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Messages - cirno

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Scalpers are greedy jerks, I'd say their easily the most despicable.  Fanboys and pc master race are pretty bad too..I don't really get the idea that if you play games a certain way EVERYONE ELSE should too

One type I've noticed is The Elitist. They'll throw around the term "True Gamer" even though such a thing doesn't really exist, will go on about how people who have a preference for casual games or anything else they don't like aren't "real gamers", and will take offense at people who they think don't qualify as gamers labelling themselves as such. Overall they seem to be convinced video games are a very serious lifestyle rather than just a hobby, and treat it like it's some sort of super secret club you have to earn entry to.

Modern Video Games / Re: non-violent fun kid games for the 3ds
« on: November 05, 2017, 01:12:40 am »
Both 3Ds Kirby games. The DS titles are pretty solid too
Super Mario 3D land if he hasn't gotten that already
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Yoshi's Wooly World
Donkey Kong Country 3D

Classic Video Games / Re: Anyone going for a complete set?
« on: October 24, 2017, 05:09:22 pm »
Nah. I prefer to buy games I like, not just for the sake of it

Besides I tend to lean towards nintendo consoles and the amount of shovelware i would have to buy is horrifying

I think it's a bit of an assumption to say people who don't have fancy computers aren't gamers

Not everyone has the money for that yknow

There's a lot of debates to be made at the whole digital vs physical sort of thing but I think at the end of the day, there's just no collecting appeal to digital games. It doesn't seem cool to have 2,000 or so digital games because you don't buy them to have them, you buy them to play them and once you're done with them they don't really matter anymore. It's always going to be more impressive to show someone a fancy box than it will be to show someone data on a computer

General / Re: Do you buy games you know you probably won't play?
« on: October 12, 2017, 11:59:05 am »
Maybe if there's a reason it has any value to me. A licensed game of something I like, a poor installment of a franchise I enjoy..I can buy games for pretty stupid reasons but there's gotta be a reason at least

General / Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« on: October 06, 2017, 04:49:05 am »
Indie games are made with less spectacularly graphics because something made with the quality of something of a gigantic budget isn't really what people want. Most people who happen to play indie games probably don't really care about the graphics since they're rarely an important selling point of pretty much any of them. It's kinda comparing apples to oranges; The way indie games and regular games are seen and the expectations towards them are always going to be different to an extent because they cater towards different people and different people play them.

Though if I had a problem with them it's the fact that they're relentless repetitive. Once you've played one "hard as nails platformer throwback with retro graphics!" you've played them all. For something that was originally praised for allowing innovation and all that it starts to become really anti creativity

I have a bad memory of throwing a tantrum in gamestop as a kid because I got practically nothing for my gamecube games, and then sold them anyway

It's just an overpriced gimmick. It's not going to take off since most people don't want to shell out a lot of money for something that'll be neat for about a week

General / Re: What do you think was the worst gaming fad of all time?
« on: October 04, 2017, 03:04:24 am »
Everyone is talking about motion controls being bad, wii sports etc are crap I won't disagree

Sure there are many crappy games with motion controls but I cannot name a single really good game wich has this issue on the wii. Why would you play shovelware in the first place It's a waste of time

If they were included it was suddle and usually fitted the games pretty well in my opinion.

Zelda, mario kart galaxy wario shake dimension wario smooth moves you name it. They were not always your standard games so I have to disagree on that one worked quite well to be fair.

Also many games could be played with a normal pro controller and those games didn't have any motion controls gimmicks included so it was only done for certain games.
They weren't really terrible but in the vast majority of games they weren't really used to add to the experience in any meaningful way or the game would've been slightly better without them. In Super Mario Galaxy for example, many of the sections where you actually have to extensively use motion controls, like the awkward ball rolling levels or the whole "grab this with a cursor" sections were usually considered the worst parts of the game.

Personally though I think my Wii experience would've been generally better if I didn't have to awkwardly use the wiimote like a mouse the whole time

General / Re: What do you think was the worst gaming fad of all time?
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:06:24 pm »
Yeah motion controls are a really blatant gimmick that rarely actually improve a game in any way, and they could outright ruin an experience if it doesn't offer any alternative control schemes. As much as I loved the wii there was a depressing amount of shovelware games that were practically unplayable because of the motion control gimmicks

I think the Dreamcast and Wii U tend to come up so much because they had pitifully small lifespans and libraries. Yeah there aren't that many terrible Wii U or Dreamcast games but there's hardly at all.

The Virtual Boy and Sega 32x had hardly any games. Wii U and Dreamcast have plenty.
Well sure by comparison. Compared to more successful consoles they don't have too much though

Give some sort of reward of obtaining the achievements or I couldn't care less.

But either way yeah, the Virtual Console would is a way to expand the switch's library with little effort and obviously would make more money. Achivements are a feature that, while potentially fun, don't really affect much in the long run and are by no means outright needed.

I think the Dreamcast and Wii U tend to come up so much because they had pitifully small lifespans and libraries. Yeah there aren't that many terrible Wii U or Dreamcast games but there's hardly at all.

General / Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« on: September 15, 2017, 03:53:30 am »
Crash: Wrath of Cortex was pretty fun when it actually played like a crash game, but that was depressingly rare. The music was pretty cool too but that's a given.

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