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Messages - vivigamer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 53
General / Re: Top 30 Pick Ups of 2024!
« on: January 06, 2025, 02:56:17 am »
Not the most outrageous year but content then with what I got:

Top 5

The Bouncer (Promo, PS2)
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Deluxe Edition (PS5)
Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes (Gamecube)
Shenmue 3 Complete Edition (Limited Run, PS4)
World of Illusion (Megadrive)

General / Re: Overrated/Underrated
« on: December 28, 2024, 04:45:10 am »
Underrated: Resident Evil 6

There might be a better example I'm not thinking of, but in terms of games that get a ton of unwarranted hate and are often looked down upon (unjustly imo), it's hard to think of a better example than RE6. I actually expected to hate this game as much as 90% of most other people online when I first played it, but in the end I liked it more than even some older RE games I've played. Yeah, it's essentially what you'd get if Michael Bay directed an RE game, but for what it's worth, the game has a great story, excellent visuals, cool bosses and enemies, and pretty tight gameplay. There are some annoying aspects to the game and it's honestly a bit too long, but it's hard to fault it in many other ways.

I really like RE6, once you accept it is more of an action game it's a blast! While a little bloated I really do like the narrative for Chirs's campaign. The controls are tight & with Mercenaries Mode there is tons of replay value. it also helps to play co-op. I'm glad we got RE7 but I appreciate RE6 for what it is.

General / Re: Overrated/Underrated
« on: December 28, 2024, 04:42:05 am »
Overrated - Anything from FromSoftware (Souls/Elden Ring etc.)

Their philosophy on difficulty does not appeal to me. I want to enjoy a gaming experience, not to easy to where it's a breeze but not too difficult to where it becomes frustrating - of course, all FromSoftware games fall into the latter. Whenever I state this the quick response is to "GET GUD!" well I haven't got time in my life to waste hours on a single game with purposefully built high hurdles. Beyond the difficulty I don't care for the way they handle story through hidden notes are lore around the locations, I just find it bland. But what really offends me is the last effect the games have on the industry, games like SIFU & Crash Bandicoot 4 have a followed suit on their difficulty & both were miserable experiences! I played SIFU on their easier mode but then it just became joke! There was no happy medium so the game was just not fun to play. It's also very telling in Crash 4 how they have a costume with Crash wrapped up in bandages...

Underrated - The Bouncer (PS2)
I. LOVE. THIS. GAME! It has Squaresoft storytelling & style with a budget to boot! The game is short so it suffered the same backlash The Order 1886 got with it's length/cutscene ratio but I will defend it by saying you can experience more of the story on 3 playthroughs - Actually, it is best to just select 1 character throughout the campaign rather than swap between each fight. The combat is a little floaty but serviceable and the game has a great pace and feels like playing an action movie! It's also the best example of a 3D Beat 'Em Up I can think of! It's a genre which I want to see have more decently budget titles but sadly nearly all modern Beat 'Em Ups are nostalgia throwbacks - There was SIFU, but as I said it was let down with the difficulty balance. The cutscenes keeps the journey fresh and it's a fun game to finish in an evening. I see the Bouncer slagged off at every mention and I really wish it had more love.

Christmas, Birthday & a few CEX purchases!

Alan Wake II Deluxe Edition
Banishers: Ghost of Eden
Epic Mickey Rebrushed
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure
Metaphor: Refantazio
Sand Land
Tchia: Oleti Edition
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered (They fixed tank controls!)
Valkyrie Elysium
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition

BlackSad - PS5
Forespoken DLC - PS5
Mass Effect Trilogy - PS4
TimeSplitters Future Perfect - PS4/PS5

Also Knuckles on Blu-Ray - Pretty pumped to watch Sonic 3!

Backlog has just stretched! But 2025 looks like a slowburn for new releases so I think i'll be fine for a while!

General / Re: Game with a PEGI rating.
« on: December 28, 2024, 03:40:11 am »
It only becomes a problem when there is DLC for the game, as the disc won't be compatible with the DLC from the other regions store - I had this issue with Drakengard 3 on PS3. But Dragon Quest XI should be fine!

Also, you can still get the games updates which download automatically like a normal gamefrom your region!

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2025!!!
« on: December 27, 2024, 04:11:31 am »
01. Epic Mickey Rebrushed (PS5) - 01/01/2025
02. Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Megadrive Collection (PS4 on PS5) - 02/01/2025
03. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on Sega Megadrive Collection (PS4 on PS5) - 03/01/2025
04. Life Is Strange (PS4 on PS5) - 06/01/2025
05. Sonic CD on Sonic Origins (PS5) - 10/01/2025
06. Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Sonic & Tails) on Sonic Origins (PS5) - 11/01/2025
07. Sonic Origins (PS5) - 11/01/2025 *Platinum*
08. Knuckles Chaotix (Sega 32X on Emu) - 015/01/2025
09. Sonic 3D on Sega Megadrive Collection (PS4 on PS5) - 15/01/2025
10. Life Is Strange: Double Exposure (PS5) - 18/01/2025

Now Playing:
Fantasian Neo Dimension
Epic Mickey 2: The power of Two
Ni No Kuni 1
Sonic Superstars

Ghost Trick
Lost Judgment
Time Hollow
Max Payne
Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Alan Wake
Alan Wake II
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered


Traded in a few games today and had enough credit for 3x games!

