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Messages - fauxshot

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Modern Video Games / Re: The Game Awards 2016
« on: December 03, 2016, 02:38:52 am »
Curious at the lack of some games.

Shocked that Overwatch took GOTY.

I can definitely understand your shock. I've hardly touched it since I bought it. To me, it just feels entirely over-simplified. I'd much prefer playing vanilla TF2.

I mean, I can understand why people like the game, but it just isn't what I'd give the GOTY throne to. Then again, I really wouldn't be able to name any other game I'd give it to, either. This year's game picks haven't scratched my gaming itch all that well.

Yes, various series actually. Close to completing my SMT set.

Got a pic? I'd love to see what you have!  ;D

As for FE x SMT... yeah, i made a long rant video about it some time ago. ::) I don't have a WiiU, so I didn't get a chance to play it yet and see how it turned out.

Hmm... I'm hoping Switch will have another SMT/Persona or Fire Emblem game released on it. That'd be pretty sweet.

Some nice deals!  :D Thanks for sharing!

General / Re: Black Friday 2016
« on: November 23, 2016, 12:52:33 pm »
Are any of y'all going to fight the idiots?  I need a new TV, so I'll be out there in it.  Plus, the lady and I are getting a griddle for each other this Christmas.

Best Buy has a Toshiba 40-some inch 4K tv for only $200, in case anyone else is looking to upgrade their TV. I may go out to get one, but idk yet. :T

I separate my UMDs from the games, but place them beside each other (first UMDs, then games, on the same horizontal shelf).

I have a humble little Klonoa collection, right now I'm missing 'Empire of Dreams' for GBA and 'Moonlight Museum' for WonderSwan

I've heard good things about the Klonoa games! I don't think it'd be my cup of tea, though.

Idk if I'm an alien, but I may be the only person in the world to not be a diehard Zelda fan.

Same. I bought the original for my 3DS, but didn't get too far. I got enthused for a few days and wanted to play through the series, but Nintendo games just don't always sit well with me.

For a while I was collecting the Shin Megami Tensei series more intently than any other, but I've been trying to tone the game buying down a bit after my last purchase. I have a modest little collection of games for it, nothing special, but I do try to pick up used copies of special editions if I see them at Gamestop or whatnot. I've found that the Persona titles are the only ones I ever actually manage to complete lol. Maybe it's because they're a bit easier.

Here's hoping P5 will turn out well! I just wish we got the same deal as the Japanese special edition, where all the previous Persona games came with it... I would have far preferred that over what's being included. Oh well. :(

Modern Video Games / Re: Free 'til Oct. 30th - Borderlands 2/Pre-Sequel!
« on: October 27, 2016, 04:13:52 pm »
*Not free, free to play for the weekend.  After the weekend is over, the download will no longer work until you buy the game.

Shooot, my bad, I'll change the title. D: I misread it. >.<

Hey all!

In case you haven't seen it, Borderlands 2/Pre-Sequel are free to download until October 30th (ish)! I didn't finish 2, but I also haven't played the Pre-Sequel, so I definitely plan on checking them out. :D Oddly enough, I always liked playing it as a single-player game better than with friends.

*Update: Whoops, it's just free for the weekend, after which time you have to buy it! My bad. v.v;;;

General / Re: Mega Man, Metroid or Castlevania?
« on: October 25, 2016, 09:28:11 pm »
Gotta go with Castlevania. The soundtrack and graphics/art design beat out the others, concerning my personal taste.

I've wanted to like Metroid, but it just doesn't have that same epic quality that other sci-fi movies/etc. have.

General / Good Star Trek Games?
« on: October 23, 2016, 10:58:57 pm »
Hey all!

With Halloween coming up and all, I decided to try and start watching Next Generation where I left off some time ago since Star Trek piqued my interest, again. Although I've watched the AVGN's video on Star Trek games, I was wondering if y'all had any experience with them, and could recommend a good one?

I'm not looking for anything in particular (I'm already occupied with Fire Emblem Conquest at the moment), but was just curious as to if there were any good titles out there, whatever genre or gameplay style they might be.

Finally. Not knowing anything about this has been hella annoying. >:T

I'll, uh... fifth(?) that. Fatal frame is arguably the least well known, the RE the most popular (though perhaps 'infamous' might be better at this point, haha... Revelations 2 was absolute shit... at least what I managed to play of it  :( ).

Really? While I didn't love Revelations 2, I thought it was way better than Revelations 1 (I only played it for a few hours), and I'd take it over RE6 any day. It was generally pretty enjoyable and the first time I've really enjoyed RE since RE5 I'd say.

Never played RE:R1, except for the demo, or RE6. But I think that RE:R2 was not fun at all, and that's what killed the game for me. I even played both campaign and the mercs mode with a friend, and it was just waaay too boring (or, in the case of mercs mode, a bit annoying since you have to share the ammo). I couldn't finish the campaign, the gameplay was just too railroaded and it just didn't keep me interested.

This is, however, coming from someone who is no lover of Capcom. I don't tend to take it easy on them when it comes to game opinions... hell, I'm still confused as to why RE:5 scored so damn high. I really liked mercs mode (wish they would have kept that format instead), but that was my favorite part.  :(

Resident Evil - Silent Hill - Fatal Frame

In that order.

I'll, uh... fifth(?) that. Fatal frame is arguably the least well known, the RE the most popular (though perhaps 'infamous' might be better at this point, haha... Revelations 2 was absolute shit... at least what I managed to play of it  :( ).

Yep, as Dash said, never too late to start up a new series.

As for originals vs. HD remakes, that's all up to you and your gaming preferences. Some people can stand to play games with aged graphics/mechanics/controls/etc., but others need those updates. It's just a matter of preference.

One game that hasn't been mentioned yet is Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters. This is available on the PS3 and Vita, and an "enhanced" port of it is available on the PS4. It's part visual novel and part strategy RPG. You take control of a Japanese student in a new school in Tokyo and join an after school club called The Gate Keepers. By day, they help publish a magazine. Interestingly, they moonlight as ghost hunters that go across Tokyo to exorcise evil spirits.

It's a great premise, but your mileage with the game will vary. Heavily. During the VN parts of the game, you will be often times given a choice with a Sense Wheel/Emotion Wheel. The descriptions for each of the choices on these wheels are vague so you may end up accidentally sniffing a girl while pondering the situation at hand. Seriously. Battles are even more reliant on guess work since you have to predict enemy movements. The tutorials are awful and there aren't any guides in the game that would allow you to reference things.

This game was too niche, even for me. But, you might be able to overlook it's uniqueness.

I was just looking at this game yesterday, but wanted to wait until the price dropped (why did Vita games get so expensive again all of the sudden??? :/  ). Thanks for the info... the damn box hardly said anything about the game whatsoever. 9.9;

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