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Messages - burningdoom

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Oh man this looks good. Right up my alley! Looks very inspired by Metroid and you will actually be able to buy it and play it on your Sega Genesis! (Or download it if that's your thing)

I will be pre-ordering this one.

-Realms of Ancient War (Xbox 360 Digital) - Basic Diablo clone. Was on sale for only $1.49.

-Saint's Row 2 (Xbox 360 Digital) - Free via Xbox Gold.

And I am eagerly awaiting my pre-orders of Pac-Man World: Repac, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga Collection later this month.

It really depends on what is getting added. If we're getting game expansions, then I'm in. And I mean like new areas or missions to play, not some horse armor. Or if it's getting the remake treatment, I'm also in.

But if all it is is some multiplayer missions, new character costumes, some in-game items, or some collectible thrown in, nope, not worth it to me.

If it's the first time I'm buying the game and the GOTY or ultimate edition is already out, then of course I'll go for that one, though.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 25, 2022, 12:51:29 pm »
My bank account got hacked.  >:(

They bought over $700 in Door Dash booze deliveries. Been on hold with the card company for a while, still am.

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: July 21, 2022, 07:55:06 pm »
I've been meaning to do an update for quite some time.  Finally managed to get around to taking some crappy pics the other day. Gonna try and make some notes on changes and such.

Last update I only had one of the big shelving units and I was pretty much out of space.  I knew I needed a second unit up there, but didn't really know what to fill it with, was thinking about moving some other systems up there to help free space in the game room.  Never did, so the bottom 2 shelves of those units are basically empty.

This area really hasn't changed, and you can see the dust accumulated due to that fact.  It's in dire need of rearrangement.  I might move the Virtual Boy stuff back over here at some point.

Last time, my modern stuff was relatively small so PS3 still had space in the living room.  All modern systems grew to the point there just wasn't room for PS3 anymore.  For a period PS3 was stored away in a storage closet (More on that later), but I finally moved them into the game room after I built an additional shelving unit.  This pic, I believe, is about 815 PS2 games and 175 PS3 games.

The new shelf I built, this one was a bit of custom dimensions as the shelves are normally DVD sized, this one has 2 long box sized shelves and several jewel case sized shelves to maximize efficiency. One shelf in particular had to be an odd size because there is a door behind the unit, this was where the controller rack was hung in the last update (More on that later).  You can see the differences as the Genesis unit is DVD sized.

Not much change here really.

I've since added a coffee table to raise up the Trinitron and that corner is largely being used for storage of one of my newer hobbies... statues and figures.  Other than that, not much change here either.  I'm still in a big reorganization mode, so the room in general is kind of a mess with things stacked in places.

Bonus pic to see the stack of statues and such.

Moved the controller rack to the main doorway of the room.  Not much changes here other than the fact that I've boxed away a lot of unused and duplicate controllers, so now there is free space on the controller rack.

Main living room with modern stuff and my display case.  As you can see, Switch at least has really exploded since last update.  X1 has grown considerably as well as has X1BC titles.  PS4 really hasn't grown that much considering.  Display case hasn't really changed since last update, but I'm considering swapping stuff.

And finally the really old stuff and relatively unloved things.  It used to be on the side of the storage closet so it was accessible, but I've since moved DVDs/BDs onto that shelf and I've since moved this stuff to the back of the storage closet so it's really inaccessible... as you can tell.

Wow...that's massive! Impressive. (That's what she said.)

I just collect too much stuff to have that large of a game collection. My game collection is pretty much on par with my movie collection, and my comic collection is well over 5,000.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: July 21, 2022, 11:12:03 am »
Resident Evil (2002) - I got it in my head, after watching what I consider to be the worst Resident Evil stuff recently with the last movie and tv show, to see if the Paul W.S. Anderson films were as bad as I remember.  I had only ever seen the first three, the third one pushing me to never watch the others, but the first one I had considered a guilty pleasure and I gotta say, it holds up as a solid guilty pleasure.  That part of the "guilty pleasure" is more that it's not good Resident Evil, but it is a very solid cheesy zombie b-movie flick.  It actually reminds me a lot of Deep Rising, a movie that came out a few years before this one, where it had that mixture of horror with cheesy action.  Do I wish we got a story that fit more with actual Resident Evil and had actual characters from Resident Evil? Definitely, but this movie is fun, I liked it still, it's very late 90's/early 00's.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) - This one I remember being bad and it's definitely where it starts to fall apart.  It's okay for the most part, like it's still trying to mix the horror with the action, we even get Jill, but she's just there I'm sure because fans complained that the first movie didn't have any characters from the game.  She doesn't add anything to the movie.  The action got worse though.  With Alice becoming superpowered, it starts to fall apart.  By the end, the movie is just barely holding itself together I feel.  It's competent, but I don't really want to ever watch it again.  Not looking forward to the rest of the movies, but we'll see how it goes lol

First one was great.

I'd even say the 2nd was good up until a certain point in the movie. The last part of the movie where her powers activate and the Nemesis shows up (he looks so ridiculous) it falls apart.

Then yeah, the sequels are useless.

