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Messages - Cartagia

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Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: June 03, 2024, 08:50:12 pm »
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb - Surprisingly emotional finale  to this trilogy. The most confidently made of the three, even if still has some cringe-worthy and juvenile moments.  Dan Stevens walks away with the movie, which should not be a shock.

General / Re: How Many Video Games Do You Think Exist Today?
« on: June 03, 2024, 07:10:45 am »
Good lord, folks are just selling ZIP files full of downloads one could go find for themselves. Yeah, those are not legal to be sold, but it's a cottage market so Nintendo most likely doesn't care too much (they probably will at some point) and other publishers less so.

I do not necessarily disagree with regards to how the major companies feel about it, but forum rules clearly state that advocating for illegal piracy is not allowed (Edit for clarification: specifically telling people where and how to obtain illegal ROMs).  Oldgamerz has received multiple warnings and been given opportunities to provide clarification or walk back statements that were in violation.  He decided to double down on it.

General / Re: How Many Video Games Do You Think Exist Today?
« on: June 02, 2024, 07:31:30 pm »
I am not trying to be rude but? what I have you can certainly purchase as well I purchased all those video games some of them from stream my collection contains every style and sports video game imaginable not bragging but why don't you guys start buying the same stuff I have from the site I told you about but the GM says is not a valid marketplace BUT IT IS, Just do research on ETSY.

Look at you copied and pasted from your search results.

Yes, Etsy is a legitimate online marketplace specializing in handmade and vintage products.

This does not contradict what I have told you in other posts:
As you have been told before - Etsy is not, in general, a valid marketplace for ROMs.  ROMs can only be distributed by the owner of the original game through approved marketplaces.

if Nintendo or SEGA is not getting their money I cannot control ANY of  that. :-\

Actually, you can.  By using approved marketplaces to purchase their games.

If you continue to suggest that people go to Etsy to purchase ROMs, without providing firm proof that the Etsy seller owns the rights to the games in question I will consider that advocation of piracy, which will result in another ban.

Please provide some links to these valid ETSY ROM shops.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: June 02, 2024, 03:09:24 pm »
Night at the Museum - The supporting cast is really what makes this work.  Robin Williams stealing every scene, Dick Van Dyke having a ball, Mickey Rooney just being absolutely feral.  Stiller and the story are just passable, even if it is a bit nonsensical.  Definitely worse family fare out there.

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - Definitely a weaker narrative than the first, but there's a lot less downtime, plus it's got Bill Hader and Amy Adams, so it's kind of a wash.

Modern Video Games / Re: May 30th Playstation State of Play
« on: May 30, 2024, 08:29:57 pm »
I feel like an outlier because I love my PS5.  It's the best PS4 on the market!

That said, yeah it was a pretty underwhelming presentation.  I do really like Astro Bot games, though.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 28, 2024, 08:57:42 pm »
Project X - It's a bit insufferable until the party starts, but once it gets going its fun enough and has a few decent laughs.

Bend of the River - A sturdy and well told Western with some anti-capitalist themes.

Anatomy of a Fall - This has some really incredible individual moments, and couple of great performances, but it feels like any one of dozens hard boiled or true crime series that have been saturating the market lately. I did walk away wondering how accurate of a portrayal of the French legal system is, because it felt a lot like Phoenix Wright at times.

Bernie - Not sure that this execution would have worked with any director other than Linklater.  His penchant for making things feel so natural really makes the talking head sections pop.

Babe: Pig in the City - A drastically different film than the previous, and utterly delightful, picture, which makes for a near fever-dreamlike experience. A George Miller picture through and through.  Must be seen to be believed.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: May 28, 2024, 04:44:25 pm »
Star Wars Jedi - Survivor is a better game than the first in almost every way.  It is still a little janky in a couple of places (mostly some collision detection and a couple of cutscene graphics), but it plays better, runs better, and has more fun exploration.  The main hub is great, but I kinda wish they either set everything around that area, or made at least one of the more story driven areas a bit bigger / more explorable.  It has way better, more varied, and more meaningful side activities, which was very welcome, since that was one of the bigger issues with the first game.

All that said, though, while the story has better individual plot elements it isn't paced super great, and the whole second act doesn't work for me narratively.  It rights itself immediately in the third act, and completely knocks that part of the story out of the park, but I spent a big chunk of the game thinking "Oh, this story kind of sucks."  I think if they had shortened the length of the second act and used that time to further flesh out the back end of the game it would be way better.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 25, 2024, 12:50:37 pm »
Hot Fuzz - One of those movies that just gets better every single time you watch it.  Whip smart script, insane editing.  Just incredible.

