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Messages - Cartagia

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3D Stealth

3D Action
Western RPGs

Not bad, but wish I were better:

Classic Video Games / How many X-Box 360s did you go through?
« on: February 25, 2018, 09:24:20 am »
I ask because my third one just went out two weeks ago.  I wanted to play through a couple of games in back log and my 360 Slim got the blinking Red Light of death.

This is the third 360 I have had die on me.  My original base model went out via a red ring.

My second had the faulty disc drive that I repaired myself, but eventually went down to red ring as well.

I feel like most consoles would have died out completely if they had this many technical problems, but I guess the fact that the PS3 was so prohibitively expensive in the beginning and the Wii just didn't have most of the AAA titles the 360 was the only option despite the hardware defaults.

Fortunately this did give me an excuse to buy an X-Box One, but the two games I was really wanting to play on the 360 are not on the backwards compatibility list (Brutal Legend and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3).

It's doubly irritating because I have literally never had any other console die on me.

:o at Bioshock Infinite mentioned in here. I’m just finishing up another playthrough and I just love it so freaking much. Probably my favorite of the series, but the first Bioshock comes close.

I don think it is a bad game, I just think it is incredibly underwhelming compared to the original.  BioShock oozes atmosphere and phenomenal design.  It’s practically a horror game.  Infinite is missing all of that, IMO.  It’s too brightly colored and open, and there aren’t a ton of interesting production design choices (aside from Songbird)

I think this may have happened with Bioshock Infinite for me.  Mostly because Bioshock 1 was one of my favorite games of all time and 2 was not far behind it's glory.  Infinite just took the whole vibe and flipped it upside down.  It just wasn't underwater, eery, creepy vibe that made me love the game anymore.  It was just a complete different game.  Not a bad game by any means but just not bioshock to me.

I kind of feel the same. Infinite was much more a standard shooter, complete with cover regenerating health. It also forwent the slight exploratory nature of the original, as well as largely did away with the RPG elements. Basically, the things that made Bioshock special game play wise where severely lessened and the atmosphere and story where also less enjoyable to me.

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about Infinite.  The game itself is fine, but the vibe is so far off from the first game that it doesn't even feel like the same series to me.

Not enough people talking about Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon which is, for my money, one of the best standalone expansions ever released.  It's gloriously cheesy and hilarious, while not being overly long which can be the deal breaker for these kinds of games.

General / Re: How do you store your cables?
« on: February 08, 2018, 08:32:33 am »
I've got a notable abundance of cords & controllers- I use a set of Sterilite modular storage drawers from Target. Also- double-sided Velcro. Beats rubber bands or twist ties for cable bundling any day.

This is almost me exactly.  They aren't Sterilite, but I've got a plastic storage cabinet that houses all of my generic cords and the most utilized console stuff ATM.  Then I have labeled bins for each console that are filled with cables and controllers.  I have so many 64 controllers now that they are bleeding into other bins and such.

And I will double recommend those velcro strips.  They are fantastic.

Nothing major for me so far this month.

I got the Shadow of the Colossus Remaster as well as ordered a copy of Mega Man Legacy Collection 3DS so I can play Mega Man on my lunch break.  Those were both normally priced.

But I did get a LEGO Dimensions Fun Pack with Gollum and Shelob for $2.

General / Re: Story Driven Games? Follow? Or Skip?
« on: February 07, 2018, 08:30:11 am »
I generally follow the story in every game I play.  The main story at least.  On larger open world games I will skip the story on some side-quests if they aren't particularly interesting (Mad Max, Assassin's Creed), but there are also games like The Witcher III where the side quests are the best parts of the game.

I make up a list of ~$300 worth of stuff for the year, and as I get that list marked off, I +/- what I spent on it vs estimate, then use the gap to treat myself near the end of the year, since I find I can snag some good deals to round off the year as people are selling their old stuff to buy new things :).

I really like this idea! I find myself in the same position most of the time. Not a completionist, just looking to capture the games I loved, and the ones I thought I might.

I cap at $50 for the essentials, LOZ:LTTP, Super Metroid. Still looking for FFII & III under $50, but I have made some friends I think I can work with.

I don't trade so there's that.

I don't do much trading myself either, but a good deal can always break that rule.

I typically function in my own little bundle economy involving bundle purchases and reselling:

Let's say that there is someone selling a console that is bundled with 5-10 games.  Now, I already own that console, and most of the games, but there is value here.

An example I've had in the past was: A SNES with Donkey Kong Country, Mega Man X2 and The Seventh Saga.  The ask here was about ~$120.  That's the value of X2 alone.  So, I snatched up the whole thing.  Dusted off X2 and Seventh Saga for myself and resold the console and DKC for ~$70.  So, I'm only down $50, got X2 and Seventh Saga.  A $70 is a more than reasonable price for a SNES and game in this area.


Modern Video Games / Re: Is buying used games morally wrong?
« on: January 28, 2018, 09:20:10 am »
LOL i don't even know how you reached this conclusion. I'd rather save money by buying used purchases so I can use that towards longer term goals like most people.

Because that's the narrative that games' companies have been trying to push since the internet became a thing.  Especially now that they want to force "games as a service" down everyone's throat.

Modern Video Games / Re: Tips for Dark Souls III for a beginner of sorts?
« on: January 28, 2018, 09:16:28 am »
I followed the same path you did, but I kind of just forced myself to power through the troubled areas.  You would think that beating Bloodborne would prepare you for the Souls games, but it actually kind of does the opposite.  The aggressive play style that BB encourages is very frowned upon in the Souls games.

My best advice would be to take it slow.  Play very defensively but patiently.  Do not be afraid to summon help (NPC or player-wise).  Parrying is super useful but not required.  At least not in DS3, which is probably the easiest of the main trilogy, so it is a good place to start.

An impromptu trip to Bargain Hunt over my lunch break netted me the following:

Super Mario Odyssey $33
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - Nintendo Selects $3
JoyCon Charging Dock - $14
Wired Switch Controller Plus (Zelda) - $15
LEGO Dimensions Portal 2 Fun Pack - $5

and Titanfall 2 from eBay for $8.

General / Re: Your Opinions of the Xbox Halo Series
« on: January 26, 2018, 08:32:55 am »
I've played every game in series except for 5, and I think they are all generally good (ODST) to great (Halo 2) games.  They are smooth responsive shooters that have surprisingly deep stories for a genre that isn't exactly know for that.  I played a ton of multiplayer for both Combat Evolved and 2, and spent a fair-ish amount of time with 4, and I think that the worst part of the Halo series are other Halo players, but that is generally the case with most online multiplayer console games.

Modern Video Games / Re: 2018 Games You Are Excited For
« on: January 19, 2018, 08:42:01 am »
Newly announced:

Dark Souls Remaster on the Switch.  Portable Souls?  Sign.  Me.  Up.

My general cap is about $30, and that has to be something I really want.

Ever since I joined Best Buy's Gamer's Club Unlocked, which pretty much caps brand new (non-special edition) games at $42 (20% of the $60 retail price), I've been finding it hard to spend even more than $40 on a brand new game.

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