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Messages - leonefamily

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Didn't try the program but it looks neat! Congrats!


I found this. It's listed under PS3 [NA] but it has the european name, PEGI rating, europe cover, e.t.c.

Video Game Database Discussion / LeoneFamily's VGC Database Work
« on: June 10, 2021, 10:02:50 pm »
I'm following
I'm taking inspiration from

I'm stealing dhaabi's format / idea to make a thread about my work in the VGC database to boast myself to improve the website to let others know about what parts of VGC's DB (talk about abbreviations!) could be considered as "under construction" to kind of make regular users aware that these sections are kind of a mess and to be more careful about the listings they create since a lot of them will be corrected for consistency and anti-redundance purposes. I think it's also a good way to let the admins know about what I'm generally up to, and it serves as a way to show what I'm generally going for when I make edits. No admin has asked me to do this thread, I'm just doing it on my own.

- Canadian & [CA][MX] releases. I consider myself an expert on the subject at this point. There is no real end to this project due to the insane amount of items it includes. I just post canadian releases as I add them in my collection.

- Xbox / Xbox 360 Demo. Started cleaning up that section in late 2019 but have took a break from this project for a while. But still have the whole project in my backlog and it will be complete at some point. Some info here:,10473

- 3DO Hardware & Accessories. I am currently doing a lot of work and research on the 3DO hardware and accessories, and I even have a close contact with the founder of, a true big time expert of the 3DO who gives me crucial information about it every day. My backlog has become an absolute treasure of 3do information and it's all just waiting to be all added/edited to VGC. To a lesser extent I also get help from a close facebook community of 3do fans with some members being people who have worked on the 3DO back in the day as well as ex game devs of some 3DO titles.

My mild knowledge of Korean also means that I know a thing or two about korean releases and I can write / read Korean Hangeul characters without any help. Naturally, I have no problem writing down the box text and titles of korean releases using the korean keyboard, but otherwise I don't consider my work in the korean releases to be a project in itself. I'm sure even dhaabi must have redacted more korean entries as I did at this point.

That's about it for now!

Sorry for my super late forum responses lately. Yes it kinda causes problems to just use the oldest platform for a few things. Yes, it's good for some platforms especially the ONE/XSX co-branding (it is a fantastic solution) but it causes issue for the Sneak King example since it has 360 box style but now it's been changed to OG xbox, and the same would apply for the demo discs which co-branded versions look more like 360 discs but now they would become just og xbox. It would also cause issue for stuff like the Red Dead Redemption 360/ONE version since it has ONE box style but now would become 360, further complicating the 360 category as there are already plenty of different 360 versions of RDR there. Lots of people who would see the box at first glance wouldn't realise it's not JUST a ONE game (although it's clearly written Xbox 360 / Xbox One with big white letters) and I can personally confirm this as, it is time for me to make a big reveal, I manage the electronics department at the largest Walmart store of central Québec. I can ATTEST that most people don't even take the time to read and just assume it's only a Xbox One game just by taking a look at the box style. Even worse, the manufacturers who send me the stuff, as well as all of our own internal systems, always refer to those games as XO (walmart's abbreviation of Xbox one) not only on all the 360/ONE co-branded items but also on the ONE/XSX titles, while 360 titles used to have their own category obviously and XSX only games are indeed referred as XSX in our internal systems.

TLDR listing as older console will not always give the best results. Could be used for the ONE/XSX titles but for the rest it should just be something like "Co-branded titles should be listed under the console which the box size/style most closely resembles". But that's just my personal opinion  ;D

I submitted the edits. Thank you!

I will continue to do lots of cleaning in the 3DO section. I am in personal contact with the owner of the website and he is being super helpful about 3DO releases, being himself probably the most dedicated 3DO expert out there.

Problem is, I don't know exact release dates for these consoles and I doubt anyone ever will. But sure I will keep the description as it is.

I will correct the names for the Panasonic models but there is one problem, there is the FZ-1 and the FZ-10 but both have the same official name which is "Panasonic R.E.A.L. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer". Right now their names have just the model number to differenciate them, so should I do..

