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Messages - wolff242

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General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: September 11, 2023, 07:31:46 pm »

Who knew Atari 2600 has regained so much value? It's one of the more valuable libraries out there now. Neck and neck with GameCube.

I'm old enough to remember the video game crash in the mid 80's. As a poor kid, it was great. You could walk into any drug store or grocery store (Part of the problem in the end lol) and they would have tables of new/sealed games for $1-2 each. Like...hundreds of games to comb through. I would walk down to the store every sat with my allowance and get a new game or two.

General / Re: Would you replace a Greatest Hits/Reprint game?
« on: September 11, 2023, 07:26:44 pm »
I'm not bothered at all by them. I have a bunch on PS3 (I actually kinda like the red cases- the EU ones are pretty ugly though) and Xbox 360. As long as the game works, I'm good. If I find an original print cheap enough I'll add it as well. I don't mind have an extra if it's a variation.

General / Re: Best Video Game Rental Memories
« on: August 15, 2023, 08:15:41 pm »
Renting Golgo 13 and having no clue what to do. No instructions, no internet to look it up.

Off Topic / Re: Un-Allowed Media
« on: August 15, 2023, 08:09:44 pm »
I don't remember my parents ever forbidding me from watching/reading anything.
The advantages of being born in a family of Socialist Atheists I guess? Haha

Pretty much the same here. There were a couple movies I wasn't allowed to watch until I was older (When I was 7-8 I couldn't watch certain movies like Cat People or Risky Business, but by the time I was 13 it was fine, lol) Actually, those are the only 2 I recall being told I had to wait on (Themes were incest and prostitution)

General / Re: Do any of you folks use gameplay trackers
« on: June 04, 2023, 09:46:23 pm »
I'm personally not much of a trophy guy. if it's something outside the game I just ignore it.

Plus for my taste hunting achievements can make a game less fun especially if it's completionists geared not my cup of tea But I get the appeal for it.

Oh I'm so far from a completionist, lol. I just play my games, but it is a lot of fun to keep track of. I rarely let it dictate the way I play (I'll do some online stuff I normally woul;dn't if it's not a pain or a time sink)

General / Re: Do any of you folks use gameplay trackers
« on: June 04, 2023, 01:34:46 pm »

I used to use and but their community was incredibly toxic to newbies  (2011-2012) and once I found the alternatives I never really went back. I will check their guides once and awhile but those sites have become a shell of what they once were.

I know those are more achievement/trophy tracking, and say, PS3 games without trophies aren't even listed on psnp or truetreophies (Though truesteam does have games without achievements there....weird) I really find them useful.

Tell Me Why is free on Steam and Xbox, through the month of June.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: May 28, 2023, 10:49:07 am »
Smokey and the Bandit - Odd movie moods lately, going from space/scifi to war films to late 70's/early 80's car films lol Smokey and the Bandit was one of the many old flicks I'd watch with my Dad on a weekend afternoon if it was on a rerun, just goofy car chase nonsense.  I funnily thought it had Dom DeLuise in it, of which I know he's in Cannonball Run with Burt, a movie I like more, but apparently I was remembering Smokey and the Bandit 2 lol  Silly old movie, definitely a product of its time for better or worse, but overall it's just a goofy light watch.  No real story to it, just a long car chase that I forgot that  the plot hinges on Burt and his buddy smuggling some crappy cheap beer across state lines lol  Stuff like this has abit of a soft spot for me.  Gonna watch the sequel next.

The theme song pretty much tells you the story, lol. I loved that movie back in the day.

The following games are free on Steam for a limited time


TGV Voyages Train Simulator

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

General / Re: Your Largest Purchase Pause?
« on: April 24, 2023, 07:21:43 am »
I quit gaming from around 1992-2010.

I was given 2 free consoles over that time, a 3D0 which I sold a couple months later (regret) and a Dreamcast I still have. Avid gamer before and after that time period, but yeah...I only bought a handful of used games for my dreamcast over an 18 year period. I've more than made up for it since. I'm def slowing down this gen though, i'm going to seriously limit what I buy on the PS5 and likely won't get much of anything XBX/S related unless it's dirt cheap on clearance.

Site Feedback / Re: Keep session for longer
« on: April 12, 2023, 05:55:58 am »
So, starting about 5-6 days ago, i now have to log in again every time I visit the site. Not a huge inconvenience but annoying nonetheless. Nothing changed on my end computer wise, i'm not logged in anywhere else, etc.

I'm sorry about that. Please let me know if that is resolved now.

I got on just now and was logged in, I'll let you know if anything changes....thanks :)

Site Feedback / Re: Keep session for longer
« on: April 11, 2023, 06:44:08 pm »
So, starting about 5-6 days ago, i now have to log in again every time I visit the site. Not a huge inconvenience but annoying nonetheless. Nothing changed on my end computer wise, i'm not logged in anywhere else, etc.

General / Re: DK Oldies? A scandal, or just another smear campaign?
« on: April 09, 2023, 05:46:36 pm »
Victim blaming? I doubt anything more can be added to this discussion.

Help, DK Oldies took my card and swiped it. I visited their website and had no choice. They promised me a console I could eat off of, and now I’m a victim. Victim with a console that’s dirty inside. They said they’d replace it, but that ain’t right, it just ain’t right.  I’m a gamer dammit… :'( :'( :'(

How could you Joey, I hate you’re blonde hair! Some one save me from this man!!

Again, you seem to think it's more than just OK for unsuspecting people to be taken advantage of. It's kinda sick. I was wrong, you have added your true colors to the discussion.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 09, 2023, 01:02:21 pm »
In the Govt vs You, your guns won't do you any good. It's a radical righty fantasy.

General / Re: DK Oldies? A scandal, or just another smear campaign?
« on: April 09, 2023, 12:48:14 pm »
Victim blaming? I doubt anything more can be added to this discussion.

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