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Messages - teck

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Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:48:54 pm »
Regardless of any prior personal comments made on this thread, I recently decided to not invest in the new consoles. Instead, I'm thinking and moving forward with the new standards. Investing in Onlive and Ouya seems more practical.

Ouch....  That's....  yeah....

Site Feedback / Re: Reproduction carts
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:45:41 pm »
I think reproductions should be included as long as its not just a 1off hack of something. To me, my definition of a repro is a game that is not normally available in the area its being reproduced for and its then translated and put on a cart/disk and made for sale in some sort or fashion whether it be a limited number of release or available on a repro website. Examples include Mother for the NES, DQ IV and V for the SNES. I have a few of my own. DQ Monsters Caravan hearts for the GBA and Ys IV on the SNES.

What I dont think should be on here are hacks of games that arent available unless you just download the shit from the internet or something. If you have the only copy of Super Dipshit bros, well outstanding for you but its not really something that needs to waste a spot in the database. A pirated game can be considered one of these cause there are so many different variations that it would take 100s of different options to cover every scenario. Some of those pirate carts have over a thousand games on them and almost none of them are the same on each cart.

But the issue is it is TOO easy to make ANYTHING and just sell a bunch of copies....  ANYTHING you can download on the internet could end up a repro....  I made some english verisions of my favorite Japanese GBA games several years back (Love Hina got me started) and programed them over shitty cheap GBA carts and printed a sticker and bam!  Easy repro....  This was something I did in my spare time on a whim....  Who's to stop me from making a bunch more copies and putting them up on ebay~?  All of a sudden I have met all of the qualifications you listed with barely any effort....

My problem with the Repro argument is that (in most cases) everything can be repro'd. If the database is complete and includes all reproductions for each region, we essentially get several worldwide release database. Sure some games require special chips (NES Sunsoft games). But if you have a programmable IC, you can repro any game.

The only reason I see repros wanting to be listed is to list those acclaimed games that routinely get repro'd. The games like Mother, Golden Axe 3, Monster World 4, etc. The only reason these repro games would be listed on the database as opposed to others is due to popularity at the time.

My feeling is, if I have a repro of Monster World 4, I'm going to list the JP Monster World 4. The repro is the ROM of JP Monster World 4 dumped on another cartridge with a fan translation. I would be hesitant to say the repro cart has any right to be separately listed an an NA region. Does it have a region?

If someone has a repro, let them list it under it's original release. Seriously, it is easy to make your own repros with the right equipment. It is almost literally the same as burning a game.

This is wicked cool, but does not warrant a new spot on the database. Especially if it is just a region issue. Otherwise I want my homemade repro of Super Mario 2 (Japanese Lost levels) added. I burned it to a chip myself. Hell, I even printed out a nice label.

I'm relieved someone views this in a similar way that I do....  I'm tempted to make a quick "Adventures of Poopface Guy" game or something and put it on ebay and list it here to make a point, lol....

Site Feedback / Re: Reproduction carts
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:37:13 am »
What teck said. I've also found that despite assurances of people putting things into special categories, keeping things clean in the db, and so on, most repros appear like so:

If you click through, you'll see that it's an unofficial release, but there's absolutely no info to quantify what that entails, where it comes from, whether it's from a repro group, or some kid in his basement. By allowing any of them, we should technically be allowing those one-off homebrew creations too, even though they don't really 'exist' in any marketplace sense of the word.

Yeah....  Just so much maintenance involved....  Ack, to say the least, I do not envy whoever moderates that shit....

General / Re: The Top 10 Most Wanted Items on Your Wishlist
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:34:33 am »
Only 10?
geez, I could pick out the crazy holy grails like NWC90 or Air Raid for Atari but I'm going to pick 10 items I really want in my collection to play.

But if I won a contest saying I can have any 10 items video game related. I'd have to pick the holy grails. lol

Yeah, I'd end up substituting the whole list with stuff like Elemental Gearbolt Assassin's Case and what not....

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:24:03 am »
Rocking out Hotline Miami now....  Gotta love PSN+ freebies....


I picked up a dozen 360 and PS3 games from Target today. They were almost all clearance and then there was a buy 2 get 1 free sale on.

DuckTales Remastered

Wait. What? Was there a disk in there?

The physical disc version is to be released on the 12th for Wii U, PS3, and Xbox 360 for $19.99, but with such a low key release maybe some stores have it early....

Came home today with Slayers Royal and Slayers Royal 2 for Saturn, a sealed Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Legend of the Dragon, and Inuyash: Secret of the Divine Jewel....

