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Messages - theflea

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Classic Video Games / Re: Neo Geo X Gold
« on: December 21, 2012, 04:31:35 am »
oh forgot to mention a couple little complaints about the Neo Geo X Gold.
The games are censored.
You can only play the US version of the games, so Metal Slug and fighting games like Samurai Shodown 2 have no blood. If anyone finds a secret code to play the uncensored games please post it.

Another thing that's a let down is no save feature of any kind, so your high scores, or hoping you can save a game in anyway is not possible. :( 

Classic Video Games / Re: Neo Geo X Gold
« on: December 21, 2012, 02:38:12 am »
Just got mine last Monday and it's really a cool little system. I love the charging station looks like a classic AES (just smaller) great case to protect and display your X gold in, and you can even hook it up to a TV.

I hope there's support for this system with new game cards of the classic Neo Geo games (just keep em under $20) or bundle a bunch of games (metal slug 2, X, 3, 4, 5) and other classic arcade games that where never released on any Neo Geo system before. Would love to see some 3rd party support.

Kinda wish the controller it came with had the same hook ups as the classic AES so a 2nd player can use one of my other Neo Geo controllers.

Overall It's a must own to anyone who's a Neo Geo fan.

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U, who's getting it?
« on: November 19, 2012, 02:00:55 am »
was out today and saw one Wii U deluxe set on a store shelf... So i broke down and bought it. lol

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U, who's getting it?
« on: November 01, 2012, 01:13:13 am »
I'll buy one, but probably not til a game comes out I really want to play on it like the next Super Smash Bros. 

personally I think anything you don't own a physical copy of (cartridge, disc or card) shouldn't be counted in your collection. buy or free. I don't count arcade games i buy off Xbox Live because there's no value for buy or trade. I also wouldn't count a game like Skyrim if I downloaded the game and don't have the original disc. It's like downloading an emulator for classic games then claiming you own all these games in your collection. 

Classic Video Games / The One That Got Away.
« on: October 31, 2012, 09:08:38 pm »
With everyone game hunting today, everyone has that game they found and they second guessed them selves and turned it down then later could kick them selves for not buying it. Maybe because it was rare, or an expensive game going for cheap and you didn't know. Or just cool one of a kind item that you never saw again. Love to hear your stories.

My "got aways" that i can think off...

1. back in the late 90's found a complete Vectrex with several games and it even had the carrying case. all for $75 but i was broke that day and only had $20 to spend on sales so i passed. years later got one for $200 complete in box with games. still don't have that case.

2. A copy of Hagane on SNES, was $80 and turned it down because it was in faded. this was only 6 months ago. now its going for over $200 on ebay. "sigh"

3. several NES carts i could have bought for $40-50 less then 6 months ago now going for over $100  :-\

4. A complete Colecovision Adam Computer in box and had several rare games, guy wanted $50 for it all but this was in the late 90's when i couldn't afford to spend that much.
I even tried to get him to sell just the games but he wouldn't.

5. A copy of E.V.O. on snes complete for $70 (cart alone goes for over $100)

6. back in the 90's a store in town was going out of business and had all their games 60% off. so i picked out several SNES games, unfortunately i didn't buy Ninja Gaiden Trilogy that they had because i already had all 3 on the NES. I remember looking at it thinking about buying it but passed. (kicking myself now)

I'm sure there's more that I can't recall at the moment, I'll post them if i think of them.


Classic Video Games / Re: Pawn Shops
« on: October 31, 2012, 08:38:20 pm »
Pawn shops in my area kinda suck for classic games. I stopped in a few times but the oldest thing they ever have is PS2.  :'(

Just got home from a day of garage sales and had another good find.
 Found an Atari 5200 (4-plug) in original box and innards with 8 games (nothing rare) but what 
 made this a good find it also came with the 2600 game adaptor and a complete masterplay
 5200 joystick Interface. if you don't know what this is, its an adapter so you can use any atari
 2600 or Sega Genesis controller instead of the crappy one it comes with. This alone sells for   
 $50-90 on ebay. Got it all for $35   ;D
 Now i can play my 5200 and use a Genesis controller yay.   

Site Feedback / Re: Need to fix sell list page links
« on: September 03, 2012, 03:22:18 pm »
just a reminder, its still broken  :P

General / Re: What is your worst pickup?
« on: August 30, 2012, 06:48:46 am »
My worst pick ups that I can think off is buying a game system then finding out it that it doesn't work.
My first Fairchild Channel F i paid $40 for then got it, hooked it up and it played for five minutes then died.

Another time I bought an Atari Super Pong and seller claimed it worked and was in perfect shape.
When I got it I felt how heavy it was and opened the Battery Compartment and found that there was still batteries in it from the 70's or 80's and where corroded so bad they where practically dust. The corrosion was beyond repair and it spread to the inside the system. I tried using an adapter and it was dead.  I payed $20+$15 shipping for this and i was mad, so i contacted seller and was told to ship it back for my $20 refund, I told him only if you refund all shipping i'm not paying another $10-15 (total $25-30) to ship back and get $20 back.  he refused and he got bad feedback. lol

Site Feedback / Cool Idea for site.
« on: August 11, 2012, 06:01:42 pm »
I would like to see a button on our collection page that puts our collection in order of when we added them to our collection, newest being on top. Or at least top 25-50 newest.

You have the image box that shows 5 newest in the forums, i just know other collectors that use this site and i'd like to keep up on what they picked up recently.


Garage sales yes i've had some lucky finds, I said Flea markets haven't had much luck.  ;)

Site Feedback / Need to fix sell list page links
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:19:04 pm »
You guys need to repair your sell list page links, if i click on page 2 or next it takes me to my wish list page 2.

Site Feedback / Re: Duplicate Games
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:15:18 pm »
ya that would be a good idea, personally atm I just list 1 of the game and if i happen to get rid of it and I still have another copy and just don't delete it.
If i listed all the Mario/Duck copies a full page would be taken up lol

Classic Video Games / Craziest Stories Hunting Classic Games
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:11:16 pm »
One of the funniest stories that happened to me was i walked into a store that sold used games and they had a hundreds of NES games behind glass and when i asked about them i was told they used to be the owners private collection and they haven't been priced yet. So the owners wife told the clerk he could sell them to me at the price in their computer plus an $8 sir-charge.

My 1st thoughts was well i'm not getting any of these games, but decided to pick out some rare games and see what comes up. And even with the sir-charge i got Panic Restaurant for $30, and sense i got that one so cheap i over payed on a many others just because of the great deal i got on the one.

Then after i left, another customer came in asking about Panic Restaurant and he was told it just sold. When he found out it sold for $30 he started yelling at the her telling her how she was robbed and the game goes for over $500 (its $175 at best for cart only on Ebay) and she was mad at me saying I cheated her and i knew that it goes for over $500 and I didn't tell her. I was told later by a friend I was banned from her store.

Whats funny is another game collector in town had the same experience, he came in asked about a game behind the counter and the clerk looked it up in the computer and sold it to him, then she banned him because the clerk sold him a game under what she thought it was worth. Saying again "he conned the clerk to sell it to him".

Has anyone else have crazy stories like this hunting old games? lol

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