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Messages - pacpix

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Off Topic / Re: Raspberry Pi
« on: July 04, 2017, 01:02:58 am »
I've been thinking about getting one as a dedicated emulation box as well, but I don't have a tv that's not right next to my computer so I'm not sure I really need it.  Plus I don't really get much gaming in these days anyways. Would be nice for taking over to a friend's house or something though.

If there is a certain step you are struggling with to set it up feel free to PM me turf.  IT is my day job (networking specifically, but I used to do support) so I might be able to help ya out  :)

Off Topic / Re: Raspberry Pi
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:04:56 pm »
I have one sitting on my network rack at home.  Right now I'm not doing anything too amazing with it.  All it does is sits and waits for a scheduled crontab job to run my python script that tweets one of 21 randomly selected lame pictures of Garfield everyday.  ;D

They are fun to play around with if you have any interest in Linux, IT, programming, etc.  It's best to have a project in mind before getting one though.  Mine sat around for quite a while as I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Still Confused About Accuracy
« on: July 03, 2017, 12:24:50 am »
No need to argue about this, please keep it civil.

That's my bad on rejecting the edit.  If you submit it again I will accept it (if I am going through the queue at that time).

Don't worry we do care about accuracy, but we are also human  ;)

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Error Listings 2017
« on: July 03, 2017, 12:20:04 am » 
the sims 2 ds: Nintendo DS Accessory
barcode: hsjenojo8

Well that was a bizarre entry  :o  Deleted it from the database

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Tag Force 3 was not released in North America

Deleted this as well.  :)

That boxed Dragonfire is awesome!  Love the design on the old Imagic boxes.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: June 22, 2017, 10:26:53 pm »
While on the topic of Atari, apparently Hyperkin has a product they are working on called the Retron 77 which plays Atari 2600 games and outputs to HDMI.

Me personally, I won't be buying one unless it can do 5200 and 7800 as well.

I'd totally be on board if it could play 5200 carts.  Regardless it's good to see a pre-NES systems getting some love by a clone system company.  Could be a good sign for future releases.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Error Listings 2017
« on: April 26, 2017, 01:33:01 am »
Myst PC EU

has neverwinter night's backcover

Image has been removed.

Modern Video Games / Re: LoZ: Breath of the Wild Discussion Thread
« on: March 16, 2017, 01:08:50 am »
Loving the game so far.  I haven't really been all that into gaming the past couple of years or so.  Even games that I was excited to play have not been able to hold my attention for long.  However, BoTW has completely sucked me in.  It's all I can think about all day at school and work, which really sucked since it came out right around midterms so I had to live in the library for a while to resist temptation lol.  I'm also not really a sidequest/exploring type of person, but I spent the first 25 hours or so just exploring before even entering the first main dungeon.

I only wish that I had told my boss I wasn't staying in town all spring break so I could stay home and play Zelda all day  ;D

The weapon system is really starting to annoy me, though. Durability, I get it. But everything breaks too damn easily. A weapon should be able to last through one battle, at least. Instead I go through like 3 weapons when attacking a group of orcs.

I didn't mind so much with the early game weapons, but it is bothering me that even the high level weapons break in encounters.  Shield breaking pissed me off so much in Skyward Sword that I stopped using my shield.  ;D If the weapon durability in BoTW was on par with the bows and shields I think it would be a big improvement.

General / Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« on: March 08, 2017, 11:43:29 pm »
Wow that cabinet is dope!  :o

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Error Listings 2017
« on: March 01, 2017, 08:55:05 pm »

listing already exists and photo is of the wrong system

I have merged this entry as mentioned here

also please make sure you do not do this the photo on this item is from a game cube game but it is listed in with the ps2 games.

Thank you, Rayne. The other issue with that particular item is that it's already in the database:

That particular title gets a lot of dupes created because people think it's two separate words. If it's a popular series and you don't find anything, check that the spelling is correct prior to adding a new item to the database. If you're already looking at Wikipedia, you can see the franchise listed here:

Please be careful about creating duplicate entries as it takes time for admins to find and merge them.

*note for self or other admins, is a dupe as well *

Dupes have been deleted  8)

Site Feedback / Re: Hello this is oldgamerz admins should read
« on: March 01, 2017, 08:48:22 pm »
Welcome to VGCollect!  :)

You can definitely add games without a description.  In fact the only things you need to add an item to the database are the title, and the platform (Although we prefer as much information is filled out as possible of course).

I'm not sure what you are asking about in regards to the photos.  If you are asking if it is ok to upload a photo from the internet that you did not personally take, then yes that is fine as long as the artwork has not been watermarked.

General / Re: Guess the NES Game
« on: February 09, 2017, 12:14:49 am »

I got Ninja Gaiden II wrong despite there being a ninja in the picture  ;D

Also missed Rygar.

Off Topic / Re: Coca Cola or Pepsi?
« on: January 17, 2017, 08:49:24 pm »
Pepsi, all the way. It's sweeter. And yes, there is a difference.

This is the correct answer

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