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Messages - wowgek7

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ok screw it I will reply once more

first off the rude people here are actualy the mods who where rude from the get go.

also  explain to me how you collect  digital games while  the servers for the store are permanently down?

honestly it was so oblius I cnat believe  I have to explain it. sorry if expecting an bit of common sense is too much.

also i wasnt rude to snyder at all  if mentiong the list ist complete and saying I couldnt care less about digital games is considered rude already  I honestly dont know what to say.

this isnt kindergarten I would think.

sworddude  at least get why I am so pissed about this.

but I am most pissed about myself for wanting to do something fun and nice here.

I should have known better

so yeah i was an idiot  but at the evrry elast its not an mistake I ever make agaian

also this WILL be my last post here on this topic.  I have said my peace

I want to thank the peope here who have been nice or constructive etc though  shoutout to them

There's a full list of 3DS games on Wikipedia that can be sorted by region
first off its NOT complete 2nd of all it also has digital games  I couldnt care less about

it has been called the pal region for literly over 25 years at this point. I checked your link and i dont see how thats relevant I am not asking for an history lesson.

so to make it clear I am not saying your wrong I am saying its totaly irrelevant

btw at this point can this topic just be deleted.

I wanted to do something nice  and fun the whole thing is soured now so I rather just see it gone entirely

I know I am an idiot for even trying orr wanting to do it here though so thats on me

Classic Video Games / Re: Need help for complete 3ds pal List
« on: June 18, 2024, 08:36:12 am »
wtf are you talking about?? eu and australia are pal region  US is NTSC

honestly thats such basic knowledge.

anyway I deleted it already I am not gonna go in discussion with an mod here again. I have faced the consequences of that before it aint worth it

so this is my last reply here

There is no complete list for 3ds for the pal region so I am trying to make one or at least as close as possible.  Its verry hard due to the same game having multiple names due to languages etc.  I try to stick with the English names unles its not possible. This is the current list I still have a long way to go but I hope people can help me. Most games that we are missing are the shovelware games the insane amount of horse games etc.

Lets try to get the biggest list of releases on the 3ds right here on this site:)

This is the Current list I will update this post when I have an updated list

edit: deleted due to mods response

Modern Video Games / Re: Pokemon Presents 02/27/24
« on: February 21, 2024, 10:44:54 am »
It's always puzzling to see discussions (always from adults) about how Pokémon has either noticeably dropped in quality or that the games aren't difficult anymore since it is, and always has been, a children's franchise. No one in these discussions is the target audience. While the franchise's young target audience doesn't excuse its quality, it does help explain it, as many children's games are low quality. As long as the franchise's popularity remains within that age bracket, the games won't improve, because kids often don't have standards needing to be met. Regarding the difficulty of the games, they've always been straightforward to understand, but I imagine a huge number of players being introduced to the series at a young age, whenever that may have been, faced challenges in understanding the mechanics and strategy required. Obviously, since the games have purposely stagnated to catch the attention of children every few years, veteran players won't find newer entries challenging.

The Let's Go entries are objectively remakes with new features to entice veteran players to play co-op with new, younger players as their introduction to the series. Any handicapped and removed features are intentional design choices for this audience.

It should go without saying, but anyone outside of Pokémon's target audience who's looking for a more fulfilling experience with this type of game should seek out other games with the same structure, or even Pokémon fan games.

lol there is soemthing as difficulty based for an child and being so easy dying is harder then not dying you have to activly try to loose now.

with the diamond and pearl remakes they forced the exp share but didnt balance the game around it

im not asking much for in an pokemon game I like it to have nice new pokemon give an choice if I wnat exp shaere or not and msot importantly enough content

sword and shield the base games  just  lacks content or exploaration. we as a kid could figure out red blue yellow  etc. those  wherent that difficult either but compared to the hand feeding stuff we get now its just insane

they could also add dificulties  for example.

pokemon fans dont require an lot to be happy but at the least some basic things and even thats too much now eaperently

Modern Video Games / Re: Pokemon Presents 02/27/24
« on: February 21, 2024, 04:19:27 am »
lol lets go doesnt count its an spinoff and an bad one at that  honestly not even worth 10 bucks

and eyah we got the diamond and pearl remakes and they are WORSE then the originals  they ruined it on my favorite generation which makes me realy sad:(

they couldnt even do the artstyle jsutice  gen 4 is ruugged and industrial and what style did they pick/ the chibi cute style literly the worst possible fit for gen 4

also they didnt add anything worthwhile  either. they arent the worst pokemon games by any emans but to me they are the biggest disapointment in the whole franchise

