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Topics - ancestralspirit

Pages: [1]
Modern Video Games / Garou Mark of The Wolves
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:42:52 pm »
As we all probably know by now LRG are printing Garou Mark of The Wolves for PS4 in a limited quantity.

For all of us Europeans, and for those of you that may miss out on the LRG print, it turns out Pix 'n' Love are doing the PEGI release, and there is no limit to the standard PS4 version  :)

Not only this but both LRG and Pix 'n' Love are doing different collectors editions as well.

LRG Edition:

Pix 'n' Love Edition:

Depending on the price points i'd say atm, the Pix 'n' Love version is looking way better.

I promise this is not a joke......
Or it is.....
Either way it's free!   ;D

Sorry i don't have the link for the Americans, it's easy enough to search for though   :)

Modern Video Games / So i got the Gris printing plate from LRG!!!!!
« on: May 14, 2020, 12:24:07 pm »

I mean seriously, i like collecting games and the little cards that i get from LRG, but i just got the Gris printing plate?!?

I'm in a state of shock atm and i don't know what to do.
I'm not collecting the printing plates at all, and really never expected to get one, let alone for Gris of all games.
The Gris printing plate is super faint, since the card itself is very abstract and faint itself. Anyone who bought the game and got the card will understand what i mean.

I mean if i was going to sell it, what sort of price do you put on it?
What do i dooooooo?!?!?!    :o

So i just bought Adam's Venture Origins PS4 EU from 365games for around £10.

However the game has turned up and it appears to be a fake at home printed cover!
EU copies of games have a tear strip around the bottom half of the game box, and to begin with, there is no tear strip.
This usually means that a game has been resealed by the seller.
However this cover is also a few centimetres too big on the top and bottom of the box, so it's sticking out of the top of the sheet plastic by no small amount on both the top and bottom.

Not only this but the back of the cover has white unprinted lines on it, usually seen when your printer starts running out of ink or the nozzles are blocked and it misses patches. There's also dappled white patches along the top of the print where the PS4 logo is, also looks like the printer ran out of ink   :/

Has anyone else encountered this on their copies of Adam's Venture Origins?

A while ago i bought Assassins Creed Chronicles from 365games as well, and couldn't work out if i was sold a fake printed cover for that one as well. All the edges were blurry as hell, and all the colours appeared washed out. So now i'm starting to think i have a fake cover on that one too  :/

Marketplace / PS4, PSVita, PS3, Switch and PC games for sale
« on: May 08, 2020, 02:09:41 pm »
Nintendo Switch
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry x 2 all EU (will obviously sell these separetely)

Playstation Vita
Pantsu Hunter Limited Edition with sticker from PlayAsia

Nova-111 with CD soundtrack, postcard and sticker from Limited Run Games

Playstation 4
Nova-111 from Limited Run Games

Flinthook with CD soundtrack, postcard and sticker from Limited Run Games

Cursed Castilla Limited Edition with sticker and postcard from PlayAsia

Super Gunworld 2 from Limited Run Games WITH SLIGHT DAMAGE (Picture provided)

Playstation 3
Class of Heroes 2G from Gainjin Works (A variant)

Kara no Shojo Second Episode Limited Edition 18+ from J-List

Please make reasonable offers, may also be willing to trade for certain titles    ;D

I live in the UK, and will ONLY be sending these via 1st class, fully tracked postage.
Will be willing to ship anywhere in the world, but please bear in mind that postage costs will differ greatly depending on where they need to be shipped to.
Paypal will be the only accepted form of payment.

Thank you for your time   :)

Modern Video Games / Deemo cross region Ad Hoc?
« on: May 07, 2020, 09:57:42 am »
So i wanna go for all the trophies in Deemo for PSVita.

I own the LRG Deemo, and a friend owns the PlayAsia Asian/English version.
You can play the game in Ad Hoc for the multiplayer trophy, however i don't know if the game will allow this with the 2 different regions of the game.

Anyone have an answer?  :)

Apparently they've been blocking news sites from telling people that Streets of Rage 4 is getting a standard retail release, and a European Signature Edition to boot.

So basically i paid $45 including shipping for a standard edition of a game from a country i don't live in, only to find out that i could have bought a European Signature edition with artbook, ost and the like for £45 with the potential for free shipping.

This is one of the shadier things LRG have done as of late.
Leading people on to increase their sales, and then blocking news sites of revealing info for other customers is an absolutely disgusting practice   >:(

EDIT: They are also refusing refunds. At a time when people would rather not waste their money double dipping, this is a complete shit show   :-\

Modern Video Games / The Quiet Man
« on: April 06, 2020, 03:31:40 pm »
So i finished The Quiet Man not too long ago, and then did a second playthrough with sound, and am now currently going for the last trophy i need to 100% the game called 'Win At Life'.

For those of you who don't know what the game is, here's rundown:

The Quiet Man was developed by Human Head Studio and published by Square Enix.
It got shown off at E3 to not very much fanfare, but i got super interested in the premise.
The main character is deaf, and as such you play the game as Dane as he views the world i.e. no sound at all. So the game has no music, SFX, voices or anything.

Unfortunately this pissed as lot of people off as the narrative of the game was completely unfollowable, very confusing and made no sense without context or dialogue.
Initially Square Enix were going to release a patch to give the game sound later on (a month or so), so that a second playthrough with a few extra scenes thrown in would make the narrative work and people could understand what the hell was going on.
They instead had to release the patch after a week because of all the backlash, and it didn't really help matter because even though the story now makes sense, it didn't help the atrocious gameplay.

The gameplay goes as such:
10 minute live action cutscene
Brawler gameplay
5 minute cgi cutscene
Brawler gameplay
Another cutscene
rinse and repeat forever.

Which would be fine if the actual gameplay segments weren't broken, poorly designed fights in tiny rooms with a camera that has a mind of its own, enemies that phase into existence through walls, punches that connect when/if they want to, among many, MANY more issues.

I'm currently streaming The Quiet Man going after the elusive trophy that's currently sitting on PSN at a whopping 0.1% called 'Win At Life', whereby you have to play the entire game......WITHOUT GETTING HIT!

Needless to say going for this trophy is driving me a little batty. Save backups are a must, but you have to play through an entire chapter before the game will save, so sometimes you're having to do 10 fights or so in a row before you can back up the save. Again this wouldn't be much of an issue getting this trophy, if the game played fair, didn't glitch and didn't have flashbacks during fights so that you can't even see the enemies that you're fighting.

I had to tell someone about this damn game, because i feel it flew so damn far under the radar, that it resides somewhere in the earth's crust.
Has anyone else here played it?

I personally liked the story (when it had sound), but the gameplay is absolutely unforgivable. It should have just been a short movie, or even a point and click. Being a brawler type game does not suite it at all, and it definitely didn't seem to suite the programmers who worked on it.

My handle on here is the same as my PSN ID and my twitch so if you wanna see me suffer, you can do since i put the camera on as well.
Just be prepared to see a very haggered, tired woman in her PJ's sighing and swearing an awful lot  XD

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