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Messages - leonefamily

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Nice video! It has an impressive production quality, definetly does not look like a low-budget video. If you ever come to Québec I'd be glad to let you film my gameroom!

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: LeoneFamily's VGC Database Work
« on: September 24, 2021, 09:17:26 pm »
The people who design the covers use the flags to indicate which languages are in either the game or the manual. Our use of TLD is where the item is sold, not what flags are on the cover or what languages are in game or paperwork.
Yes, I'm aware of that. What I meant is: isn't using the [NL][BE] TLD redundant given that there is no french on the artwork like you would expect with a [BE] release? In my eyes this is just a [NL] release, it just happens that they sold it in Belgium as well. If we follow this logic, the vast majority of PS2 NTSC games would have a ridiculous [US][CA] TLD since lots of [US] releases were also sold in Canada. Some games did of course have a unique Canadian release which is why the [CA] TLD is common. Given that this game only has english and dutch on it I would just call it [NL] and I would only use [BE] for copies that have both Dutch, French and no "Attention" red label. Otherwise literally 99% of [NL] releases would by extension become [NL][BE].

But if you agree with dhaabi I'll go ahead and create it as [NL][BE] and will keep this in mind for when I upload more european releases.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: LeoneFamily's VGC Database Work
« on: September 23, 2021, 11:08:22 am »
Well yeah technically I own the [BE][NL] but there's no Belgium flag on the artwork and the text remains in English, except in the box where the flag is, there's some dutch. That's why I would only call it [NL] and not [BE][NL]

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate List 2021
« on: September 22, 2021, 08:47:30 pm »
Man.. if only it was true. LocoRoco on the Vita, physical release.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: LeoneFamily's VGC Database Work
« on: September 22, 2021, 07:49:13 pm »
From now on I will publish notes intended for admins when I'm about to make edits that may look fishy. This will let me explain why the edits are being done in the hopes they will pass better.

I'm about to add the [UK] TLD to this item:

Because I have found a "general" english release for mainland Europe and I'm about to upload it to the database.

Also, I'm unsure about the following item:

Despite the back text being in English, you can see that there's the Netherlands flag on the back cover (and the text inside that box is in Dutch). There exist a english release for the UK, which looks like this (notice the UK flag):

Should it be considered as the "general" english release or as the [NL] release? As usual with every edit I make and every item I add, I have a copy of this variant irl.

Off Topic / Re: The Dream Trip
« on: September 22, 2021, 07:28:24 pm »
I'd love to visit Taiwan, and also South Korea but maybe not Seoul, I'd think more Busan or Jeju Island.

General / Re: Which games Have You Spent More Of Your Lifetime Playing
« on: September 12, 2021, 08:22:35 pm »
I have over 5000 hours of playtime in GTA San Andreas


Canada Post: Best when it comes to handling packages and pricing of items without tracking. But if you choose tracking get ready for your small package price to go from 15$ to 65$ instantly.

Canpar: Never used them, I don't know much about their service.

Purolator: Avoid at all costs. They are notorious for losing large packages due to pure incompetence. I have a pretty insane story to tell about Purolator but I'm not sure if I already told it on the forum yet.

[...] Of course, I'm a Bee-Gee's fan so I don't know if that invalidates my taste in music or not.  :o

Night Fever is Stayin' Alive's cooler brother. Fight me 8) ;D

Off Topic / Re: Kabul just fell to the Taliban
« on: August 21, 2021, 04:17:52 pm »

My first thought is when Britain invaded French Canada.

Maybe he means something else.

Exactly. But to be honest I've never met a fellow Canadian who was rude to me, as a Québécois. If Québec is to become independent I genuinely wish Canada to be our #1 ally. Still, lots of people still don't realise we exist and that Canada is a multicultural country. Unfortunately there's a huge cultural appropriation going on and the federal government is doing all it can to make sure we don't attempt to secede again like all the attempts that have happened in the last 60 years. At some point it was even found out that Canada wanted to invade Québec if we were to ever secede (Operation Neat Pitch) but the documents were leaked and the federal government censored everything about the whole story as to not cause a national crisis.

However there's still a lot of misconceptions about us. One thing that I've often heard is the "language police" thing. First time a foreigner asked me about the language police I was like  ??? dafuq? Québec's official language is French so of course all text, signs, products, e.t.c. have to be in French for the population to understand. I suppose some people took articles like "Shop owner forced to change public signs from English to French" or "Retailer fined for selling packagings without French translation" and used that to start that "language police" rumor. Another thing is that Canada will say "ohh we're SO sorry for what WE have done in the past" i.e. wiping out the natives or other crimes against humanity, but since we are part of Canada that would include us Québécois. Except this is not true because before we were invaded we were the only american colony to have zero history of slavery as well as zero history of stealing native's lands (we did fight against the Iroquois at some point but it was due to our alliance with the Algonquins, it was never for land appropriation nor extermination).

But it's usually the federal government and a very small minority of anglophone ultranationalists that tend to talk crap on Québec. All english Canadians I've personally met were super nice and they all have my respects.

Banning Seether is something I'd love to see, but he is posting this in the Off Topic section so I don't see what the problem is.

What has Seether done?  ???
If he's not breaking forum rules I don't see a problem. So far I didn't notice anything morally wrong with his posts, or am I missing something?

Off Topic / Re: Kabul just fell to the Taliban
« on: August 15, 2021, 02:26:32 pm »
I watched the news on YouTube this morning. Apparently some people had fled their homes in the countryside to get to the capital city, but now even that is under taliban rule, so they essentially lost everything, even their freedom. The current Afghan government said they wanted a "peaceful transfer of power" pretty much saying that they are giving up against the Talibans.

At least my own country's invasion has already happened, yet our assimilation has so far failed. So I'm hopeful for the Afghan resistance but still, we never know how long the talibans will hold on to power. Could be as short as a few months or as long as a century, but it's up to the Afghan civilians to resist their invaders just like my ancestors have resisted despite being under foreign rule for 250 years.

Site Feedback / Re: User reviews for entire database
« on: August 12, 2021, 06:28:03 pm »
I can't say how all Admins who go through the queue would handle it, but I can tell you how I would. If an edit came through to give this item a different name, and I can confirm that the item in the picture is officially called that name, then the edit would be approved. In this case, I would look to see if the controller was sold in a box or if it only came with a console. As we've talked before, the instance where it came with a console only would mean it would have to use the name on the console manual or on the console box.

But, if the information is not easily confirmed then the edit may be rejected. Based on the idea that sometimes it is better to post in the Listing Errors thread about an entry having a problem, posting what you think the data should be changed to and why. We can't always quickly confirm an edit (with reasonable certainty) when in the queue, so I may reject it just so it can be researched and then changed later. Because if we leave an edit in the queue (we can't mark something as being under review) another admin might approve it erroneously.
FZ-JP1 was only bundeled with early Panasonic FZ-1 units in the US in 1993. FZ-JP1X replaced it for bundeled consoles and was the first controller to also be sold separately (from which the "early" box design comes from). Later they changed the box design around early 1994 to the one you can see on the first item link. All this info, along with many others, will be added to the database soon.

LocoRoco 2 - Fort BuiBui 3

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