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Messages - pacpix

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 130
General / Re: The VGC List o' Badges
« on: January 13, 2016, 11:46:17 pm »
Updated badge list with the 5000 edits badge, VGC Pro badge, Android badge, and Staff badge.

Site Feedback / Re: New Badges
« on: January 13, 2016, 11:30:15 pm »
If I remember correctly, the collection badges were just handed to people who asked for them a while back since they didn't work. That's why only some people have them, and those that do are a little outdated. :o

Here's the link to the badge thread, SilverBow. :) The Staff, Pro and 5000+ badges aren't on that list though,131.0.html

Back when badges were introduced the collection badges were actually automated.  It used to be that you kept each individual badge, but then it switched at some point where the previous badge was copied over with the new one like the edit badges.  For example if you look at my profile I have the 100, 200, and 400 badges because I earned 100, 200, and 300 before the new badge method was introduced and earned the 400 after it was introduced, thus replacing my 300 badge. 

The collection badges stopped working completely when the site switched to "VGCollect Version 2" in 2013.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: January 12, 2016, 05:31:27 pm »
Welcome to VGCollect Ben! :)

The only reason UMD Videos are in the database to begin with is that they are played on a PSP.  The primary purpose of the database is to track video games, not movies.  Two admins have already stated to use the UMD release date in this thread, and three more including myself have agreed to this as well in a private staff discussion thread.  I understand that you disagree with this release date structure, but as far as I'm concerned a verdict has been reached on this issue. 

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Listing Errors 2016
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:13:38 pm »
Logitech NASCAR Racing Wheel - PS2 [NA] <- this belongs in the PlayStation 2 Accessory category

Also, I have a question about interactive movie DVD's such as "Dragon's Lair" and "Space Ace". Because they can be played on any console/PC with a DVD player, is it proper to add them to a specific system's game category? I wondered about this when I ran across "Hologram Time Traveler - PS2 [NA]" It says on the package "PlayStation 2 Compatible", but if it doesn't belong with the PS2 games, then to which existing category does it belong? This could be a "grey" area, but if possible, I would appreciate a ruling.

Furthermore, I think you folks are doing a terrific job. You've got a difficult task, and I don't envy you. Like trying to herd cats, as the old saying goes.

I moved the item from PS2 [NA] to Other with the rest of the DVD games.  This game is kind of a weird case since it has "PS2 Compatible" on the cover, but I would still consider it an interactive DVD.

News / New Staff Member
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:48:09 pm »
Today I am happy to announce the addition of Mastafafik to the VGCollect staff!  :D

Mastafafik may not be a familiar face in the forums to many of our members, but he has been consistently active in database contributions for years now; he is one of the few members of VGCollect who owns the elusive 5000 edits badge  :o.  Mastafafik will help us keep up with the ever increasing database edits and item submissions as VGCollect continues to grow.  Mastafafik also has an expertise in European games, an area the rest of the staff is not very familiar with.

2016 is going to be another great year for VGCollect and we appreciate your continued support!  :)

General / Re: Kirby Investigation
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:59:08 am »
I will also recommend Squeak Squad, I had a lot of fun playing it back when it came out, but as stated earlier it is pretty short.  Return to Dreamland is also great, especially when played with friends.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: January 05, 2016, 11:52:46 pm »
You Canadians and your silly metric system.   :P

It's just silly that water freezes at 0 and not 32.

I know right, everyone should definitely use Kelvin, but nobody listens to me :'(

At least 0 Centigrade doesn't kill you.  Zero Kelvin is scary cold.  -273.15 C? That shit is nuts

Just throw on a light jacket and you'll be fine in 0 Kelvin.

General / Re: Show off those XMAS gifts!!! *2015 Edition*
« on: December 31, 2015, 09:28:48 pm »
That blanket looks awesome!

General / Re: Secret Santa 2015 - Loot!
« on: December 28, 2015, 08:45:28 pm »
Your pictures are not showing up on my computer :(

Sounds like you got some great stuff though!

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Listing Errors 2015
« on: December 24, 2015, 04:10:26 pm »
Page 1:
  • Nintendo 3DS eShop [AU] needs to be added to database to transfer Gunman Clive 2 into correct category.
Page 3:
Page 6:
  • Most C64 [NA] cartridge games were moved over to cassette for some reason

Site Feedback / Re: Forgot password? - Feature not working
« on: December 24, 2015, 03:18:45 pm »
I forwarded your issue on to Matt and Jason.  We will try to get your login issues fixed soon :)

Off Topic / Re: Star Trek Beyond: Set Phasers to Suck
« on: December 21, 2015, 08:07:43 pm »
I was extremely dissapointed with the trailer, but Simon Pegg's reaction gives me hope that the movie itself will be much different than the trailer implies.

Off Topic / Re: Any SmartWatch owners in the house?
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:52:09 pm »
I'm going to be getting an Asus Zenwatch 2 soon.  I am really looking forward to syncing it with my google calendar and google now.  I never had any interest in the smartwatches until I started using these services more.  Getting notifications on my wrist will also be nice and will save some battery life since I will not be pulling out my phone nearly as much.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:47:12 pm »
I saw Star Wars last Friday.  Wow...

I loved it.

I can't believe this doesn't have it's own topic yet.

I saw it last night, absolutely fantastic!  I was excited, but a bit nervous going in and it completely surpassed my expectations.

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