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Messages - wolff242

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General / Re: DK Oldies? A scandal, or just another smear campaign?
« on: April 08, 2023, 04:28:31 pm »
You may be OK with false advertising and not getting what you pay for, but not everyone is as laissez faire about what they spend their hard earned money on...especially if they are paying top dollar.

Also, who cares if someone on youtube buys a few consoles to test them make it sound like "regular/average" customer doesn't deserve a decent product, that it's OK for them to be taken advantage of because they don't know any better. DK started posting videos on youtube about how great they were, and the platform is calling them on it.

You may be all upset about online criticism, but DKoldies deserves it. Hopefully they take it to heart and improve their business practices.

I've only been here 6 years, and I was drawn here because I was going for a complete NTSC base set for Xbox 360. I wouldn't say much has changed for me, I still collect games and play games. Luckily I finished my 360 set before the covid boom, but dreams of doing any kind of PS3 set have been crushed by the price increases. Overall I'm at a very happy place when it comes to my collection. Mostly just picking up physical copies of games I own digitally on PS4/XB1 and adding the occasional new PS3 game I find in the wild.

General / Re: How Many Stopped Playing Your Consoles Due To Crashes
« on: March 24, 2023, 12:56:41 pm »
This is some next level stuff here. I can't even imagine what it would be like living like this. I'm sorry.

That said, i'm suprised a certain member hasn't come into this thread calling you guys bullies yet. Maybe I only got that because I'm an unknown.

Picked up 5 PS3 games at a thriftstore for euro 3 each

- Alice: Madness Returns
- The Saboteur
- Portal 2
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Uncaged Edition
- Sniper Elite V2

All fun games. Wolverine has snuck up there in price, and sells for quite a bit more than you paid for all of them (About 3x the total where I'm at).

Halo: Infinite was a great exclusive.

Halo Infinite released for both Xbox One and Xbox Series X and is therefore not exclusive to either platform. marvelvscapcom2 would be able to play it regardless of owning a Series X or not, since they also own a Xbox One.

It's on steam as well, but I get where burningdoom is coming from.

350? You got it for 200 less than retail after taxes. If it's new you got a steal, if it's used you still got a steal.

General / Re: Buying games for a system you don't own
« on: January 30, 2023, 06:22:59 pm »
Not often, but it does happen.

I bought several PS3 games (Black Friday deals) before getting my PS3. I had every intention of getting the console though.

My bother bought me "The Thing" for Xbox in 2001 or so as a gift. I found an Xbox a few years ago for 20 bucks, so it was probably 15 years before I got the console. Still in my hindsight I should have kept it sealed, lol

I currently have 8 PS5 games, despite not owning a PS5. All sealed. Still undecided on the PS5. They are in stock now but I don't see any reason to drop 600 bucks after tax on one...nothing screams "play me!". Hoping for a cheaper "slim" model in a year or two.

I have 24 Wii games, but no Wii. I do have a Wii U and the accessories needed to play them all though.

I have 7 PS2 games, though I've never owned, or plan to own, a PS2. 4 are sealed.

I have 3 switch games, all sealed. No plan to get a switch, but I may someday (I hate the joycons though).

I have 1 PSP and 4 vita games, all sealed. Don't own either system, but wouldn't mind owning them.

So I don't go out of my way, but if I see a great deal I'll pick up something for a console I don't own.

Classic Video Games / Re: The PS3 in 2023
« on: January 08, 2023, 02:24:09 pm »
PS3 is my 2nd favorite console of all time, and my favorite Sony console. I play it still, and plan to for many years to come.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: January 02, 2023, 02:57:52 pm »
Yes, Happy new year!

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: December 20, 2022, 06:35:36 am »
Someone shit on the pathway outside of our work. I open the office in the morning, so guess how I started my morning?  >:(

And we have no hose. I was out there with buckets of hot water and a toilet brush. It was an unholy amount of diarrhea.

Great start to the week!

Ewwww, I'm sorry you had to deal with that...disgusting. Hope you get hazard pay, lol

1st thing I heard today was one person call another a horses ass. The other person responded "Well, I am what I eat"

Not as gross as your story but I didn't start my day off on the right foot either....

Was he talking to his wife? LOL

No, that would have been hilarious though.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: December 19, 2022, 05:44:47 pm »
Someone shit on the pathway outside of our work. I open the office in the morning, so guess how I started my morning?  >:(

And we have no hose. I was out there with buckets of hot water and a toilet brush. It was an unholy amount of diarrhea.

Great start to the week!

Ewwww, I'm sorry you had to deal with that...disgusting. Hope you get hazard pay, lol

1st thing I heard today was one person call another a horses ass. The other person responded "Well, I am what I eat"

Not as gross as your story but I didn't start my day off on the right foot either....

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate List 2022
« on: December 04, 2022, 05:44:20 pm »

Same game, 1st one is spelled wrong.


1st is correct, the 2nd entry has the wrong name (There is no such game, picture is also oof 1st game)

Classic Video Games / Re: Why are the NES era Consoles 3rd Gen and not 4th?
« on: November 21, 2022, 09:24:30 pm »
Historically, a new generation begins once a major upgrade in graphical quality has been reached.

With that said, Atari 2600 and Atari 5200 are formally considered to be a part of the second generation. The Atari 7800 made the shift to third generation.

It is similar to the Wii U and Switch, which are both a part of the eighth generation.

I'll never understand why the Wii U is considered 8th gen, and not 7th. All the games on it are 7th gen games (Looking at that are cross platform). Hell even the sports games end with 7th gen, no 8th gen sports games made it to the wii-u. I compare the wii to 6th gen consoles myself, though I'd rather the wii and wii-u be bunched together in the same gen then putting the wii in 8th. My knowledge of their consoles between the SNES and the Wii is non existent so I'm sure it's something there. Just my opinion, 'm far from an expert....just feel the wii-u is a 360/ps3 comparable console.

General / Re: Your Personal Shooting Games Camera Angle Preferences
« on: November 12, 2022, 06:32:47 pm »
3rd person. I don't mind 1st person but if given the choice I'll always choose 3rd.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: October 16, 2022, 09:29:08 pm »
Beast - Exactly what it says on the tin.

The Wicker Man (2006) - After about 5 minutes I thought that maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I was expecting. After another 10 I thought it might actually be worse. It takes another full hour before it becomes the wackadoo movie that everyone thinks of it as. Takes way too long to get there, and it's not worth it at all. Atrocious script, filled with actors that have no idea what movie they are in, and worst of all, just boring.

It's been a long time since I've seen the original Wicker Man, but that sounds pretty much the same, lol. I'll def skip the remake.

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