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Messages - teck

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Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U
« on: November 07, 2013, 01:48:06 pm »
I'm more concerned with 3rd party support however....

Meh. The last time Nintendo had truly solid 3rd party support was 17 years ago. They've carried their last 3 systems with their own games almost exclusively, and they'll probably be doing it again with the Wii U.

The Wii U is a nice system though and already has quite a few really good games (Pikmin, Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World) and a lot of great stuff upcoming (Zelda, Mario 3D World, Smash, Kart, Bayonetta 2), I hope it does start doing better. Rumors are that the new bundles in the US are selling really well, we'll see how that actually turns out.

That may be true, but my top 5 favorite games on EVERY nintendo system ever have all been 3rd party, right down to the Wii U and Gamecube.... So at least for me, they need to at least have decent 3rd party support because my wii selection without things like No More Heroes 1/2, Pandora's Tower, Last Story, Fragile Dreams, etc; I would be quite unhappy....  Can't survive on Smash and Metroid Trilogy alone....

Modern Video Games / Re: COD only 720p on XBOX1
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:18:15 am »
I feel like this generation will measure standards by resolution and frame rate combos a lot....  It seems to be the hot key point lately that everyone wants to debate....  Don't get me wrong, I want more pixels crammed on my screen and a refresh rate that my eyes can't keep up with, but I was hoping to find more a refreshing capability measuring this generation as oppose to regurgitated vitriolic response for the par....

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:13:48 am »
I think the current line up is good on the Wii U....  As long as they keep a steady pace from this point forward I see no problems....  I'm more concerned with 3rd party support however....

Classic Video Games / Re: What If Retron 5 Promoted New "Old" Games?
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:11:53 am »
I have seen this happen with 3rd party systems in the past....  There was a version of one FC system that had some cartridges that were loaded with terrible games they sold....  Also along the lines of the Retron 5, I have sold many other Retron models and I would be MUCH happier if they simply focused on the quality of the hardware instead....  I often times don't even want to sell a lot of the 3rd party hardware we have because of shoddy quality and high defective rates....

Classic Video Games / Re: Reproduction Cartridges
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:07:50 am »
I have personally seen a few come through my store, but I don't like dealing with repro carts....

Marketplace / Teck's Trading Card Trading Center....
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:38:54 am »
I like to collect game related cards, stickers, badges, etc....  Here are some items I am currently trading and looking for (I'm willing to be generous with trades if I can finish a set):

Ragnarok Odyssey Trading Art Cards: (These came in a random 10 pack with the Limited Edition of Ragnarok Odyssey on the Vita)
06, 15, 16, 18, 19, 25, 30, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50

03, 04, 05, 07, 08, 10, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 33, 39, 47, 51, 52

Kid Icarus Uprising Trading Cards:  (These came in random packs, promo packs, and a semi random pack with the 3DS game)
about  90% of the set, just make offers at this point....

001, 002, 004, 006, 007, 010, 016, 017, 018, 027, 029, 074, 092, 104, 188, 199, 220, 407

I plan on adding more over the next few weeks as I continue to get organized and find other collectables

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:28:42 am »
Ooh forgot the other big game I'm playing at the minute - a Chinese RPG called Gu Jian Qi Tan 2. It's basically everything I love about RPGs (Chinese or otherwise) in one big, beautiful package.

(Do tell me if I'm posting too many screenshots, I don't want to be a bother)

There is no such thing as too many screen shots....  And these ones look interesting....

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 06, 2013, 12:41:33 am »
You didn't like GC PSO? That's a shame; that's the one I recommend whenever people ask about the series! :D

PSO2's *really* good though - as a big fan of the original I was worried they'd mess it up but it's honestly a great balance between what I loved about the old mixed in with its own new ideas too :D

Gah~!  I want to play....

General / Re: The Top 10 Most Wanted Items on Your Wishlist
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:34:21 pm »
This one is pretty easy for me....  These are in no particular order though....