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: November 08, 2013, 08:07:25 pm »
Recently finished GTA 5 (though I will still be playing the online for quite a while) and Journey....  Both were phenominal, but Journey left me more satisfied in the end....  I actually feel that GTA 4 had a more satisfying finish to the story than GTA 5, but we'll see what DLC is planned before I make a final decision....

General / Re: XBox One/Mountain Dew Promo
« on: November 08, 2013, 08:05:45 pm »
These only on the 16oz bottles or two liters as well~?

Love it~!

Even though it is not the experience we have come to associate with Zelda, it was still a good game in its own right....  If you took away the name and JUST played it then there is tons of fun and challenge to be had....  I'll admit it does feel like a black sheep now, but it was definitely necessary for the evolution of the series so I wouldn't lose it for anything....

Site Feedback / Re: Reproduction carts
« on: November 08, 2013, 08:02:06 pm »
I worry about 2 major issues....  One is legitimacy....  There are a LOT of different games in the world from different regions....  I get customers fairly often who have been duped into buying a repro thinking it was legit due to bad information and misleading ebay auctions....  Yes Terranigma is an amazing game, but there is NO North American release for it and that is just a fact people have to live with....  Dumping a PAL version into a cheap gutted US cartridge and reselling them online for $70 plus is immoral in my stand point....  I already have mixed feelings about digital content being listed here as it just muddles things while I browse for physical releases....  Granted the search engine could use an overhaul....  Imagine the confusion for newer collectors and enthusiasts when they start finding Zelda games for SNES that aren't A Link to the Past....  I would go so far as to say that if we wanted those kinds of things around that there should be a sister site for it like or something....

The second issue I see with repros is that they will be an incredible pain in the ass to track....  Think of all the inaccurate information or lack of information that would have to be parsed from the database for those entries....  Who is the developer~?  When was it released~?  Shit, the labels could end up with 5 or 6 different variations depending on the situation as well....  I think it would be a nightmare from the implementation side for the site as well....  As I previously mentioned, if there were a sister site set/database setup that would prevent them from bleeding into each other I think both parties would be equally happy....  But as I previously stated, I refuse to even consider swag, digital, and hardware as a part of my "colelction" so maybe my opinions are a little overbearing....

The dialog pop with those options only show up when you are on the Item page.

If you are on Browse or Search it simply adds them with no extra data. This is because those pages allow you to select multiple items and I couldn't figure out a good way to handle it.

I didn't even know you could manage multiples at the same time before now....  >.<'  Well, something new every day right~?

Site Feedback / Re: Total Collection Value
« on: November 08, 2013, 07:40:48 pm »
Keep in mind that the accuracy of this will be quite low....  I have seen very similar condition versions of The Legend of Zelda CIB end up selling for a nearly $40 price gap....  There WILL be a large margin of error, so even if it is a nice feature for milestone tracking and getting rough estimates, take it with a grain of salt....  That being said....  I really look forward to it....

Modern Video Games / Re: COD only 720p on XBOX1
« on: November 08, 2013, 07:33:47 pm »
Every game is lacking in one way or another, but generally speaking....

Borderlands 2?

Glitches, graphical tearing, invisible walls, frame rate drops, etc....  Though, that being said, it is still my favorite game this generation....

Classic Video Games / Re: What If Retron 5 Promoted New "Old" Games?
« on: November 08, 2013, 07:30:51 pm »
As I understand it, the previous Retron consoles were NOAC based, and were only as good as the current chip revision. This led to several different hardware revisions for the same console, but the only way to tell which one you had was to open it up. This new console is Android-based, which already has excellent compatibility with most of the troublesome games. Plus, with the addition of a SD card slot, it should allow for firmware updates. I'm keeping an eye on this, and am remaining cautiously optimistic about it.

True, but at the end of the day it is still just an emulation....  It can't be any better than an emulator run on a PC, so really all you're getting is the novelty of a box and controller for a TV....  You can get USB controllers cheaper and emulate all the games on a PC....  Then you wouldn't even put wear on your cartridges for an inferior experience....  Without proper hardware, I just don't see how people won't get turned to PC emulation....  Even though I own over 90% of what I play, I find it hard after looking into the system to use it rather than the original hardware/PC emulator....  While it is a go between, it does not surpass the strong points of either....  I think that will be it's biggest weakness....  I've already spoken with several collector's who experiment with new hardware a lot and all of them are completely brushing it off already....  Doesn't look too promising....

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