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Messages - teck

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 29
Site Feedback / Re: New genre needed: Light-gun shooter
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:24:32 am »
Light Gun Shooter is a genre before "hack'n'slash" even though Beat'em up and shmups already exist....  makes me sad....

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:13:49 am »
Just finished Dynasty Warriors 8 XL Complete Edition on PS4....  Though to be fair it was mostly done already from what data I carried over from the PS3 main game....

Modern Video Games / Re: Diablo III
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:11:14 am »
I didn't like Diablo III on the PC, but I loved it on the PS3. Waiting for the PS4 version though.

Same here....  Never even beat the game on PC....  I was shocked at how much better I liked the console version....

There are two, Dragon Song and Knights. Dragon Song is largely bashed as one of the worst Lunar games, but Knights was well received.

Lunar Dragon Song is in fact not only a bad Lunar, but a bad RPG and game in general....  After 4 hours with the game I still found it hard to find any particular thing I actually liked about it....  Avoid like the plague people....

Off Topic / Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« on: March 26, 2014, 01:40:31 pm »
Year of the Horse Optimus Prime


Sorry. I got excited.

Hah ha....  Nice....

General / Re: The Collection Achievements Thread gave me an idea....
« on: March 26, 2014, 01:09:37 pm »
Only 2 more days until I pick these up....  I've already decided on a few for sure....  Looks like I might not have that much choice in the end, lol....

General / Re: Ever use re-sealable baggies on your games?
« on: March 26, 2014, 01:03:15 pm »
Never used em myself, I buy those plastic folding boxes to protect my cardboard box games....  They make them in cartridge size too, but I only have CIB stuff....  I sold all my loose stuff a couple years back, they look great and protect well!

Site Feedback / Re: How can I view the site on mobile in desktop mode?
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:26:17 am »
I don't care for the mobile site because its difficult to navigate between the lists and the category selector area (categories are far from accurate to the touch and sometimes slow and unresponsive). Really I'd like to just view the site as desktop on my mobile. I even have a browser (Dolphin) which allows all sites to view as desktop but Vgcollect still shows as mobile. Funny because the forum views like desktop. What's wrong with the site section?


Nothing is technically wrong with it, it is just uses some different technology that auto-adjusts the screen based on your screen width. I know there is a way to override it - I'll look into it tonight and follow up here.

Thanks matt....  I haven't checked out the newly reworking app again yet though, so there is always that....

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:23:56 am »
Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete tonight~!  I can't wait~!

Jealous, but I'm already picking up too much this week - it will have to wait.

Just finished my first run (the kill everything directly in front of you and ignore the battle run)....  And I very much like it....

Just got Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete for PS4....  The data migration from PS3 wasn't very well presented, but it worked quickly and flawlessly and I got to burn through Lu Bu's campaign with blatant disregard for anything actually going on just as any good Lu Bu player should....  I really like Lu Bu's Daughter, her character is a good addition to the female line up....  She brings another fierce and angry choice like Wang Yi to the table....

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 25, 2014, 04:30:43 pm »
Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete tonight~!  I can't wait~!

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: March 23, 2014, 08:37:25 pm »
Finished Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes in one sitting....  My first play through was a no spot, no kill run....  It finished it in 88 minutes....  I only really explored the east side of the island though....  I probably will go at it again in a few weeks after thoroughly tearing through Dynasty Warriors 8 complete on PS4 next week....

Off Topic / Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« on: March 23, 2014, 08:35:06 pm »
Got these CDS with some recently earned eBay money, all at the top of my CD wishlist!

A beautiful haul!

General / Re: Which game is owned the most?
« on: March 23, 2014, 08:30:48 pm »
I guess there are a lot of people who either don't track their systems or that collect games for systems they don't have. :P

Yeah, I only track physical games on here....  No hardware, no bonuses, no strategy guides or art books, etc....

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro collecting is dying!
« on: March 23, 2014, 08:26:29 pm »
I think the best name for running your own store is GameSpot, lol. Just send spies in to check GS current prices and trade values, then try to beat them by a small measure. Problem is, as a small business, distributors won't cater to you. Some games you won't be able to get day one, you also won't make, but loose money on new games. Your model will rely entirely on used game and consoles. Everything is out of pocket and you're competing with an entity that has endless pockets and aggressive sales strategies that you likely don't know anything about and can only hope to copy. If you deal in classic games, that's a whole other ballpark. Clientele are fickle and jaded, not to mention stock is scarce and hard to find at resell-able prices.

Distributors are indeed a complete pain in the ass....  I have to deal with Hyperkin quite often and it is always a pain....  As far as new games, the answer seems to be just don't deal in them....  I've found that just being cheaper than Gamestop in every scenario is simple enough and does the trick....  If anyone has recommendations for the rapidly evaporating retro stock issue then please do enlighten....

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