01.)  Ghost in the Shell - PS1 [NA]
02.)  Popful Mail: Magical Fantasy Adventure - Sega CD [NA]
03.)  Vay - Sega CD [NA]
04.)  Miami Law - NDS [NA]
05.)  Genso Suikoden: Card Stories - GBA [JP]
06.)  Der Langrisser FX - PC-FX [JP]
07.)  Infinite Space - NDS [NA]
08.)  Lux-Pain - NDS [NA]
09.)  Sakura Taisen - Saturn [JP]
10.)  Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou koto Nakare - Saturn [JP]

Hardware and Tech / Re: NES Blue Screen
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:42:46 pm »
I fix these at work all the time....  Most of the time it boils down to a connectivity issue....  Seeing as I fix a dozen of these a week at work, I take the shortcut method by replacing the 72 pin connectors and removing the circuit that bypasses the security lockout and can get the whole thing done in 5 minutes....  I would say if you feel like there is a loose fit then the 72 pin connector is the primary problem to look at....  Some people try to lightly bend the connectors back into place, but I'm lazy and new pins are cheap enough....  It would be hard to explain without a diagram, but a youtube video can show how to disable the lockout....  Its the 4th pin on the chip closest to the ports on the backside of the system along the bottom of the board....  I can post photos if you'd like next time I do one....  Alcohol is definitely great for cleaning, but there is also something called Brasso that is excellent as well....  I usually clean the contacts on a board that connects to the 72 pin adapter before putting a new one on with that stuff....  It works great for cleaning cartridge pins as well....  I would use a Q-tip and clean with alcohol first, then with Brasso for maximum effectiveness....  If you've got any other questions regarding, then feel free to ask....



The "Flonne Squad" stickers that they've been throwing-in lately *are* pretty cute  ;)

My mail just came!  I got the red Flonne Squad sticker too and since I know you get everything NISA as well, do you know if the stickers are random~?  If I recall you actually picked up several copies of D2....  Did they all come with the same sticker~?

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:30:05 pm »

Not *exactly* a game.

My local GS stores have been selling all of their Blu-ray movies/discs for a B2G2; priced from $5 - $10/each.

The one you're asking about is called: "Tales of Vesperia: The 1st Strike".  It's a (2-disc) DVD + Blu-ray set (~ 1.5 hours running time) - that is also in the backlog...lonely & waiting to be watched  :-\

OIC....  Good to know none the less....  I don't buy a whole lot of Blu-Rays, but when I do they tend to be anime/CG movies with a video game source....

Modern Video Games / Re: PSP??
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:27:17 pm »
Speaking of SRPGs, I'm still pissed that Sega didn't release Valkyria Chronicles III here. There's a translation in progress, but as always, it's up in the air whether it'll actually be completed until it's actually completed. Argh, Segaaaaaa!

Shit...I'm still pissed that VC2 didn't get a proper console-release  >:(

I'm just going to go ahead and be pissed about both....  It is such a beautiful series that it deserves home console release, and the fact that Sega is neglecting the west with it also saddens me....  I flipped my shit when I first played it....  My mind was reeling with next gen possibilities when it first came out....  I've become fairly jaded lately but back then I was SO excited for the future of gaming....  /sigh

So, the last few orders/pre-orders that I've made from N1 have either had (a) something (like a strategy guide) -OR- (b) everything (the entire product/shipment/order) delayed a bit :(

I got an e-mail + a phone call from my friend Sandi (who works for NISA's customer service group) the other day - informing me that she was going to go out of her way to make sure that I received at least (1 of the several) "Premium" LE's for the game "The Guided Fate Paradox" that I'd pre-ordered...


...true to her word - I received (*ONE*) of my LE's today.

And a beauty of an LE it is  ;D

Employees like this make it a pleasure to continue doing business with them :)

Anyone else here get/getting this game?

I am currently waiting on a Guided Fate LE myself....  I think the thing I have been liking the most lately is that they've been packing in neat little stickers with the orders as a bonus....  Now I want to collect them all~!

Modern Video Games / Re: PSP??
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:26:29 pm »

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