It still counts as a remake is all I'm saying lol Honestly, if Let's Go didn't have the "Go" mechanics, it probably would've been my favorite Pokemon game on the Switch, it's not amazing, but it's a decent nostalgic throwback to the original's just plagued with obnoxious Pokemon Go mechanics that they should've had the option to turn off.
so if it didnt have the go mecanics you considered it better then fire red and leafgreen?

and honestly its not  an fun throwback at all they even removed the og rival  and made the game so dang easy  it makes  the diamond and pearl remakes  look HARD in compareison while you are overleveled that whole game for at least 10 levels

Modern Video Games / Re: Pokemon Presents 02/27/24
« on: February 20, 2024, 06:52:03 pm »
I doubt it is an remake we never got 2 remakes on the same system altough to be fair we never got 2 generations on 1 system before gen 4 and 5 either.

black and white are weird though since they didnt have any old pokemon so i wonder how that would work.

also after the disaster remakes of gen 4 I wouldnt want an remake ever agaian.

I  would be fine with a lot actualy I would love another legends game. or an REAL new pokemon mysteruy dungeon game.

or an sequel to concuest:)

I would love an pokemon rumble game as well I think those are realy fun too.

anywya  I hope mostly for an legends or mystery dungeon game

The Switch already has two remakes with Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee and Diamond/Pearl.
lol lets go doesnt count its an spinoff and an bad one at that  honestly not even worth 10 bucks

and eyah we got the diamond and pearl remakes and they are WORSE then the originals  they ruined it on my favorite generation which makes me realy sad:(

they couldnt even do the artstyle jsutice  gen 4 is ruugged and industrial and what style did they pick/ the chibi cute style literly the worst possible fit for gen 4

also they didnt add anything worthwhile  either. they arent the worst pokemon games by any emans but to me they are the biggest disapointment in the whole franchise

Modern Video Games / Re: Pokemon Presents 02/27/24
« on: February 20, 2024, 04:45:48 pm »
I doubt it is an remake we never got 2 remakes on the same system altough to be fair we never got 2 generations on 1 system before gen 4 and 5 either.

black and white are weird though since they didnt have any old pokemon so i wonder how that would work.

also after the disaster remakes of gen 4 I wouldnt want an remake ever agaian.

I  would be fine with a lot actualy I would love another legends game. or an REAL new pokemon mysteruy dungeon game.

or an sequel to concuest:)

I would love an pokemon rumble game as well I think those are realy fun too.

anywya  I hope mostly for an legends or mystery dungeon game

the switch is my final system and thats for an reason they can stuff their digital future where the sun doesnt shine I am out

Modern Video Games / Re: Limited Run Games Showcase 2023
« on: July 17, 2023, 02:09:06 pm »
gba castlevania collection nice

nothing interesting asside from that  at elats not for the lrg pricepoint they are way too expensive to get for europe

Modern Video Games / Re: Anticipated Games of 2023
« on: December 29, 2022, 05:00:53 pm »
digimonworld next order asside from that nothing is annoucned that i cna think of I realy care about  most of thsoe games require lots of patcxhes anyway so I wont get those

Classic Video Games / Re: rare/weird ps3 item need information about it
« on: December 25, 2022, 03:10:49 pm »
dang it has been this long already?  oh wel I was asked to put an update on gamefaqs but couldnt find the topic back so itold him I would do it here.

not much of an update though

I didnt find anything more out.

also I dont own it anymore.  this thing was realy special to me  and I would never sell it I gave it away instead.  probatly better in his hands anyway because I never realy deserved an special and unique item like that anyway.

so thats how it is the update I promissed  sorry its nothing usefull

have a nice day everyone

I understand it can be painful to the victims however thats no excuse to not make it  because if that becomes a thing (which will happen at some point sadly)  there will be no end

someone gets triggered from a certain cartoon ban it  etc

its also the reason that humor in modern movies and seriesis dead  because you cant say anything anymore or make jokes about anything  because the social justice police will attack you.

Modern Video Games / Re: advice/help
« on: August 18, 2022, 04:27:41 pm »
I doubt anyone cares but still I have decided not too sell eaperently sony patched  the vita in such an way  you dont ened an account perse anymore to play physical vita games which I am happy about.

still it doesnt solve the issue that I would have to delete all my saves  etc  to be able to use mine  so the not being able to play them part still goes.

it sucks a lot but it is what it is

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