all time".  It was a wonderful laugh we all got  ;D  I don't recall many list being as strategically bad lol.  But it's fun to discuss and see what everyone feels about the topics.  :)   

I know during E3 a few users, I mostly remember bikingjahuty as one, were giving their report card grades for each company and we all listed off games we were excited for.  It made for amazing discussions, and I know E3 is a huge showing for the gaming world, And now GameInformer has done the very same.  :D.   

The good ol GI is back with their E3 rankings, report cards, most anticipated games and the sorts.  And I wanted to see if anyone agrees with the list.  I know it's very opinionated but I think it'll be neat to see who thinks they did good or bad.  :).

Game Informer's "Hot 50"

1. Cyberpunk 2077 
2. Spiderman
3. Last of Us
4. Smash Bros Ultimate
5. Ghost of Tsushima
6. Resident Evil 2
7. Anthem
8. Control
9. Assassin's Creed Mario Odyssey
10. Battlefield V
11. Kingdom Hearts III
12. Shadow Of Tomb
13. Ori and Whispering Woods
14. Rage 2
15. Dreams
16. Generation Zero
17. Seikiro Shadows Die Twice
18. COD Black Ops 4
19. Days Gone
20.  Octopath traveler
21. Dying Light 2
22.  Just Cause 4
23. The Division 2
24. Forza Horizon 4
25. Mega Man 11

See this wouldn't be so bad because everyone has their own games they are excited for and the editors wanted these games most.  :)   I love hearing different tastes and what makes the games special to them. But it's the veil they always mask their hyper opinionated lists in, the blurb of "This was made from the gaming community buzz, and what people were saying"  Which then makes it no longer an opinion but something they are trying to pass as fact. As if we said it.  Why can't they just say "GI's Hot 50" instead of just "Hot 50".   I wish more companies would stand by their lists without adding into it that they factor us into it.  They really don't lol.

So more people in the community are buzzing for Anthem and Control over Kingdom Hearts III?  A game people have waited almost 2 decades for.  Half of which growing into adult hood in the time it's taken for the next installment.  The cultural phenomneon of Kingdom Hearts...  Yet one of the most disliked game trailers of all time (Battlefield V) and a game I bet most casuals haven't heard of are generating more Buzz in GI's opinion.  Ok then....  :).   

I don't think i'd give Cyberpunk a top spot for Buzz even though I know it did buzz quite a bit, It's exciting because the publisher is Witcher III's publisher and has amazing track record.  I think i'd still have to give that spot to Last of Us 2.  Spiderman is awesome and all too but is it really the big sony exclusive? I still envision Spiderman having a curfew set on it by Last of Us and Last of Us telling it to be safe and wear a jacket as Last of Us being it's Dad and is the big sony exclusive. :D.   

Game Informer's Company Report Card

Microsoft- B
Sony- B+
Nintendo C

They were pretty quick to the point on this one lol.  Not much diving into companies or things of the sort, just 3 consoles, 3 ratings.  I kinda liked that aspect.  I liked how short and sweet the report cards were.  And although I don't agree with the rankings per say, I don't think they are botched or biased either.  I think it's a general consesus that Nintendo didn't do as good as the other 2 in E3 presentations.   :).   

What do you think of gameinformer's hot 50 list, and E3 report card?  Did they nail it?  Or did they drop the ball?  What would you choose as the most buzzing games in the community?   Thanks for sharing.   :)

Hello everyone :D

 I noticed something pretty subtle that not many people think about and wanted to touch on it with everyone to see what everyone thinks about the topic :).   It seems their are two very different types of people.  Some who let a less skilled opponet win and some who try to humble them by whooping them lol.   This happens with everything and not just gaming and it's a sort of moral dhilhema.   Although I put kid which is the most common occurance, I more so mean anyone who is not as good at the game as you by a large margain like a non gamer girlfriend who doesn't play much or a old man who never played.  And wanted to know how you'd handle facing them :).     

One time at my brother's house we were playing Marvel vs Capcom 3 ultimate, and we were getting into some heated matches.  It was a epic fun night of tournament style pass the controller if you lose fun. :).    But then my brother's friend's daughter who is about 6 wanted to play,  so they gave up their controller and had her play against me. 

I let her win without giving it much thought, because I didn't want to beat her or make her sad. :)  I guess that's the decision I usually make.  But it surprised me that many people do the opposite, and i've seen it in arcades especially when I was a little kid.  I was wondering if I was doing the right thing by letting her win without earning it.   But then realized it wasn't so important.   

