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Messages - karyann

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Modern Video Games / Re: Always-On DRM
« on: March 09, 2013, 09:16:00 pm »
As a game collector, the part I hate the most about always-on DRM is for, well, collecting purposes. What about when I want to play the game and the company no longer supports it? Part of the fun in collecting is to play the games even decades after their release. I totally agree with what's already been said, but the worse deal-breaker for me is this.

Site Feedback / Re: Listing Skylanders
« on: March 09, 2013, 08:43:41 pm »
This topic is kinda old, but since it's totally related imho, I prefer to reply here rather than making a new thread...

Anyway, each skylanders has a separate listing, but what about the special editions? I've been wondering ever since I got Sonic Boom, but the glow-in-the-dark edition. I know there are a lot of different figures, from clear ones to glow-in-the-dark to light core. So what do you think, should we list a limited edition skylanders as a separate entry? I would say yes seeing as it's a different edition, but since it's not been talked about yet, I prefer to ask the community :)

If it's unclear, here's an example: Should we have a "Sonic Boom" and a "Sonic Boom (Glow-In-The-Dark edition)" entries, or put all versions under the "Sonic Boom" entry?

General / Re: Guess the Game!
« on: March 04, 2013, 09:29:47 pm »
That's definitely Freezeezy Peaks from Banjo-Kazooie!

I give my turn to someone else though, too lazy to post something :P

...I should be ashamed.

Man, you guys are active in your searches! It's only 4 days into march and you already have so many :P So far, I bought a rumble pak for the N64... Bought 5 new games in the last week of february, though :o

General / Re: Games or Franchises that need a sequel.
« on: March 04, 2013, 11:08:51 am »
I'd love a sequel to The World Ends With You, there's still hope!

News / Re: Teaser #2
« on: March 03, 2013, 02:30:50 pm »
Wow, good job guys! I really love how tidy it looks. Everything's well organized  :D Can't wait to see it for real :)

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 150 PS2 Games Together
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:00:05 pm »
131. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2

General / Re: The games you love that everyone hates
« on: February 09, 2013, 08:47:03 pm »
Catz Wii- I play it out of interesting way to play a cat and dress them is oddly fun....(don't judge me though)

I won't judge you, I'm sure I'd have a blast myself, haha.

Also, people really seem to hate M.U.S.C.L.E on the NES, but I loved that game as a child!

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: February 09, 2013, 08:41:55 pm »
My 4 year old nephew is staying with us for a few days while his sister is in the hospital, so we've been playing a shitload of Lego Star Wars; his favorite game.  :)

Couldn't help myself; had an "aww"  :P The Lego games are so fun, for kids and grown-ups alike (well, in my 22-years-old opinion anyway!)

Personally, I'm currently in a "don't know what to play" phase. I've been too damn busy since a month, and I want to relieve some stress by gaming, but I just don't know what to play at all. You know, that feeling of looking at your shelf full of games and thinking "Meh, I've got nothing I wanna play". I guess I should just pick something up randomly, pretty sure it's gonna make me want to play even more.

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: February 09, 2013, 08:32:45 pm »
Since last May, I've been keeping track each month how many games I acquire. Last month I added to my collection a record number of 16 games (I found so many cheap ones, I couldn't let the occasions pass!) and also broke the 40 mark for my DS Games!  :)

I'm almost there, Scott. Watch out!  :P

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: January 22, 2013, 07:16:26 pm »
I must have missed the post. Yeah I still have it. Let me look for it and Ill let you know.

Sorry to bother, and thanks a bunch :D I know he'll be very pleased! I'll try to ask him for his address in a subtle way, so that he'll be surprised. I'll pm you when I get the information!

General / Re: The Pay It Forward Thread
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:37:14 pm »
Hey Soera, do you still have that gamecube Twilight Princess box and manual? I'm sorry to bring it up again; I just thought you might have missed my post through all the rest! If you purposely didn't answer I really don't mind, I just wanted to make sure :)

In case you missed it, I asked if you still have it and if you really want to give out both at the same time, because I have a collector friend (I even got him to register here since then, hehe  ;D his username is Kafei ) who's missing only the manual and he's been looking for it for quite a while!

News / Re: Happy 2nd Birthday VGCollect!
« on: January 20, 2013, 09:01:13 pm »
Happy Birthday! I'm still quite new, but I already love the site and the community. It's so awesome here, it's seriously the best database I've tried for my collection, and people are so friendly, too. I can't wait to know you all better :)

Classic Video Games / Re: Recommend a Good RPG on DS?
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:33:59 pm »
*EXTREMELY* light-hearted, cute, and funny (I mean, c'mon...there's "pout points" that can change/influence and/or affect just about anything & everything); along w/ some pretty amusing breaking-down of the 4th wall...

...My World, My Way -

is lots of (IMHO) good fun :P

Haven't checked lately, but (being among Atlus' many low-print-run / hard-to-find games) might not be very cheap or easy to find anymore :(

Yeah, it's become pretty rare because according to something I read, they discontinued it faster than they usually do (but that could be bollocks, I don't remember where I read this). Anyway, I own it too, and it's really fun and light-hearted indeed! There's a lot of grinding to do, though, but the story is fun. It caught my attention at the store because the games were shown from the side, and I saw ATLUS besides the really girly-looking title and wondered when the hell did Atlus start making girly games? So I searched the net for more infos, and decided to give it a go :)

I also have to recommend Lost Magic, it's often overlooked but it's a really great game! You're a mage and can befriend some monsters to aid you, and you attack by drawing runes on the touchscreen. The more accurate the rune, the stronger the spell. You can also mix runes to create new spells. The story is great imho, and the game has to be pretty cheap by now I guess. I really don't know why it was so overlooked.  :-\

Modern Video Games / Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
« on: January 13, 2013, 09:16:41 pm »

I'm already predicting that a third one will eventually come out called Pokemon Z.

I won't bet on it, though. Lots of people were expecting a Pokémon Gray version, which never happened. I'm happy it didn't, though, because I kinda hated to buy the game on the first day, then people late to the party got to have an improved game. It defeats the purpose of being an early buyer if its a disadvantage. So I'm personally hoping for no Pokémon Z :P

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