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Messages - fauxshot

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General / Who's Ready for Persona Q? :3
« on: November 25, 2014, 02:43:09 am »
By way of a blessing, I was able to get my copy off of Amazon yesterday, and am very thankful to have the chance to do so. ^.^

So I just thought I'd strike up a thread and see who all is getting in on the action today! I just recently tried out the demo for the combat system which PQ is based upon (Etrian Odyssey IV, or however you spell that xP  ), and that was relatively fun I suppose, so I look forward to trying out this one. ^.^ Not sure if the style is to my taste, exactly, but I suppose that's what Persona V is for lol. x'D I'm glad they added in some 3-D models for your actual characters during the combat process. I guess I'm just spoiled by modern gaming, but I prefer having those. xP

I got the Wildcards Special Edition, but actually, I may not even open it, and may just buy a vanilla copy of the game later. xD I still haven't even played P4... I should really do that first... as soon as I finish this last month in P3P. >.<;

Modern Video Games / Re: Handheld divisions
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:39:40 pm »
I think others have made a good point concerning the fact that Microsoft mostly seems concerned with phones/tablets. Quite frankly, it's safer to invest in that than to risk developing a handheld that'll run the course of the PS Vita (though I blame that on Sony being stupid more than anything else).

Now, to be clear, Nintendo is thinking about developing apps on mobile devices, but (at the moment, at least) not games (

I would like to think that if Sony could support it's handhelds properly, that they could win back a bit of the handheld market. The actual PS Vita system isn't bad, but it lacks a proper game library (though frankly, I think the same about the 3DS), and perhaps worse than that, promises were made about implemented features that never really were fulfilled. Plus, it was significantly more expensive to get into, thanks to the special memory cards and generally higher price of the system.

I think, ultimately, one of the worst aspects was that they decided to trade off battery life for hardware quality. Battery life and game libraries are, perhaps, the most important aspects that any handheld must have. The Nomad, Game Gear, Lynx, etc. all made this tradeoff, and obviously history tells us the rest. xD Not that this is the only factor, but it remains a very important one.

Not to say that the PS Vita doesn't have good games. But I hardly recognize any of the names, and those that are usually available in the store just don't look very appealing for the price. That, or the ones that DO look good are available on a console, and I kinda hate not to buy the console version instead, since I get a better looking (and sometimes, functioning) experience for the same price or less.

Sorry to go on a Vita rant. xD I really like the system and what it is capable of. Same with the 3DS. But I'm having a hard time finding much of interest for either console like I've been able to with the PSP. There's never much available in store for either system, and aside from a few titles (like Danganronpa), there just isn't much that's... interesting there. It kinda feels like the game libraries have taken a step back since the last generation of handhelds...

Since I need to move this out, I put it up on Ebay. I'll have this thread deleted later; the auction has about 2 days to go.

I really need to play the other Parasite Eve games. The 3rd Birthday has been very nice so far.

Never did get the chance to play Bullet Witch, hopefully I can pick it up sometime! I'd like to try Ghost in the Shell on PS2... I have the PSP version, and it's pretty bad. xD

Yeah, I was also pleasantly surprised by The 3rd Birthday. Haven't finished it yet, but it was much better than most reviews let on.

Bullet Witch is a tough sell for most people. It's a bit rough and unpolished, and the first level of the game is kind of a punishing introduction, but after about 20 minutes getting used to the controls and realizing you have to learn how to dodge, it really sucks you in. Dittto for GitS: SAC, which is also a third-person action game rather than an FPS like the PSP game.

Both are developed by Cavia, so if you've played Nier or any of the Drakengard games, they're all a pretty good indicator of what to expect in terms of production values.

The 3rd Birthday was actually one of the first titles I bought for my PSP, as recommended by Mark from CGR. I suppose what I like about it so much is that it doesn't... I suppose you might say 'feel' like a handheld game. It's kinda hard to explain. xD It's just a nice game to play.