I remembered when I was a kid,  my dad and older brothers would beat the living crap out of me in games,  especially madden until I got good enough to beat them at them.  I bet many of you also have older brother stories of older brothers being epic at games.  Which all and all made us more passionate and just better at games and also at accepting defeat. Which is a good trait to teach kids.  It was fun times growing up the ranks to finally beat your brother in a game. 

I also want to add that I'm not saying all lil kids are helpless or bad at games, I have a 10 year old nephew who completely whoops me at Star Wars battlefront  ;D.   He's more braggy with his challenges, and says he'll whoop you and stuff.  So when we play COD I have less regrets of trying hard and beating him because I know he's very good at games.  I'm more so referring to people who are obviously very new to games in general.

Which type would you be in the scenerio of facing a kid or maybe a old man who's never played?  ;D  Would you hadooken them into oblivion or do you let them win to make them happy?  :D   

Classic Video Games / Which version of Link do you like best?
« on: July 14, 2018, 04:43:49 am »
Hello everyone :D

Over the decades, Not many characters have gone through as many visual overhauls as our favorite beloved hero Link.  From his inception up until his most recent endeavors he has changed outfits, age, hairstyles, bit patterns based on console graphical restraints and weapon changes.  :)

Over the course of all the console gens and some of his biggest blockbuster outings.  Which look do you think was best for link?  And which sillouette do you think is the most iconic or just your personal favorite? 

8 BIT Link (1986)

First up we have the iconic NES classic in all of his 8 bit glory.  When he graced our screens as children we all marveled in the epicness of one of the first sightings of our sword weilding companion.  Not many gaming visuals can be as culturally recognizable as 8 bit OG link.  :D

Adventures of Link... Link  (1987)

It didn't take long for Nintendo to fully overhaul Links apperance, changing his entire look even on the same 8 bit console just 1 year later :).  Certainly the most compelling or odd Link but a very loved one as well. 

Link to the Past Link (1991)

The Jump to the fresh Genesis slaying hardware, all the kids reveling in the amazingness of Link's new adventure cementing him in one of the greatest games of all time.  A game that transcends time forever.   And a amazing and very much so different design for Link. 

Orcarina of Time  Young Link  (1998)

Orcarina of Time  Adult Link (1998)

The first dive into 3D for Link :),  the N64 being a catalyst for the adventerous fun that awaits with such open worlds and being one of the most revolutionary moments for the transencsion of gaming to what it is today.    2 Links were introduced in the story line, A young one and a teenage adult one.   Both become super huge staples and made it to Nintendo grand stage of Super Smash Bros. as well.

Toon Link  (2002)

One thing very epic about Nintendo is that they are not scared of changing it up with their icons, and this was such a way out in left field art concept but is by far my favorite ever :).  I love the cartoon artistry of WindWaker and the game was so beautiful and animated perfectly that it is a game that will forever look amazing even after remasters and over 15 years :D.    Toon link also covers phantom hour glass and a few other entries as he seems to look the same.  I could be wrong though :).

Twilight Princess Link (2006)

Not much different from Adult OOT Link but certainly changes were made especially with graphical improvements and slight darker color in garb :)

Skyward Sword Link (2011)

The changes become more subtle through the GameCube to Wii Generations but they're are some changes in clothing :).   

Breath of the Wild Link (2017)

Over 30 years of culmination, graphical advancements, design choices, changes and passionate creators, and Miyamotos god like vision have all peaked with the latest entry of link's adventures.  For some reason Nintendo decided to change his iconic color from the universal green to blue.  The dawning of a new era.   I really think this Link looks incredible and the design concept is a mixture of windwaker and TP the way the shading and cell structure of the game is :).   Such an epic version of Link.

Honorable Mentions

Four Swords Adventures Links

Oracle of Ages/Seasons Link

Dishonorable Mentions

CDI Link

Which Link is your all time favorite of all?  What changes do you see Nintendo making to him in the distant future?   Has link gotten cooler or worst in your opinion over time?

Hope everyone has a good weekend :)   

Hello everyone :D.   Today we have another clash off between two hypothetical games begging for your pre order slip at the local best buy. But only one can get your deposit. Two aspiring games that beg for that spot on your shelf and to be loved.   :)

Chīzukēki no sekkusu(Cheese, cake, Love)

Cheesecake!  The desert duo we all know and love, so suculent, so much chemistry.  Like a symphony of a thousand soft spoken poems whispered into the ear of a angel, but the complex struggles of sexual tensions between cheese and cake formed into a hentai romance exchange that left both dejected but longing for more.  Play as cake, a diva girl whom's heart is captured by the rustic simplicity of something so much so beneath her beauty.  Cheese with the humble upbringings of working for povershed families,  but with the charm to have won over her from her frosting to her center.   