Panasonic R.E.A.L. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer (FZ-1)
(alt name: Panasonic FZ-1)


Panasonic 3DO FZ-1
(alt name: Panasonic R.E.A.L. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer)

I'm a bit late for response, but generally I would just prefer to use the box style as the determinant of what console it's listed under. Sneak King is stylised like a 360 box so that's 360. Red Dead Redemption (360/ONE) has a ONE box style, so list it under ONE. I think that would work well because anyways it would correlate with, for instance, the cleaning up I did (and am still not finished to this day) on the Xbox / 360 demo discs. Demo discs that are playable on both consoles have a 360 look to them so I listed them under 360.

But that wouldn't really solve the ONE/XSX issue as those two retain the very same box style. That why, in this case, I would agree to default to listing under the oldest console, being Xbox One in this case and the poll shows that people would agree with this.

Thanks for your clarifications. Should I also add in description that Goldstar is first model and that LG is second model, or should I just leave them blank?

Also, the 3DO Hardware section is a bit inconsistent. Half of the names have either one of those two formats:

3DO - [Brand + model]
("3DO - Panasonic FZ-1"), ("3DO - Panasonic N-1005"), e.t.c.


[Brand] 3DO [model]
("Goldstar 3DO Interactive Multiplayer"), ("Sanyo 3DO TRY"), e.t.c.

What format should we officially adopt?

I tried hard refresh and the original image was still there. I waited a few days and still not changed so I submitted again. It was rejected as information was already listed. So the admin definetly sees the correct image, but for some reason I don't. I deleted everything from Google Chrome's settings tab and now it finally appears. CTrl+F5 didn't work for me but doing it manually from settings fixed it.

Alright, I didn't want to be specific at first because I didn't want someone else to rush the edits before I do them, which happened to me on the forums, so I didn't want that to happen again. But screw it, it's this item:

First models were Goldstar branded. During the production of the console Goldstar became LG Electronics in anticipation of its merger with Zenith Electronics LLC (which happened the next year). We know with 99% certainty that the controller was always Goldstar branded even on LG branded consoles. But for the box, only one has ever surfaced, and it's Goldstar branded with a LG console inside (but controller and manuals are Goldstar, which correlates with what we already know).

It would be somewhat safe to assume that the box was not swapped considering everything I've mentionned and the fact that the console is ridiculously rare (so good luck even finding another box to swap) but still couldn't say for sure.

I created the VGcollect item for this console while using the Goldstar name but I used a picture from a LG console, as I viewed both as the same console. But then I had a second thought, so that's why I created this thread.

It's usually because the old image is still stored in your internet browser's cache. If you clear it out, your new image should appear.

I cleared the cache but the old image is still there.

Yesterday I updated a front box art and it was accepted, but as of today the image has still not been updated. Is that a bug? Should I submit again?

I can't prove 100% that the box art is EXACTLY the same, because the console is stupid rare and there is just one known CIB instance on the internet, and it is a BrandB console complete in a BrandA box, manuals, controllers, e.t.c. and it just makes a lot of sense to assume that nothing was swapped considering how short-lived and absurdly rare BrandB variants are (they probably just ended production as soon as the merger was complete and they just stamped the last consoles with BrandB logos and packaged them in their remaining BrandA boxes, but that's just my speculation) which makes even more sense when considering that every single BrandB variant I've ever seen on the internet (and I've searched every corner of it) always have a BrandA branded controller with them (so we can safely assume that BrandB variant of the controller doesn't exist, so why not the box).

Couldn't find any mention of it in the OG Style Guide as well as the Advanced Style Guide, but let's say there is a console out there with only one box art variation but inside you can have 2 possible variations of the same console. To be more precise, it's a console that was manufactured by a certain brand which merged with another company (and changed name in the process) during the production of the console, the box art shows the brand pre-merger and inside you get a controller that always have the branding from pre-merger as well (from what we know of) while the console itself either has the pre-merger logo on it if you have an early unit or the post-merger logo if you have a late unit (but always retain pre-merger branding on the box). Should I do two different listings for the two different console variations depsite the box art staying the same or should I do "BrandA/BrandB Console" in the title and include a description stating "BrandA branded on early models, BrandB branded on late models" or finally do the same but just keep Brand A on the title (while keeping same description) since it is always Brand A on the box art?

For those wondering what that mystery 3DO console was, I just got it today.

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