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Messages - cirno

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I miss Blockbuster and the experience of renting games in general.  Good, bad or just weird-I'd play whatever on the shelves just because I'd want something new to play, and I ended up discovering a lot of new series I liked through that, and since it was obviously cheaper than outright buying the original game I got to try new things much more often.

Nowadays I know what something is before I buy it and while of course it's a good thing to not waste money on bad games, that sense of discovery is kind of lost.

General / Re: New nes and snes games
« on: December 28, 2017, 03:25:28 am »
It reminds of those 100-in-1 bootleg carts except being sold as legitimate product

I don't see the point too much since almost the entire appeal of buying physical retro games is the fact that it's the original game for collecting purposes. At this point I don't see much difference to just plugging in one of those ub nes controllers to your computer and booting up an emulator know, they aren't the real games. Even more traditional reproduction make a little more sense since they're designed to imitate the feeling of having the real thing, whereas the whole "collection" gimmick really hinders the nostalgia factor here.

I know this'll make some folks happy, considering all some people want is to play the game on their actual console and they aren't too informed on other options, but it's a very specific niche that won't give it much value or exactly rake in sales.

I think things like that are titled more to mean "the game with all the extra content" not "we actually released the full game this time"

I don't really see the logic here.

Every game in existence comes out with a few bugs or problems here and there, the difference is just that nowadays we have a way of fixing those issues

I'm aware of the whole "releasing a broken game and then patching it" issue but its kind of silly to think a game getting updates instantly invalidates it from being a "complete game"

If you can get the full experience with little issue, of course it's "complete" regardless of any future patches

Keep in mind you can scroll down and find something less insane in the span of a few seconds

You definitely have to be pretty dumb to buy something for a hundred dollars that you can get for 30$..probably on the exact same page a few inches away

It's probably partially ignorance though since in my experience, among non gamers there seems to be a stereotype that literally any retro console or game is a super rare collector's item

I believe the issue is the whole console wars thing. Some people take their devotion too far and will attack fans of other consoles and companies unnecassarily, or just relentlessly bash any game console they don't prefer.

Personally I tend to buy nintendo stuff almost exclusively but I don't think the other consoles are BAD. It's just my personal preference

I want Nintendo to drop out of the race honestly.  8)
I hate to break it to you man but that's probably never gonna happen

General / Re: Remasters are cop outs? Agree or disagree?
« on: December 13, 2017, 01:21:44 am »
An hd remake for a game from a long dead console entirely makes sense

An hd remake for a game from the directly previous console that's still in stores is just pathetic

I catalog them with my physical collection but I'm not really under the impression that I own them. I just like to see all the games I "have" in one place. Personally, I do much prefer physical stuff but there are too many digital games I enjoy to just totally ignore them forever. I could buy the fancy physical versions when they come out but..that's money I could be spending on actual new games

Plus to be honest they make a lot of sense on handhelds since I'd rather take around a 3Ds with a few games than lug around my entire set of physical ones

General / Re: Who Plays any of "The Sims" People Simulator Games
« on: November 27, 2017, 07:28:28 pm »
I've played a lot of three and four,  with a little bit of two when I was kid. The games are all very flawed but it kinda has a monopoly on this concept. There's not many games where I can open a toilet store, burn down a house, and go fishing in a public pool all in one play session. The kind of goofy open ended nonsense the series offers appeals to my creativity a lot.

That said, it does suck that you need to invest in the expansion packs to really get the full experience, especially in four where they insist on chopping all of it into bite sized pieces.

I think it's kinda worthless to keep a game you can't even play on a shelf..

But if anything, I just dislike this practice. I don't wanna pay for a game that'll become a useless hunk of plastic in only a few years, and even if it were a digital game I'd rather buy something I can just play whenever I feel like it

It's nice merchandice don't get me wrong.

Obviously I had to get my favourite smash bros characters and I got suckered into those wooly yoshi ones so I ended up with around 10 amiibo.

I would personally only recommend to get your favourite characters or series. Complete sets with these kinds of things seem to be kinda ridiculous not to mention even though they are easy to get also pricy thanks to the massive amounts and different sets.
Yeah I buy them just because they're nice nintendo figurines, the digitial content is just a bonus in my eyes

Eh, I personally don't think the genesis Sonic games are all that great because the concept of a super fast platformer is pretty nonsensical. More often than not you'll be punished for trying to exploit the game's main selling point

I can't stand Nostalgists (Genesis-era Sonic fans, who disregard anything after Sonic 3K. are a good example) or Company-Fanboys

That's a fact. Genesis era Sonic is the best Sonic.
That's more of an opinion I'd say

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