During their sexual affair,  cheese melted,  and Cake is afraid of the perverted truth that lies within.  Pregnant with twin cheese cakes,  she hides the truth from her violent abusive step father pie who wants nothing more than to see her become a wedding cake even though she's so much more happy with being a birthday cake.   There to make children smile but the damning demands placed on her head make her crack,  with a bottle of codene cough syrup,  Cake sits in a dark room, rain trickling against the paneled glass of her 3 bed room and contemplates killing herself.  Poisoning her cakey layers and dooming herself to being thrown in the trash.   But just as she plans to the tapping on the door shifts her attention,  and it's cheese. 

 "I know what your family thinks of me, and I know a cake and cheese don't belong.  But who's society to say what belongs?  Did Pepperoni and Cheese belong together until it happened?  Did crackers and cheese belong?  I could die without you but i'd die living a thousand lies.  I don't care what people think,  and I don't care what people say.  Because all that matters to me is your beauitiful velvety icing, and your glistening strawberries.  Your candle glows through a thousand thunder storms that lie in my heart and you are the match to my kindle to guide me through the rain.  I'm not a cheese for a pizza.... i'm not a cheese for a burger... i'm a cheese for a cake.....   Cake..........  "Will you marry me?".     Cake with tears rolling down her icing agrees and informs cheese that she's pregnant with twins. 

 They both hug and cry.   Fearless of the social norms, and fearless of what is expected of them by intolerant naysayers.  Fearless the face the world lonesome.  Just cake and cheese forever. The secret becomes as heavy as a thousand boulders for cake to handle,  Cake's family would reject her if they ever found she had been sexual with cheese or ever agreed to be beyond work partners.   So as Cake you must confront your father,  and slay anyone in the fridgerator who dares to hate upon you with a katana blade with eternal love.   Because although cheese is simple, cheap,  and you are elegant, and royal he truly loves you and for beyond your pretty exterior and that's more you can say for any other food. 


The game plays like a tell tale games, where you imput dialogue to tell the step father off and such and anime style arcade fighter cut scenes are a epic flair on the unique formula :D

Jason and Michael Myers Disturbing the Peace Simulator 2018

Next up we have Jason and Michael Myers DTPS 2018 :).    Play as beloved local hero and part time alcoholic deputy Hendricks as you get a noise complaint due to the fact mass murdering serial killers Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees have been playing loud hip hop music and are partying with local Pirus gang members in Watts California while drinking "dirty sprite" and have told passing cars quote "That thing go rah rah rah p****".   

Their is also suspicion that Michael Myers was seen with underage scantily clad females in a jucuzi smoking satan's cabbage but the claims are from a frequent caller named Martha Stephenson who lives down the street, who has already called police on various minor offenses and has lost credibility in terms of seriousness of her claims.

As a deputy on the beat, you have to partake in the role of politely informing masked serial murder Michael Myers that the music is bothersome to the neighbors and give him a stern warning while leaving with the famous cop quote of "be safe" upon your exit.  While also checking on the rumors of minors getting intoxicated or influenced by drugs which even if proven to be legitamate you will wink and leave without troubling anyone due to the fact you love Michael Myers and he's a machette weilding badass.   

"Better than Final Fantasy VII" - IGN 


Which game would you put your 5 dollar deposit on? :D

Off Topic / Squidward (The story of a tortured soul)
« on: July 12, 2018, 05:22:39 pm »
Deep under the waves of the pacific ocean lies the darkest tale ever told, the tale of the misunderstood Cephalapod whoms life is a punchline for the joke that is modern America.  A artist trapped in his own drawings. Each and every morning prying himself from his bed, wiping the crust from his eyes, punching his time card and putting in his 9-5 throughout dealing with the incessant shananigans of a ornate, eccentric, borderline facetiously foolish pineapple dwelling sea sponge. 

