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Messages - theflea

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 85
100. Lost Luggage

Personally I hated Raiders of the Lost Ark more then E.T.
While both are bad games, Raiders I always just got frustrated with and switched it to another game.

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 150 PS2 Games Together
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:49:43 pm »
135. Fatal Frame

many magazines and sites list this as the scariest game of all time.
I only saw part 3 on the list.

General / Re: Can you help me choose my next game to play?
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:41:13 pm »
If you haven't played Link to the Past then you need to play that one asap.
But sense you just got finished with KOTOR, I'd go with KOTOR2.
unless you want to play something different then go with Link to the Past.

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 150 PS2 Games Together
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:02:21 am »
129. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

93. Tapper

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 100 Game Themes
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:18:08 am »
Gotta list this classic everyone knows.

4. Super Mario Bros.

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 150 PS2 Games Together
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:15:21 am »
127. Bully

87. Tapper

1st: Odyssey
While I didn't own one til much later in life as a collector, This system really shows how far gaming has come. It's still gets a good laugh having people try and play it today.

2nd: Atari 2600
It was my 1st gaming system bought by my grandfather when i was really young. While I love my Vectrex, Colecovision, Intellivision and others. I still have a lot of love for my Atari. oh and I still have it today and it works great.

3rd: NES
with so many great games how can this not be anyone's favorite system of the 3rd gen.

4th: SNES
While I started out a huge Genesis fan, Then I got a SNES and fell in love with it's great games. And it made me a huge RPG fan. I still say the SNES is one of the best systems even to this day.

5th: Playstation
After becoming an RPG fan how can I not love this system. Also loved the birth of the Survival Horrors with Resident Evil & Silent Hill

6th: Playstation 2
While I played a ton of Xbox and Dreamcast, I still found most of the games I played where on the PS2.

7th: Xbox 360
Now I own PS3 and a Wii, and I use all 3. But overall I use my 360 the most. Mainly because most of my friends are on 360. also I find many games on the PS3 have more glitches then the Xbox. Look at Skyrim (yes the xbox is glitchy too) but the game can't even have the DLC because of it's glitch issues. My only complaint on the 360 is I had to replace it 5 times lol. and yet my original atari 2600 still works.
8th: Only time will tell
With all the rumors saying the Xbox and PS4 will not play offline and won't play used games. My favorite might be back to Nintendo's Wii U. If this happens I will not be buying the new consoles til they change this or they drop in price and I will only buy the games I know i will play a lot of.
And not just for collecting.

and now for fun the WORST of each generation. (that i've played)

1st: Pong Clones
While I don't mind collecting the Atari, Magnavox, Coleco & Nintendo Pong consoles. Its the hundreds of off brand Pong clones and gets crazy. And most don't even work today. lol

2nd: RCA Studio II
While every other system of its time was in color, RCA stayed in Black & White. The controllers where built into the console and the games where outdated. On top of that its one of the ugliest consoles ever.

3rd: Action Max
Its a video game console you hook up to your VCR and play VHS tapes. the games where all light gun games that only kept score (and bad at that) when you aimed the gun at a light in the video you wached and pulled the trigger.

4th: Memorex VIS
Originally I listed the CDi but I remembered this stain of a system, the Memorex VIS. How can it be worse then the CDi? well the system looked like a crappy DVD player, the wireless controller used infrared and if you didn't keep it pointed straight at the system you would lose the connection. and it's best game was Sherlock Homes. At least you get a laugh at the bad zelda/mario games on CDi, this system is just garbage.

5th: Casio Loopy
While there was a lot of bad consoles in this generation (Virtual Boy, Pippin, Playdia & 3DO) the Casio Loopy gets my vote as the worst. It was a gaming system aimed at girls. All the games where crappy fashion and dating games. but hey you can make your own stickers on it. (I wanna see a new system do this. lol) This system isn't even fun for it's target audience.

6th: N-Gage
its a phone, it's a game system, its a taco!! yes the crappy N-Gage was ugly and just plain bad. It's small screen didn't help it ether.

7th: HyperScan
This has to be the worst console ever made. Its ugly, it feels cheep. and the games are unplayable. Most all the games you need a full set of cards to even try to play them. and the loading time are worse then the NeoGeo CD.

8th: Any system that puts the online only and no used game feature.
Expect a third video game crash if this happens.

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 150 PS2 Games Together
« on: February 07, 2013, 04:48:40 am »
122. Kingdom Hearts II

73. Kung-Fu Master

71. Chetiry (best atari Tetris homebrew)

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 150 PS2 Games Together
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:34:46 pm »
120. Silent Hill 3

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 150 PS2 Games Together
« on: February 06, 2013, 09:33:41 am »
111. Ring of Red

I thought that was an Xbox 360 game?

I wish Konami would release a new version of Ring of Red on Xbox 360 or PS3 it was one of those odd games my friend showed me once and I was hooked on playing it myself.

113. Rule of Rose

66. H.E.R.O.

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