Home from a trip to Denver and I hit pretty much every used video game store out there and picked up quite a few things.
Even 2 games that gives me a complete collection of a curtain game console.
First I got a Neo Geo Mini Arcade.
I wish it looked exactly like the Japanese version. Not sure why they changed the color scheme for the US release.
Amiibo- Dark Souls - Solaire
Gotta be the dumbest pose for any amiibo figure. lol
SWITCH- Night Trap
- Night Trap - Collector's Edition
PS4- That's You! (on clearance for $3)
- Agents of Mayhem (on clearance for $5)
- The Sexy Brutale (found out this was a Gamestop exclusive)
- Observer
- Magicka 2
- Pankapu
XBone- Agents of Mayhem (clearance for $5)
- Extinction (clearance for $10)
- Dead of Alive 5 Last Round (clearance for $7)
- Red Dead Redemption 2 - Ultimate Edition
You all knew I had to get this.
NDSFound these in Denver at a pawn shop for $1 each.
- Ping Pals
- The ABC Murders
XBIn Denver saw this for cheap.
- Metal Dungeon
GCFound this from my local used game store.
- Mario Power Tennis
And this I was at a used media store in Denver and saw this hard to find GC game for $35.
- Rave Master
When I went to buy it they couldn't find the game and apologized then tossed the game box and manual in the trash.
I asked if I could have the empty box and they let me have it for free. I then looked online for a disc only and found one for $14.
So I got a complete copy for the price of a disc only. lol
PS2Been looking for this for a while but every time I see it it's $40-$50.
A game store in Denver had it marked at $25 so I grabbed it.
- Graffiti Kingdom
DCI have a complete Dreamcast collection so I rarely look at DC anymore, but in Denver I saw one that stood out. A Japanese DC game that was under priced. Supposed to be a great shooter.
- Under Defeat - Collector's Edition
GBCA used media store had a GBC game I wanted at a good price so I grabbed it up.
- Lufia: The Legend Returns
SCDFound this at one game store marked under the going price.
- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein & Bram Stoker's Dracula
At a different store in Denver I saw this marked $50, it's kinda hard to find and thought okay its at the going price for it.
When I payed for it he charged me $30. I won't complain. lol
- BC Racers
T16CDAt one of the used game stores in Denver, I saw a T16CD game I needed but is was over priced.

I got to talking with the owner and made him an offer for it about $20 under the going price (about $40 under what he was asking) thinking he'd come back with another offer or just tell me no. But he said it has been sitting there for the longest time and ya I'll sell it for that. lol
- Vasteel
SNESFound this Denver going for about $5 cheaper then online so I picked it up.
- Super Widget
GENMy local used got this in CIB for $6.
- G-Loc
GBI found a lot of under priced GB games in Denver.
- T2 the Arcade game (place had a B2G1 free sale and I was buying 2 other GB games anyway)
- Fish Dude
- Rescue of Princess Blobette
- Lazlos' Leap
- Nail n Scale
- Spirou (game that was only released in Europe)
- Stop That Roach
NESAt a game store in Denver I saw this game that was only released in Europe and Australia.
- Jackpot
CVAt a Denver game store I saw this on the shelf and asked to see it, It was complete and looked like it was brand new.
The box was a tad beat and they had it maked at $40. I asked if they would take $25, she came back with $27.

- Colecovision Expansion Module 2
Now the find of the week...
At a game store in Denver, I saw 3 rare games I wanted but they where pricey to say the least.
I got talking to the owner and told how I wanted the 3 games and he told me maybe we can come to a deal.
We got to talking and I showed him my vast collection and he told me he really wanted to see me get these games and toss him an offer.
I said an offer knowing it was a little low and thought there is no way in hell he's going to bite, but he might come back with an offer then maybe I could loose one of the games and make it a better price. But he took the first offer.

He told me he was a collector too and he wanted these rare games in the hands of someone like him.
SAT- Saturn Bomberman
(this was the game I was going to put back if I had too)
N64DDThese are the last 2 games I needed for a complete N64DD collection.
These two games are SUPER rare, maybe 1 of these appear on Ebay a year.
- Japan Pro Golf Tour 64
- Kyojin no Doshin: Kaihou Sensen Chibikko Chikko Daishuugou