Beetlejuice - Gives you just enough world-building to serve the supernatural part of the plot, but not one iota more. The moment you ask a question not relevant to the plot ot falls apart, and that's why it's 100% perfect world-building.

Furiosa - It's no Fury Road, but what is?

Warhammer 40K: Galdius - Relics of War is currently free on Steam and GOG.  Good for at least another day or so.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: May 24, 2024, 07:19:58 am »
Saw that the Godzilla DLC was out for Dave the Diver and since I've been meaning to check it out, and I'm dying for any sort of Godzilla gaming thing at this point, and it was on sale, I figured it was a good time to jump into it.  Been kinda struggling to get myself involved in a game the past few weeks, I still really need to get back to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but nothing was hitting me. 

This game is great though.  Normally I'm not big on timers in games, I like to do what I want at my own pace, but this game being so casual about it makes it feel fine to deal with.  I wasn't even super interested in the other part of the game which is a sushi restaurant minigame experience, but that's enjoyable to.  It's involved enough to not feel boring, but not too complicated to put me off setting up menu's, hiring people, and the other smaller elements.  All of the characters are pretty fun too.  Also randomly, it makes me want to play Ecco the Dolphin.  I haven't played that since the 90's lol

I was wanting to get this because of the Godzilla DLC as well, but I wanted to wait for a deeper discount.  Well, apparently the Godzilla content is going to be time gated and not available after a period of time, so I'm probably going to get it this week.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 23, 2024, 07:25:23 am »
Mad Max: Fury Road - Absolutely insane motion picture.  There's really nothing else like it.

Finally finished 12 Monkeys.  It's a show that I enjoyed, but always put plot above character development.  It was constantly ping ponging character motivations to keep its convoluted story beats.  It reset itself so many times tgat you could skip entire chunks of seasons and not be lost because every "mystery" that had come up was pointless or rendered redundant by the next one.

John Mulaney's Everybody's in LA was an interesting experiment in live talk show broadcasting, and while it had some really great bits and guests throughout, it was a touch too chaotic overall, with each episode being overstuffed with 1 or 2 too many guests.  Each episode was themed, so I'd recommend checking out any one that might interest you, or has a guest you like, but there's not too much of a reason watch the whole thing.

Knuckles - There are a lot of really fun moments in this, and Idris Elba is surprisingly game for all the ridiculous crap they have him say, but there is no reason for this to be a 6-hour mini-series. If it were a 1.5 hour movie it would be all the better for it.

After 3.5 years of watching it off and on, I am finished with Murder, She Wrote.  I think they must have known the writing was on the wall, also season 12 feels a little more experimental than the last several, and seems to have fewer high profile guest stats.  Remarkably consistently through the three distinct eras (first 5 seasons, the bookend seasons, then the final 5 seasons) you could put on pretty much any episode and know exactly what to expect and have a fine time.

X-Men '97 - I think people have way too much nostalgia for how good the original is, but this is more along the lines of how people remember it rather than how it was.  It has updated and matured with the times, while still feeling like the original series.  There were several moments that I couldn't believe the show was willing to go that far.

Star Trek: Discovery died as it lived - squandering immense potential.   Gorgeous visuals, some decent characters, shallow writing.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 17, 2024, 08:18:06 pm »
Mad Max - It's a wildly impressive debut, especially for the budget, but it struggles to fill 90 minutes.

The Road Warrior - It's crazy how much better Fury Road is than this, considering this is already one of the best and most impressive action films ever made.

Mean Girls - I hadn't seen this since it came out, and while I liked it more this time (it's got a good script and generally strong performances) it still feels like it's missing something to put it on the level of the similarly themed and plotted Clueless.

Mad Max Beyond Thuderdome - Yeah, it's messy.  Yeah, it's filled with disgusting irritating children. Yeah, it's the worst of the franchise. Buuuut I still kinda like it.

Waterworld - It falls apart narratively under the tiniest bit of scrutiny, but it's just too impressive for me not too like it.

Honefront - This is a lot of fun.  It's got a great cast and a surprising number of violent squib-filled deaths. It gets a bit soggy in the middle which is what keeps it from being really great.

Star Wars Jedi - Survivor finally hit a price I liked for PS5

And there were a couple of too good to be true prices on Woot:

Paleo Pines for $5 and Double Dragon Gaiden for PS4.

Video Showcase / Re: Oldgamerz Community Links
« on: May 11, 2024, 05:59:02 pm »
Cartagia seems to be the only staff member that does not like the things I post the admin seems ok and so does ell the other staff members including the owner I just wanted to point this out to the community and I am sure everyone else has noticed too, I do not hate anyone including the GM.

I'm not speaking for just myself. I'm the one saying something because it is my role to be the one who says something.

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