Yep, idk if it's like this in the PS2 version, but on the PSP, any time you reload, you lose all the bullets in that clip. Now there's a sure sign of a quality game.  8)

Video Game Deals, Sales and Promotions / Re: 2DS for $79
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:48:30 pm »
If only I had $79 extra laying around. xD

This is a really good deal, though. Nice find!

I've become a big fan of a number of "bad" games from underdog studios. A few of my faves:

- Ar tonelico Qoga [PS3]
- Bullet Witch [X360]
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex [PS2]
- Hunted: The Demon's Forge [X360]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [PS1]
- Parasite Eve II [PS1]
- Red Star, The [PS2]
- Resident Evil 6 [PS3]
- Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven [PS2]

I'm tempted to also throw Dark Sector and Operation Darkness in that pile too, but I've only played their demos so far because backlog. Honorable mention to Binary Domain as well, which has gotten some really good reviews, some absolutely abysmal ones. Really seems to polarize people, but I had a blast with it.

I really need to play the other Parasite Eve games. The 3rd Birthday has been very nice so far.

Never did get the chance to play Bullet Witch, hopefully I can pick it up sometime! I'd like to try Ghost in the Shell on PS2... I have the PSP version, and it's pretty bad. xD

Velvet Assassin actually isn't too bad, IF you can get over the AI issues. xD

If you can accept the game's flaws, and play it more like a puzzle game than a stealth game, then it's actually not that bad. It was a good idea, but there's is just so much polish missing... I feel terrible for the person who pre-ordered my copy.  ;D

General / Re: Video Game Box Protectors - Are These Any Good?
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:05:52 pm »
Sounds good! I've got a few limited editions that really need a box, so I'll have to put in an order for some of these soon.  ;D

General / Video Game Box Protectors - Are These Any Good?
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:55:41 pm »
Slow week, so I thought I might ask a question. :)

Anyone have experience with these? They're cheap, and look nice, but I was just wanting to see if anyone would/would not recommend them. I have a few special editions and old NES boxes that really need to be properly stored.

(Price drop: I'll take $15 for the book (you pay shipping), or an equivalent trade if you have an item I'm interested in. And don't forget, you can have the other children's books for free too lol. ;P )

Marketplace / Re: Looking for a Free Loader to buy or trade
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:08:30 pm »
I assume that it already sold (someone inquired about it), but you can always contact the seller to double-check.,5461.0.html

Speaking of, I noticed The Orange Box had a price raise at Gamestop, up to about $35 now (though you can get it cheaper on Ebay of course). I'd say that would probably retain it's value? Wish I would've kept my copy. >.<;

Pertaining to the JRPGs, Lost Odyssey and Resonance of Fate, perhaps? I've heard both are quite good. Need to pick up a copy of each sometime.

That's why I snatched the $20 copy I found when I was out of town a couple weeks ago.  Ditto with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 which I got for $28 but GS sells for $45 I believe.  Unfortunately I didn't grab the first MUA because it was the same price as GS & I had seen it at one of my local stores, so I figured I could use a GS coupon I had to knock a little off of it.  Literally the day I went to pick it up from the local store it was at, an employee there had decided to buy it.  The really sucky part is I was *going* to go the day before, but I forgot the coupon that day.  :'(

Yeah, and there's a Spyro game on the 360 that's worth quite a bit as well. 0.o; Around the $45 area.

I used to have the first one (that came packaged with the 360), but I had traded all my 360 games in one time to buy a Vita... I've traded to GS in the past, and in a nutshell, I've learned my lesson. xD Though I'm fine with OTHER people doing it, since I go there relatively often during the summer. >3>;

It's actually been the opposite with me. xD Two different times, I've bought a game from GS and the employee has told ME that THEY wanted to try it. x'D It's probably a good thing I don't work there, I'd be snatching all kinds of good things up with an employee discount. x'D

Ended up picking up a copy of Resonance of Fate, and I think my local Gamestop has a complete Lost Odyssey. I really should pick it up. >.>;;;

As for the One Piece game, it's price went down pretty fast at GS for a used copy. I guess it flopped pretty hard?