- Air Twister
- Bramble: The Mountain King
- A Plague Tale: Requiem

Got back from my trip in America & bought some exclusives:

Dead Rising x2
Dead Rising 2 x2
America's Greatest Game Shows: Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy!
+ Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Re-Print (PAL)

Xbox One
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age

PS4 - Grandia HD Collection - Ordered from Limited Run, wish I didn't have to resort to them as there was a physical Switch Edition worldwide. Still, I'm very glad to own it.
PS5 - White Day 2: Complete Edition - Wasn't sure if this would ever release but finally have it and plan to play through both games soon!

General / Re: How do you prefer your Sonic games? 2D or 3D?
« on: September 01, 2024, 04:13:23 am »
When I think of Sonic and why I love it, it all boils down to Sonic Adventure 1! Sure it has it's flaws, many, MANY flaws! But there is something cozy about it's atmosphere. The little hub areas between levels are fun to explore and add a level of exploration the level based games just lack. I love the cutscenes and the story, it's the first time a story REALLY felt present within a Sonic game and I was fully very invested in it - Like with all the lore around the ancients and the Master Emerald. SA2 just wasn't the same, its pure level based gameplay was a pain, especially having to dig through hidden upgrades in levels and some levels like tails/Robotniks just werent fun.

Beyond that, I enjoy S1-3&K but found level design for CD & Mania to frustrating. A lot of probelms with Sonic in general are through the hit detection - I often end up spamming bosses when I'm immune after being hit  or fuming whenever the game thinks I get squished.

# - 3rd Birthday (PSP) ... It's the only numbered game I have  ;D
A - Alien: Isolation (PS4)
B - (The) Bouncer (PS2) - Triple-A Beat Em Ups, we need more...
C - Catherine (PS3/Xbox 360) prefer the OG version the new content in Full Body was tacked on.
D - Dead Space (PS3/Xbox 360)
E - El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (PS3/Xbox 360) - Though part of me still wants to say Evolve...
F - Final Fantasy VIII (PS1) - That's not a typo...
G - Gravity Rush (PS Vita) - Shame the sequel felt like a spin-off.
H - Hogs of War (PS1) - Worm beater.
I - In Sound Mind (PS5/Xbox Series/Switch)
J - Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast)
K - Kingdom Hearts  (PS2)
L - Life Is Strange (PS4/Xbox One)
M - Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (PS2/Xbox)
N - NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... (PS4/Xbox One) - Took me a long time to accept this but it is the definitive version!
O - (The) Order 1886 (PS4) - Hate the reception this game got, I've always enjoyed it and resent the company going under.
P - A Plagues Tale Reqium (PS5/Xbox Series) - Both games are great!
Q - (The) Quarry (PS5/Xbox Series)
R - Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - Gold Edition (PS4/Xbox One) - Love everything about it, then Village seemed too over the top...
S - Shadow of Memories/Shadow of Destiny (PS2/Xbox) - It pains me not to include Shenmue here!
T - Tekken Tag Tournament (PS2)
U - Until Dawn (PS4)
V - Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP)
W - World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (Megadrive/Genesis)
X - Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) - I haven't played it on Switch but I'm glad it's not locked to the Wii system...
Y - Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon (PS5/Xbox Series)
Z - Zone of the Enders (PS2)

That's going through my physical collection listed on here. I can't imagine there would be many digital games that I would be missing to change anything though.

It's a Limited Run Games Exclusive:

Which is painful for me being from the UK as I will have to pay extra to import. Interesting to see it is listed at $25 on their website too! Especially when you see Lollipop Chainsaw Remaster going for $45...

Modern Video Games / Re: Capcom Next - July 1st, 2024
« on: June 29, 2024, 03:51:37 am »
I just want Resident Evil 9 to be announced and shown, I'm so ready for it! I'm all for the RE remakes (If there is anything I want, it would be Code Veronica) but we've had RE4R so it is time to show the next NEW game in the series. I'm happy for the series to alternate between mainline and remake but if it's just remake after remake then we have a series problem...

I'm sure we'll see more of that Dead Rising

Seen the Xbox Store had a sale on soon to be removed 360 games, so I jumped in and got a fir bit:
- Batman Arkham Blackgate Deluxe Editon
- Bionic Commando
- Black (OG Xbox, is backwards Compat)
- Burnout Crash
- Dark
- DeathSpank
- Final Exam
- Kane & Lynch
- Remember Me
- Street Fighter X Tekken

Apparently the store will be having a 2nd final wave of titles on July 16th, so I may have to prep for that too!

Not sure if this is a fangame or something but it needs to be labelled as unofficial... or removed:

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