He does it all while living entrapped in his own self loathing.   His brother Squilliam being the renouned figure he always dreamed of being. Chasing the ghost of stardom.  With each clarinet toot his soul is entrapped in the form of a musical sound wave.   He's a personification of modern man,  happiness surrounds him, and everyone only caring for themselves, their own spongey ways of chasing the emperor jelly fish, but when it stings, you are the one holding the bag, forced to find what you've always lost while you wither, fester,  and become an entrapped slave to the figure you wish to become but never can.  Longing for nothing more than the fame, the flashing lights,  the eye blinding glow of artificial love.  So instead of continuing the individuality of being a artist,  a intellectual,  a Van Gough or a Mozart.  You become another sheep in the line,  stamped for the veal package,  punching your time card, working for the man.  Working for the machine.   Sweat, tears, and blood dripping down the canvas of your pathetic painting that is your life until you die of some sort of disease from eating junk foods to cope with the pain. 

All the time in Bikini bottom is spent making a mockery of Squidward, he really gets a rough hand of cards dealt to him and he stands up straight, puts on his work shirt and shows the Youth how to be brave upstanding adult regardless of the madness of being in a cartoon for children.  I'd furthermore vote him into office if Squidward were to run. 

Look closely at this gif,  as it sums up Squidward and the modern free world in one frame of thought.  Madness, pandimonium,  excitement and fun,   but in reality the blank stare encompasses his face, the blank stare of the darkness that lies underneath as he is a slave, a puppet,  a figure for amusement,  an artifical alien trapped in a odd virtual reality matrix for children to laugh at.   Where has he gone? When will he return and why is he here?   

Spongebob as a cartoon is a direct visual representation of modern man.  Spongebob could very well be your neighbor,  and think of your job and your life,   are you a Mr. Krabs?  A boss man?  Making the money off the sweat of the misfortunate but in yourself being a shell of your former glory?    Are you a patrick?  Dumb, taken advantage of by those you were most loyal to,  naive in your ways but honest to the core?   

We all have encountered a plankton in our lives, all have had a spongebob to annoy us or a Mr. Krabs boss to hate.   That's why spongebob is so glorious.   It's each and every one of us.   The artists are meticulous gods beyond our realm as they made a cartoon buffoonery of our very existance.  It's truly meta the way it was done.  You are squidward.   

Off Topic / Why would anybody buy a cactus? They are arrogant.
« on: July 05, 2018, 06:01:34 pm »
 I don't know why I wasted my money on the cactus. Why would anybody buy a cactus? Whats their to gain? They are quite arrogant, they spine you, they do it for no damn good reason too.  and they pay no rent.  :)

All the cactuses in my house. They are all high and mighty. And the self entitled attitude is another aspect I don't care for in cacti.  >:(

That's another problem with cacti,  why not cactuses?  The cacti thing sums up CACTUSES as a whole.  All of them.  So above it all. Quick to correct you and make you feel bad.  You're so uncouth to them and they really make it known.  I've always felt as a plant they thought they were better.  Can tell it with how they stare at ya.

My Cactus's great great grand cactus spined Napoleon Circa 1802 is what the cactus breeder told me.  Paid good money for it's lineage.  Pedigree cactus.  Starting to regret it. 

Do you own cacti?   What is your favorite part about them?   Why do you think humans pay money to have a spine wielding, spiked hazard in their abode?


Modern Video Games / Have you ever played Unravel?
« on: June 28, 2018, 09:00:42 pm »
Hello everyone :D

I just wanted to reccomend a game franchise I have become a avid fan of. It seems to be extremely underated for how consistently awesome it is.  It has a huge niche fanbase but in mainstream appeal I don't hear much mention of it but it really captivates you,  And if you love unique platforming games it's truly a must play :)

I played the 1st unravel about a year ago and adored the art concept and game as a whole.  You play Yarny, a red cat looking yarn creature that traverses amazingly beautiful utopias in a puzzle style platformer where you have to use problem solving to yarn swing through obstacles. It's very complex but simplistic at the same time.  The beautiful setting and settling music makes it a dream game for people who love to play and unwind.   

Just a few weeks ago the second one released, and now Yarny has a blue companion.  this game took everything perfect about the first and upped it to the next level.  Now you have blue friend in which you can intertwine with or tackle obstacles by alternating between them.  It's couch co-op but works just as brilliant solo by pressing Y or Triangle to alternate between Yarny and the blue friend.  You really have to think more about each obstacles puzzle and how to tackle it weather it be swinging or building yarn trampolines to traverse one creature into an area. 

If you love platformers and puzzle games,  The new one is only 20 USD in the Xbox Store and I assume that's it's MSRP in PS Store as well.  I don't believe they are connected story wise but i'm not sure.  I couldn't reccomend a game more.  It's truly a gorgeous concept with pretty deep plot and beautiful delivery :D.   A must try.

Have you ever played unravel?  Did you love it too?   :)

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