Classic Video Games / Re: Pac-Man World
« on: July 20, 2022, 11:13:43 pm »
I could never discover it when I was young (never heard of it) but I'm very happy to hear about a remake.

The game interests me, I'm thinking of taking it !

Bandai Namco seem to be really embracing these re-makes, first Klonoa and now Pac-Man, just the one game with Pac-Man though, strangely. I wonder if they're testing the waters here but the emphasis on platformers is interesting. I'd love to see them release a Tekken compilation and do something else with Ridge Racer, perhaps a remake of Type 4, I'd love that.

Omg, I would love a remaster or a brand new ridge racer ! ;D

We better get more than 2 tracks this time, if they do.

I've been liking Resident Evil (2022 Netflix), so far, haven't finished it yet. Good zombie show. Doesn't follow the games at all, as it takes place years later, but it does reference them.

It has very cool zombie make-up, reminds me of the likes of Walking Dead zombies. Top-notch gore effects.

I am intrigued about the mystery of Albert Wesker. They mention he died in 2009 (reference to the Resident Evil 5 game), but he's alive with daughters here.

And is the Barry from Umbrella supposed to be THAT Barry? He does mention he's the master of lock picking. Except he seems like a bad guy, and works for Umbrella. Barry wouldn't work for Umbrella.

Classic Video Games / Pac-Man World
« on: July 16, 2022, 10:58:25 pm »
An underrated platformer series that I don't hear a lot of people talk about. I own all three of them. Are you a fan?

The first game is getting a remake next month, which honestly was surprising. I wasn't expecting that game to get a remake. I already have it pre-ordered. Anyone else looking forward to it?

Resident Evil (2022 Series) - So yeah, once again they failed with Resident Evil.  Not as bad as what I've heard the reboot movie they just did, or most of those awful RE movies they did before, but this is a bad Resident Evil series.  It's at least vaguely based on game lore (Racoon City, Wesker having died in Resident Evil 5, that sorta stuff), but it's a completely different timeline sort of story where the apocalypse happens and wipes out most of the world. 

I'm not gonna front and say "Oh, how dare they treat the true gold that is Resident Evil like this!", Resident Evil as a series is the dumbest possible shlock, but in the best way possible.  It's cheesy, over the top, it's ridiculous.  This tv series is just boring and standard.   It's writing can be clunky and it jumps between timelines where it's set a decade and a half after the apocalypse, and then right before the apocalypse, but most stuff before the apocalypse is really boring.  I was skipping a lot of this show, especially I think Episode 5 with them futzing around in the house for most of the episode.  The vague teen and family drama stuff never really worked.  The show is better whenever it's in the post-apocalypse and there's zombies and bio weapons, it's fine.  Like there's giant mutant creatures and the Lickers, they have a simple nod to Dr. Salvador that I thought was a tiny bit fun, but otherwise...This isn't anything great. 

It's a bog standard zombie show, like a 5/10 at best, worse if we look at it as Resident Evil,  I'd pass on it.  I think this is the same company that did all the previous Resident Evil stuff and they need to go away.  The movies sucked, the reboot sucked, Monster Hunter sucked, this sucks.  There's a tiny chance they make the second season better, no teen drama stuff, but it's still not good Resident Evil, no one wants this from a Resident Evil tv series.

The last movie was awesome. People complain about Resident Evil media not being true to the game. That movie was and they still complained. It followed the story of the first two games very well. And it was gory and scary, not an action-fest like Milla Jocovich ones were. The only valid complaint I heard was that Leon was Hispanic when he should have been White...and that's a small thing to be upset about! Sometimes I feel like people are just ready to bitch about anything.

Gamestop pretty much always does that whenever a game gets announced, it's lead to issues when games get enormously delayed in the past.

Not recently. I can't pre-order Resident Evil 4, Pac-Man Re-Pac (but can get this at Best Buy), or Sonic Frontiers from GameStop. I was looking. And Gotham Knights was just available to pre-order about a month ago, which comes out in October.

My current Pre-orders are

Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Splatoon 3
Live a Live
Metroid Prime 4
Bayonetta 3
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3: La Pucelle: Ragnarok / Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure

Where can you pre-order BotW 2 and Metroid Prime 4 already?

I'm just annoyed my original Prime 4 pre-order with the Prime 10$ discount was cancelled.

Wow, crazy, since there's so little information about those games.

My current Pre-orders are

Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Splatoon 3
Live a Live
Metroid Prime 4
Bayonetta 3
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3: La Pucelle: Ragnarok / Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure

Where can you pre-order BotW 2 and Metroid Prime 4 already?

What I'm looking forward to:
-Elder Scrolls VI
-Gotham Knights
-The Last Case of Benedict Fox
-Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2
-Metroid Prime 4
-Pac-Man World: Re-Pac
-Resident Evil 4 Remake
-Sonic Frontiers
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga Collection

Lots of stuff, and neither of your games are on my list.

Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazzard
Bionic Commando
The Saboteur

Went to a thrift store and picked those three up.

Bionic Commando is the tits!

No idea what you mean by that  ;D

It means it's awesome.

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