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Messages - emporerdragon

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 52
Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal
« on: January 17, 2025, 02:55:02 pm »
Still can’t help but feel that they might be shooting themselves in the foot a bit just calling the system the switch 2. The system doesn’t look that staggeringly different compared to the original switch, feel like they might cause a bit of consumer confusion

Still will be less than it was with the Wii U. Lost track of how many customers I had that thought that the Wii U was just an add on for the Wii.

Modern Video Games / Re: Zelda-like game recommendations
« on: December 12, 2024, 02:16:12 pm »
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a funny little game based around the older 2D Zeldas.

General / Re: Your Top 5 Video Game Sound Tracks
« on: November 13, 2024, 10:18:10 pm »
In no particular order:

Chrono Trigger
Tales of Symphonia
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Kirby Superstar Ultra

Classic Video Games / Re: The Best Retro Game Music - 8bit and above
« on: September 28, 2024, 04:25:53 am »
Final Fantasy Legend II for me. Besides being the game I cut my teeth on when it came to RPGs, it had an amazing soundtrack that pushed the limits of what a Game Boy could do. I also still consider the boss music to be in my top boss battle music of all time.

Struggle to The Death - Final Fantasy Legend II

Thinking of other retro boss battle songs I love

World Revolution - Chrono Trigger (Also made into an excellent musical song alongside the rest of the OST)
End of a Thought - Tales of Symphonia
Eternity - Blue Dragon
King Dedede's Theme - Kirby Superstar

Modern Video Games / Re: Concord - PlayStation's biggest flop?
« on: September 03, 2024, 06:42:59 pm »
Not quite as quick as the demise of "The Culling 2" but it didn't last much longer.

That was the first game I thought of when I read this. That and that one Love Live game that announced both it's release and sunsetting in the same news blurb. Thought Culling lasted a little longer, but I checked and nope, it only lasted 8 days itself.

General / Re: Is there any hope for this site?
« on: August 28, 2024, 02:54:07 pm »
I still lurk and visit, but not too many recent topics have piqued interest enough to post, and I really don't like necro-ing threads or responding to ones that have been necroed, so not a ton of posts from me.

It also doesn't help that my physical collecting for games has basically dried up with the combo of the new generations being more digitally focused and being priced out of wanting to retro collect (I love shotgun collecting, but it's nowhere near as fun when those random shovelware titles are $20+ each). I've instead since shifted my collecting focuses to manga and pokemon cards as the majors, & collectible figures and Lego/Nanoblock sets as the minors.

General / Re: Fighting Game Collectors, what do you recommend?
« on: May 16, 2024, 01:48:28 am »
Can your collection ever be complete without a copy of the classic Shaq Fu?

In all seriousness though, I can think of 1 fighter I've really enjoyed in the past that I'm not seeing in your collection: Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (Super Famicom). And for one I didn't: Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL (Xbox 360).

General / Re: Games with great stories.
« on: March 29, 2024, 01:26:28 am »
For a shorter game: Dordogne. It's a pretty straightforward narrative point and click, but it does an excellent job at capturing that feeling of bittersweet nostalgia from when going through the things of a relative who has passed.

Battlefront collection is what I'm most hyped for, but as it's coming to other consoles, I'll get it there.

With that, and the recent Tomb Raider and Metal Gear rereleases, it's nice to see a bunch of that generation of games coming to modern systems.

General / Re: 2024 Gaming/Collecting Goals
« on: December 22, 2023, 07:46:32 pm »
Main gaming goal is the ever-impossible whittling down the backlog. Main problem is that I keep playing those behemoth games that take 100+ hours to finish. One game in particular I want to finish (or more accurately, get caught up) is Coloring Pixels for Steam, as there's around 1,500 achievements to get in that addicting, casual game.

Collecting-wise I don't really have a goal for games themselves, as I'm barely buying anything physical right now. I do have a few game-adjacent goals though. I got back into the Pokemon card collecting scene this year, and would like to finish up some sets, old and new. Right now, the only ones I've finished are Base Set and Black & White, but I want to get the Scarlet & Violet ones completed and work my way backwards from there. I also want to complete my Pokemon Nanoblock collection, not counting the super mini ones. Currently, I've got 25 of the basic ones and the DX versions of Palkia and Dialga. And finally, I want to keep building up my Team Fortress 2 unusual collection, I'm almost at the 300 mark there.

General / Re: Amiibos - your experience
« on: December 18, 2023, 10:32:01 pm »
I want to complete the Smash series, but with being unable to find most of the Ultimate characters at non-scalper prices, my interest has certainly waned.

I wish I had finished training up my entire roster into level 50 fighters though. My Zelda and Little Mac in particular were both stupidly good. Zelda was a sniper tank that you needed to get into the 300s to even budge. Mac was even better though, I enhanced him in a way that gave him actual air recovery, and he also had vampirism, allowing him to heal back all damage done to him in seconds. Dude could demolish me in a 3 stock match in a minute and a half once he was full powered.

General / Re: Warning!!! (do not toss or sell your OG Xbox Consoles)
« on: October 09, 2023, 12:19:56 am »
The 360 has needed a hard drive installed to play OG Xbox games since Backwards compatibility was rolled out. This isn't really new.

I think in general, it's still got a few years of going up before it peaks. A good amount of casual retro collecting (not just games, but in general) is from people in their 30s who have disposable income and want to get a chunk of their childhood back or to get what they weren't able to as a kid. However, when we get to the point in a few years where that audience's childhood is the PS3/360 era, there's going to be much less of a desire and a need to go hunting for the old consoles and games thanks to backwards compatibility and rereleases. After all, why go through all that effort to buy the old physical hardware, when you you can just load up the marketplace, pay a few bucks, and be scratching that nostalgia itch in minutes?

General / Re: Video Game Prices
« on: August 23, 2023, 03:05:10 pm »
I always find it amusing how the most rare and valuable stuff in my gaming collection technically doesn't even exist. I've got a bunch of items for Team Fortress 2 that currently sell on the secondary market for around $500+ each. And some of them don't even do anything special or look different than the basic, worthless items in the game.

General / Re: Anyone else suck at finishing RPGs?
« on: July 11, 2023, 01:10:47 am »
If I get into an RPG, I can usually complete it, but there can be times where I wind up losing interest. There tend to be two big hurdles for me. The first is when I hit a wall where grinding is the only solution, and grinding for the sake of the grind is not typically fun. The other is when the world becomes a little too open and then gives no sense of direction or purpose; Like you just get the airship, allowing you to visit every town in the game and your only objective is something vague like "find the orbs" or "prepare to fight Lord Darkness". You never feel like you're going the right direction as well as potentially missing something. This doesn't apply to games like The Elder Scrolls or Fallout as those were designed with random exploration in mind.

I think replayability does also help in making an RPG finishable, as if it's good enough to play through more than once, then getting though that first time is a bit easier.

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