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Messages - gummo

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Hardware and Tech / Re: Wonderswan Screen Burn
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:47:45 pm »
It's hard to pick up the green on film , it's a very light shade .

Hardware and Tech / Re: Wonderswan Screen Burn
« on: September 29, 2020, 01:26:54 pm »
 I've never done the polarizing film before so I can't help with what type to use , but I can tell you my original WS screen has a light greenish hue to it with black pixels (not the bold green with blue pixels as in the video). I certainly haven't owned it since it was new so it's a possibility that the polarizer had been done before I got it .

   The second film the guy removes and doesn't replace in the video is not a polarizer , I believe it's just a tinted film .

General / Re: Microsoft Buys Zenimax (Bethesda, et al)
« on: September 22, 2020, 04:12:35 pm »
They definitely had to approve Cuphead going to PlayStation. They could have stopped supporting it once they bought Minecraft but instead it's getting even more support in some ways by having a VR mode on PlayStation that's not on Xbox. Minecraft Dungeons is a separate title title that launched this year.

If PlayStation would allow it they would happily put Game Pass on PlayStation.

I think Minecraft was more a chance to experiment in crossplay for MS than a move to make money from Sony . VR is not on Xbox yet, but it is on Windows PCs, in other words it wasn't developed solely for PS VR . And Minecraft Dungeons , who knows ?
MS absolutely would sell GP for Playstation if they could , they have openly supported crossplay . I don't know if that's in the realm of possibilities though .

General / Re: Microsoft Buys Zenimax (Bethesda, et al)
« on: September 22, 2020, 10:00:04 am »

I don't think Microsoft cares about the Playstation market ,as far as selling their games in it anyways .

Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons and to a lesser extent Cuphead?
Cuphead is not Microsoft's IP so they had nothing to lose by pimping it on other consoles later on and Minecraft was not Microsoft's IP either when it went to PSN . Whatever deals they already had I'm sure they'll honor , beyond that I wouldn't hold my breath as they are trying to sell Game Pass .

General / Re: Microsoft Buys Zenimax (Bethesda, et al)
« on: September 21, 2020, 05:23:52 pm »
I don't think Microsoft cares about the Playstation market ,as far as selling their games in it anyways .

In my console buying days I'd only ever bought the Xbox 360 at launch .

I was fashionably late buying the PS2, Xbox, PS3, PSP, and the Xbox One.

It's nice to have a stack of games before I buy the console .

Off Topic / Re: What Is You Favorite Kind Of Candy or Candies
« on: September 18, 2020, 08:22:14 pm »
My guilty pleasure is Smarties (US) . I'd get them as a kid from the corner tobacco/liquor/candy store for 10 cents a roll . Still enjoy them .

Off Topic / Re: DVD
« on: September 17, 2020, 04:25:25 pm »
I've used for BDs for 10 years now and never realized they added a DVD database . I tried Collectorz years ago . It's not free though . It did have DVD , Blu-Ray , and HD DVD categories . The databases were severely lacking and the UI was not intuitive at all .

I collected UMD movies back in the day and have like 40 from the UK . As far as I remember some UMDs are region locked and some are region free . Some of the region free ones have the ALL REGION logo on the back , not all do , some say REGION 2 but can play anyways . I have the Little Britain Series 1,2,3 UMDs and they work in my US PSP . The rest of mine are general Hollywood fodder and US TV shows (I assume I bought them because they were UK exclusives) . 90% of what I know about UMD region stuff I've forgotten .

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