Also, if anyone made it this far (congratulations!) I did think of something. I was at a Gamestop, and noticed in the PS3 section that there was a VERY thin, clear plastic PS3 box with cover art and a game, but it looked like something from the PSN store. If it was a loose game, they would've just used an extra black or clear box (like this - )... does anyone know what this might be? It wasn't an 'official release' box, but I also doubt it was a loose game that someone bothered to make up that nice. I should've picked it up, but I had absolutely no idea what it was. Unfortunately, I didn't take a pic, and can't remember the name.

Classic Video Games / Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« on: October 23, 2014, 12:40:06 pm »
Believe it or not - I'm also a fan of the Disgaea series :P

MY recommendation & suggestion (if you're only interested in the PS3 games), would be:

1st play Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness (because, it's the same characters from the 1st game on the PS2 (arguably the best game in the series) but - more importantly for newcomers to the's BY FAR the most polished & accessible game in the series,

2nd play Disgaea 4 (because I like it better than D3), and

3rd play Disgaea 3 because, while known as the weakest & least popular game in the series...IMO, it's not a "bad" game and it's still worth playing (*Last*).  8)

Really, you are too??? ;D xD

I haven't played D2, but I wouldn't doubt that that'd be a good place to start.

Personally, I actually thought 3 had the most attractive story. While the whole 'High School' thing has been overdone by now, I loved the sort of backwards-logic surrounding the idea of having to become a good student to be the ultimate bad student. That just really caught my attention for some reason. XD

I'm just not a big fan of 4's story so far. It's not bad, but it doesn't have that same sort of 'mental stimulation' that 3's idea caused me to have.

But again, I've never gotten more than 20 hours into any given entry, so yeah. xD

For the OP, just don't get discouraged, as there really is a bit of a learning curve to the game (heck, even I still get a bit confused by geo-blocks sometimes). But I'd say it's worth it, as I think Disgaea just serves as a really good model of how to make a solid game. The humor isn't always up my alley, but I like to admire it.

Oh, and all the games are available on either the PSP or Vita, so if you have one (and prefer handhelds) that's another viable option. They also generally have a bit of extra content as well.

Classic Video Games / Re: The Game Gear - To Buy, or Not to Buy?
« on: October 22, 2014, 11:36:10 pm »
The game gear is neat but hard to recommend, the games are just Master System games, with a few exceptions.
In terms of reliability, that's tough as well, I've owned four different ones,now three, the capacitors are garbage, one had sound issues the other didn't even turn on.
As a big Neo Geo fan though, it's hard to recommend the pocket color as well, I'm not trying to sound like a dick and question what you already know, but you've got to realize SNK was know for 2D fighting games and that's what the pocket color is full of with a few puzzle games and Metal Slug, of course. They're great but if fighting games aren't your thing don't spend a ton of money on it

No worries, you don't sound like a dick at all. XD I'm lacking knowledge about a lot of stuff, so that helps. ^^ I'm not really into fighting games, so I'll be sure to keep that at a distance, interest wise (many more things I'd rather collect first, in that case).

Thanks to everyone else as well! My Professor made a comment the other day that He had a Game Gear as a kid. I just can't imagine ever owning one of those when the battery life was so terrible. o.o; Aside from plugging it into an outlet, I don't know HOW a person would keep batteries in that thing. Batteries are already expensive enough nowadays, I can't imagine having to buy them constantly back then... that'd cost a small fortune lol. o.o;

(Here is a link with pictures for the complete book. Noticeably, there are some red marks on the front cover/back inside cover, but the pages generally appear to be without any marks aside from the covers. There is also a very small amount of rust from the staple.)

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